
Message to Trayvon Supporters Who Are Always Bringing Up Racism Part I

I have been following this case from the time it hit main-stream media. Initially I was rather confused. The facts of the story were unclear yet, it was clear the media left no room for error. Zimmerman was a cold-blooded murderer who despised "coons." On that fateful night a young, BLACK CHILD walking with only candy and tea, was hunted down by a 350-pound, WHITE, ARMED MAN  who PROFILED Trayvon and shot him in cold blood; he had a deep-rooted desire to be a cop; he called 911 to report a black man in a HOODIE looking strange. He then got out of his car to chase Trayvon on foot. He refused to go back to his vehicle, even after the dispatcher commanded him to. He found  Trayvon and shot him dead, one time in the chest. The police knew it was cold-blooded murder and they let him go that night. No arrest was made.They refused to arrest him because they too hated this young boy because he was black. They are all RACISTS! 

Yeah, this story didn't make much sense to me. Really? He killed him because he was black? They are ALL racists? Really? Who cares if he wore a hoodie? Well, what was this kid doing? Who the hell says, "coons" in 2013? Why did this guy call 911 before hunting a child down for the sole purpose of killing him? Doesn't that sort of defeat the purpose?   Oh the horror! Afterall, only evil people want to be cops!

Well, it turns out pretty much everything that was initially sold to the public concerning the details of this case have been proven to be either false, misrepresented, or bold-faced lies. Still, I continue to see Trayvon supporters carry on with details and information that are completely innacurate and must be corrected. This post is a sincere attempt to encorage people to go over the facts and think for themselves, rather than think what you are told.

If you're black and/or white, you know details of this case (or at least you THINK you do), and when you finally drew your conclusions you did so without using the words: racist and/or profiling, I am not addressing you. We can only agree to disagree.

I recently watched an episode of Dr. Drew where Todd Bridges made a guest appearence in order to comment on the George Zimmerman trial. He supports Trayvon however, he was fair in his analysis and did not label Zimmerman a racist. Here is an example of someone I can respect. So, Todd, I love you. You entertained me for years as a child and you've overcome a great deal of obsticles. I think you're nuts to go against Zimmerman however, you have my full respect since you have taken a stand and left the race card at home, under your bed. For that I thank you and consider this post not directed toward you or others like you.

I'm also not addressing you if you're under 25. You don't know, you won't know, and I don't care how "smart" you think you are, you do NOT have the wisdom-IQ that is a prerequisite of understanding the meaning of this post. Come back and read this when you're older, in your 30's. I will admit there are some very mature 25 years and younger people but, not many. No, I am not talking down to you; this has nothing to do with your brilliance. It has more to do with spiritual growth, (something this country's culture is lacking like a scurvy-victim needing Vitamin C). I would just rather warn you NOW that you would simply be wasting your time reading this. I am being respectful or your time and mine.

Lies, Lies, and More Lies

Once again, we have a case in America that is dividing people NOT by law or logic, which is what our justice system should be about. Nope. Once again it's "Team Liberal vs. Team Conservative"! ...and ONCE AGAIN, the race card is all that matters.

Trayvon black. Good. Zimmerman white. Bad. Oh wait. He's Hispanic, make that "White" Hispanic. Bad. Very bad.

Now...we got that out of the way...

Dear Trayvon Supporters, 

I am going to do my best to speak to you as respectful as you have allowed me to be because, at times I don't feel that any of you actually "want" to be respected. I can draw no other conclusion since you actively ignore facts in favor of supporting your desired outcome, a sign of a brain disorder, BTW.

I don't understand why it is so many of you have such a desire to be talked down to and belittled over your idiocy. It's as if you enjoy it but time and time again you have proven that your only real concern is your "feelings." This is the main reason I perceive many of you supporters as being liberal.

Like liberals, your feelings are to be considered so important  that they actually represent the feelings of an  entire race, religion, gender, age, etc. Facts and the context in which those facts play out become completely irrelevant. No, to the liberal, it is their feelings that override all history, philosophy, psychiatry, math, logistics, etc., etc. Oh, and life just shows its ironic face, doesn't it? Since these are the very SAME people who purport to know "so much" and commonly refer to themselves as intellects.

