Laced with words from the 14th century, Peter J. Boyle, writing for The New Yorker, paints a rather large picture of embryonic stem cell research, and the recent injunction that was made by Judge Joyce C. Lamberth, of the Federal District Court for the District of Columbia.
Click title for full article.
The article starts by giving the reader a small history about Obama appointee, the director of National Institutes of Health, Francis Collins. The once self-declared atheist-turned-Christian, is in full support of Obama's resent policy to allow for embryonic stem cell research funding. Collins argues that embryonic stem cells are so valuable to science that, they will eventually lead us to developing personal medicines for people, unlike the "one size fits all" medicine we currently see.
With the council of Collins, Obama set out to put his policy in motion. His policy lifted the bans on funding but, kept the guidelines on how the stem cells would be obtained.
The Dickey-Wicker amendment is what currently stands in the way of embryonic stem cell research - the reason for the injunction from Judge Lamberth. This is an amendment that was passed by Congress and signed by Clinton, and has continued to pass each year. Bush allowed for research with lines of cells that already existed but, stopped any further funding.
The Dickey-Wicker amendment states that no money shall be given for the creation of human embryos for research and, no money is given for research that involves human embryos that are discarded, destroyed, or subjected to risk of injury or death knowingly.
The desire to use embryonic stem cells comes from their "variability." They are considered pluripotent cells, which basically means they can be used for a variety of areas in research, from diabetes to Parkinson's disease. [It's interesting that word variability (in the article), was used, since that usually defines something as unstable or constantly changing, which in a laboratory setting, isn't usually a desirable condition.]
Recently, advances have been made, where pluripotent cells can now be obtained from adult stem cells but, concern about the cells having a previous "memory" of sorts could effect the research.
The injunction funding has been stopped and, research projects have been put on hold indefinitely. It appears the only way Obama's policy can move forward is addressing the Dickey-Wicker amendment.
It is amusing that the beginning of the article talks a lot about Collins' past and, how he is a minority amongst his peers because, he believes in G-d and, the rest of them all tend to apparently lean toward atheism. There is a battle going on here and, it's atheists who seem to be pushing their beliefs on those who are religious.
The fact is, the private sector can mostly do as they please. The government policy here only addresses where to appropriate federal funds, not limit what scientists can do otherwise. So, if the private sector is not supporting this research, it's obviously a sign that they either do not believe the results will lead to any great advancements, or they are focused on other areas now and, until they see something promising, they will not waste an investment into something they may gain nothing from.
So, why is the government involved in this at all? Liberals/atheists have this hatred for the private sector for some reason. They claim that everything corporations do is evil because, the men that run them are all evil but, the very reason they don't want the private sector to have control should be the very reason they wouldn't want the government to be involved.
This all has to do with who you want to have control, evil or good; do you want the government to control everything, or do you want the people to have control over their own lives?
When it comes to embryonic stem cells, there is no question that the government should not be involved in any funding whatsoever. Either way, you have ideologues pushing their beliefs on others. You have either atheists taking money away from Christians (freedom of religion), and forcing their money to go to something they find to be deplorable. Or, you have religious people alienating those folks that are atheists and, don't believe in any higher power, also a freedom.
All of these review panels for scientific research, all turn into people funding their friend's research anyway. It's a big joke and anyone that follows the science community knows this. It's all about schmoozing the right people, shaking hands, getting funds, ect. It's a joke and the government shouldn't be involved in any of it.
For Obama to even put forth his policy is quite ignorant, arrogant, and telling of the fact that the man obviously was unaware of the Dickey-Wicker amendment. I guess we'll just have to add this to all the other examples of why he is a horrible leader and, unqualified for his position.
Active Military Don't Like Obama
Associated Press
"Everyone will respect him as commander in chief and everyone will follow his orders," said Pete Hegseth, an Iraq war veteran who now heads Vets for Freedom, a group that supports the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. "But at the same time, there is a lot of concern about whether or not he's truly committed to the fight that we're invested in and whether or not he will truly see through what we need to do to succeed."
Click title of this post for full article.
Not sure what to think of this article. It goes back and forth.
Let's face it, our military, overall, is not impressed with Obama. It's hard to have a military that is to be led by someone they do not like or, appear to have any respect for. What do you think?
active duty,
Alternative Conservative,
Barack Hussein Obama,
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Oooo...Drama, Twitter, and John Cusack
Twitter, my new internet addiction...has brought about a whole new world for me. Apparently celebrities are all over this like ugly on Lady Gaga. This weekend alone has brought out tweets from Paris Hilton, who was recently arrested, lesser known celebrities ranting about Glenn Beck, to John Cusack saying some nasty thing about capitalism, Fox News, and conservatives in general.
Let's look at a few interesting tweets from tonight:
Okay, I need to work on my paint skills...or, rather gaining some skills.
So, I went through a few more of these and apparently, he's been blocking people left and right, pulling a Tila Tequila, calling people "haters" for questioning him. Then, he referred people to this link, on the Huffington Post.
He did some interview with Naomi Klein and, they basically sat around bashing capitalism, and talking about how evil it was but, at the same time saying that we don't really have a free market. Huh? So, if we don't really have a free market, why are you criticizing what is not there?
I've known that John Cusack was a liberal for quite sometime but, I guess I had no idea that he was pulling the typical actor-career-goes-bad-so-let's-take-up-politics-and-try-to-get-people-to-believe-I'm-really-smart-and-not-just-another-dumb-actor route.
I don't know. Twitter is a great source of information but, these actors on here need to be more careful about what they say directly to their public. Does John Cusack realize he probably never would have had a career to begin with, if it wasn't for capitalism? I guess not.
From the interview:
Interestingly, the blog cuts off and, they do not "get into" the Democrats. Gee? I can't imagine why. They are claiming to have some moral high ground here? Very interesting. Since when do liberals talk about "morals"?
According to this Klein, conservatives are really just a bunch of puppets that follow what "tanks" are paid to think and sell to us. Okay, but they are the real free thinkers, right? Almost every media outlet is liberal and drenched in liberalism and, these guys think almost like them but, they are the "free thinkers" not being brainwashed? Okay.
I've read about all I can take of this. Cusack's tweets sound like he's tweaking on something for sure.
Let's look at a few interesting tweets from tonight:
Okay, I need to work on my paint skills...or, rather gaining some skills.
So, I went through a few more of these and apparently, he's been blocking people left and right, pulling a Tila Tequila, calling people "haters" for questioning him. Then, he referred people to this link, on the Huffington Post.
He did some interview with Naomi Klein and, they basically sat around bashing capitalism, and talking about how evil it was but, at the same time saying that we don't really have a free market. Huh? So, if we don't really have a free market, why are you criticizing what is not there?
I've known that John Cusack was a liberal for quite sometime but, I guess I had no idea that he was pulling the typical actor-career-goes-bad-so-let's-take-up-politics-and-try-to-get-people-to-believe-I'm-really-smart-and-not-just-another-dumb-actor route.
I don't know. Twitter is a great source of information but, these actors on here need to be more careful about what they say directly to their public. Does John Cusack realize he probably never would have had a career to begin with, if it wasn't for capitalism? I guess not.
From the interview:
Cusack: The question becomes one of intellectual honesty and basic morality. I wanted to talk about the players or the heirs of the Friedman legacy who are in the public sector today... The Grover Norquists and Bill Kristols of the world come to mind ...You also talk about the Heritage Foundation, the Cato Institute, the American Enterprise Institute as pursuing the goal of the elimination of the public sphere and the total liberation of corporations.
Klein: I refer to the people in those think tanks as "the people who are paid to think by the makers of tanks" because a huge amount of the funding for these think tanks is coming directly from the weapons and homeland security industry. They are funded by some of the wealthiest families and the wealthiest corporations in this country so the question of intellectual honesty really has to come up. They exist in a strange intellectual gray zone where they get money in order to think. And besides, I'm not sure thinking really belongs in tanks.
Cusack: So you're saying that the Shultzes and the Perles and the Kissingers and the Jim Bakers of the world are embedded in the homeland security/privatized war economy?
Klein: More than embedded. I mean, they are it.
Cusack: I was trying to --
[laughter ]
Klein: Why are you trying to be polite?
Cusack: I don't know. I don't know. That's part of the problem, too: being polite with this immorality and not having the courage to call something what it is...The refusal of the Congress to challenge Bush in a meaningful way is proof of the Democratic complicity in the new economy. To name only right wing people is to ignore the central thesis of intellectual honesty as the first step in a long corrective march... So we'll have to talk about what Democrats are in on this game and name them, too...we'll have to get into that later.
Interestingly, the blog cuts off and, they do not "get into" the Democrats. Gee? I can't imagine why. They are claiming to have some moral high ground here? Very interesting. Since when do liberals talk about "morals"?
According to this Klein, conservatives are really just a bunch of puppets that follow what "tanks" are paid to think and sell to us. Okay, but they are the real free thinkers, right? Almost every media outlet is liberal and drenched in liberalism and, these guys think almost like them but, they are the "free thinkers" not being brainwashed? Okay.
I've read about all I can take of this. Cusack's tweets sound like he's tweaking on something for sure.
Alternative Conservative,
john cusack,
Paris Hilton,
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2012 Who Will Republicans Run Against Obama?
So, I hear my fellow conservatives saying that Obama will only be a one term president. I feel they are correct. However, I can't help but think, "Who? Who are we going to nominate that will be able to beat Obama?"
Yes, it seems as though any mammal will do. I mean Obama is just terrible but, there's a danger in being too confident. Look what happened in the primaries last time. McCain? McCain was the nominee? Huh? I never thought he'd be the nominee. The man is a total RINO as far as most people are concerned. I had much more faith in my party, that we would elect someone with actual conservative values, and someone that was consistent.
The Republican Party has many people I think would be able to beat Obama but, who are these darlings of the right? Who are the ones that are standing out as potential leaders of the free world?
1) Sarah Palin? Well, there are many on the right that love the beauty queen with balls. She has impressed many with her strong values. Still, she's quite the lightening rod. Sure, a female president would be a great achievement for this country but, will she be able to win over enough people to put her in the highest office of the land?
