Election night was tough for many of us, especially myself. I had prepared for the night for so long. I was absolutely optimist, calling for Romney to win in a total landslide. I even thought he could pull off major surprises like picking up IL and CA. In my mind, there was no way anyone was really going to go inside that voting booth and pull the lever for Obama. How could anyone be so misinformed, misguided, ignorant? Not possible in my mind.
Well, I was wrong and not only was I wrong, I was terribly wrong. Obama was re-elected; I had to deal with the fact that I was actually living in a dream world. Our country has not only gone far left, much more than I ever thought was possible but, there are seriously too many people in this country who are not paying any attention, yet they do believe they are informed because they watch MTV, VH1, The Daily Show, and The Colbert Report. I suppose I should not forget to mention MSNBC, the station that continually has their nose straight up the asses of democrats. These stations and "news" (I use that term LOOSELY), programs sing the praise of liberalism (mental-disorder), daily and do so with comedy as well as mis-characterizations of the Republican Party. They rarely make attempts to analyze any liberal beliefs, nor do they attempt to explain why they believe their ideas to be good for the country. Instead they are fixated on attacking those of us on the right by ridiculing us and associating us with negative labels that are grossly inaccurate.
After having a bit of a confrontation of Facebook with a group of mindless liberals, I became aware of how utterly ignorant the people who voted for Obama are. Of course I knew this beforehand but, I had figured that perhaps many of them would have formulated better arguments to justify their foolish decision to re-elect one of the worst presidents I have witnessed in my lifetime. He is worse than Carter and Clinton. After his horrible economic policy, shoving Obamacare down our throats, Fast and Furious, and the recent attack in Benghazi, it is clear the man is not only incompetent, he has no regard for the rule of law. He rules like a dictator and for people not to recognize this was somewhat a punch in my chest.
So, after having a bit of a pity party, doing a little crying, getting a bit angry, and posting on Facebook my arguments supporting my anger, I am back to where I need to be -- calm and focused. This election revealed many things:
First, conservatives and Republicans still make up half of this country. We are however losing the cultural war. As I have stated in my previous post about libertarians being the cancer of the right, it's true that many people have given up on moral values and have opted to support moral relativism offering no judgment on people's decisions pertaining to gay marriage and drug use, those being the top two "hot-topic" cultural discussions. We must gain control over this issue. Without a moral society supporting moral behavior, there can be no freedom. Only those that understand the importance of dignity and working toward living righteously can maintain a government that will support a healthy, strong, and free society.
Second, liberals are MEAN. This election has magnified this characteristic in them. Their arguments and presentation of their deceiving, holier-than-thou ideology has become tainted with anger and outbursts. Their rage is misdirected and their emotional expression is erratic. Their justification is based upon a house of cards, not rooted in any logical or rational means. It is time for us to learn how to communicate in different ways that will break down these walls that they have purposely imprisoned themselves in.
Third, liberals do not know what they are doing. They do not understand logic, action-reaction principle, nor do they know actual facts. They know half-truths, partial information, and they have memorized the lies that are fed to them by the liberal media. They seem to think that taxing, healthcare, government regulations, and other "feel good" types of legislation have no consequences. It is because of this that we have learned they do not even realize the very things they push for, will be the very things that destroy them. We must help people understand that every action has a reaction; every "change" that is supported doesn't just work for or against one group of people but that it
will affect the whole. We must convey our root message that we are not our own little islands but rather connected and make up parts of the whole. People must understand that change only comes from within and that change must be found in morality. When individuals are moral the society we live in can become peaceful.
Finally, we must focus on communication. On the internet we have the opportunity to speak with people in ways that are not possible in everyday life. Sometimes this can be a good thing and sometimes this can be horrible. We must understand that we do not have the benefit of voice inflection or body language. It is one thing to discuss issues among friends in person or even on the telephone but those discussions allow for multiply forms of expression. When we only have our words out there for people to read, we must be use our words productively.
