It appears as though Obama has moved towards the center by arguing for Bush tax-cuts and, asking Clinton to help provide a case for his decision to work with Republicans concerning taxes.
So what's really going on here? Has Obama fundamentally changed? Is he waking up and realizing that taxing people to death - literally, will cripple the economy further? Or, is he simply looking to move to the center, to throw moderates and conservatives a bone, in order to try and secure his re-election?
Watch Fox News Sunday:
Obama moving to the Center? Smart Change or Betrayal of Principals?
Washington - As the reality of the mid-term election results settles in Mr. Obama is at another crossroad of "Change." Does he dig his heals in with, "I'd rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president," or does he go for a fundamental "Change" in his rhetoric and policies.
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