
Republicans to Obama - "You're NO Ronald Reagan!"

Ronald Reagan's 100th Birthday was this weekend, on Sunday. A day to celebrate a man who united the country and brought it back from the Carter years of despair. We all remember the day Reagan was inaugurated and the hostages in Iran were freed. His very presence in the White House scared the pants off of towel head scum in the Middle East.

With the recent news that Obama is trying to model himself after Reagan, “the great communicator" Republicans have but one message, "YOU ARE NO RONALD REAGAN!"

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Democrats are trying to downplay Reagan's conservatism, painting him as a moderate but, that's utterly ridiculous. Obama represents everything Reagan was not.

Obama is cold and comes off like a sociopath, telling people whatever he thinks they want to hear at that moment in time. Reagan was a man of principle, who held his ground and didn't waver for the sake of satisfying others. He knew right from wrong and had a firm grasp on what it meant to have character.

Obama hides from the people. There is no transparency. He opens his mouth about the most inappropriate things (think Michael Vick and that policeman in Cambridge). Never would Reagan have opined on either of those situations. Reagan was always on tv and, YES times were different back then, tv's just had the 3 channels but, Obama doesn't even attempt to do what Reagan did when speaking with the American public.

Obama spends his time apologizing for America. Reagan never apologized for America. He knew our greatness and was proud of it.

Was Reagan perfect? No, none of the presidents are. They are all human with flaws but, there is no denying his leadership skills and the great quality of a president Reagan was overall.

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