
My Problem With Abortion

Besides the fact that Roe v. Wade is simply bad law, it seems as though the government is now adding more problems to this issue.

One of the reasons that the health care billed stalled, had to do with the language of abortion that was located within the bill. From my current understanding, the government will be covering abortions, if the pregnancy is due to rape, incest, or if the mother's life is in jeopardy.

What's my problem with this? Why do I not believe we should not pay for any abortion in this country, even if the woman is raped? You might say, as even some pro-lifers I know, "Well, rape is different." I say, we're going to have more problems.

First of all, we're going to have a whole lot more "rapes" in this country.

Think about this. If a girl knows that she can get an abortion paid for by the state, what is preventing her from saying she was raped? Will the doctor's be required, by law, to report the rape? If they are, isn't a person in this country innocent until proven guilty? Legally, you would have to have a trial for this man, find him guilty, and then the abortion could occur.

Unfortunately, this is not going to occur. The abortion will take place beforehand and what if the accused is found innocent? Then what will happen? Will the girl be forced to pay the government back? Will restitution be made in some way? What about the damage this will do to many men in this country who will be accused of rape, all so a girl can get an abortion tab paid for?

I wouldn't be so cynical of people, had I not had my share of run-ins with some severely screwed up folks. People will do anything to avoid paying for something and, you know they are, for the most part, irresponsible already. (No, not all cases, but most).

There is no reason for the government to be involved with abortion at all. I see nothing but headaches. What about those of us that do not believe in abortion in any case? Why does our money have to go towards any abortion?

Also, not to get too far off topic but, this leaves me to mention, organ transplants. You have to remember there are folks that do not believe in organ transplants. This is another topic entirely but, the point I'm trying to make should be obvious. Heath care, in a "universal sense" may have great intentions but, ultimately restricts people's religious views and, is a complete violation of our first amendment rights.


theralph said...

"From my current understanding, the government will be covering abortions, if the pregnancy is due to rape, incest, or if the mother's life is in jeopardy."

The Hyde Amendment has the EXACT same exceptions. Look it up if you do not believe me.

theralph said...

BTW, I'm an organ donor. Some of them might not be worth a **** when they get them, but I do have good eyesight lol.

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