
WikiLeaks Continues to Leak Despite Assest

Even though Julian Assange has been arrested, WikiLeaks promises to continue leaking cables. The question is whether the "poison pill" will be released, now that Assange is behind bars, no bail.

His crime, according to reports, is that he did not use a condom during two different, consensual, sexual encounters. He is being charged with rape and molestation.

On Tuesday evening, "the latest batch of cables were released, and our media partners released their next batch of stories," Hrafnsson said. "We will not be gagged, either by judicial action or corporate censorship. ... Wikileaks is still online. The full site is duplicated in more than 500 locations. Every day, the cables are loaded more than 50 million times."
The latest cables cover the details of British-Libyan relations in the run-up to the release of convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset Ali al-Megrahi, a sensitive subject that roiled relations between Washington and London. Another cable describes, in detail, the eccentricities of Libya's Moammar Gadhafi, while the WikiLeaks website also details an underground Halloween party — complete with moonshine, top-shelf liquor and prostitutes — thrown by a wealthy Saudi prince in the city of Jeddah.

Click title of post for full story.

Despite Assange's world essentially falling down upon him, he still has the support of many fans.


One Man's Opinion said...

Hi Tuesday, I noticed in your previous post that you said Julian Assange could not be tried for treason in the US because he is not a citizen of America. I believe then that he should be tried as an enemy combatant. People that take top secret information are breaking the law and using it without permission from the federal government. This is no different than the detainees at Gitmo and other federal prisons that have done the same to bring harm to the United States. This is my opinion, I look fwd to seeing your reply comments!!!

Tuesday said...

I think if they are going to go after him, they should put him on an enemy combatant list. I think I said that in another post around here somewhere.

I have to agree with you though. This man knowingly accepted stolen property. That is not okay.

I would tend to favor him and his mission but, this recent threat stuff about his "poison pill" only further solidifies that he is more of a thug than some savior coming to expose the government.

So, I understand the value of being skeptical of governments and wanting to know things. I get that. There's a part of me that respects that but, I think he's gone way too far. He's put diplomats at risk.

Tuesday said...

Okay, I found the link where I had originally said this.


One Man's Opinion said...

see, great minds think alike... we both made the same comment about enemy combatants without previously reading the other first.... LOL...

Tuesday said...


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