As for myself, I can say for years that I have failed many times in my communications over the internet whether they be on Facebook, Twitter, or political forums. I have most certainly became enraged, insulting, demeaning, condescending, and just plain nasty because of my frustration towards those that are repeating propaganda that is destroying the moral and political fabric that makes this nation exceptional. I am beginning to mature in a way that helps me realize how very important it is to keep my cool, stick with facts, and portray myself in a more patient manner. We must all remember that it is not the people we are angry at. They are merely like everyone else -- projecting what they have absorbed in their lives. It is what they have been surrounded by that is what angers us. So we must take a cue and learn from them what has made them come to the conclusions they have. This might give us some insight into helping chose our words in a way that will force them to consider TRUTH. Some of them have traveled so far down a path of lies and destruction, they simply do not even hear that bell of truth. Truth is only found to those that seek it, it doesn't just happen or come about so, when we chose our words they must have meaning.
The Republicans are always working against corrupt forces. Those forces who work against humanity: government schooling, liberals who continuously attack their characters (because they themselves represent poor, corrupt characters in arrested states of development in spirituality) and not actual ideas, the liberal media (public airways, newspapers, and the internet), and yet we still maintain fifty percent of the population.
When liberals are actually confronted in an appropriate manner matching their level of understanding, only then are they forced to actually confront how they really feel. We must focus on doing one thing and that is, get them to question why it is they feel a certain way. We know as conservatives, we are right. Period. We move with confidence knowing our logic prevails always.
Some of us think in big pictures while others are focused on details. This can be broken down into federal government vs. state government, or society and culture vs. the individual. Do you understand why having a balance between both of these worlds is not only necessary but also moral?
We must focus on both the individual and the big picture. We must ask questions of ourselves if we want liberals to question themselves, so put your own views to the test. Have you had the experience of really understanding why it is conservatives are correct or are you doing what so many on the left do and that is just repeating ideas you hear from others? I am fortunate enough to have the experience of moving from liberalism to growing up and being a conservative. I know how many of them think. We all need to understand so that we can learn to better convey our beliefs.
We must be prepared with facts and information. This means we have to spend time researching. I'm not sure how responsible you are but I do try very hard not to say anything that I know isn't true however, I have been duped into repeating bad stories, just like everyone else. News organizations have all been known to go after a story that turned out to be something different. It does happen but we need to try and do our best to make sure that it happens very little and the only way that happens is when you check the facts from different sources.
Our main focus should always be LOVE. G-d IS love. Our love must override all but what is love? It seems to me that liberals especially do not have a clue as to what love is. They don't seem to understand that having self-interest is not selfish. Self-love is the only way to love others. Love is forgiving and not about revenge.
"No, no, no -- don't boo, vote," Obama said. "Vote. Voting is the best revenge."
There is easy love and there is tough love. Love is not tolerating immoral behavior for the sake of tolerance. It is evil to watch and say nothing. Tolerance is neutral, it can be an evil or moral act. We must force people to question this of themselves. Why do they believe all tolerance is good when they themselves will not tolerate everything?
Many liberals will "give" so much of themselves to the point where it deteriorates their own dignity. Loving yourself if the fist step to understanding what love is. Often times when I am conversing with liberals telling me about their lives and their problems they will reveal to me how much they repeatedly give to an individual. They do this to a point where they knowingly give until it destroys them. Now they have an excuse for being a victim and complaining about how someone "used" them. They immediately become frustrated with the world and this is what produces their cynicism yet, they are the ones who produced the cynicism themselves. They don't love themselves, therefore they never really had any love to give, and when nothing came back towards them, they became angry.
For many, this behavior is not conscience. They are simply unable to identify patterns. To them, their actions should produce what they
want only. They ignore the fact that it is THEIR actions that need to change, not others reactions. Instead of adjusting their behaviors, they move on and continue to make the same mistakes effectively martyring themselves for gain of sympathy from their willing friends who are also robbing themselves by supporting their behavior. The lack of awareness is produced when the mind is divided. The ego is different from the true self and as a consequence, they cannot bare to hear that it was ultimately their actions that produced the results they claim they didn't want.
An example of this I have heard countless times is from liberal women complaining about men who have done them wrong. They buy men things, take care of them, run errands, watch their children, and then one day out of the blue they decide they are being wronged. Perhaps one of their meddling girlfriends told them not to put up with "this or that" and this initial push ignites a fire that creates an argument. The man, who may or may not be taking advantage of this women, is then forced to go on the defense, not understanding why this women waited 2 years of her life to say anything or complain. He may be confused and angry himself but he certainly doesn't feel responsible at that point. His defense could be rather negative and thereby his treatment of her will not improve. The woman will begin to show her bitterness and make outrageous demands at this point, pushing her man further away. If he does comply, it will never be good enough. She has set up a trap for her man -- damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. As a result, the relationship will deteriorate and the woman will blame the man for being mean and a whole host of other complaints that have nothing to do with him but rather herself. Because she never loved herself, she allowed herself to "give" to a point that was self-destructive. The cycle will continue in her life with anyone and everyone she comes across.
