Romney was not my first choice in the primary. I actually was not initially impressed by him but as I have gotten to know more about him, I have grown to appreciate him as someone who I believe will not behave like a dictator but rather a leader, which we so desperately need right now in our country.
Quite frankly, I think I might explode if I have to hear about how everything is all Bush's fault for another four years. Obama has never once taken responsibility for anything. The economy was moving into recovery even before Obama came into office. As far as the stimulus plan he passed, the money had not yet been pumped into the economy when indication of recovery became more apparent. One could argue his particular bill may have slowed the recovery down. The policies and timetables concerning the war in Iraq were already in place before Obama so any claim he makes to ending the war is simply him carrying on with what had already been established. This includes the Bin Laden kill.
The Economy
There is no doubt that the current state of the economy is a major factor in this election. With gas prices remaining high, Obama's insistence at putting money into companies that failed for the sake of "green" energy, rising prices on everything from food to toothpaste, high unemployment, increased numbers seeking foodstamps and disability, there doesn't seem to be much "hope and change" for anyone. This isn't exactly the type of hope and change that his original supporters thought they were being promised.
Personally, I am not surprised by Obama's overall performance. He was making empty promises before, just like he is now. He never really had a plan. All the democrats ever do is complain about tax cuts for the rich but, tax cuts have always helped draw in more revenue and brought growth into an economy. Of course spending like a drunken sailor (Dems and Repubs are to blame here), doesn't help anything, but there should be no argument that tax cuts are healthy and wise when it comes to improving the economy.
The reality is, we are the economy. We make up the workforce, the entrepreneurs, we control our demands, we have our needs, we ARE very much responsible for what happens inside of the economy. At the same time, the government knows there will be ups and downs - the economy by its very nature oscillates, providing expansions and contractions. It is the responsibility of the government to act as a buffer by keeping shifts under control, moving along smoothly instead of dramatically and spontaneously.
As I have said before, I am not a full supporter of the Austrian model anymore than I fully support Keynesian policy. I believe a balanced approach is best. I don't see anything wrong with the government spending in a strategic manner in order to help grow the economy but, I also do not support radical spending all over the map with no clear goals in mind. Obama does not give me any indication that he even knows what he wants, where he is going, and what he expects to happen. The only thing I have heard for four fricken years is how bad he had it, how Bush left this horrible economy behind, how it's all on Bush, and he just can't fix all the damage, etc. Whine, whine,'s NOT all Bush's fault anymore than Clinton getting ALL credit for the economy doing well during his time. It's not all Obama's fault either. I'm not placing all the blame on him. I'm just sick and tired of presidents taking full credit or no credit and that's what democrats do all the damn time.
Many factors contribute to the health of an economy. It's not fair to isolate and compare since the world does not exist in a vacuum. I have tried to find confirmation that Obama inherited the worst economy since The Great Depression (as he consistently wants to remind us of). Unfortunately, most of what I run into are a bunch of fluff pieces and if you look closely, they all cite different numbers. Some of them are fairly close to one another but overall, they look at some things and ignore others. I'm not an economist, okay? I know a little bit but I'm not an expert. I shouldn't have to be an economist to get some straight answers and even economists seem to be all over the map. The one thing we should all be able to agree on is that our country is nothing like the one described during The Great Depression. When you try to compare the culture, industry, intelligence, population, government intervention, technology, types of jobs, foreign affairs, education, and just about anything else, it doesn't matter what the raw numbers are. We live in totally different times. It also depends on what numbers you are looking at and how you are basing your comparisons. Ultimately, I'm not sure there is much to compare; it seems to me it's just an excuse for Obama's dismal performance.
I am forced to judge the economy on how it has affected me personally and with that, I give the president an F-. Most people will judge the economy this way as well. I suppose if you're living well you will not recognize the downfall that has occurred. Many people like me have personally felt the weight fall upon us and yes, it's attached to Obama. I do take personal responsibility as well. There is no doubt I could have made better decisions in my own life that may have helped protect me from feeling this burden.