The problem I see with her is she's sort of the Hilary Clinton of the right. Those that like her, love her but, those that hate her...boy oh boy, they hate her. Let's be honest though, the whole "writing on the hand, when you could have just brought out a note card" incident was, childish. I like Sarah, I really do but, presidential material? I'm not feeling it.
2) Mike Huckabee. I'm a Mike fan! This is a man I'm pulling for. I really like him. There's a few issues I'm not too sure of with him but, no one is going to agree with you 100 percent. I think he's likable, he really appears to have some character, he's an actual conservative, and he's clean, meaning I don't know of him associated with anything corrupt.
I would really like to see him run in 2012. I think he'd be great for the country. He's just a stand up kind of man.
3) David Petraeus. Hmmm...I've seen this name tossed around. I'm not too sure about this one. I wasn't impressed by his lack of judgment for having a Rolling Stone reporter follow him around and, do a story about him and the war. I mean, Rolling Stone? Really? Who didn't see that fall out coming from miles away?
Still, he seems to have an overall interesting character about him and, Americans love and respect a man who's been to war and, served his country.
4) Ron Paul. I don't know. Lot's of friends I have like this man but, I'm still up in the air with him. I like the fact that he didn't run as a 3rd party last time. I respect that. Still, not sure I'm in agreement with what appears to be his isolation policies.
5) Mitt Romney. Well, I wasn't too big on him last time, I doubt my feelings are going to change later on. He's a decent guy. I have much respect but, he's too liberal for me. He doesn't seem like he would be good for the party overall but, what do I know?
6) Jeb Bush. I really like Jeb Bush. There's a big problem here. His last name is Bush and unfortunately, he just might not have the ability to win because of it. Could the country be ready for another Bush? The man is conservative. He's a really great politician but, his last name is Bush. Did I already say that?
7) Newt Gingrich. I like Newt. I like his politics and I respect him but, let's face it, his personal life is screwed.
8) What about Paul Ryan? I like this guy a lot. Yes, he's young but, I haven't heard anything bad about him. I love watching him. Okay, okay, I'm a woman....he looks good. More than that, he's conservative. Looks like he voted YES for the automobile industry bailout. Uh-oh but, over all, his record is pretty darn right. I like him.
Okay...add or subtract your nominations below. Let's find someone that will put this country back on track, darnit!
Yes, it seems as though any mammal will do. I mean Obama is just terrible but, there's a danger in being too confident. Look what happened in the primaries last time. McCain? McCain was the nominee? Huh? I never thought he'd be the nominee. The man is a total RINO as far as most people are concerned. I had much more faith in my party, that we would elect someone with actual conservative values, and someone that was consistent.
The Republican Party has many people I think would be able to beat Obama but, who are these darlings of the right? Who are the ones that are standing out as potential leaders of the free world?
1) Sarah Palin? Well, there are many on the right that love the beauty queen with balls. She has impressed many with her strong values. Still, she's quite the lightening rod. Sure, a female president would be a great achievement for this country but, will she be able to win over enough people to put her in the highest office of the land?
The problem I see with her is she's sort of the Hilary Clinton of the right. Those that like her, love her but, those that hate her...boy oh boy, they hate her. Let's be honest though, the whole "writing on the hand, when you could have just brought out a note card" incident was, childish. I like Sarah, I really do but, presidential material? I'm not feeling it.
2) Mike Huckabee. I'm a Mike fan! This is a man I'm pulling for. I really like him. There's a few issues I'm not too sure of with him but, no one is going to agree with you 100 percent. I think he's likable, he really appears to have some character, he's an actual conservative, and he's clean, meaning I don't know of him associated with anything corrupt.
I would really like to see him run in 2012. I think he'd be great for the country. He's just a stand up kind of man.
3) David Petraeus. Hmmm...I've seen this name tossed around. I'm not too sure about this one. I wasn't impressed by his lack of judgment for having a Rolling Stone reporter follow him around and, do a story about him and the war. I mean, Rolling Stone? Really? Who didn't see that fall out coming from miles away?
Still, he seems to have an overall interesting character about him and, Americans love and respect a man who's been to war and, served his country.
4) Ron Paul. I don't know. Lot's of friends I have like this man but, I'm still up in the air with him. I like the fact that he didn't run as a 3rd party last time. I respect that. Still, not sure I'm in agreement with what appears to be his isolation policies.
5) Mitt Romney. Well, I wasn't too big on him last time, I doubt my feelings are going to change later on. He's a decent guy. I have much respect but, he's too liberal for me. He doesn't seem like he would be good for the party overall but, what do I know?
6) Jeb Bush. I really like Jeb Bush. There's a big problem here. His last name is Bush and unfortunately, he just might not have the ability to win because of it. Could the country be ready for another Bush? The man is conservative. He's a really great politician but, his last name is Bush. Did I already say that?
7) Newt Gingrich. I like Newt. I like his politics and I respect him but, let's face it, his personal life is screwed.
8) What about Paul Ryan? I like this guy a lot. Yes, he's young but, I haven't heard anything bad about him. I love watching him. Okay, okay, I'm a woman....he looks good. More than that, he's conservative. Looks like he voted YES for the automobile industry bailout. Uh-oh but, over all, his record is pretty darn right. I like him.
Okay...add or subtract your nominations below. Let's find someone that will put this country back on track, darnit!
Alternative Conservative,
presidential candidates,
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Taxes and Why I Know Republicans Are Better For Helping the Poor
I was just thinking about this story today and thought I should share it on my blog here.
When I was 16, I was hired at Pizza Hut for $3.85/hour. I was actually hired on my 16th birthday. Bush Sr was president. I probably worked anywhere from 11 to 16 hours a week. I remember I was very excited about getting my refund check. I didn't pay any taxes because, it was all returned to me, in full. Awesome.
So, then Clinton was elected. I didn't like Clinton. I guess you could say I was more liberal at the time but, I never liked Clinton. I did like minimum wage hiking up to $4.25 though. That year I worked about the same amount of hours. My checks were slightly bigger but, they sure took out a lot of money. My refund check was a joke. I barely got anything back.
I had worked out some comparisons from the previous year with a friend and, with all I had earned, including the refund check, I made more money the previous year. I couldn't believe it. My friend had estimated that he made a little more because he worked a few more hours but, overall, the take home pay from the previous year was more, not less, even though the minimum wage had increased.
So, what was going on here? Well, because, I wasn't married and didn't have any tax breaks, I was paying more, much more, in taxes. Clinton did NO favors for the poor by raising minimum wage.
The problem with Democrats is they raise the taxes on everyone. This is always their solution. They want to spend more and they want to tax more.
Democrats also love to raise the minimum wage but, many times when they do, they prevent businesses from hiring more people.
The current minimum wage is $7.25. This became in effect in July of 2009. The problem is, there are many jobs that just aren't worth paying that much, plus benefits. Many times, people just need someone to do some light cleaning or, maybe some filing. These are simple jobs that can be done for the purposes of allowing other employees to do more in their positions, without being bothered doing other tasks that eat away their time. When you raise minimum wage, these jobs are the first ones cut from the economy.
A lot of people that are out of work may not necessarily be looking for high paying jobs. They are people looking for those simple jobs that are cut. People who are college students who need an easy job, moms that mostly stay at home but are looking for a part time job to bring in some extra cash, high school students looking to have some experience in an office setting, ect. These folks do not need $7.25 an hour. They just need a little extra cash to do some simple things.
Another effect that occurs is when those smaller jobs are cut, not only are more people out of a job but, those folks that are working now have much more to do. They cannot simply focus on their main tasks, they are now expected to do the filing, the light cleaning, the extras, that ultimately slow them down, creating less productivity. When the productivity is lower, the customers are less satisfied and that will effect sales.
Then to top all this off, Democrats want to add more taxes to businesses. Even more employees may be cut, along with hiking the prices on the goods and services that the businesses offer. The companies do not pay the taxes, they pass them onto the consumer and the employees. So, the minimum wage worker may make more initially but, the raises are few and far between. The customer is now expected to pay more. Ultimately, we just pay even more in the end.
We pay more for goods and services and, we pay more in the loss of jobs.
In all fairness, just because you lower taxes on businesses, doesn't always mean that the company will hire more people or, that their goods or services will cost less. No, there will always be greedy people out there that try and take advantage of situations, robbing as many folks as they can but, guess what eventually happens? Some other company can come along and offer a better price, and a better service.
Let me share another story.
I used to work for a lab when I was going to college. This was a great company to work for. They gave all kinds of vacation; I got a paid day off for my birthday. The pay was okay. It wasn't terribly high but, we'd get bonuses and, fairly good benefits. All in all, we were treated very well. They were very understanding and, had many incentives.We even got large profit sharing checks at the end of each year.
The reason for all this came about because the owner had originally worked for another major lab. Her and her team had discovered a drug for animals that made the company a fortune. The company was very greedy though and, didn't even share any of the profits with the team of scientists. They claimed the patent and intellectual property as well.
So, the woman that became the owner of the lab I worked for left. She started her own company and brought over some of the other workers. The company has continued to grow and is a success now. When I left, they were growing even larger, moving into another building.
This is how economies grow. Again, greed does exist. It's not that conservatives do not recognize this but, we also know what happens to companies that do that. They eventually fail. Karma comes around and bites them on the butt. If you want to be successful and stay successful, you have to be a company that has morals and ethics. The free economy forces this because, by allowing freedom, you allow more opportunity, more improvement, and more growth.
More taxes restrict all of these things. In the end, it's always the little guy that ends up feeling the repercussions of taxes. Every time you hear someone claim they are here to help the "little guy" it usually means they are going to do something that will ultimately hurt them. So, if you like high unemployment and, more cost on goods and services, then by all means elect a Democrat.
When I was 16, I was hired at Pizza Hut for $3.85/hour. I was actually hired on my 16th birthday. Bush Sr was president. I probably worked anywhere from 11 to 16 hours a week. I remember I was very excited about getting my refund check. I didn't pay any taxes because, it was all returned to me, in full. Awesome.
