In order to do this, I must FIRST address the lies and distortions that come from the democrats who are always trying to project their own illness unto everyone else. They attempt to whitewash their history, ignoring what their party has done and then actually make efforts to blame Republicans.
First of all, the Republican party was started under Lincoln. He was the first Republican candidate to win the presidency. Blacks were first elected to Congress as Republicans and some were ex-slaves. We also know that every single piece of legislation that was passed in an effort to make blacks equal and give them equal rights were not only passed with Republicans but were strongly opposed by the democratic party. In fact the organization called the KKK (founded by democrats), was created to get rid of Republicans -- and since blacks were 100% Republican, they were a natural target for the group rooted in hate and racism. After the democrats took control in 1892, with the Presidency, the House, and Senate, they repealed all of the Republican civil rights acts and enacted Jim Crow laws.
According to democrats, the racists became Dixiecrats and then became Republican, basically prompting everyone to switch parties. The argument is totally absurd and completely false.
The idea that “the Dixiecrats joined the Republicans” is not quite true, as you note. But because of Strom Thurmond it is accepted as a fact. What happened is that the **next** generation (post 1965) of white southern politicians — Newt, Trent Lott, Ashcroft, Cochran, Alexander, etc — joined the GOP.
So it was really a passing of the torch as the old segregationists retired and were replaced by new young GOP guys. One particularly galling aspect to generalizations about “segregationists became GOP” is that the new GOP South was INTEGRATED for crying out loud, they accepted the Civil Rights revolution. Meanwhile, Jimmy Carter led a group of what would become “New” Democrats like Clinton and Al Gore.Professor Larry Schweikart of the University of Dayton continues:
Why did a new generation white Southerners join the GOP? Not because they thought Republicans were racists who would return the South to segregation, but because the GOP was a “local government, small government” party in the old Jeffersonian tradition. Southerners wanted less government and the GOP was their natural home.
Jimmy Carter, a Civil Rights Democrat, briefly returned some states to the Democrat fold, but in 1980, Goldwater’s heir, Ronald Reagan, sealed this deal for the GOP. The new ”Solid South” was solid GOP.
BUT, and we must stress this: the new southern Republicans were *integrationist* Republicans who accepted the Civil Rights revolution and full integration while retaining their love of Jeffersonian limited government principles.
Women also benefited from Republicans. The right for women to vote was brought about by the Republicans, not the Democrats -- Here's a nice reality check for those of you that would like some details.
If we listen to the current democrat party, we can see these dems trying to scare people with their fake "war on women" and actually telling people Republicans want to take away a women's right to vote.
I myself have said I would gladly give up my vote if it meant women like the one featured above would not be allowed to vote but, I cannot name one Republican in office that has advocated taking the women's right to vote away.
Affordable, quality education? It has been the democrats who have repeatedly blocked any effort to allow poor children access to private schools through a voucher program. The Republicans have tried relentlessly to get competition among schools in order to raise the overall level of education provided to children. Blacks, poor, and other minorities are constantly the victims horribly run, government schools, especially in the inner-cities (run by democrats), yet the democrats see nothing wrong and their only solution is to deny the problem and maintain the status quo. Of course we know why - unions. The dems are fully backed by corrupt unions that protect teachers that do not do their jobs. We are only instructed to pay them more regardless if students are learning less, and regardless if teachers are preforming better.
Both parties (click to read details), have made changes concerning their stance on public education. Let's also not forget that the same democrats who are all strongly against a voucher program do not send their own children to the public schools they demand for the poor and minorities to attend; their children attend private schools.
The equal pay issue is ridiculous and quite frankly insults my intelligence. I already discussed this issue in another article I wrote, "Women and Their Equal Pay."
You can read more about how ridiculous this issue is and the sheer hypocrisy of the democrat party for bringing up this issue in the first place, click here, here, and here.
Republicans are routinely accused of not supporting things like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid but of course this is false as well. Both the Republicans and Democrats had opponents for these bills and both parties had supporters, which ultimately led to their passage. Some have argued whether these bills have been successful. The system is designed in such a way that asks current workers to pay for those that need Social Security now. Initially, there were plenty of workers for one retiree but that number has massively decreased and is expected to tilt the other way in the next 20 years. Meaning there will be one worker for 2 or 3 retirees.
Social Security was intended to be one source of your income after retirement, but not the sole source.Yet, it seems as if democrats have been preaching to people for years, at least in my lifetime, that social security is intended to be a person's full retirement plan and when people finally wake up to the reality of social security they can use Republican's as their scapegoat. At this point the program requires major overhaul. As usual we can expect the democrats to pull their "half-truth" propaganda in order to push forward whatever their plan might be to help keep this program on life-support. As we have already witnessed during the Bush 41 years, any attempt at trying to change the program and take action has been routinely shot down and ridiculed by democrats. Only history will show that it would have been best for us to take action years ago when Bush first proposed a solution.
There are still many different issues to discuss but I wanted to bring up a few that have always disturbed me. I feel that the Republicans' message has remained fairly consistent. We have made changes here and there to reflect the people inside of the party but overall our desire has always been equality and economic growth.
All one has to do is turn on the news and see how conservative Republicans are not only attacked on ideas but that they are actually called "evil." Click here to see an interesting site dedicated to this type of rhetoric. Not only will these people lie and distort information, but instead of attacking ideas, they actually attack people. Their message does not end with people being "stupid" or "ignorant" in their minds but rather EVIL. As conservatives, we must read what they have to say in order to seek out the truth and counter these arguments with facts. Again, I say to you, it is not the people we dislike it is the reflection of who they are. They are merely projecting their own beliefs about themselves. It is their egos that have taken them over. Their egos are not who they truly are. If we can get them to question themselves in some small way, there we can begin to break down the walls they have built up around themselves.
The recent election has helped me realize a number of things but most importantly it has helped me become interested in getting out the true, loving message of what it means to be a conservative Republican. I will continue to look for issues that are distorted by the left and do my best to expose them here or lead you to others who have already done so. Together, we can turn things around.
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