
Straight A Students Rewarded With Pizza Party -- How Dare They!

Eastern Middle School in Silver Springs, MD decided to hold a pizza party for their straight A students. Students who acquired B's and C's were allowed to attend after school but received no pizza and those students who received lower grades were not invited at all.

Watching this story and the media's take on how unfair it was ...ugh... My first reaction? Is this a joke? Are we really complaining about a school rewarding their top students? Since when is incentive a bad thing? WTF?

Apparently, children who work hard should not be rewarded and a pizza party should be given to all students, even if they are lazy and refuse to do their work. Does this make any sense to anyone? What on earth has happened in this country that we are afraid of encouraging and rewarding good students? WTF?

Not fair? What is not fair is allowing kids who did poorly to also be rewarded. Is it any wonder our schools are failing, with this sort of attitude being promoted in the media?

The reporter even seemed to shun the straight A students, asking if the pizza made them smarter and if they thought it was fair? How RUDE! This reporter should be ashamed.

There are winners and loser in this world. That's how life is. What good is school if we are not teaching students reality?

Eastern Middle School in Silver Spring, MD


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