So, then Clinton was elected. I didn't like Clinton. I guess you could say I was more liberal at the time but, I never liked Clinton. I did like minimum wage hiking up to $4.25 though. That year I worked about the same amount of hours. My checks were slightly bigger but, they sure took out a lot of money. My refund check was a joke. I barely got anything back.
I had worked out some comparisons from the previous year with a friend and, with all I had earned, including the refund check, I made more money the previous year. I couldn't believe it. My friend had estimated that he made a little more because he worked a few more hours but, overall, the take home pay from the previous year was more, not less, even though the minimum wage had increased.
So, what was going on here? Well, because, I wasn't married and didn't have any tax breaks, I was paying more, much more, in taxes. Clinton did NO favors for the poor by raising minimum wage.
The problem with Democrats is they raise the taxes on everyone. This is always their solution. They want to spend more and they want to tax more.
Democrats also love to raise the minimum wage but, many times when they do, they prevent businesses from hiring more people.
The current minimum wage is $7.25. This became in effect in July of 2009. The problem is, there are many jobs that just aren't worth paying that much, plus benefits. Many times, people just need someone to do some light cleaning or, maybe some filing. These are simple jobs that can be done for the purposes of allowing other employees to do more in their positions, without being bothered doing other tasks that eat away their time. When you raise minimum wage, these jobs are the first ones cut from the economy.
A lot of people that are out of work may not necessarily be looking for high paying jobs. They are people looking for those simple jobs that are cut. People who are college students who need an easy job, moms that mostly stay at home but are looking for a part time job to bring in some extra cash, high school students looking to have some experience in an office setting, ect. These folks do not need $7.25 an hour. They just need a little extra cash to do some simple things.
Another effect that occurs is when those smaller jobs are cut, not only are more people out of a job but, those folks that are working now have much more to do. They cannot simply focus on their main tasks, they are now expected to do the filing, the light cleaning, the extras, that ultimately slow them down, creating less productivity. When the productivity is lower, the customers are less satisfied and that will effect sales.
Then to top all this off, Democrats want to add more taxes to businesses. Even more employees may be cut, along with hiking the prices on the goods and services that the businesses offer. The companies do not pay the taxes, they pass them onto the consumer and the employees. So, the minimum wage worker may make more initially but, the raises are few and far between. The customer is now expected to pay more. Ultimately, we just pay even more in the end.
We pay more for goods and services and, we pay more in the loss of jobs.
In all fairness, just because you lower taxes on businesses, doesn't always mean that the company will hire more people or, that their goods or services will cost less. No, there will always be greedy people out there that try and take advantage of situations, robbing as many folks as they can but, guess what eventually happens? Some other company can come along and offer a better price, and a better service.
Let me share another story.
I used to work for a lab when I was going to college. This was a great company to work for. They gave all kinds of vacation; I got a paid day off for my birthday. The pay was okay. It wasn't terribly high but, we'd get bonuses and, fairly good benefits. All in all, we were treated very well. They were very understanding and, had many incentives.We even got large profit sharing checks at the end of each year.
The reason for all this came about because the owner had originally worked for another major lab. Her and her team had discovered a drug for animals that made the company a fortune. The company was very greedy though and, didn't even share any of the profits with the team of scientists. They claimed the patent and intellectual property as well.
So, the woman that became the owner of the lab I worked for left. She started her own company and brought over some of the other workers. The company has continued to grow and is a success now. When I left, they were growing even larger, moving into another building.
This is how economies grow. Again, greed does exist. It's not that conservatives do not recognize this but, we also know what happens to companies that do that. They eventually fail. Karma comes around and bites them on the butt. If you want to be successful and stay successful, you have to be a company that has morals and ethics. The free economy forces this because, by allowing freedom, you allow more opportunity, more improvement, and more growth.
More taxes restrict all of these things. In the end, it's always the little guy that ends up feeling the repercussions of taxes. Every time you hear someone claim they are here to help the "little guy" it usually means they are going to do something that will ultimately hurt them. So, if you like high unemployment and, more cost on goods and services, then by all means elect a Democrat.
Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Tiger Woods Divorce
Tiger Woods has officially announced his divorce from his wife Monday. I'm so shocked (sarcasm).
Since, I've already done a few stories about Tiger, I figured I would mention this divorce as well. I still think it's sad to watch someone fall from such amazing heights. Tiger really seemed to have it all: talent, a great career, living the American dream, a beautiful wife, and two beautiful children.
Yes, he's a jerk for cheating on his wife but, it wasn't just with one woman, having a regular affair. The man clearly has some type of sexual issues here, sleeping with almost anything he got his hands on. I'm not sure I understand sex addictions very well but, it's clear that people have them. Is there a lesson to be learned from any of this? Don't get married, if you have a sex addiction?
What a strange story this is. How are they going to explain to their children what has happened here? The publicity that surrounded this couple was so vast and completely embarrassing. It's one thing to be Madonna and have to explain what a whore you were/are but, this goes even further. There was betrayal, along with a character who seemed to be unable or, unwilling to control himself.
Are there any sex addicts out there that can shed some light on this? Do you think Tiger just became so full of himself, thinking he could get away with doing this and just got carried away or, is the urge to have new sexual conquests so overwhelming that they must be satisfied? How do you learn to overcome this?
I have no idea. I only know that he needs to get control over himself before things get worse for him and his children. It's one thing when you're single, have no family, and you're just doing what you want but, when so many other lives are involved, you need to be respectful and have control of yourself.
Alternative Conservative,
S affair,
sex addicts,
sex addition,
Tiger Woods,
Tiger Woods affairs,
Posted by
Big Oil Vs. Big Green
One thing that has been in the spotlight for the last few years with liberals is their constant complaining of big oil. We are told by them that big oil is the reason for all the problems surrounding so many issues: the economy, corruption, the environment, global warming, foreign policy, ect. Oh, if only we didn't rely on oil and we all went "green" our lives would be so much better.
The fact is, we do rely heavily on oil. Oil is used for practically everything from the plastics we buy to the shoes we put on our feet, and it's needed for our vehicles. It is extremely versatile. Yes, we do get a lot of oil from foreign countries and, I often hear about how we need to not be so dependent on those foreign sources yet, these same people never want to hear of drilling on our own soil.
What I still do not understand is how someone finds big oil to be so horrible but, somehow big green will be benevolent? All the supposed "evils" of one big conglomerate will simply be replaced by another.
I'm not worried about energy sources at all. I know for a fact that there are many ways to obtain energy besides oil. Oil just so happens to be one of the best forms. There is nothing wrong with exploring other options but, to say that big oil is somehow evil because they make a profit is ridiculous. Any energy that is made will be sold and that company will want to profit from it. It doesn't matter if it comes from solar energy, wind, or some other alternative source like hemp, someone will seek to make a profit.
Also, let's consider the difference between profit and profit margin. Profit is the amount obtained through sales but, the margin of profit is sales minus the cost of the product. When we make comparisons of the profit margin, we begin to see an entirely different picture.

The fact is, we do rely heavily on oil. Oil is used for practically everything from the plastics we buy to the shoes we put on our feet, and it's needed for our vehicles. It is extremely versatile. Yes, we do get a lot of oil from foreign countries and, I often hear about how we need to not be so dependent on those foreign sources yet, these same people never want to hear of drilling on our own soil.
What I still do not understand is how someone finds big oil to be so horrible but, somehow big green will be benevolent? All the supposed "evils" of one big conglomerate will simply be replaced by another.
I'm not worried about energy sources at all. I know for a fact that there are many ways to obtain energy besides oil. Oil just so happens to be one of the best forms. There is nothing wrong with exploring other options but, to say that big oil is somehow evil because they make a profit is ridiculous. Any energy that is made will be sold and that company will want to profit from it. It doesn't matter if it comes from solar energy, wind, or some other alternative source like hemp, someone will seek to make a profit.
Also, let's consider the difference between profit and profit margin. Profit is the amount obtained through sales but, the margin of profit is sales minus the cost of the product. When we make comparisons of the profit margin, we begin to see an entirely different picture.
I decided to look up the profit margin for Siemens, which is a company that deals with wind energy. Their gross profit margin is 32.5%, where as Exxon Mobil is reporting their gross profit margin as 28.2%.
Now, I ask again, how is big green going to be so much less evil then big oil when, they appear to keep even more money in their pockets then big oil?
No one, no matter what, is in business for the motivation of giving and never receiving. Profits are necessary to any company. Profits are what motivate people, all people. It's not evil. It's how the world operates.
There is no harm in us looking to other sources of energy but, let's make sure we keep our facts straight. There is no reason to fool people into thinking that these other companies that supply alternative sources of energy will somehow not make profits themselves. Vilifying big oil companies for making profit is absurd.
Alternative Conservative,
Big green,
Big oil,
profit margin,
Posted by
The Top 3 Talking Points Liberals/Democrats Won't Shut Up About
I like to argue. It's no secret. I'm notorious for waging wars with liberals. Inevitably, I have noticed a pattern with them recently. There seem to be three main points that they just cannot get enough of trying to make. I'm not sure if it's directly from Democrat talking point memos or, if it's coming from their various news sources like The Huffington Post, The Daily Kos, ect. I'm not sure but, it's very consistent, which leads me to believe it's most likely coming from a main source.
It doesn't matter what the topic is. It can be about immigration, the economy, abortion, gun control, health care, the war, ect. these three talking points WILL be brought up. So, let's discuss them, shall we?
1) Sarah Palin. I am pretty baffled by this on. Sarah Palin is best known for being asked to be John McCain's running mate in the 2008 presidential election. The pair did not win. Sarah Palin also stepped down from her gubernatorial position in Alaska. She has since been seen in the media at major Tea Party functions.
Apparently this is all too much for the liberals. There's something about her that they just can't seem to handle. I haven't been able to pin any of them down on why they are obsessed with bringing her into the discussion but, they seem to label anyone that is conservative as an individual that is stupid, "just like Sarah Palin."
