
Hey Black People, Old People, Poor People, and Students!

According to Sarah Silverman, you're all a bunch of idiots.

In this recent "comedy skit" done by the once-upon-a-time funny Sarah Silver, the idea of having a voter ID is being portrayed as a way to stop only blacks, the elderly, the poor and students from voting.

Dear Sarah Twit,

I find your recent comedy skit to be very ignorant. I am technically considered to be a minority, a women, at one time a student, and I definitely fall into the poor people category but somehow I have a driver's license. I also had a license the entire time I was registered as a student. I am also a Republican.
Exactly what is so difficult about obtaining an ID? Is it any more inconvenient or complicated than registering to vote? Apparently you seem to be under the impression that all of us that fall into these categories are too stupid to go to the DMV and get either a license or an ID. Your continued assertion that the idea of needing an ID in order to vote is solely for the purpose of preventing democrats to vote is just another clue that reveals how little you truly know about this subject. In fact, the proposals that have been made all include making it as easy as possible for someone to obtain a legal form of ID. Not only that but if you are on a fixed income or you live in poverty conditions, the ID's would be given out free. The purpose is to protect citizens' votes.

Are you not aware of the massive amount of voter fraud that has been reported in this country? Here in Omaha, the democrat mayor decided to bus in homeless people in order to ensure that he could protect his position since he was up for a recall vote. At the national level, voter fraud and voter intimidation has been reported and the Obama administration and Eric Holder have simply ignored it, much like they do terrorism.

If someone is so stupid to the point where they do not know how to get an ID, I'm not sure I want them voting in the first place, no matter what party they are affiliated with. If they're a student and do not know how to obtain an ID, then that person should probably give up college and try something a little more simple like flipping burgers...Oh wait, you need an ID to get a job as well! Even the lowest of skill jobs require an ID for hire.

Consider this:

Von Spakovsky, meanwhile, devastatingly refuted the leftist arguments against laws requiring voters to show identification at the polls. Critics say the laws make it too difficult to vote, especially for minorities. Yet, as von Spakovsky explained, when voter-ID laws went into effect in Indiana and Georgia for the 2008 elections – after federal judges noted that plaintiffs could not produce a single witness who would be unable to vote because of the new lawminority turnout increased by far more in those states than it did elsewhere in the country. 
The reality, von Spakovsky explained, is that it is the corruption of fraud, not ID laws, that deters voting. Consider: After a series of 11 election-fraud convictions in Greene County, Alabama last decade, minority turnout went up. As one elderly black woman explained, she cast a ballot for the first time in years because “her vote was finally going to count.” 
One line from Fund that did not make it into my column, but that is worth worrying about, was this: To win an election these days (especially if you are on the right), "You need a margin beyond litigation."

Many of the elections across this country are very close so the very idea that it doesn't matter because there is "not enough voter fraud" is insulting. Voter ID laws are about EVERYONE'S vote being protected. You see Sarah, Republicans do not divide people the way you liberals do. We don't see rich/poor, black/white/brown, or young/old. We believe all people should be protected and held to the same standard because unlike you and the people you support, WE actually believe in EQUALITY.

The only problem with this is we may never be able to stop democrats from registering and having dead people vote.

I'd like to know who all these people are who do not have ID's. Apparently they do not have jobs either because you can't get a job without an ID. You can't get a student loan without an ID. You cannot have a bank account without an ID. So who exactly are these people going around without a picture ID? Obviously people who know very little about what's going on in the world since they refuse to participate in it. So why should people who are ill-informed be voting and why are only democrats advocating this? Well, it's simple really -- democrats rely on the ignorant voter and you now admit to rely on the fraudulent voter. It's how they win and that's exactly why you and your party feel so threatened. G-d forbid we have educated voters in this country. Democrats may never win again! If you didn't know these people were ignorant, then you wouldn't be worrying about them getting a valid ID because they'd be savvy enough to do so.

Being the fair person that I am, it seems as though Republicans have run into some issues concerning voter fraud as well. You can read about it by clicking here. The funniest part of that article is that it is the liberals' response to the advocacy of voter ID laws. Again, pointing to more fraud committed by the other side is not going to win your argument here. In fact, fraud committed by Republicans should be a motivation FOR you to support voter ID laws. So, clearly this issue is one that should be a bi-partisan effort. All votes should count. This is the motivation behind the law and it really has nothing to do with someone's party affiliation. Republicans and democrats should be active in protecting the integrity of our voting system. Why should we not take advantage of all the technology and processes available to preserve local and national elections?

Yes, you and your brainwashed, lefty friends will boldly claim that election fraud doesn't exist and when it does, it really doesn't matter because it's just "not enough" to warrant action to preventing it. This is the same song and dance you all sung when there just weren't "enough" WMD's found in Iraq. Or are you a part of the crew that STILL believes we didn't find WMD's? It's because that big ol' right-winger website, Wikileaks is lying.

Turning a blind eye to an issue or just outright denying it even exists is a dangerous practice of the left that needs to be stopped. Before you suggest there is "NO problem" it would behoove you to do just a little research and learn that voter fraud does indeed exist and should be prevented.

Ya see, you can't have it both ways. You cannot claim that voter fraud is not a problem and then turn around and say that Republicans would win elections if you stopped voter fraud. Do you understand how ridiculous you sound? If there's no problem with voter fraud then what are you doing spending your time trying to preserve it? How could Republicans automatically win if there's "no real issue here?" If Republicans do win elections by stopping voter fraud then all Americans should be glad that the people finally have a voice and elections will be won by those who the people REALLY wanted elected. I guess it's unfortunate for you that the American people typically are not interested in being represented by a bunch of gangsters in the democrat party.



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