Still, Obama doesn't seem to care much about supporting businesses who provide jobs. Instead he has conveyed the idea that he will take from those who make, in order to get support from those that do not. One thing that greatly concerns me is that people like Warren Buffet support Obama. In fact, the crazy, filthy, dirty rich support Obama. Why? Well, it seems these people all suggest that they should pay more in taxes. They all put their pious hats on and parade around like little gods, patting themselves on the back but really these high taxes all about pushing out their competition. Obama is proposing for 2013 to raise capital gains tax to 44.8% which includes an Obamacare surcharge, coupled with a deduction phase out. Currently the rate is held at 15%. An increase this high would almost assure that those in the middle class will no longer be able to invest in the stock market. The risk would be far too much for them to handle and those potential investments would move oversees. Let's not forget, it's a tax on money that's already been taxed. This huge tax increase will ultimately leave only Buffet and his extremely rich friends in charge. Of course they love Obama! Say hello to a small group of people who will be able to decide which businesses will work and which ones will fail. Talk about ultimate power and we will be left with the ultra-rich class and the ultra-poor. This is what extreme policies do. Obama doesn't give a crap about the middle-class. They are standing in his way!
Obamacare = nightmare. I simply don't have the time to cover all the points but bottom line, our care WILL be rationed and money will be allotted at the discretion of the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the panel of doctors she chooses. I'm all for states helping the needy but this bill should never have been passed and don't forget the dems locked out the Republicans from being able to participate in the creation of this bill. There is no transparency here. The dems told us one thing and gave us another.
Healthcare is a major concern but it should have been handled with a balance of both private sector and government means. We already have Medicare and Medicaid. Both are good programs but they need some improving. Lowering qualification standards, giving individual states more control, and allowing more companies the ability to compete, the prices of care could have become more affordable. If this bill goes through completely, we will be paying more than just taxes, we will be paying with our lives, our privacy.
Our culture is basically in a deep hole. We have people in this country who do not even know who is currently Vice President but can tell you all about the latest Dancing With the Stars episode, and G-d knows what else - anything mindless. We have had years and years of horrible talk shows that include but are not limited to: Jerry Springer, Oprah, The View, and a host of endless names that all have very liberal leanings which are absorbed by women who stay home and now see themselves as compassionate and informed. These shows literally take advantage of dysfunctional people and their lives and attempt to normalize them, give them unwarranted compassion for their horrible decisions, and then attack people who dare question their motives. It's absolutely disgusting.
Most women know who the father of their baby is yet, when one turns on the TV these days, it seems that every single women out there is apparently opening up their legs to anything that comes along and only a DNA test will give them their answer to who penetrated them the night a baby was conceived. Come on!!! Not everyone is void of morals and this type of behavior should not be televised. These are obviously people who suffer from not just self-esteem and self-worth but lack of morality as well, not to mention possible mental issues. I feel sorry for them, without a doubt but I am sick of this being on the public airwaves and treated as though this is acceptable behavior. This only breeds MORE idiots who are willing to sacrifice self-respect for a chance to throw a temper tantrum on national TV. Not only that but rarely are any of these people objectively criticized. In fact, they are held up in such a way that we are supposed to just believe that they had no impact on what happened to them. They are simply victims and we should all feel bad. Well, I do feel bad but I'm not going to act like these people didn't have a choice! What about helping people make better choices? Not all choices are equal and we need to stop fooling people and ourselves that they are.
Viewers who subject themselves to hours upon hours of this type of programming are routinely brainwashed into believing that life just happens. People cannot make right or wrong decisions because morality is all relative. Utter nonsense garbage like this only further drives a person away from learning valuable deductive reasoning skills. As a result, the viewer becomes a zombie in their own lives, playing out their lives with no script, no plan, and no moral compass. Not only are we asked to support dysfunction, we will be insulted and even told that we are evil if we dare challenge them.
If I say I support marriage between a man and woman, I will be called a homophobe. I never said anything about being afraid of gays or lesbians but nonetheless, I will be counted as an evil homophobe by those in the media. If I say I think blacks should not have special rights and affirmative action is not always the answer, I am now considered a racist among liberals. If I say I support lower taxes, I hate the poor. If I say I support life, I hate women. The list goes on and on... this type of labeling and hate is polarizing us and common sense has seem to have gone out the window.
Our culture is what makes us great people. Sure, we don't all have to be conservatives or all liberals to make up a great country but for goodness sake, we do have to have a moral compass. We DO have to understand that some behaviors are inferior to others.
