Special thanks to my friend Larry Grathwohl, who invited me on The Laurie Roth Show with him. A huge thanks to Laurie who allowed me the opportunity to come on her show.
Here's the link if you care to listen. The topics we discussed pretty much cover the absurdity of liberal thinking.
Now this is the first radio show I've done so, go easy on me! :) I had an awesome time doing the show and every experience allows a person to learn something and gain new insight. It's been years since I've done anything in front of an audience and back then I was merely acting so, this time I had to actually be myself and speak from the heart. I have to say, it was a nice change. There is no denying I was a bit nervous but it was definitely a worthy experience.
I ask that everyone check out my friend Larry's blog, The Truth About The Weather Underground. He is on a mission to get the truth out! We can expect his book to come out soon, at the beginning of next year so, I will keep you informed when that will happen. In the meantime, be sure to get yourself caught up with his writings.
The Company You Keep is a new movie that will be released in 2013 April, and apparently is being funded by the notorious George Soros. It's plot is centered around Weather Underground so, it's sure to be a whitewash of facts and reality. As with most movies that come out of Hollywood, a quick rewrite of history can change a whole generations' perspective on issues that can harm the whole of the culture. Expect this movie to be no different. However, don't expect those that have direct knowledge to be silent. Larry's book will be able to provide insight and truth that we cannot expect from the liberal left in Tinseltown.
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