The problem is, she's really not a part of the political scene anymore. Sure, she has spoken at Tea Party functions but, is that really such a threat to the American Republic that liberals have to shrill the way they do over her? No. I think it's pure paranoia. I also think they are intimidated by an attractive woman being in politics. For years, their party has only been able to come up with woman like Nancy Pelosi, who lack in the aesthetically pleasing department.
Bottom line, Sarah hasn't announced running for any future political positions, nor is she currently holding an active political office. Their point is mute and only comes from hatred, due to mommy issues.
2) Fox News. The "I-think-I'm-clever-and-I-hope-you-haven't-noticed-that-other-liberals-have-been-doing-this-for-years" liberal will write, "Faux News." This is somehow supposed to show the conservative reader how witty and free-thinking they are. Irony aside, it's clear that none of them actually have taken the time to watch Fox News.
The liberal will usually bring this up telling you, the conservative, that your opinions come directly from "Faux News," who are owned and operated by the Republican party. They also like to make note of how Fox is not "fair and balanced" yet, somehow CNN and the other alphabet channels are?
The way to shoot this one down is pointing out the fact that they are clearly the ones getting information from someone else because, if they actually watched Fox News, they would know it's not as conservative as they imagine it to be. Furthermore, I always ask them what is so threatening about mentioning the "other side" because, that is what Fox does. They at least try to offer the news from a different mind frame, something the other main stream media outlets never entertain.
Again, pure paranoia. What is it that liberals find so horrible about the news offering a different opinion, one that is not lock in step with theirs? This argument is so easy to refute because, you have all the other stations that don't even attempt to give conservative angles. One station should hardly be a threat to their almost media monopoly. I've never had a liberal begin to answer or, try and explain this.
3) It's Bush's fault. So, now we come to the most absurd but, in the liberal's mind, a genius observation. Well, I don't think anyone is going to argue that Bush did some things that may not have been the best for the country. I think conservatives have been quite critical of him.
Liberals like to mention the tax cuts but, they fail when they accuse them of being something bad or horrible for this country. First, the tax cuts kept the country from going further in recession. Yes, Bush inherited a recession. That is just ONE aspect of the economy. The problem was never the tax cuts. The problem was and, still is spending. Both Bush/Republicans and Democrats have equal blame in this department. To put everything on Bush because, he was trying to reach out across the aisle is absurd.
We had 8 years of Clinton, who absolutely ignored terrorism from the Muslim world. This inaction, inevitably led up to 9/11. I didn't hear these people blaming Clinton. Bush had been in office for 9 months. There were folks that had made the point that Clinton didn't go after Bin Laden, after the '93 WTC bombing. It was a valid point but, no one allowed for passing the blame on Clinton.
Now, these SAME people make the argument that Obama just can't fix in two years what Bush did for 8. Well, isn't that funny? Bush couldn't fix in 9 months what Clinton did to destroy this country in 8 as well. No, what was good for Bush then, is good for Obama now and, there is no blaming Bush when you have Obama tripling the size of our deficit. This is HIS economy now.
I hope the democrats will get the memo that these points are simply useless and, usually have nothing to do with the topics you find yourself talking about with them. I'm not holding my breath. For some reason, whenever a liberal brings up these points, you can tell they feel so intelligent, and so superior.
The sad reality is, many of them don't know much about the issues, and this is why they resort to these irrelevant points. I just wish they wouldn't vote.
It doesn't matter what the topic is. It can be about immigration, the economy, abortion, gun control, health care, the war, ect. these three talking points WILL be brought up. So, let's discuss them, shall we?
1) Sarah Palin. I am pretty baffled by this on. Sarah Palin is best known for being asked to be John McCain's running mate in the 2008 presidential election. The pair did not win. Sarah Palin also stepped down from her gubernatorial position in Alaska. She has since been seen in the media at major Tea Party functions.
Apparently this is all too much for the liberals. There's something about her that they just can't seem to handle. I haven't been able to pin any of them down on why they are obsessed with bringing her into the discussion but, they seem to label anyone that is conservative as an individual that is stupid, "just like Sarah Palin."
The problem is, she's really not a part of the political scene anymore. Sure, she has spoken at Tea Party functions but, is that really such a threat to the American Republic that liberals have to shrill the way they do over her? No. I think it's pure paranoia. I also think they are intimidated by an attractive woman being in politics. For years, their party has only been able to come up with woman like Nancy Pelosi, who lack in the aesthetically pleasing department.
Bottom line, Sarah hasn't announced running for any future political positions, nor is she currently holding an active political office. Their point is mute and only comes from hatred, due to mommy issues.
2) Fox News. The "I-think-I'm-clever-and-I-hope-you-haven't-noticed-that-other-liberals-have-been-doing-this-for-years" liberal will write, "Faux News." This is somehow supposed to show the conservative reader how witty and free-thinking they are. Irony aside, it's clear that none of them actually have taken the time to watch Fox News.
The liberal will usually bring this up telling you, the conservative, that your opinions come directly from "Faux News," who are owned and operated by the Republican party. They also like to make note of how Fox is not "fair and balanced" yet, somehow CNN and the other alphabet channels are?
The way to shoot this one down is pointing out the fact that they are clearly the ones getting information from someone else because, if they actually watched Fox News, they would know it's not as conservative as they imagine it to be. Furthermore, I always ask them what is so threatening about mentioning the "other side" because, that is what Fox does. They at least try to offer the news from a different mind frame, something the other main stream media outlets never entertain.
Again, pure paranoia. What is it that liberals find so horrible about the news offering a different opinion, one that is not lock in step with theirs? This argument is so easy to refute because, you have all the other stations that don't even attempt to give conservative angles. One station should hardly be a threat to their almost media monopoly. I've never had a liberal begin to answer or, try and explain this.
3) It's Bush's fault. So, now we come to the most absurd but, in the liberal's mind, a genius observation. Well, I don't think anyone is going to argue that Bush did some things that may not have been the best for the country. I think conservatives have been quite critical of him.
Liberals like to mention the tax cuts but, they fail when they accuse them of being something bad or horrible for this country. First, the tax cuts kept the country from going further in recession. Yes, Bush inherited a recession. That is just ONE aspect of the economy. The problem was never the tax cuts. The problem was and, still is spending. Both Bush/Republicans and Democrats have equal blame in this department. To put everything on Bush because, he was trying to reach out across the aisle is absurd.
We had 8 years of Clinton, who absolutely ignored terrorism from the Muslim world. This inaction, inevitably led up to 9/11. I didn't hear these people blaming Clinton. Bush had been in office for 9 months. There were folks that had made the point that Clinton didn't go after Bin Laden, after the '93 WTC bombing. It was a valid point but, no one allowed for passing the blame on Clinton.
Now, these SAME people make the argument that Obama just can't fix in two years what Bush did for 8. Well, isn't that funny? Bush couldn't fix in 9 months what Clinton did to destroy this country in 8 as well. No, what was good for Bush then, is good for Obama now and, there is no blaming Bush when you have Obama tripling the size of our deficit. This is HIS economy now.
I hope the democrats will get the memo that these points are simply useless and, usually have nothing to do with the topics you find yourself talking about with them. I'm not holding my breath. For some reason, whenever a liberal brings up these points, you can tell they feel so intelligent, and so superior.
The sad reality is, many of them don't know much about the issues, and this is why they resort to these irrelevant points. I just wish they wouldn't vote.
alphabet channels,
Alternative Conservative,
Bush's fault,
Faux News,
Fox News,
Sarah Palin,
talking points,
Posted by
More and More People Are Calling Obama Muslim
Click title of this post for the full story.
According to the Pew Research Center, more Americans, 18% (up from 11% in March 2009), are now calling Obama a Muslim, and not a Christian.
Well, how can anyone be surprised by this? If you don't think he's Muslim, you certainly wouldn't think he's a Christian. We've all seen the Rev. Wright on various videos that have saturated the internet. We know he doesn't preach Christianity. Preaching hate in an angry fashion is not what Jesus taught.
Other than him claiming to be a Christian, it seems most of his influence has come from either Islam or, from Rev. Wright. I'm not sure what his religion is. I'm not sure that it really matters at this point. I think the bigger issue here is asking ourselves if this man is capable of running this country. To which my answer is, "no."
AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite
According to the Pew Research Center, more Americans, 18% (up from 11% in March 2009), are now calling Obama a Muslim, and not a Christian.
Well, how can anyone be surprised by this? If you don't think he's Muslim, you certainly wouldn't think he's a Christian. We've all seen the Rev. Wright on various videos that have saturated the internet. We know he doesn't preach Christianity. Preaching hate in an angry fashion is not what Jesus taught.
Other than him claiming to be a Christian, it seems most of his influence has come from either Islam or, from Rev. Wright. I'm not sure what his religion is. I'm not sure that it really matters at this point. I think the bigger issue here is asking ourselves if this man is capable of running this country. To which my answer is, "no."
Alternative Conservative,
Barack Hussein Obama,
Posted by
Dr. Laura Ends Her Progam
AP Photo/Susan Sterner
"When I started in radio, if you said something somebody didn't agree with and they didn't like, they argued with you," she said. "Now they try to silence you ... My First Amendment rights have been usurped by angry, hateful groups who don't want to debate. They want to eliminate."This is what the left has been doing for years. They don't want to debate because, they can't debate. It's too much for their tiny brains. It's much easier to call names and silence people.
The group Media Matters is the one that went after Laura's sponsors, insisting she be removed. Yes, she used the n word but, as I posted before. If you listen to the call, you will hear that she is trying to make a point. She did not use the word in a derogatory way at all. The caller also repeated the word over and over again.
How are we to have honest debates about race if we can't even use the words necessary to develop a dialogue? This is purely about being PC but, you know if Dr. Laura were a liberal, nothing would be said. KKK member, Robert Byrd used the n word as well and, yes conservatives pointed it out but, no one threatened him or his job. The only thing people have ever done is try and point out the hypocrisy. This is exactly what Dr. Laura was doing.
Dr. Laura's show will end when her contract does, sometime in December. It is rumored that she may actually change her mind.
Alternative Conservative,
Dr. Laura,
Posted by
Islam is Already a Part of Ground Zero
AP Photo/Louis Lanzano
The AP is jumping all over a new story that declares, Islam is already a part of the neighborhood that is at Ground Zero.
