
Downfall of Socialism

AP – Stella Wehrly, left, speaks during an interview as her husband Hank Wehrly looks on, at the St. Andrews

I hear all the time about my fellow citizens complain of socialized medicine and, how they no longer want left-wing goons in the government taking away our freedoms. There's just one problem - socialism in the US has actually been here for quite some time. In fact, there are more socialized programs in this country than there are in many that actually say they are socialist.

Social Security is one of these programs.

The government is expected to announce this week that more than 58 million Social Security recipients will go through a second straight year without an increase in monthly benefits. This year was the first without an increase since automatic adjustments for inflation started in 1975.
Click title of post for full story.

Social Security is one of those programs that come out of a  good intention to help people later on in their older age. However, when you pay into Social Security, the money doesn't go in a bank account reserved for you and your family. It goes directly to the people that are currently receiving it's benefits. In fact, many people that have the misfortune of dying too soon in life, may spend years paying other folks to receive monies only to find that nothing is returned to even their families.

The very structure of this program has eventual failure all over it and, we are now starting to see this prediction materialize from those years ago that warned of the inherent fraud that Social Security is.

"I think it's disgusting," said Paul McNeil, 69, a retired state worker from Warwick, R.I., who said his food and utility costs have gone up, but his income has not. He lamented decisions by lawmakers that he said do not favor seniors.

At the Phoenix Knits yarn shop in Phoenix, 73-year-old owner Pat McCartney said she already worries about paying for utilities, groceries and gas. Not having the increase makes her worry even more.
"If I have any major expense, I don't know what I'll do," McCartney said while helping customers with their knitting. "I live on Social Security."
Is there a way to change the climate of "entitlement"? 


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