
Christian Malitia Plot to Kill Cops

It is quite amazing the way the AP words some of these stories. I knew this one, by the title, would be no exception to the rule.

Apparently in Detroit, nine people were arrested due to a plot against the US government to kill a cop and bomb a funeral.

An exact quote from the article:

Authorities said the arrests underscored the dangers of homegrown right-wing extremism of the sort seen in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing that killed 168 people.

Of course they have to be kidding, right? Nope. This is actually being reported this way on the AP. You can click the title of this post for the full article.

I guess they just assume that the American public forgot the interviews with McVeigh saying he was a liberal, who regularly watched CNN? Or, the fact that every story on the news covered a John Doe number 2 of Middle Eastern decent? I suppose we are also to completely forget that Clinton never wanted to follow up on the Middle Eastern connection to the bombing, mostly because he always ignored the terrorism issue, like he did with the WTC bombing in '93 and, the USS Cole? Umm...Okay. Too bad, I will not.

I'm not sure exactly what is going on here but, the story on the AP seems to be quite biased. What? Liberals are not Christian now? Only nutty people can be conservative and, on the right?

There's not enough information that has been released but, the writer of this article sure found a lot of wasted words to report this story.

I'm going to reserve my judgment until we get more details.


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