
The Top 3 Talking Points Liberals/Democrats Won't Shut Up About

I like to argue. It's no secret. I'm notorious for waging wars with liberals. Inevitably, I have noticed a pattern with them recently. There seem to be three main points that they just cannot get enough of trying to make. I'm not sure if it's directly from Democrat talking point memos or, if it's coming from their various news sources like The Huffington Post, The Daily Kos, ect. I'm not sure but, it's very consistent, which leads me to believe it's most likely coming from a main source.

It doesn't matter what the topic is. It can be about immigration, the economy, abortion, gun control, health care, the war, ect. these three talking points WILL be brought up. So, let's discuss them, shall we? 

1) Sarah Palin. I am pretty baffled by this on. Sarah Palin is best known for being asked to be John McCain's running mate in the 2008 presidential election. The pair did not win. Sarah Palin also stepped down from her gubernatorial position in Alaska. She has since been seen in the media at major Tea Party functions.

Apparently this is all too much for the liberals. There's something about her that they just can't seem to handle. I haven't been able to pin any of them down on why they are obsessed with bringing her into the discussion but, they seem to label anyone that is conservative as an individual that is stupid, "just like Sarah Palin."

The problem is, she's really not a part of the political scene anymore. Sure, she has spoken at Tea Party functions but, is that really such a threat to the American Republic that liberals have to shrill the way they do over her? No. I think it's pure paranoia. I also think they are intimidated by an attractive woman being in politics. For years, their party has only been able to come up with woman like Nancy Pelosi, who lack in the aesthetically pleasing department. 

Bottom line, Sarah hasn't announced running for any future political positions, nor is she currently holding an active political office. Their point is mute and only comes from hatred, due to mommy issues.

2) Fox News. The "I-think-I'm-clever-and-I-hope-you-haven't-noticed-that-other-liberals-have-been-doing-this-for-years" liberal will write, "Faux News." This is somehow supposed to show the conservative reader how witty and free-thinking they are. Irony aside, it's clear that none of them actually have taken the time to watch Fox News.

The liberal will usually bring this up telling you, the conservative, that your opinions come directly from "Faux News," who are owned and operated by the Republican party. They also like to make note of how Fox is not "fair and balanced" yet, somehow CNN and the other alphabet channels are?

The way to shoot this one down is pointing out the fact that they are clearly the ones getting information from someone else because, if they actually watched Fox News, they would know it's not as conservative as they imagine it to be. Furthermore, I always ask them what is so threatening about mentioning the "other side" because, that is what Fox does. They at least try to offer the news from a different mind frame, something the other main stream media outlets never entertain.

Again, pure paranoia. What is it that liberals find so horrible about the news offering a different opinion, one that is not lock in step with theirs? This argument is so easy to refute because, you have all the other stations that don't even attempt to give conservative angles. One station should hardly be a threat to their almost media monopoly. I've never had a liberal begin to answer or, try and explain this.

3) It's Bush's fault. So, now we come to the most absurd but, in the liberal's mind, a genius observation. Well, I don't think anyone is going to argue that Bush did some things that may not have been the best for the country. I think conservatives have been quite critical of him.

Liberals like to mention the tax cuts but, they fail when they accuse them of being something bad or horrible for this country. First, the tax cuts kept the country from going further in recession. Yes, Bush inherited a recession. That is just ONE aspect of the economy. The problem was never the tax cuts. The problem was and, still is spending. Both Bush/Republicans and Democrats have equal blame in this department. To put everything on Bush because, he was trying to reach out across the aisle is absurd.

We had 8 years of Clinton, who absolutely ignored terrorism from the Muslim world. This inaction, inevitably led up to 9/11. I didn't hear these people blaming Clinton. Bush had been in office for 9 months. There were folks that had made the point that Clinton didn't go after Bin Laden, after the '93 WTC bombing. It was a valid point but, no one allowed for passing the blame on Clinton.

Now, these SAME people make the argument that Obama just can't fix in two years what Bush did for 8. Well, isn't that funny? Bush couldn't fix in 9 months what Clinton did to destroy this country in 8 as well. No, what was good for Bush then, is good for Obama now and, there is no blaming Bush when you have Obama tripling the size of our deficit. This is HIS economy now.

I hope the democrats will get the memo that these points are simply useless and, usually have nothing to do with the topics you find yourself talking about with them. I'm not holding my breath. For some reason, whenever a liberal brings up these points, you can tell they feel so intelligent, and so superior.

The sad reality is, many of them don't know much about the issues, and this is why they resort to these irrelevant points. I just wish they wouldn't vote.


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