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, is now being heralded as a man who is a moderate and, one who has worked with Christians and Jews alike.
He's devoted much of his career to working closely with Christians, Jews and secular leaders to advance interfaith understanding. He's scolded his own religion for being in some ways in the "Dark Ages." Yet he's also accused the U.S. of spilling more innocent blood than al-Qaida, the terrorist network that turned the World Trade Center, part of the Pentagon and four hijacked airplanes to apocalyptic rubble.
Click title of this post for full story.
The article is claiming that Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf has no connection with any radicals. However, he also said this:
I'm not really sure what the point of this article is. The author appears to be dead set on wanting to convince people that the arguments against the mosque are incorrect. The endgame should be building the mosque. Why is the media all of a sudden so defensive of religion? Not just any religion but, one that has murdered millions in it's name.In a July 2005 speech at the Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Center in Adelaide, Australia, Rauf said, according to the center's transcript:
"We tend to forget, in the West, that the United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than al-Qaida has on its hands of innocent non-Muslims."
While calling terrorism unjustified, he said the U.S. has supported authoritarian regimes with heinous human rights records and, faced with that, "how else do people get attention?"
In the same address, he spoke of prospects for peace between Palestinians and the Israelis - who he said "have moved beyond Zionism" - and of a love-your-neighbor ethic uniting all religions.
The people don't want it built. The people are the ones that pay taxes and pay for politicians to SERVE them, not turn around and slap them in the face. There are other places to build a mosque and the fact that Rauf appears to be unwilling to move the project, only proves what an extremist he truly is.
What do you think the reason is for the media to turn religious all of a sudden?
Ground Zero,
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf,
Posted by
Blago Watch!
AP Photo/Paul Beaty
A second trial is coming. This one may include additional drama by prosecutors calling more witnesses and, by the defense putting up Rod himself.
Rahm Emanuel and Tony Rezko were not originally called to the stand in the first trial. This is because, they are not terribly credible witnesses however, they are key witnesses within the case and, this next time around, the prosecutors may consider putting them on the stand.
Another problem the prosecution had was the confusion of the trail. Many of the jurors were confused, and said it was difficult to follow.
Blago appears to be tapped out, and may be unable to keep his team of lawyers. A second trial may require public defenders.
During this first trial, it appears as though a lone juror was the one who had dug their heels in, refusing to see the obvious- that Blago is a corrupt politician. I had a feeling it would be just one juror and, it wouldn't surprise me if Blago, or someone from his team is behind this. That is how truly corrupt I believe this man to be.
I am not surprised by the fact that most this jury found Blago guilty. The man is guilty. Let's hope they might even be able to show that he tampered with this one juror. That would be another charge for him.
Alternative Conservative,
Rahm Emanuel,
Rod Blagojevich,
Tony Rezko,
Posted by
Blago Watch!
Blago has been found guilty on only one count, lying to the FBI.
Click title of this post for full article.
A federal jury found former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich guilty on Tuesday of one count of lying to federal agents, and the judge said he intends to declare a mistrial on the remaining counts.
Prosecutors said immediately after the verdict was read that they intend to retry the case against Blagojevich and his co-defendant brother as soon as possible. He had faced 24 counts in all. Judge James B. Zagel set a hearing for Aug. 26 to decide manner and timing of the retrial.
The count on which Blagojevich was found guilty included accusations that he lied to federal agents when he said he did not track campaign contributions and kept a "firewall" between political campaigns and government work. It carries a sentence of up to five years in prison.
Click title of this post for full article.
Alternative Conservative,
Blago Watch,
Rod Blagojevich,
Posted by
Exposing the Self-Hating Liberal
I always make a point of reading "the other side" for various reasons. I want to know what the other side of the argument is, and I'm usually quite amused at the very intolerable, ignorant things that come out of their fingers, through their keyboard, and onto my screen.
I've seen comments like the one below before but, this one actually inspired me to write this particular blog:
Psychology always seems to rear it's head in all sciences and, politics is no different. People often project their inner beliefs, thoughts, and persona's upon others with their world views. If someone is always lying, cheating, and stealing to get ahead, of course they are going to think that others around them constantly engage in that behavior as well. Clearly the writer of this post is someone who is projecting his own behavior upon others.
Liberals are notorious for blaming others for their problems. This is because they ironically believe it's failing, if they have to admit they did something wrong, or brought something bad upon themselves. They don't want to accept that they create their own world's. They want to believe that everything is just a mistake, that it's all accidental, that some folks are just more lucky than others, that there is no real way of working to get ahead, nope, people are where they are because of who they are, not what they can become.
When you have this outlook, how can you possibly love yourself or, love life? You really can't. The bottom line is, liberals are self hating. They have an enormous amount of envy for others. They can't stand anyone having what they don't have. They truly hate themselves. If they are privileged, the still hate themselves because, they carry a guilt around with them. They think, they are lucky and it's so sad that others aren't lucky like them. So, naturally a self imposed guilt is placed upon their shoulders.
Does anyone question why these people do not really understand G-d? Many of them do not even believe He exists. How can you blame them? G-d is love, after all and, they don't even love themselves.
They have no sense of identity. They don't like to be American because, of what American values represent. They tear down anything that would prop themselves up for the sake of tolerance but, they also despise anyone that doesn't think the way they do. If there is a different opinion given, it's because that person, newspaper, news organization, is obviously funded by a larger group of evil conservatives - a big vast conspiracy. True paranoia. It's similar to the boogie man. Yes, they are still children that believe in the boogie man, he's just a conservative now, not a shadow under the bed.
With taxes, for example, it's always about the "zero-sum" argument. The argument that suggests if one group is effected in a positive way, the other groups will fail or, receive zero. The fact that all of us are connected in some way, makes this argument completely null and void. In fact, it's one of the most ridiculous arguments I've ever heard, as it's mathematically impossible. It's possible a different group will not be much affected but, to say that it's always negative or zero is complete ignorance.
For example, if the rich receive tax cuts, the amount they don't have to pay, is the amount the poor will lose. Well, on the surface, it may seem this way, beings the government likes to redistribute money taken from taxes and spending it on programs that mostly do benefit the poor. However, this is not true at all. In fact, cutting taxes has shown that revenues to the government actually increase. This puts more money into the economy and, by doing so, it helps everyone, not just the rich. The problem is, once the government is seeing all the new money come in, they like to spend even more, increasing debt.
Of course, cutting taxes doesn't always work, if the taxes are low already but, by experimenting with the taxes, you can determine the tax percentage, in a free economy, that will provide maximum output, along with maximum intake. If the taxes are at 0% or 100%, you will not see any revenue because, zero is obviously nothing and at 100%, people just won't bother going to work. They will avoid any taxes and, bring no revenue in. A thinking person can deduce that even though taxes may be a necessity, you can't raise them so high that there is no motivation for that person to work nor, can they be too low that they don't bring anything in.
This blog isn't about taxes though but, it is about how liberals will see facts and regardless of what common sense will tell them, they can't stand when someone, even themselves, has a lot of money. They simply don't care what reality may dictate. They want that person taxed, even if it's to their own detriment. If they see something as unfair, they need to be the ones that fix it. They do not believe things work themselves out. They believe in control. Again, irony appears when many of them cannot even control themselves.
Of course they hate themselves and they hate others. They are extremely selfish because of this. The only satisfaction they get in life is joining meaningless causes, that never truly help anyone, nor do they bother to actually donate to charities or, help people directly. No, it's much easier to sign a petition and, then lecture everyone else on the issue.
They absolutely despise the "moral majority" or the "religious right" but, that doesn't stop them from having an even bigger sanctimonious attitude. They will call anyone that doesn't agree with them a form of lower life. Looking down upon people is a huge sign of self-loathing.
It always frustrates me whenever I hear the left distort so many things about the right and what our views are but, when they actually do understand yet, say things like the post above, it just floors me how a person can be so negative. I also have to question just how many successful people this person actually knows. I have had the great fortune of knowing many successful people. Some have been privileged, nothing wrong with that but, most were, indeed, hard-working people who came from nothing.
Most anyone can be successful, evil or good. Oh, yes, there are evil people. No one is denying that but, the reason conservatives view successful people as generally good people is because, that is what is inside of us. We love to see success, we applaud it and want to encourage it for others. We don't want to tear people down. When we enter into business, it's not about ripping the competition apart, we know the market will make room for us, if we have a good product or service to offer.
We focus on what we can do, not what others or the government will do for us. We take responsibility for our actions because, we know we create our own world and we love life because of it. We love life because, it's a gift. We love ourselves, and we love others. There is almost no self loathing when one is a conservative and, boy oh boy do liberals hate that.
*Yes, I'm referring to the more far left person, more then I am the general person. I used to be a lefty myself so, I know a lot of what I speak of. It does take one to know one...I've been there personally.
I've seen comments like the one below before but, this one actually inspired me to write this particular blog:
The reason why the Republicans continue to fight for these tax cuts is that they believe that those who make more money expend more effort ("work harder") and therefor "succeed" in society as a result of all their hard efforts. Of course, this is ludicrous. Those who "succeed" often are privileged to begin with, for one thing, and also often lie, cheat and steal to "get ahead." Republicans believe in ruthlessness as an essential part of human nature, which, makes them, really, not just unfit to rule, but makes them clinically insane.Why do liberals think this way? We have to get into the mind of a liberal. First of all, many of the richest people in this country are liberal so, it's clear there is a lot of projecting going on.
Psychology always seems to rear it's head in all sciences and, politics is no different. People often project their inner beliefs, thoughts, and persona's upon others with their world views. If someone is always lying, cheating, and stealing to get ahead, of course they are going to think that others around them constantly engage in that behavior as well. Clearly the writer of this post is someone who is projecting his own behavior upon others.
Liberals are notorious for blaming others for their problems. This is because they ironically believe it's failing, if they have to admit they did something wrong, or brought something bad upon themselves. They don't want to accept that they create their own world's. They want to believe that everything is just a mistake, that it's all accidental, that some folks are just more lucky than others, that there is no real way of working to get ahead, nope, people are where they are because of who they are, not what they can become.
