
My Rant

Obama says he wants us to have higher paying jobs with higher skill but, how the hell is that going to happen when the likes of Hollywood has shaped the minds of so many young people to only focus on having sex with a variety of people, using drugs, promoting self-mutilation, and praising immoral behavior? These things have nothing to do with encouraging people to gain higher skills or think on a higher level. They have everything to do with keeping the public ignorant and lowering the standards for everyone. They actually advocate victimization for the American people. How anyone is still struggling to see this is really beyond my personal comprehension.

The dems are the party that support the corruption of Hollywood. Go after the catholic church for their pedophilia! I'm all for it...but, nary a word from these so-called child protectors when it comes to Hollywood molesting children, putting them on a casting couch, and then putting them in roles where they are depicted in a violent rape scene.

The dems have done nothing but stand behind corrupt unions that have destroyed business in this country. Many union officials are the most evil-type of people I have ever run across. They use their union members as pawns; they skim off of the union dues to pay themselves while the members are forced to go along with strikes that many do not even want to bother with, because they need to take care of their families. Most final negotiations gain very little making the protests worth nothing.

Dems actually tell people that there is no voter fraud and when it does occur, it's so small that only a few people engage in this behavior. This is a patent lie and we know that the dems routinely have dead people and criminals vote in elections. If the amount of people committing voter fraud is so small, why are they fighting so hard to protect it?

The same demoncraps are the same people who like to stand behind children rather than in front of them, protecting them. They send THEIR kids to private schools because they KNOW public schools are a massive failure purely designed to brainwash your child into a life of servitude. Even though many solutions have been placed on the table to help poor people/minorities get their children into private schools, the dems refuse to negotiate and the Republicans are shunned and ridiculed. Not to mention that teachers who are utter morons are NEVER fired because, once again, UNIONS that protect these do-nothing teachers and even insist that more money and benefits be handed out to them.

When a Republican is exposed for fraud or other illegal activity, including immorality, our party is active in asking them to resign or be fired. Not dems, they dig their heels in and actually stand behind their corrupt politicians. Somehow they feel if they point to other corruption in the other party, that makes their argument stronger.

They hate war. They will protest constantly and call people war mongers and state that the United States in an evil nation trying to take over the world, even though we have mostly, only gone into areas where we were originally invited to go. Yet, when their "D" president increases a war or proclaims war, not a word about the evils of war. All of a sudden, war is good. Somehow attacking Iraq was bad, even though Saddam was killing his own, linked to terrorists, actively calling for suicide bombers to attack Israel, and other intelligence agencies confirming his immediate threat. Yet, under the guise of a dem like Clinton, attacking Serbia (a long time ally of the US), for fighting the very people who hate us is completely ignored, much like any other terrorist attack that occurs on the watches of our demoncrap leaders.

I am flat out sick of this party and unbelievably astounded by the ignorance that comes from the left. Now they are actually trying to take credit for stopping the war in Iraq when that was already on the Bush timeline, and to top it off they are suggesting that when someone brings up Libya it is some sort of political ploy. To which I say -- No, asshats it's called an incompetent administration that didn't know what was going on, an administration putting their political ambitions above America, or an administration that was trying to negotiate with terrorists....take your pick!

Tell ya what... If you still don't understand that this is the party of corruption, racism, war mongering, immorality, division -- desperate to keep you stupid, dependent, powerless, angry, and a victim, if you still can't see the lies and the half truths the media has been feeding you, do us all a favor and don't vote! This country simply doesn't need idiots voting. You're the death of us all, not just yourself! Stop being selfish and stop voting.


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