
Clinton E-Mails - Criminal Probe

The New York Post is reporting their source has revealed that contrary to what Clinton's camp has claimed-- saying the e-mail probe is civil and fact-finding, the probe is actually being done to determine criminal activity.

Hilary Clinton could potentially be prosecuted under the same statute as CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus was.
The inspector general for the intelligence community has told Congress that of 40 Clinton e-mails randomly reviewed as a sample of her correspondence as secretary of state, four contained classified information.
With the campaign nearing it will be interesting just how authorities will handle this situation. Apologists for Hilary will insist this is a witch-hunt before we even have the full rundown of what may have been contained in these e-mails. Those who dislike Hilary run into the danger of exaggerating this issue, which may or may not be justified at this point; we simply do not know.

Unfortunately for the Clinton's they have always been surrounded by these corrupt actions. Eight years of Bill in The White House brought nothing but scandal and bizarre abuses of power, especially abuse toward women Can we expect the same from Hilary? I see almost nothing that says otherwise. Hilary has long had issues with corruption and of course her memory.
Do you recall that while testifying before congressional investigators as first lady, she answered "I don't know" or "I don't remember" 250 times?
I do hope that the American people will be reminded of Hilary's flippant attitude that seems to carry on to this day. She has never been one to take blame for anything, even going so far as to claim right-wing conspiracies out to get her and her husband.

The one thing Hilary does have going for her is the current age of identity politics. Simply put, she's a woman and with many people insisting on identifying with politicians based solely on a person's race or gender, this is clearly an advantage. People will vote for her simply because of who she is and not at all about what she can offer.

Is Hilary a good leader? Can we answer this question? Here again it depends on who you ask. It does appear that initially her time in the Senate seemed to take off well. She was active and managed to get a few bills passed. She is also commended for reaching across the aisle and working with Republicans. However, as her time in office carried on, her production declined along with her approval ratings, and even more so when she initially ran for president. Her performance as Secretary of State is overall pretty dismal and this is one area that most people in the center (either just right or left), can agree on.

However, unless something substantial is found in these e-mails, I'm just not sure how much this will hurt her overall but, the potential drama at least adds some excitement into the race for presidency.


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