
Obama Vows To Protect Americans - To Bad He Released Them From Gitmo

Obama has been on vacation and was on vacation during this last terror attack. However, he did manage to tell the American people that we should be reassured that he will protect us.

You can see the previous posts that I have to get more details on the attack itself. You can also click on the title to get the story that is currently running on the AP.

Is it surprising anyone that the press isn't hounding the crap out of Obama for being on vacation? After all, anytime Bush went on vacation, it seemed as if the world had ended! How dare he take a vacation! Well, what's good for the goose....

It turns out that this Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab is being held in a federal prison. Excuse me? Why is he not being held by the military? They are actually going to have a hearing to see if they can get his DNA?! What? Take it! I don't understand how Obama is vowing to protect us yet, treating someone like this with kid gloves. I'm not saying we should behead the guy on a webcam. Seriously, I'm not advocating that but, I am saying this guy needs to be interrogated behind closed doors, and with whatever equipment is deemed necessary to get information out of this man. Not sitting in a federal prison, protected by OUR constitution! Our constitution doesn't protect sworn enemies, who are claiming to work for terrorists intending to destroy this country.

Oh, there will be a review and they are going to find out why a guy with no visa, on a watch list, was able to board a flight with liquids!?!?! How on earth did this happen?! Who is working at these airports? Someone on the inside let this man on the plane. Couldn't that be a possibility?

I guess we'll just have to see how this plays out. I don't trust Obama or his administration. I just don't. I'm afraid that the only people that are going to be punished are the folks that love this country, not the ones that want to kill in the name of some virgin-handing out god.

So, the latest to this story is that the men who were behind this plot, were released from Gitmo! This is insane! If this is true, Obama is going to have some major explaining to do.

Click this article title to read the full story -

Men believed behind airplane plot were freed from Gitmo


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