
When the Law of Attraction Doesn't Work So Well - Magical Thinking -- Hollywood and Politics

I think most all of us by now have heard of, The Secret or The Law of Attraction. Overall, these type of books give readers advice on the value of positive thinking. You are encouraged to focus on the things you want in your life and visualize them as if they are already there. Some of these books encourage you to keep a journal or make a visual board, where you keep yourself focused on your goals. Gratitude is another emotion that is important for a person to have and this will help bring your desires into your life faster.

So why am I bringing this topic up?

For those of us who spent the past several months following the Jodi Arias' trial we have heard The Law of Attraction come up. Jodi made claims in her diary, on her blog, and during her testimony that she was following this Law. This is the reason she gives us for her not writing everything down inside of her diary. She claims that by writing that stuff down, she would be focusing on the negative and thereby giving more power to negative acts, bringing more of them into her life.

There is another pseudo-celebrity that I followed for a bit because she was continually (still does) creating dramatic scenes around her, begging anyone who would listen for attention -- Tila Tequila. She too has made claims of following The Law of Attraction. There are many websites on the internet that have followed the many antics of Tila. If you are not entirely familiar with her, don't worry. Basically she was once referred to as being the MySpace queen. She was chosen to be on a popular magazine cover and somehow landed her own reality show. After her show was cancelled, Tila apparently took up a music career. She tried her hand at blogging for her own celebrity gossip website, claiming she would de-thrown the famous Perez Hilton. Nowadays, she feeds her fans warnings of the Illuminati, Alex Jones-style.

It is the actions between these failures that have concerned many people. Tila has quite a few young fans and they do not catch on to her lies and manipulations. Tila has done all sorts of different stunts that should have people very concerned. She has faked suicide attempts, lied about being pregnant, made wild accusations of abuse, has actively "gathered" her very young fans into what she calls her "Tila Army," had a quick love affair and rapid engagement to Casey Johnson (a well-known socialite and billionaire heiress who was found dead very shortly after their engagement), stripteased to these young fans, called a 14 year old for adult conversation, and as of recent she has been exposed for going to Canada and spending time with a young man only 17 years of age.

Perhaps there is something about this "Law of Attraction" that attracts those who suffer from mental problems. Certainly there is nothing wrong with encouraging people to think positive and have gratitude but it's almost as if many people see this law as some sort of "magical-thinking-solution" that can give anyone, anything they want without having to actually do anything to get it.

There were people who were interviewed on tv who said that Jodi was looking for an easy way to success. She wanted to find the shortest, quickest way to climb to the top. As for Tila, she also seems to go after the "get rich quick" strategies like staring in adult films and booking shows where she reportedly doesn't show up or shows up late, not fulfilling her contracts, and then bailing with the money given to her in advance. Neither of these two women have demonstrated an awareness of integrity and its importance for sustained success.

When I think of these two women and their desire for using The Law of Attraction, I can't help but wonder if world leaders like Obama subscribe to this nonsense as well. It does seem as though Obama likes to believe he doesn't really have to "do" anything. Somehow, even with his utter lack of experience, he found himself to be suitable to take upon the highest office in the land. He can just think positive and it'll all work out for him. He seems to ignore the reality of many situations and scandals that have come about from his administration. Just like Tila and Jodi, Obama shows no concern for personal responsibility, often passing the issue off to others or blaming the "previous administration" something that NO Republican in office in their second term could ever get away with. Notice how thin-skinned he is when he is criticized. He becomes angry and somewhat erratic. His side-kick Biden is no different -- completely out of control, blurting out insane comments and blaming and accusing everyone under the sun but himself and the administration.

Interesting how the media has chosen to widely ignore Benghazi but even before this they ignored Fast and Furious as well. They seem to play into his fantasy world and justify it by lashing out at others for criticism. The media would love for the world to believe that the ONLY reason anyone criticizes Obama is because deep-down, they are just hate-filled racists. To them, Obama is above criticism and there simply is "nothing to see here," no mater what evidence is presented to them, it's all about others being "haters."

When it comes to analyzing Tila, this is always the case. She does nothing wrong and is only a victim of haters hating her. She does everything right because she's a angel of G-d who has been sent here to teach us how to truly live. When you criticize her, she will put you on blast via Twitter or Facebook, and accuse you of all sorts of things, including a racist. I can't help but see the exact actions coming from Obama and his administration.

Supporters of Jodi are equally diluted. They believe Travis was a monster but based on what evidence? None. They only have the word of a pathological liar. Her supporters, like the media live in a fantasy world of some sort. It doesn't matter the amount of proof concerning guilt; it only matters that they are right and everyone else is wrong.

Benghazi IS a big deal. If Obama were white, polka-dot, gay, poor, whatever -- it does NOT matter... this IS an issue that is of great concern. He is the president for goodness sake. Where did the idea of blaming a video come from? Why was the filmmaker arrested and nothing was done about it, even AFTER it was discovered the video had nothing to do with the attack? What on earth was Obama doing? Of course the left, as usual, are looking at this situation through their warped-reality glasses that only show them two things -- Obama good, Republican bad. Obama is above any criticism in their minds because he is some sort of "magical figure" in their minds. Tila has her "army" and Jodi has her supporters who act the same.

If democrats just think really hard, they can parse words and say there was no "stand down order."

Turner: Now, do you know why they were told to stand down? Did Colonel Gibson give you any information or understanding? 
Hicks: I actually don’t know why. 
Turner: Is there any reason to believe that the situation in Benghazi was over? There were a number of series of attacks, as you’ve described it to us. Any reason to describe that there was no longer any danger in Benghazi? 
Hicks: No, it was every reason to continue to believe that our personnel were in danger. 
Turner: Mr. Hicks, Mr. Chaffetz has given me an article that appeared in USA Today just this week. And just as early as last Monday, Major Robert Firman, a Pentagon spokesman, said that the military's account that was first issued weeks after the attacks hasn’t changed. “There was never any kind of stand-down order to anybody.” Now, that’s a pretty broad statement, “anybody.” What’s your reaction to the quote by Mr. Firman? 
Hicks: I can only again repeat that Lieutenant Colonel Gibson said he was not to proceed to board the airplane. 
Turner: So your first-hand experience being on the site, standing next to Colonel Gibson, who was on his way on that C-130 transport and being told not to go, contradicts what Mr. Firman is saying on behalf of the Pentagon? 
Hicks: Yes sir.
If Obama just "thinks" really hard about Benghazi being a positive thing, it will all go away. If democrats can just keep holding on to their imagined perception of the situation, plug their ears, stomp on the floor, yell things like "Faux News is evil!" and call people racists who don't agree with them, this will all just go away. In some cases, there is no doubt that this type of thinking actually works, but at what cost?

When people are not sufficiently grounded in reality on either side -- left or right -- not only will they ultimately suffer, the people around them will as well. Haven't we witnessed this in recent years when observing Clinton? He tried so hard to deny, deny, deny but the truth came out and he made his wife look like a fool and I can't imagine the embarrassment his daughter must have felt. As time has passed, his legacy has diminished; people no longer give him credit for things because he has been exposed as a liar, a fraud. Eventually people wake up and discover the truth. All the wishful thinking in the world cannot change that.

Being positive is wonderful. Keeping sight on your personal goals is a must. Gratitude is a wonderful feeling that should always be expressed but, action is what is required for success. Deliberate, goal-seeking, defined action, rooted in REALITY and integrity is what ultimately creates solid success. There simply is no "magical formula." For those who suffer from mental illness however, it's clear that this message will be much harder for them to understand, mostly because they have no desire to. For them the easy way is the only way.


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