First, Alan Scherstuhl attempts to tell his readers that it was done for artful purposes and necessary for the time the story line was set in. Next, he seems to think that Drudge was outraged:
Drudge's outrage seems part of another attempt to reclaim the word: As a term whose usage is policed by white conservatives to demonstrate the racism of people who aren't white conservatives. So, I don't expect the Drudge crowd to appreciate nuance. In many ways, Django Unchained is designed to inflame them. It is, after all, the tale of a black man avenging himself against the white folks and white institutions that have robbed his people of power.Interesting comment coming from someone who apparently doesn't realize that the first blacks elected to office in this country were all Republican.
No, as with all conservatives, Drudge is merely pointing out hypocrisy and the childishness of the left. The fact is, if a Republican/conservative does something that the left does not like it is considered an abomination toward all of man, but will be upheld as great, wonderful, and even "artful" when the same action is done by someone who considers themselves a lefty/Democrat.
It's designed to inflame us? I can't make this stuff up folks. Click here for more fake outrage from the left.
In other news, Rob Parker a contributor for ESPN has taken issue with Robert Griffin III. I don't follow sports so forgive me but, I think he's now a quarterback for the Redskins. This Parker guy decided to make some interesting comments concerning Griffin's "blackness."
"Is he a brother, or is he a cornball brother?" Parker asked.
"He's not real. OK, he's black, he kind of does the thing, but he's not really down with the cause. He's not one of us. He's kind of black, but he's not really, like, the guy you want to hang out with because he's off to something else.
"We all know he has a white fiancee. There was all this talk about how he's a Republican ... Tiger Woods was like, 'I've got black skin, but don't call me black.' "Uh-oh...did he just say the "Republican" word? Yeah, he must not be "actually" black.
Robert Griffen's father responded:
"He needs to define what 'one of us' is. That guy needs to define that," RG2 said. "I wouldn't say it's racism. I would just say some people put things out there about people so they can stir things up.
"Robert is in really good shape on who he is, where he needs to get to in order to seek the goals he has in life ... so I don't take offense."I'd really like to know who appointed these liberals to be the judge and jury of what it means to be black? Who decided that one behavior is good for some while disgusting for others? The overt hypocrisy is everywhere on the left and it's just another way that they project their inner hatred onto the right. The fact is, liberals need to stir things up with offering racist rhetoric. They need to keep people thinking about race because division is what they thrive on and how they stay in power.
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