It is not okay to sleep around. It is not okay to play games with other people's hearts anymore than it's okay for them to play with yours. It's not okay to covet what other people have. It's none of your business. It's not okay to act like you don't have to learn the language of this country. You're hurting yourself and your family when you purposely lower the ability of your communication skills. It's not okay to call people names just because you can't effectively argue your point. It's not okay to lie in order to get others to think like you. The list goes on and on...
It's also not okay to separate people in order to declare them victims for political gain. Let's talk homosexual for a minute. You can look this up for yourself but in this country and in others where gay marriage has been legalized, only about 10 percent of the gay population participates. Gays make up about 3% of the overall population but even if I were to exaggerate and say it's 5%, only 10% of that 5% are looking to get married and this is a pressing issue of our time? No. It's not. It's simply a way to victimize a small group of people for the purposes of political gain. .5% is not worth this arguing.
Sex is simply not the most important thing in life and it should not be treated as such. Why should we, as a culture demand that everyone be identified by their sexuality? It's disturbing. It is especially confusing when you have a group of people telling you to stay out of their bedrooms BUT how can we enact these supposed equal rights when a person must first announce their bedroom activities to claim those rights? When we really examine this issue closely there is not much benefit for gays at all, especially considering that the majority will not bother to get married. They are being used for political purposes. Period. Does anyone really think dems care about gays marrying? What a joke!
Abortion is a huge issue but it's also a divisive issue that no one seems to be taking it on. Of course this doesn't stop those on the left from continually bringing up the topic as if someone just wrote a bill to eradicate it and it's being voted upon the first day Romney takes office. More scare tactics. Partial birth abortion has no place in our culture and I fully support anyone that will work to do away with such practices. I am appalled that anyone supports that procedure and if you don't understand why, you never will so me trying to explain is just wasting my time.
The dems certainly are insistent about forcing private companies and religious institutions to cover birth control under their insurance plans. Birth control does not cost 300 dollars a month, as Sandra Fluke would have us believe. The truth is, it doesn't matter what you think about birth control, it matters if you think the government has a right to tell a religious institution they MUST cover the cost, even though they have historically been against the practice of using birth control. Keep religion out of politics but politics governs religion? How about going after Muslim mosques that breed terrorists? It seems to me we would benefit more from that action than going for birth control from those churches that are reasonably benign. Again, this is NOT an issue. If you need birth control for any reason, you can get it for about 10 bucks at the drug store. You need a visit to your doctor accompanied with a pap smear. Planned Parenthood, along with other local clinics can provide you with a pap smear as well, if you can't see a regular doctor. This issue was used as a way to drum up hate towards religious conservatives. There is NO war on women, except that many are now unemployed.
Foreign Policy
By far the worst of Obama has been found in foreign affairs and policy. He has failed us on almost every account.
With Fast and Furious, his administration did not inform the Mexican government of their operation. The result was Americans being killed. Again, he even made attempts to blame Bush because this operation was originally in place from the Bush administration, but Bush let the Mexican government know what was going on; Obama did not. Obama seems to think he can just deny everything and so does Eric Holder. This issue is MAJOR and yet most of the media has dropped it as if it were no big deal.
Israel has been a long time ally with the United States and those of us that know the history of that state and our special relationship that we have carried on with them over the years, knows full well of its importance. Most people in this country support Israel -- liberals and conservatives. It's definitely a bi-partisan issue but, surprisingly under Obama this relationship has been strained. It's not overt but indeed the lack of small gestures has compounded into great uncertainty by many here and in Israel.
I will let Bryna Franklin explain:
Then of course there was his apology tour, where he decided to bow down to every leader and blame America for all their problems. Yes, I know all about the stories that say he didn't actually say, "I'm sorry" but that doesn't mean anything. Those of us that watch the news, read the news, and pay attention know what he was doing. He purposely gave the world the impression that we are weak.
The media can try and play with words any way they want in order to defend their liar in chief but, again I say those of us that have been paying attention know better. I refuse to listen to these so-called journalists who think the American people are all dumb and don't bother to check facts. For many of us, we watch these things live as they unfold and later the media tries to tell us something entirely different happened.
(sarcasm) Oh but the media isn't liberal at all, right? No bias from the alphabet channels at all. (/sarcasm)
What I cannot figure out is why on earth liberals are overjoyed about his endorsements from other world leaders. Hugo Chevez and Vladimir Putin are supporting Obama. Gee, that's wonderful. I'm sure those leaders have America's best interest at heart. These endorsements are the kiss of death. It just goes to show that Obama is also not in America's best interest.