Not only that but her liberal friends will praise her, telling her she did nothing wrong and men are evil. Men are evil. This is something I hear all the time from women and not only is the statement patently false, it is divisive and dangerous.
Liberals' minds are divided in so many ways and this is evident by the fact that they take such great pains to devalue the lives of others as they pertain to a sex or gender, a lifestyle, a philosophy, a class, or even a religion. They do this out of bitterness. Yes, their beliefs are based on personal experiences but those experiences are the ones that they brought upon themselves.
Imagine how much different the situation could have been had she simply discussed how she was feeling with her husband or boyfriend. Perhaps she could have told him that she was feeling a little overwhelmed and would be interested in doing more for herself instead. If the man was using her, he would have the opportunity to leave her at that point and this would be good for both parties involved. She could begin to care for herself and then seek out a man who loves himself and create a relationship where true love could be found, or perhaps he could agree and be happy that she is truly changing in a positive manner. True love is where both parties love themselves and each other. When things go wrong, you don't blame "all of men" or "all of women," you examine your OWN behavior and think about what you should have done first. The answer is always the same thing --- LOVE yourself. Know what love is. Know what it is that you want from love and then behave yourself in that same manner.
Liberals want their goodies from government. They go out and vote for their man and support them so that they can get something from them. Ultimately, as we have seen throughout history a population will beg for help, until they can complain about it. Right now we see people asking for more government to come into their lives. They don't love government because they don't even love themselves. If they loved themselves, they would be more interested in doing right for themselves and not what the government can do right for them. This thought process is that of a divided mind. They don't view themselves as the government but another, separate entity, much like the woman who calls against "all men" as being separate from her. This is why only TRUE leaders preach of the importance of self-responsibility and being self-reliable because these characteristics are those that are developed from loving oneself. Only successful people have the ability to give so therefore we must support success.
I love the analogy that talks about being on a plane and the steward will explain that when the masks drop, the adult should secure his or her mask on first and then help the child seated next to them. Why? Simple. If you help the helpless first, there is a chance that it might not be successful on the first try. If it doesn't work, that eliminates needed time putting the adult at risk of passing out. If they pass out, so will the child...they both fall down. If the adult worries about themselves first, they can ensure that they will have the time and ability to help the child who is helpless. BOTH stand.
There is a hierarchy and there always has been; there always will be. Liberals are always trying to fight this, instead of embracing it. We must understand that it is a part of us and not separate from us. Once we begin to understand and embrace this, then we can begin to change and improve our lives, as well as helping others.
G-d is love and love is truth. Truth and love are light and that light is what liberals fear the most. They hate the light because the light exposes them for what they are. The woman I spoke of, she doesn't want love because she doesn't love herself and because of that same reason she also doesn't know love either. In the end, the situation was all about her and how she was being affected. It wasn't self-love but rather selfish. Think of the very wealthy who claim they want the government to tax them more so that the government can help the poor. What is it that stops them from pulling out a pen and writing a check themselves? Why does the government have to do what they can do themselves? Well, it's simple really, they don't see themselves as part of the poor but rather separate from them. We are not separated. We are all a part of the whole and if the likes of these people loved themselves they would be able to do what they ask the government to do for them.
So let us always remember that when we are dealing with liberals we must understand that many of them do not know what love is; they do not love themselves; they see themselves separate from others, not a part of them. We must show them the message of true love, not selfishness. We must help them understand that they need to stop worrying about others and worry about themselves. We simply cannot help anyone unless we help ourselves. The government is necessary but not to the point where it destroys us.
I do believe we can turn things around. I do believe that truth will always, eventually trump evil. I do believe we are in a cycle and right now, we may be on the downside of that cycle but this could be a great opportunity for us to regroup and examine ourselves so that we can get out the true message. The message of love is one that can ultimately win everyone over. It is G-d's message, the Lord's message, and the message that The Holy Spirit sends us daily. Most of all, pray. Even though the liberal is the very mind we are trying to save, they are still our enemies because they hate us. Pray for your enemies as the Lord instructed and be patient because they know not what they do-- just yet.