
No Judgments

It never fails that every time I visit a liberal blog or website, the words "intolerant," "judgmental," and "conservative" are always lumped together. I am usually amused by the irony since, their very statement is one of judgment.

It's almost as if liberals are blinded by inherent bias that presents itself in everything anyone does. I once had a history professor hold up two ancient writings. Both writings were about a particular domain in Asia. One was written by a king/ruler, at the time. The other was written about this same domain, only by a traveler (I really wish I could remember the specifics here), then she said, "Which writing is more biased?" She actually expected an answer -- the ruler. More biased? She apparently didn't have her logical skills developed far enough to realize that both of these writings contain an equal amount of bias, with different conclusions. Different conclusions do not equal more or less bias, they simply mean equal bias from different skill sets of judgment. 

If I state that something has bias, I am making an educated judgment. If I state something doesn't have bias, I am still making a judgment, just a limited one that lacks facts and critical thinking.  This is how liberals think. They make plenty of judgments but, because they lack critical thinking skills, they fail to realize that the very things they are saying are not at all about being tolerant or, "open-minded" (my personal favorite catch phrase), but rather, they are demonstrating only that they make intolerant, ignorant judgments. 

So what happens when we, as social creatures, are faced with others in our lives who are clearly headed down the wrong path in life? Is it best to make ourselves feel comfortable, by not saying anything? Or, is it better to risk the person being mad at us, and letting them know that the things they are doing are immoral and wrong, yet still offering support? This is a dilemma we have all faced. I have met women who have made a total mess of their lives. One woman I met had 7 kids with 6 fathers, on welfare, no goals, no vision of the future, other than living in squalor all of her life, and all she did was complain about how tough life is, with no consideration that she herself created her mess, and will continue to leave disasters around herself until she takes full control over her life.

There it is. It's so clear to me but, if  I say something, I'm a judgmental jerk, I'm considered closed-minded, intolerant, or maybe I'm a racist.

It is because, it's easier for us to just nod our heads, give our support, tell them things like "you go girl!" that liberal-theory is so dominate in today's culture. It is much more difficult to tell someone, "Hey, I realize you're upset about life but, you need to stop doing this to yourself. You're negative, you're inviting further negativity into your life, and you will continue to make bad decisions until you take full responsibility."

Let me pause here because, I used to be this person. In some ways, I still have some bad habits and, no one is perfect but, knowing that I am in control, knowing that I can change, when I look around and things are not good, that helps me stop and take a different path.

Yes, conservatives are most definitely judgmental. We admit our judgments but, unlike our liberal counterparts, our judgments come from love and truth, rather than just making it easy for ourselves by not confronting others concerning their behaviors. Our judgments come from experience in life. Are they always right? Honestly, no. Sometimes we have to adjust how we think. Sometimes we are wrong too but, isn't it better to make a decision based on a desire to travel a moral path, rather than wondering around without a clue, going down any path, creating disasters at every turn?

Liberals want freedom to do all sorts of things that have been proven time and time again to be harmful to themselves and others. They somehow think that doing these things will give different results for some but, they rarely ever do. The other problem is, these various things effect everyone around them. Sure, it's one thing to be an idiot but, when you are effecting the lives of your children and your spouse, and others around you, why would you be so shocked and dismayed when someone comes along and says, "Hey, what you're doing isn't right!"? Instead of being grateful, many turn to the usual playground insults to shut others up and, we are right back to being called, "judgmental."

If my two year old is grabbing for a knife, I will quickly make a judgment that a knife is not appropriate for a two year old to be in contact with. I will immediately grab that knife from her because, it is my job; I am her keeper (as I am my brothers and sisters in Christ). She will cry and get upset but, I am not taking the knife away from her because, I'm intolerant or, closed minded. I am taking it because, I KNOW it's wrong, I've made an educated judgment and, yes, it probably would be easier for me to not take the knife because, I'm going to have to hear here whine and cry and throw an absolute fit because, I took something away from her she wanted. However, she will probably only later whine and cry after she hurts herself and, rightly blames me for not taking the knife away sooner.

Yes, if you feel that is a simplification of complex things, you're right but, please understand, conservatives usually see everything this clearly. Why? It is because we've practiced our judgmental skills and the more we practice, like with everything, the easier it is, the clearer things become.

At the core of a true conservative is someone who is filled with a soul of love and positive energy. We are much happier, I've noticed. There's a spirit inside of us that never dies. We are fighters and, we enjoy life. We also know that part of living includes learning to make positive judgments. This is a skill that you need in life, not something that should be ignored, because it feels uncomfortable. Strong skills of judgment allow us to overcome life's problems.


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