When you have this outlook, how can you possibly love yourself or, love life? You really can't. The bottom line is, liberals are self hating. They have an enormous amount of envy for others. They can't stand anyone having what they don't have. They truly hate themselves. If they are privileged, the still hate themselves because, they carry a guilt around with them. They think, they are lucky and it's so sad that others aren't lucky like them. So, naturally a self imposed guilt is placed upon their shoulders.
Does anyone question why these people do not really understand G-d? Many of them do not even believe He exists. How can you blame them? G-d is love, after all and, they don't even love themselves.
They have no sense of identity. They don't like to be American because, of what American values represent. They tear down anything that would prop themselves up for the sake of tolerance but, they also despise anyone that doesn't think the way they do. If there is a different opinion given, it's because that person, newspaper, news organization, is obviously funded by a larger group of evil conservatives - a big vast conspiracy. True paranoia. It's similar to the boogie man. Yes, they are still children that believe in the boogie man, he's just a conservative now, not a shadow under the bed.
With taxes, for example, it's always about the "zero-sum" argument. The argument that suggests if one group is effected in a positive way, the other groups will fail or, receive zero. The fact that all of us are connected in some way, makes this argument completely null and void. In fact, it's one of the most ridiculous arguments I've ever heard, as it's mathematically impossible. It's possible a different group will not be much affected but, to say that it's always negative or zero is complete ignorance.
For example, if the rich receive tax cuts, the amount they don't have to pay, is the amount the poor will lose. Well, on the surface, it may seem this way, beings the government likes to redistribute money taken from taxes and spending it on programs that mostly do benefit the poor. However, this is not true at all. In fact, cutting taxes has shown that revenues to the government actually increase. This puts more money into the economy and, by doing so, it helps everyone, not just the rich. The problem is, once the government is seeing all the new money come in, they like to spend even more, increasing debt.
Of course, cutting taxes doesn't always work, if the taxes are low already but, by experimenting with the taxes, you can determine the tax percentage, in a free economy, that will provide maximum output, along with maximum intake. If the taxes are at 0% or 100%, you will not see any revenue because, zero is obviously nothing and at 100%, people just won't bother going to work. They will avoid any taxes and, bring no revenue in. A thinking person can deduce that even though taxes may be a necessity, you can't raise them so high that there is no motivation for that person to work nor, can they be too low that they don't bring anything in.
This blog isn't about taxes though but, it is about how liberals will see facts and regardless of what common sense will tell them, they can't stand when someone, even themselves, has a lot of money. They simply don't care what reality may dictate. They want that person taxed, even if it's to their own detriment. If they see something as unfair, they need to be the ones that fix it. They do not believe things work themselves out. They believe in control. Again, irony appears when many of them cannot even control themselves.
Of course they hate themselves and they hate others. They are extremely selfish because of this. The only satisfaction they get in life is joining meaningless causes, that never truly help anyone, nor do they bother to actually donate to charities or, help people directly. No, it's much easier to sign a petition and, then lecture everyone else on the issue.
They absolutely despise the "moral majority" or the "religious right" but, that doesn't stop them from having an even bigger sanctimonious attitude. They will call anyone that doesn't agree with them a form of lower life. Looking down upon people is a huge sign of self-loathing.
It always frustrates me whenever I hear the left distort so many things about the right and what our views are but, when they actually do understand yet, say things like the post above, it just floors me how a person can be so negative. I also have to question just how many successful people this person actually knows. I have had the great fortune of knowing many successful people. Some have been privileged, nothing wrong with that but, most were, indeed, hard-working people who came from nothing.
Most anyone can be successful, evil or good. Oh, yes, there are evil people. No one is denying that but, the reason conservatives view successful people as generally good people is because, that is what is inside of us. We love to see success, we applaud it and want to encourage it for others. We don't want to tear people down. When we enter into business, it's not about ripping the competition apart, we know the market will make room for us, if we have a good product or service to offer.
The reason why the Republicans continue to fight for these tax cuts is that they believe that those who make more money expend more effort ("work harder") and therefor "succeed" in society as a result of all their hard efforts.We believe these things because, we ARE these things. Here is what liberals are:
Of course, this is ludicrous. Those who "succeed" often are privileged to begin with, for one thing, and also often lie, cheat and steal to "get ahead." Republicans believe in ruthlessness as an essential part of human nature, which, makes them, really, not just unfit to rule, but makes them clinically insane.
We focus on what we can do, not what others or the government will do for us. We take responsibility for our actions because, we know we create our own world and we love life because of it. We love life because, it's a gift. We love ourselves, and we love others. There is almost no self loathing when one is a conservative and, boy oh boy do liberals hate that.
*Yes, I'm referring to the more far left person, more then I am the general person. I used to be a lefty myself so, I know a lot of what I speak of. It does take one to know one...I've been there personally.
Alternative Conservative,
self hating,
Posted by
DeLay Cleared By DOJ
Tom DeLay has been finally cleared by the Department of Justice.
"It was good news to hear from the Department of Justice that I have been cleared," DeLay told reporters during a conference call. "I always knew this day would come; my only hope was that it would come much sooner."Click title for full story.
In the 2006 mid-term congressional elections, Democrats focused on the corruption issue, which helped them re-take control of the House of Representatives from Republicans that year.Well, of course democrats have to attack an innocent man, lie, and slander his name, in order for them to gain control. How lovely of them to destroy a man and now, the entire country. Maybe next time, people will think twice before they believe a democrat?
Alternative Conservative,
Department of Justice,
Tom DeLay,
Posted by
Obama and the Ground Zero Mosque
AP Photo/Louis Lanzano
Obama's comment on the mosque that is to be built near Ground Zero has sparked quite a reaction from his Republican opponents. Obama thinks that religions freedom is what allows the mosque to be built. That was the extent of his remarks but, many feel this doesn't go far enough.
Does it shock anyone that the president is acting politically correct here? That he's also claiming his viewpoint is not political? This man is such a predictable leftist, it's just not funny anymore. Who's side is he on? The liberals seem to be so hell bent on this country bowing down to enemies from abroad, and inside this country.
Yes, we have religions freedom but, we also have common sense and, the ability to recognize stupidity. 3,000 of our fellow citizens were murdered by a group of radical fruitcakes that belong to Islam. Putting a mosque there is a mockery of that occurrence, and if this project, somehow goes through, the Islamic world will be laughing their asses off about how ignorant we truly are.
Alternative Conservative,
Barack Hussein Obama,
Ground Zero,
Posted by
Craigslist Killer Commits Suicide
Philip Markoff, who is known as the Craigslist Killer was found dead today. He had committed suicide one year to the day he was to get married.
Alternative Conservative,
commit suicide,
Craigslist killer,
Philip Markoff,
Posted by
Tila Tequila Attacked - Hollywood Moron of the Day/Month/Year
Well, I knew this would be a story. Tila Tequila is a walking disaster. I've been following her pretty closely since just after her fake suicide attempt. I just can't help but not like this woman.
I don't condone any violence against people but, in this case, while I might not condone it or, even do anything like this myself to anyone, I have to agree with many folks that this might just be what some people call Karma.
According to TMZ:
She went on to say: "These people were trying to kill me. So then after the last blow to my head with the firecracker they threw at me exploded, my bodygaurd and the other security grabbed me and ran as fast as they could to the shitty trailor. Since their security SUCKS, the 2 thousand people ran after us, trying to kill me. They almost got me so they finally reach the trailor, blood all over myself, cant stop bleeding, then all of a sudden, all 2 thousand people surround the trailor and busts the windows!!! Even the guys INSIDE with me were shaking! Their hands were shaking cuz they were so scared! So 3 guys inside the trailor had to grab a table and push it over the broken windows and grabbed all the chairs they could find so hold the people from outside back. It was scary as hell!"This Gathering of the Juggalos is known for it's violent acts. Even months before this event, there were warnings all over the internet, telling Tila Tequila that this was going to happen.
Another thing I found strange was, she claims on her Facebook page:
So, why is she selling her pics and exclusive story to TMZ? It would seem as though she would keep this for her own blog, the one she claims is "#1."
I HAVE THE #1 CELEBTITY GOSSIP SITE IN THE WORLD! so check it out and put on your homepage!
Some folks need a good ass whooping. Sometimes it actually can help them. In her case, I don't know. She's already tweeting on twitter that there will be a lawsuit. I'm not sure she will have a case. Even if ICP knew something like this could happen, they cannot be held responsible for what other people do, ultimately.
Recent Tweets from Twitter account:
I'm sure she is going to milk this for all the sympathy she can get. I guess we'll have to see how this drama unfolds.
Some people in Hollywood are just so messed up.
Obama Signs Border Bill
Obama has officially signed the $600 million border security bill that will put 1,000 more patrols on the border.
Well, it's something but, it's not enough. Obama needs to start supporting the citizens of AZ! Until then, this is just clearly a bone he's throwing, to make it look like he cares.
Click title of post for full story.
Well, it's something but, it's not enough. Obama needs to start supporting the citizens of AZ! Until then, this is just clearly a bone he's throwing, to make it look like he cares.
Click title of post for full story.
Alternative Conservative,
Barack Hussein Obama,
border patrol,
border security,
Posted by
Dr. Laura Uses the N Word and It's Compared to Murder?
Alright, I have this horrible guilty pleasure of being a troll over on Tila Tequila's blog. Everyday it's something new with her, as the woman has officially lost her mind.
If you want to know all the dirty details, you should check out this blog, called The Rotspot.
Anyway, Tila posts a blog today about Dr. Laura. The title of her post was:
So, you would think with a title like this, Dr. Laura must have just lost all control over herself, right? Listen for yourself but, first read how Tila describes the call:
She didn't even use the word in a derogatory way. Of course, Tila's little sycophants are all over this, bashing Dr. Laura, someone they probably know nothing about.
Here's an exchange I found quite interesting and disturbing:
Whoever this magra is, they are comparing using a racial epithet, in order to make a point, with murder? What is wrong with people? Have we become so pussified in our culture that we now think using the "n" word is akin to taking the life of someone for no reason? I do NOT understand how these people make their way through life. They must be miserable.