I have to say that if there's one thing I am sick of it is the constant whining and complaining that revolves around the issue of race concerning Zimmerman and Martin.

Let's get a few things straight here... It's people like you [race whiners] who inadvertently carry on the victimization of blacks in this country. Do you honestly think you are doing yourself or anyone else any favors? What kind of a selfish fool do you have to be to constantly be focused on BS like racism, even when it doesn't apply to a particular situation? You seem so eager to wear the badge of VICTIM, ("Look at me! I'm a victim!"), it becomes so frustrating to communicate with you! All you ever say is foolish crap like, "Well that doesn't matter; he's a RACIST!" You choose to drive a wedge between the races out of SPITE and nothing more. Your pride is only making division in this country run deeper, similar to the division between your soul and your ego.

Oh, and you white people who do this are even worse. How dare you encourage minorities to be victims! How dare you! You all should be ashamed of yourselves. The only interest you have is coming off as a do-gooder for the other race, all to "show off" how much you just really love minorities, like black folks. Sorry but you don't fool me.

I know there are liberals and conservatives who exist that are racist [law of averages]. Racists are everywhere and they do not know ideology, race, religion, or country of orgin. When speaking of American conservatives, I would label many of us as being descriminitive, not racist. I also feel that most liberals fall into this category as well.

It's natural for people of a certain race to be around others of their race, that's where they come from; that's what they know; it's not racist.

However, conservatives are more focused on character, spirituality, health, actions, behaviors, speech, and other observable variables, whereas the left is obsessed with race, sex, religion/atheism, and variables that cannot easily be altered, if at all. A person can change their behaviors; they cannot change their race.

Another element, as it pertains to this case, is one of standards. People who are supporters of Trayvon are inadvertainly telling their children it's okay to look as though you are loitering; it's okay to use marijuana; it's okay that you are suspended from school multiple times; it's okay to approach someone following you; it's okay to attack someone. It is this kind of "approved behavior" that ultimately gets people in trouble in the first place, especially within the black communities.

Let's face it, blacks are a minority in this country yet, they are arrested in higher percentages vs. white people compared to their representation in the overall population. Why? It's simple. The message to our black children over the past 30 years is telling them they are entitled to act any way they like and should not have to answer to anyone. Had Trayvon been a white boy and Zimmerman a black man, we would not be discussing this story. Nobody would have heard anything about this case. Why? It's because white people and their children are held to a much higher standard. They are expected to follow the rules; a white Trayvon would have been expected to have gone home because he had plenty of time to do so. So how is that we wonder why blacks are still very much oppressed in this country? It's because they are encoraged by their own leaders to have low standards set across the board. What's worse is that white people go along with this; they too, refuse to hold blacks to the same standard as their peers because they automatically expect less. If you are white or black and you make demands of higher expectations than you are labeled a racist and an Uncle Tom accordingly.

How can us conservatives break through this wall you have built? Whomever dares to stand up to the current trend of liberal ideology and how it affects minorities is shunned. What I need you to understand is what so many conservatives try everyday to get through to you is that we love you. We want you to have a good life and that cannot happen if you are focused on being a victim. You must let go of hate and focus on personal responsibility and demand more from yourself and from others around you and that should never be geared towards these physical factors that you all seem to be so enamored with.

Without higher standards, success in an individual as well as a race will not happen. Instead by supporting these behaviors and finding them acceptable you are only ensuring further victimizaiton and violence among our black brothers and sisters. Look at the behavior of successful blacks in our country. They do not "act white;" they act with decency, respect, staying out of trouble, and work to educate themselves. They take personal responsibilty for their actions and do not blame their challenges on others. These are people who set high standards for themselves. Setting higher standards helps facilitate success and that has nothing to do with a person's skin color.

All one has to do is look at the history of blacks in this country to understand how it became possible for their ulitmate freedom from slavery. It wasn't only white people doing goody-goody work. It was blacks themselves who took initiative and lead their people. They formed the Republican party. They took part in politics and demanded nothing but the best from themselves and others who were black. They encouraged education, families with mothers and fathers, and they also faught against gun control (which has always been about keeping minorities, specifically blacks, unarmed).

