
If You Waddle....

If you are a person that waddles, walks with a limp, moves slow for whatever various reason, could you please move over to the RIGHT so, that others can pass you? There's nothing more annoying than having to walk directly behind someone because, they insist on walking right down the middle of a hallway, instead of having some common courtesy and moving the hell over! Then, if you're lucky and they DO move, they move to the LEFT?!?! This isn't Europe!

I swear that people who do this are liberals. Yes, I can turn anything into a political conversation! It's just a gift I have. The truth is, I can't imagine the mind of a conservative doing this. Only a liberal would think they are "entitled" to block other people, or annoy the holy crap out of someone just because, they've convinced themselves they are "equal" to everyone.

Here's some bad news, if you waddle, you are NOT equal to anyone that can walk at a normal speed. You are slow and that's the way it is. No one is taking your rights away or, going to treat you different in a court of law. In fact, you might have an advantage because the jury might not believe one who waddles would commit a crime but, I digress....Please, get a clue and quit pissing people off for the sport of it!

I haven't the foggiest clue as to why some waddle but, I do notice that many of these folks don't seem to have a limp (also folks that need to move out of the way), they just appear to be very overweight. They just need to lose some weight. In the meantime, they need to move over so folks who are healthy can move at a normal pace.

Liberals don't think about other people. They only think about themselves and what they want. They won't do anything unless there's recognition of some kind. I have a feeling that many of them would gladly move over if they knew someone would hand them a prize after wards, maybe like a Nobel Peace Prize. Something that shows the world how courteous they are. The truth is, doing things in order to get some praise, isn't doing good at all.

So, here's to the folks that know they are slow for being a fatty or, having a physical issue and know to just go ahead and move over to the right. They know they aren't in a race but, have the decency to get out of the way for folks that want to walk at a regular pace. G-d Bless each and everyone of you!


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