If you want to know all the dirty details, you should check out this blog, called The Rotspot.
Anyway, Tila posts a blog today about Dr. Laura. The title of her post was:
So, you would think with a title like this, Dr. Laura must have just lost all control over herself, right? Listen for yourself but, first read how Tila describes the call:
During her show, a woman called into ask Dr. Laura Schlessinger how to handle a situation she was clearly upset about. The caller is a black woman, married to a white man, and feels offended when his friends make racist remarks about black people.
Before the caller could finish her thought, Dr. Laura lays into her, spouting off “n****,n****,n****,” and when the woman calls her out on it, Laura’s tirade gets worse.
After the show, public outrage ensued, forcing Laura to apologize, saying
I talk every day about doing the right thing. And yesterday, I did the wrong thing…I was attempting to make a philosophical point, and I articulated the N -word all the way out — more than one time. And that was wrong. I’ll say it again — that was wrong.I think it’s a lame apology. The problem is, the woman was not asking Laura to validate her feelings. She just wanted advice on how to handle the situation. Instead, Dr. Laura chose to spew out one of the most offensive words in the English language, and tell the caller that she shouldn’t marry out of her race if she is hypersensitive. What a terrible way to handle the call. Very disappointing.
Take a listen for yourself, and share your opinion.
She didn't even use the word in a derogatory way. Of course, Tila's little sycophants are all over this, bashing Dr. Laura, someone they probably know nothing about.
Here's an exchange I found quite interesting and disturbing:
I dont see what is so rasict about that dr laura is telling the truth and i am of mixed race they do use the nigger word on tv its not like she was calling her a nigger she just said they use that word alot on tv and its only ok for black people to say it which i find crazy its just shows everyone how badly we belittle our own race but she is right the truth hurts dont it i like this lady and tila you are asian and you use the nigger word all the time so shove it
Just because some stupid people use the word on tv doesn't make it right. Who cares if they use it, this lady who called thinks it is not right to use it and she wants to know from a "doctor" how to handle it with her relatives when they use it. That is like saying "well serial killers kill all the time so why should you have a problem with killing"
Alternative Conservative,
Doctor Laura,
the n word,
The Rotspot,
Posted by
Pelosi is a Target
AP Photo/Louie Traub
Click title of post for full story.
Pelosi "is the most disliked, distrusted person in American politics," Republican strategist Chris LaCivita says, a claim hotly disputed by her admirers. Pelosi's hard-driving efforts to pass health care and other bills contribute to her reputation, LaCivita said, but what is more important, she is the personification of a deeply unpopular Congress.She is scheduled to attend 35 fund-raising events for her party. Even though Pelosi may help raise money, in the eye of the voters, she is representative of the stench that is congress. She is too divisive of a character and will most likely be proven toxic to anyone she associates with.
So glad the country will be removing the trash in November.
Alternative Conservative,
Nancy Pelosi,
Posted by
Blago Watch!
AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast
The jurors on the trial have stated that they have finally agreed on 2 counts. 2 counts out of 24, and 11 haven't even been touched in their deliberation.
Click title of post for full article.
The 11 counts the jury has yet to discuss involve wire fraud. Most of them deal with FBI wiretap recordings and the allegation that Blagojevich tried to sell or trade President Barack Obama's old Senate seat.
The jurors did not say which two of the 24 counts they had agreed on, nor what their decision was.
Well, the fact that it's taking so long does seem to look good for the defense. How sad. The defense didn't even call any witnesses. I'm in shock.
Thoughts? Comments?
Alternative Conservative,
Rod Blagojevich,
Posted by
Gay Marriage On Hold
Judge Vaughn Walker has ruled for a hold on gay marriages. Opponents have until Aug. 18, to receive a ruling from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
Click post for full article.
This whole thing is such a mess. I still am shocked that gays want to get married anyway. I guess I'm old and, from the old school, where gays used to want nothing to do with straight traditions.
Click post for full article.
This whole thing is such a mess. I still am shocked that gays want to get married anyway. I guess I'm old and, from the old school, where gays used to want nothing to do with straight traditions.
Alternative Conservative,
Judge Vaughn Walker,
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3 Things You Should Know About Islam
Alternative Conservative,
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Blago Watch!
11 days of deliberating have gone by and still nothing? What kind of morons are on this jury? This should have taken them 11 minutes.
Part of the difficulty is that the alleged corruption was not as straightforward as someone walking into Blagojevich's office and plopping bags of cash bribes on his desk.
Instead, the then-governor is heard on the FBI wiretaps - the core of the government's case - talking, sometimes circuitously, about using gubernatorial decisions for personal gain.
Sorry, I'm not buying this. I think Blago has some jury influence going on. There's something really suspicious going on. The government was taping him for a reason. They had enough information that showed something corrupt was going on. They have hours and hours of him taking about all sorts of different deals AND, referring to the power of appointing someone to the Senate seat as "f#cking golden," that he's not giving it up for "nothing." Give me a break. He's guilty.
Alternative Conservative,
Rod Blagojevich,
Posted by
Iraqi Lt Gen Babaker Zebari Warns US Not to Pull Out of Iraq in 2011
Obama has announced his plans for our troops to be out of Iraq by August of 2011 but, many have voiced their opinion that leaving that soon would be dangerous for Iraq.
Lt Gen Babaker Zebari, an Iraqi General, as well as Minister Tariq Aziz, who was Saddam Hussein's Foreign Minister, have both expressed their concerns over the US pulling out so soon.
This is exactly the mistake Bush I made. He pulled out, didn't finish the job, and as a consequence, left a bad taste of the Western world in Iraqi's mouths. Us pulling out will not only make that area a playing ground for al-Qaida, but it will also increase the hostility the people have toward the US for bailing out on them again.
Gen Zebari told a defence conference in Baghdad that the Iraqi army would not be able to ensure the country's security until 2020 and that the US should keep its troops in Iraq until then."At this point, the withdrawal [of US forces] is going well, because they are still here, but the problem will start after 2011," he said.
"The politicians must find other ways to fill the void after 2011... If I were asked about the withdrawal, I would say to politicians: the US army must stay until the Iraqi army is fully ready in 2020."
There are those that say it wouldn't matter when we pulled out, there will always be problems associated with such action and, that the people of Iraq are going to have to step up and, take this over themselves.
Thoughts? Should the US pull out completely by next year? Should the US have announced this move to the world? I don't think it was wise for Obama to announce what our military plans are to the world. Is he concerned about protecting us and the Iraqis? Or, is it all about him trying to get himself and fellow democrats votes?
al Qaida,
Alternative Conservative,
Babaker Zebari,
Minister Tariq Aziz,
Posted by
Florida Wants to Crack Down On Illegals
Bill McCollum, who is the attorney general for the state of Florida wants to go even further than Arizona did when it comes to illegals. This proposal comes about to hopefully help his bid for governor.
It looks like some politicians are listening to the people. This is a good thing! I can't wait to see more people stepping forward and proposing similar measures.
Click title of post for full story.
McCollum is proposing an actual requirement for officials to check on immigration status. This is different from AZ, as theirs simply gives them permission to check, it is to be done at the officer's discretion.
"This legislation will provide new enforcement tools for protecting our citizens and will help our state fight the ongoing problem created by illegal immigration," McCollum said, presenting the proposed measures at an event in Orlando.
"Florida will not be a sanctuary state for illegal aliens," added McCollum, accompanied by Representative Will Snyder.
It looks like some politicians are listening to the people. This is a good thing! I can't wait to see more people stepping forward and proposing similar measures.
Click title of post for full story.
Alternative Conservative,
Bill McCollum,
illegal immigration,
Posted by
Border Security Bill
Tomorrow the Senate is expected to pass a border security bill that will help fund new agents for the US border patrol, at the border of US and Mexico. $600 million is what the cost of the legislation will be.
Click title of post for full story on Reuters.
Alternative Conservative,
border securtiy,
Posted by
Effort to Move Mosque From Ground Zero
AP Photo/Frank Franklin II
New York's governor, David Paterson, who is a democrat, has offered state aid, if the project of building a mosque at ground zero, were to be moved elsewhere. He is sensitive to the outrage of citizens who do not want this mosque located in the very place where 3,000 fellow citizens, family members, children, parents, friends, ect. were incinerated on 9/11/2001.
Click title of post for full article on A.P.
It's not just American's that are concerned. Check out this video:
I am thinking this country still has enough sanity that we will not allow this project to completion. Many of these politicians that are making arguments for the mosque are just pandering. It's obvious they are either afraid to do something that would be considered "un-PC" or, they might just be certified nuts. No logical mind could believe this is a good idea.
I tried searching for Obama's opinion on this topic but, came up empty handed. I'm confused. He had no problem commenting about a professor getting arrested and calling it racism but, this issue, a mosque being built where 9/11 occurred, the biggest attack on our nation's soil, and he hasn't chimed in yet with an opinion of some kind? No words of guidance? No leadership here? Figures. Maybe he's waiting it out. Maybe he doesn't believe it will move forward but, it would still be interesting to hear his thoughts on the topic.
Please comment.
Craigslist and Prostitution
Craigslist founder Craig Newmark
Even though Craigslist has come under fire before over it's erotic services section, which was removed, there is still a problem concerning the section that replaced it - the adult service section.
It is being reported that the section is facilitating prostitution and sexual exploitation of minors/trafficking.
The Washington Post featured an ad that was written by two women who have claimed that they were forced into prostitution and, also made to answer posts on Craigslist.
Craigslist seems to be the common denominator when investigating such cases concerning trafficking and prostitution.
"I was first forced into prostitution when I was 11 years old by a 28-year-old man.
"All day, other girls and I sat with our laptops, posting pictures and answering ads on Craigslist," the letter continued.
It's not just that. I've been on Craigslist. There is a section entitled "casual encounters." It's basically made up of people searching for random sex hook-ups with strangers. It is mostly filled with people who are homosexual. Sort of similar to a modern day-type bath house, people answer ads by meeting in public places at times and locations given or, they are to inquire for further instructions. Sure, there's nothing illegal about two people having sex but, the encouragement of such activity, seems to be dangerous to me.
