
Biden Worries For Another Attack

Biden says he's concerned another terrorist attack may occur here. However, he's not concerned that it will be something of the magnitude that we saw on 9/11. No, he thinks it will be something smaller, similar to what happened on Christmas, with the airplane headed to Detroit.

Click title of this post for the article running on the AP.

It is also being reported that Biden likes former vice president Dick Cheney but, feels he's wrong to handle the War on Terror. It's interesting the article forgot to remind us that Biden had actually said Cheney has been most dangerous VP in history (Oct 2008). I'm still not sure how he arrived at that conclusion. 

Why is Biden criticizing Cheney when, it's HIS administration that has seen several attacks from terrorists? The Bush administration dealt with 9/11; they then prevented further attacks from occurring here in the US. Biden really has no room to criticize anyone, especially when he's an active Vice President.

He also has a pretty spotty record when it comes to his voting in the Senate, concerning Homeland Securtiy.

He voted to cut $350B in military programs, from Star Wars to F-22's. (Dec 2007).

Universal national service, in military or Peace Corps. (Dec 2007). Evidently, he's not concerned with the importance of an all voluntary military.

Commitment to never use torture; no part of our policy, ever. (Sep 2007). It's only okay if the terrorists torture us.

He voted YES on adopting the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. (Oct 1999). I suppose this is because, you can negotiate with anyone and trust them to keep that promise as well.

He also voted YES on allowing another round of military base closures. (May 1999).

His record is right there. For years, Biden's votes have not been very military friendly, in my opinion. In order for this country to be safe, we need to have full support of the men and women that protect us.

As far as having another small terrorist attack, well, I agree. I think it's very possible that we could see more attempts or, smaller attacks. We have to start using common sense approaches when were dealing with various security policies.

Instead, Biden just casually mentions that terrorist attacks could happen. Well, that's great, Biden. What are you going to do about it? You're the one in a position of authority. What policies are you going to implement so that grannies, handicaps, children, ect. are not the ones being harassed at airports but, folks who are Muslim, are pulled aside and questioned and checked? It's time that we use common sense in this country when it comes to dealing with terrorism.

If you want to criticize Cheney, fine but, at least while he was in office, we didn't have attacks. He also didn't come out with such a casual statement about us being attacked again. He also didn't follow things up with no solution, other than criticizing someone.


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