Biden the idiot
It's bad enough we have Obama but Biden is merely comic fodder. Do the democrats really take this man seriously? Every single time I turn around, this man is putting his foot in his mouth. His debate performance was littered with bad information and cringe-worthy behavior. If for some reason you didn't know the man was off his rocker, a drunk, or perhaps severely mentally ill, it was sure apparent the night of the Ryan/Biden debate. This man could not keep it together for even a minute during the debate. Absolutely NO self-control. He acted like a 6th grader on a playground and if this is how he acts in front of millions of viewers on national TV, it causes me great worry and I wonder how he acts around world leaders and other important figures inside our country.
Watching these reactions makes me feel embarrassed for him. His ego is so over the top that he comes off lost and very insecure. It's almost as if he simply doesn't know what to do with himself. He comes off desperate trying to create a scene of some sort because he craves attention. He is totally disrespectful and filled with ignorance.
No, Joe did not win this debate. The media tried hysterically to suggest that Biden somehow schooled Ryan. Please.What a joke! Anyone that watched this with an IQ of at least 50 could tell the man was grasping at straws, obfuscating with obnoxious facial gestures, and just plain lying. Read details here.
Hell, according to Biden, he isn't even proud to be Obama's Vice President.
Biden - "There's Never Been a Day in the Last Four Years I've Been Proud to be his Vice President"
I can't think of what is worse... that Biden continually makes gaffes because of causes we are not aware of? Or, that the audience was actually cheering? I feel sorry for democrats. It's clear they don't even know what their leaders are saying because the clip above demonstrates without a doubt that they do not even pay attention to what is being said. They are voting out of sheer ignorance and altered information.
Benghazi attack
Of course this brings us to the Benghazi attack on Sept 11.
"Well, we weren’t told they wanted more security again." Biden lied through his teeth about the fact that the administration--specifically, the State Department--had been told again and again that security on the ground in Libya, and in Benghazi in particular, was inadequate. The day before, in Congressional hearings on the Libya attacks, former regional security director Eric Nordstrom described his frustration with having those requests turned down by the government bureaucracy: "For me the Taliban is on the inside of the building."
What seems to be a reoccurring theme with Obama and his administration is the idea that no one knew anything about anything. They sure knew to blame some obscure anti-Muslim film immediately afterwards, didn't they? To this day we still do not know who came up with that excuse.
Our government KNEW there were requests for security and they were denied. Obama had to have KNOWN it was Sept 11th, the anniversary of the 2001 attacks that led to over 3000 Americans being slaughtered by Arab terrorists. Obama KNEW Libya was a hotbed for terrorists. Obama was warned that an organized attack would occur. He chose to do NOTHING and as a result, we lost 4 American lives who were serving our country. He chose to try and cover the attack up with a lousy excuse concerning some film and even chose to apologize about it. He chose to put his election above this interest of his country and those who selfishly were serving this country. He chose to commit treason as far as I can tell and he should be arrested and put on trial.
More information, video, and links:
Our government KNEW there were requests for security and they were denied. Obama had to have KNOWN it was Sept 11th, the anniversary of the 2001 attacks that led to over 3000 Americans being slaughtered by Arab terrorists. Obama KNEW Libya was a hotbed for terrorists. Obama was warned that an organized attack would occur. He chose to do NOTHING and as a result, we lost 4 American lives who were serving our country. He chose to try and cover the attack up with a lousy excuse concerning some film and even chose to apologize about it. He chose to put his election above this interest of his country and those who selfishly were serving this country. He chose to commit treason as far as I can tell and he should be arrested and put on trial.
More information, video, and links:
CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack
Read more:
The individual material is unclassified but in its entirety it is classified? I guess that depends on what your definition of "is" is, right?
Lankford does some amazing questioning. He's simply following the story as it has unfolded. They are actively hiding something but what? Is there something more here? The people demand to know! This is shades of the Clinton administration taking a terrorist attack and doing everything they can to avoid having to face the TRUTH. The fact is, electing Obama did not calm the Middle East. Terror is a threat to this nation and ignoring it, dismissing it, and acting as if it doesn't matter is not going to help any of us.
Vote Romney/Ryan 2012 and get these incompetent goons out of office! We CANNOT afford 4 more years of this!!!
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