Click title of this post for full article.
Craig Newmark has yet to make a statement concerning any of these allegations.
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Germany Closes Hamburg Mosque
Police raided the mosque on Monday and hunted for evidence of jihadist activities. BBC
The Hamburg Mosque, which is famously known for where 9/11 hijackers had met, was shut down by German police.
"We have closed the mosque because it was a recruiting and meeting point for Islamic radicals who wanted to participate in so-called jihad or holy war," said Frank Reschreiter, a spokesman for Hamburg's state interior ministry.Well, it looks like Germany made a great choice in shutting this down. I'm actually surprised that they did.
Click title of this post for full story from BBC.
Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Indonesian Cleric Arrested - Ties to Terrorism
AP Photo/Irwin Ferdiansyah
Abu Bakar Bashir, 72, was arrested for his connection to terrorism with al-Qaida. He has been arrested before so, he is no stranger to prison. While being taken into custody by the Indonesian government, he said, "This arrest is a blessing ... I will be rewarded by Allah!"
The fiery 72-year-old is best known as one of the co-founders and spiritual head of Jemaah Islamiyah, the al-Qaida-linked network responsible for a string of suicide bombings in the world's most populous Muslim nation, including the 2002 attacks on Bali island that killed 202 people, most of them Western tourists.Despite Bashir's denial, he has now been directly linked to terror acts and considered a leader- helping to move plans forward.
Recently, Bashir formed a new radical movement, Jemaah Ansharut Tauhid, or JAT, described by the Brussels-based International Crisis Group as an "ostensibly above-ground organization" that embraced individuals with known ties to fugitive extremists.
Bashir came under renewed police scrutiny in May after three JAT members were arrested for allegedly raising funds for al-Qaida in Aceh.
The cell was accused of planning gun attacks on luxury hotels in the capital in an alleged plot reminiscent of the attacks in India's financial center of Mumbai, where 10 gunmen rampaged through the city in 2008 and killed 166 people.
Charges from the polices, have to be filed in one week.
Abu Bakar Bashir,
Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Have You Seen This al-Qaida Leader?
AP Photo
Adnan Shukrijumah, is the man who is in charge. He is an al-Qaida operative. He has been living in the US some 15 years and, took the place of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, after Mohammed's arrest.
The FBI has been searching for Shukrijumah since 2003. He is thought to be the only al-Qaida leader to have once held permanent U.S. resident status, or a green card.A $5 million award has been issued, for information leading to the capture of this man. He was identified after the people involved with the NYC subway bombing pointed him out to authorities.
"What's dangerous about an individual that understands the U.S. is he may have a better sense of our security vulnerabilities and insights into how to terrify the American people using smaller attacks for large, political impact," said Brian Fishman, a counterterrorism research fellow at the New America Foundation. "This increases the risk of attacks outside traditional places we normally worry about like New York and Washington."Click title of post for full story.
Kagan To Be Confirmed
AP Photo/Alex Brandon
Elena Kagan will most likely be confirmed today as the 4th-ever female judge to serve for the US Supreme Court.
Republicans have harshly criticized Kagan, 50, as a political activist who would be unable to put aside her liberal views and render impartial decisions. Democrats defend the former Harvard Law School dean as a highly qualified legal scholar who could help bring consensus to the polarized court.
Who cares if she was dean? She's never been a judge! Like the idiot that appointed her, she has NO experience. She's an ideologue, plain and simple. She banned the military from recruiting at Harvard, citing their "no discriminatory" policy yet, isn't it ironic that the banning IS discriminatory? Don't ask, don't tell is what the law is and she has no respect for the law. She will be a typical liberal, activist judge that ignores the cry of the people, in favor of legislating from the bench.
Alternative Conservative,
Elena Kagan,
supreme court,
Posted by
California Judge Tells Voters FU- Gay Marriage Ban Overturned
District Court Chief Judge Vaughn Walker has ruled that Proposition 8 was unconstitutional, on Wed. Another judge wanting to rule from the bench, ignoring what the people of the state have voted upon.
Prop 8 will remain intact for now. The judge is going to make a further decision as to make the Proposition stay intact until they can move along to a higher court.
Click title of post for full article.
Prop 8 will remain intact for now. The judge is going to make a further decision as to make the Proposition stay intact until they can move along to a higher court.
Click title of post for full article.
Katie Couric - No, She's Not Biased At All
She's such a classy lady, isn't she?
Alternative Conservative,
Katie Couric,
Sarah Palin,
Posted by
Missouri Says No to Obama
Missouri passes Prop C. This is an initiative that was placed on the ballot that allows for MO to be exempt from the part of the health care bill that requires citizens to purchase health insurance.
"It's the vote heard 'round the world," said Dwight Janson, 53, from Glendale, clad in an American flag-patterned shirt. Janson said he went to one of the first Tea Party gatherings last year and hopped on the Proposition C bandwagon because he wanted to make a difference.Click title for full story.
Florida, Arizona, and Oklahoma also have similar initiatives that they will be voting on in November.
The question that is being brought up now is, will Obama spend our federal tax money to sue Missouri? He doesn't like anyone disagreeing with him, that's for sure. Expect to hear of a lawsuit soon. I'm betting on it coming.
Alternative Conservative,
health care,
Proposition C,
Posted by
Execute WikiLeaker Whistleblower
U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., said this week that the charges against the Wikileaks whistleblower are worthy of capital punishment. (AP)
Republican Rep. Mike Rogers, from Michigan, has stated that, if Pvt. Bradley Manning is found guilty, the punishment should be death.
Republican Rep. Mike Rogers, from Michigan, has stated that, if Pvt. Bradley Manning is found guilty, the punishment should be death.
"We know for a fact that people will likely be killed because of this information being disclosed," he told Michigan-based WHMI. "That's pretty serious. If they don't charge him with treason, they ought to charge him with murder.Yes, the punishment for treason is death penalty. He continued:
"I argue the death penalty clearly should be considered here," he said. "He clearly aided the enemy to what may result in the death of U.S. soldiers . . . If that is not a capital offense, I don't know what is."Currently Manning is being held and faces several charges.
Mosque At Ground Zero Approved
Click title of post for video from ABC.
The Muslims that want to build at the site right next to Ground Zero are claiming that it will bring about healing.
Healing? No, this is about rubbing it in our faces.
The project has been approved and, Mayor Micheal Bloomburg says that not allowing the mosque to be built would give terrorism a victory...or, some nonsense like that.
Unbelievable. I'm sorry. I cannot understand how having a mosque at Ground Zero is going to "promote peace and healing." No, it's only going to piss a bunch of people off.
The Muslims that want to build at the site right next to Ground Zero are claiming that it will bring about healing.
Healing? No, this is about rubbing it in our faces.
The project has been approved and, Mayor Micheal Bloomburg says that not allowing the mosque to be built would give terrorism a victory...or, some nonsense like that.
Unbelievable. I'm sorry. I cannot understand how having a mosque at Ground Zero is going to "promote peace and healing." No, it's only going to piss a bunch of people off.
Rolling Stone Writer - DENIED Embed
Remember that writer, Michael Hastings? You know, the guy that wrote that article in Rolling Stone that eventually ended the career of Gen. Stanley McChrystal? Well, he has now been denied permission to join the troops in Afghanistan- embed.
Click title of post for full article.
"There is no right to embed," Lapan said. "It is a choice made between units and individual reporters, and a key element of an embed is having trust that the individuals are going to abide by the ground rules. So in that instance the command in Afghanistan decided there wasn't the trust requisite and denied this request."Well, what comes around goes around, I suppose. If you want to write all of those things, you certainly have a right to do so but, don't complain when there are consequences. I'm glad to hear this. I hope he never is allowed to do a story about our military again.
Hastings did not immediately reply to requests for comment Tuesday. He has said he did nothing wrong in chronicling the banter, profanity and jocular insults among McChrystal's inner circle. In Twitter tweet late Tuesday, Hastings said he refused to participate in the army's IG investigation. Later, he tweeted: "the embed had already been approved for september. now it has been disapproved."
Click title of post for full article.
Gaga is Now Political?
Well, I don't know about you but, this Lady Gaga sort of just came out of nowhere. Like the rest of her cohorts, Gaga has decided to voice her opinion against AZ's new immigration law. Does this (explicative) even know what the hell is going on in Arizona? In this country? Does she even realize that the majority of the people across the entire country support AZ?
Stick to singing and being scantily clad because, you're 24 years old and, you don't know anything about politics.
Alternative Conservative,
immigration law,
Lady Gaga,
Posted by
Win in Virginia - Healthcare Challenged
Is forcing residents of the state of VA to have health insurance constitutional? This is the question that is being put up in front of the courts. On Monday, U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson, ruled that the state has a case. Obama's administration may actually have to be forced to justify what they have done by passing the health care bill. On what constitutional grounds did they feel this could be passed?
Did Obama pass a bill that is unconstitutional? Umm...I would say, "yes." I also think this could, hopefully, open up a whole can of worms forcing us to look at other bills that are unconstitutional.
"This healthcare bill is a monstrosity and will be a big issue in the fall," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told Reuters in an interview after the ruling. "We would repeal it and replace it were we given enough votes to do that."
"This lawsuit is not about healthcare, it's about our freedom and about standing up and calling on the federal government to follow the ultimate law of the land -- the Constitution," said Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli.
Now this is interesting:
Virginia also argued that because the Constitution does not allow the government to force a person to purchase something, therefore the federal government also would be powerless to levy a penalty or tax for failing to buy healthcare coverage.
The Obama administration has countered that the government always has the ability to levy taxes and that the Constitution places the federal government's powers over the states.
Uh-oh. Looks like Obama is going to have to change the argument. First he absolutely rejected that notion but, now he has to argue that it is a tax in order for it to be constitutional? I am hoping these words will come back to haunt him, in court. The fact is, the Democrats LIED to us, in order to pass this bill. Plain and simple.
Check out my previous post about the lies this administration has told concerning health care.
Alternative Conservative,
health care,
west virginia
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