
Exposing the Self-Hating Liberal

I always make a point of reading "the other side" for various reasons. I want to know what the other side of the argument is, and I'm usually quite amused at the very intolerable, ignorant things that come out of their fingers, through their keyboard, and onto my screen. 

I've seen comments like the one below before but, this one actually inspired me to write this particular blog: 
The reason why the Republicans continue to fight for these tax cuts is that they believe that those who make more money expend more effort ("work harder") and therefor "succeed" in society as a result of all their hard efforts. Of course, this is ludicrous. Those who "succeed" often are privileged to begin with, for one thing, and also often lie, cheat and steal to "get ahead." Republicans believe in ruthlessness as an essential part of human nature, which, makes them, really, not just unfit to rule, but makes them clinically insane.
Why do liberals think this way? We have to get into the mind of a liberal. First of all, many of the richest people in this country are liberal so, it's clear there is a lot of projecting going on.

Psychology always seems to rear it's head in all sciences and, politics is no different. People often project their inner beliefs, thoughts, and persona's upon others with their world views.  If someone is always lying, cheating, and stealing to get ahead, of course they are going to think that others around them constantly engage in that behavior as well. Clearly the writer of this post is someone who is projecting his own behavior upon others.

Liberals are notorious for blaming others for their problems. This is because they ironically believe it's failing, if they have to admit they did something wrong, or brought something bad upon themselves. They don't  want to accept that they create their own world's. They want to believe that everything is just a mistake, that it's all accidental, that some folks are just more lucky than others, that there is no real way of working to get ahead, nope, people are where they are because of who they are, not what they can become.

When you have this outlook, how can you possibly love yourself or, love life? You really can't. The bottom line is, liberals are self hating. They have an enormous amount of envy for others. They can't stand anyone having what they don't have. They truly hate themselves. If they are privileged, the still hate themselves because, they carry a guilt around with them. They think, they are lucky and it's so sad that others aren't lucky like them. So, naturally a self imposed guilt is placed upon their shoulders.

Does anyone question why these people do not really understand G-d? Many of them do not even believe He exists. How can you blame them? G-d is love, after all and, they don't even love themselves.

They have no sense of identity. They don't like to be American because, of what American values represent. They tear down anything that would prop themselves up for the sake of tolerance but, they also despise anyone that doesn't think the way they do. If there is a different opinion given, it's because that person, newspaper, news organization, is obviously funded  by a larger group of evil conservatives - a big vast conspiracy. True paranoia. It's similar to the boogie man. Yes, they are still children that believe in the boogie man, he's just a conservative now, not a shadow under the bed.

With taxes, for example, it's always about the "zero-sum" argument. The argument that suggests if one group is effected in a positive way, the other groups will  fail or, receive zero. The fact that all of us are connected in some way, makes this argument completely null and void. In fact, it's one of the most ridiculous arguments I've ever heard, as it's mathematically impossible. It's possible a different group will not be much affected but, to say that it's always negative or zero is complete ignorance.

For example, if the rich receive tax cuts, the amount they don't have to pay, is the amount the poor will lose. Well, on the surface, it may seem this way, beings the government likes to redistribute money taken from taxes and spending it on programs that mostly do benefit the poor. However, this is not true at all. In fact, cutting taxes has shown that revenues to the government actually increase. This puts more money into the economy and, by doing so, it helps everyone, not just the rich. The problem is, once the government is seeing all the new money come in, they like to spend even more, increasing debt.

Of course, cutting taxes doesn't always work, if the taxes are low already but, by experimenting with the taxes, you can determine the tax percentage, in a free economy, that will provide maximum output, along with maximum intake. If the taxes are at 0% or 100%, you will not see any revenue because, zero is obviously nothing and at 100%, people just won't bother going to work. They will avoid any taxes and, bring no revenue in. A thinking person can deduce that even though taxes may be a necessity, you can't raise them so high that there is no motivation for that person to work nor, can they be too low that they don't bring anything in.

This blog isn't about taxes though but, it is about how liberals will see facts and regardless of what common sense will tell them, they can't stand when someone, even themselves, has a lot of money. They simply don't care what reality may dictate. They want that person taxed, even if it's to their own detriment. If they see something as unfair, they need to be the ones that fix it. They do not believe things work themselves out. They believe in control. Again, irony appears when many of them cannot even control themselves.

Of course they hate themselves and they hate others. They are extremely selfish because of this. The only satisfaction they get in life is joining meaningless causes, that never truly help anyone, nor do they bother to actually donate to charities or, help people directly. No, it's much easier to sign a petition and, then lecture everyone else on the issue.

They absolutely despise the "moral majority" or the "religious right" but, that doesn't stop them from having an even bigger sanctimonious attitude. They will call anyone that doesn't agree with them a form of lower life. Looking down upon people is a huge sign of self-loathing.

It always frustrates me whenever I hear the left distort so many things about the right and what our views are but, when they actually do understand yet, say things like the post above, it just floors me how a person can be so negative. I also have to question just how many successful people this person actually knows. I have had the great fortune of knowing many successful people. Some have been privileged, nothing wrong with that but, most were, indeed, hard-working people who came from nothing.

Most anyone can be successful, evil or good. Oh, yes, there are evil people. No one is denying that but, the reason conservatives view successful people as generally good people is because, that is what is inside of us. We love to see success, we applaud it and want to encourage it for others. We don't want to tear people down. When we enter into business, it's not about ripping the competition apart, we know the market will make room for us, if we have a good product or service to offer.

The reason why the Republicans continue to fight for these tax cuts is that they believe that those who make more money expend more effort ("work harder") and therefor "succeed" in society as a result of all their hard efforts. 
We believe these things because, we ARE these things. Here is what liberals are:

Of course, this is ludicrous. Those who "succeed" often are privileged to begin with, for one thing, and also often lie, cheat and steal to "get ahead." Republicans believe in ruthlessness as an essential part of human nature, which, makes them, really, not just unfit to rule, but makes them clinically insane.

We focus on what we can do, not what others or the government will do for us. We take responsibility for our actions because, we know we create our own world and we love life because of it. We love life because, it's a gift. We love ourselves, and we love others. There is almost no self loathing when one is a conservative and, boy oh boy do liberals hate that.

*Yes, I'm referring to the more far left person, more then I am the general person. I used to be a lefty myself so, I know a lot of what I speak of. It does take one to know one...I've been there personally.


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