Let me share with you a story that will demonstate to you the negative impact that can occur when someone is hyper-focused on something like race...

Several years back I had to take my car in to get repaired. I was in a situation ...I don't know; I had to go to my house to get a key. I remember that it was a key. It may have been the key to my parents' house. In any case, the drive to my house was about a half-hour and the repair shop said they would take me wherever I would like to go.

The driver took me home to get my keys and on the way, we had started talking about different things, mostly small talk but it wasn't forced or anything. He was a very nice man and he happened to be black. After I obtained the key at my house, he asked if I was hungry because he really wanted to stop and get something to eat. We immediately agreed to a Subway located very close to my house. We parked, went inside, ordered, came back to the vehicle, and started back toward our destination. We ate along the way.

The first thing this man said to me when we got back in the vehicle was, "Wow. They sure didn't like seeing a black man with a white girl, huh?"

Okay. At this point I was very confused. I had no idea what he was talking about. "Umm...what do you mean?"

"Well, ya know, they were staring at us. Bad. You could tell."

"I don't know. Everyone in the Midwest stares at everyone. I wouldn't guess it would have to do with race at  all. It's certainly not the 1950's," I pointed out. "Had either of us gone in there alone, we would have been stared at."

"Ya know, you're right. People DO stare at everyone around here. I guess I hadn't thought about that."

I simply pointed out to him that anything is possible but the reality is, most people are more interested in their own lives rather than giving a crap about a "white" woman and a black man entering a Subway. I also informed him that I wasn't exactly "white" either, and we both had a laugh. I knew I had helped him see a situation in an entirely different light. I watched a light come on inside his mind, through his eyes. It was actually a real beautiful moment to watch.


STOP assuming the worst in people and STOP assuming any action by others is motivated by other people's race. The Midwest, for instance, is filled with people who stare at others. It's just a fact. Black, white, other... you're going to be stared at. I don't know why people do it. I really don't but, that's just how many people are around here.

When people carry these unnecessary feelings of what they "think" someone else is thinking, it makes them bitter, angry, sad, depressed, and nothing good. This man for years thought white people didn't like him simply because he was black yet, he never thought about the reality. He was so conditioned to be the victim of "white-hate" that he never before considered all those stares could be explained away from the bordem of people in the Midwest.

People have to stop living in such a negative state of reality. Even if some whites hate blacks, WHO CARES? Those people are idiots you wouldn't want to associate with anyway. Screw 'em.

A person's focus and interest should be on their own beliefs and being a positive example for others. Don't like racists? Don't be one. That's your job; worry about yourself.

I am certainly not blind to the hate and stupidity that is most certainly present within ALL races in America. Blame the media. Blame yourselves. Don't blame George Zimmerman. When I see hate coming from the whites and other ethnic groups, it is much more rare and only comes from very small sects who are predominately shunned from their average peer group. I do not witness this among the black community. Instead, I see black leaders leading their people to hate and division -- the very things your race fought so hard to eliminate! Your ancestors went through hell and back to overcome these issues, create a more homogenous culture, and stand firm by the Christian message of love for ALL, not just your race.

I don't care what you think of me. I'm no racist and if I were, I'd sit back and not say anything. "Apathy is the glove into which evil slips its hand." ...said someone much wiser than me. People who are racist at their core do not care what other races think or believe. I DO care. I want people to be American and think with logic and reason, not with hateful emotion. Zimmerman and Martin were both AMERICANS.

I am 100 percent behind Zimmerman and I would also be if he were black. I would support him if he were Asian, White, or my favorite -- polka-dot. For G-d's sake, people, it doesn't matter what his race is and I can't stress that enough.

I am begging you, BEGGING YOU, with all of my heart, to please consider some things in a logical way, rather than jump on a man because you assume emotions that have not been substantiated by any other evidence that has been presented.

I am telling you that the original story you were told is wrong and filled with lies. You must allow your mind to clear itself  of bias, anger, hate, and start again. Start at the very beginning...

IF you are ready and willing to do so...go to part II.


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