Is this guy serious? I'm not sure how one can honestly follow what has been going on the past four years and not realize what a liar this man is.
As usual, Obama could not control himself. He was dismissive, condescending, and rude. The man cannot control his behavior for 90 minutes. Again, those of us that have watched him deal with the press know full well what an angry man he is but, hopefully it is more apparent to those that have done nothing but praise him for basically doing nothing the last four years.
He still has no plan and as far as balancing a budget. How does he plan on doing this, with another executive order? He hasn't been able to pass a budget the past three years. What makes him think this will change over the next four years? Even if he needs the majority of 60 votes to enact the budget, it still doesn't change the fact that none of the democrats will vote for his budget. Unlike Romney, he has not been willing to work with others. Just like his demeanor reveals, he is a child in an adult body playing president. I'm surprised he didn't just throw himself on the floor and begin to scream, while banging his feet and fists on the ground.
In early 2011, Barack Obama received a report from the Simpson-Bowles deficit commission he himself launched that outlined a series of significant cuts and new taxes that would have at least lowered the rate at which the country added to its debt. Obama ignored the report completely and instead proposed a budget with nearly $1.5 trillion in deficit spending, with no serious attempts to cut spending. It was so embarrassing that Republicans had to force the Democrat-controlled Senate in May 2011 to bring it up for a vote, where it failed unanimously, 0-97.Let's take a look at other fibs that came from Obama:
(The video will not allow me to embed it here, even though it does offer a code). You will have to click here to see the video for yourself.
After the debate, libs were all over the "Bayonette" comment as if it were some kind of amazing observation but it looks like the pie is on their faces now! Shhh...don't tell a liberal they are wrong, you'll be instantly called a racist.
Obama also insists that he never went on an "apology tour" as Romney pointed out. He went so far as to suggest that all those "fact check" sites confirm this for him. It's nice to know that Obama has to double check with websites devoted to his re-election in order to confirm what he did or didn't do. Unfortunately, not everyone agrees. For example:
Obama to France and Europe: “Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.”Let's face it folks, he didn't use the words, "I apologize." Will "Blame America" tour suffice, Mr. Obama?
The liberals actually think Americans are stupid and yes, some of us are, we call them lefty-liberals but, the rest of us that have a brain do not need to hear an exact phrase in order to understand the meaning of a statement. It is just like when Obama made his closing statement. He said that when he came into office...this and this was all wrong...etc. No, he didn't use the words, "It's all Bush's fault," but dear heavens we KNOW what he was implying and he does nothing but repeat this same idea in a different fashion, each and every time he has an audience.
I guess we're also supposed to forget the recent apology made by the administration to Pakistan as well?
In a commercial containing clips from their Washington press conferences, subtitled in Urdu, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton said “sorry” to the mad hordes attacking the American embassy in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad and deplored the infamous anti-Muslim14-minute YouTube video.Of course, this brings us to the most recent topic that involves the revelation that the attack had nothing to do with a YouTube video. Interesting how no one has bothered to mention that the film maker, Mark Basseley Youssef (a k a Nakoula Basseley Nakoula) is still in jail!!! Obama should lose any and all credibility for how this entire situation has played out.
First the man declares this was a protest about some obscure film. Then we discover The White House was warned before the attack occurred. There was a deliberate attempt by the administration to cover this fact up because they made heavy attempts to saturate the media with this idea of a short film being the catalyst of this attack.
Then we find that Obama and his minions begin to back off of the story blaming this film. During the VP debate we learned through the laughing-fool Biden that the administration simply did not know until later on that it was a terrorist attack. Finally, the second debate with Romney, Obama claims he always called the attack one of terror. Even if we give benefit of the doubt to Obama and allow him to get away with making that claim, it doesn't explain away why he and others kept up the narrative of placing blame on the film for two weeks after the attack. It also makes Biden look foolish and clueless, considering he claims no one knew it was a terrorist attack initially.
Not only was there so much confusion going on, after the oversight hearing, we learned that the Embassy was asking for additional security because they knew they were not being properly protected. Oh, and let's not forget that this occurred on 9/11! Only a complete fool would ignore requests for additional security around the date of 9/11. With all of this information, what the hell happened?
Clinton decided to fall on her sword and take full responsibility and Obama did the same later on during the second debate. The whole situation reeks of problems. Obama has failed on all points because his administration is obviously incompetent. If all this initial diversion was centered on covering up the fact that this was a terrorist attack, then they are naive to think they could actually try to do such a thing. If they really didn't know, then they really should have just been honest in saying they didn't know and explained that they wanted to take prudent course of action. If they did know it was a terrorist attack, then why the hell didn't they call it that in the first place? No matter what, this was not handled appropriately and all evidence seems to point to the possibility they tried to do what Clinton did for 8 years -- ignore it. This was a political move, putting Obama's re-election above the interest of the country's, as well as the four men that were killed. Those four men were servants to this country and they were left to fend for themselves against hostile terrorists, an attack that most likely could have been avoided. I think we have a name for putting one's own interest above their country's. It's called TREASON and it's punishment is death.
Either way you slice it, Obama doesn't look good and it showed during the debates. Had he spent more of his time actually doing his job and not traveling, spending time on the golf course, or bowing down to world leaders, and hanging out with those cool, Hollywood celebrities, maybe he would have been more aware of what the hell was going on.
Romney won on substance and lost on having an inflated ego. Mr. Obama wins the ego award hands down.
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