FOX News Reporter Gets Hit During Live Broadcast From Wisconsin
Click link for video and watch the animals.
This only further proves the point that these unions are made up of vicious animals. I would fire every last one of them. There are plenty of people that would do their jobs, and most likely do a much better job and not act like savage animals.
These people make me more and more disgusted each day.
Comment below.
Hookers Head on Over to Facebook
Photo from Molly Ravish's website.
According to the article, which you can access by clicking the title of this post, hookers have been moving over to Facebook, from the once popular craigslist.
Looks like hookers are now reaching out and touching their clients, one request at a time.
What happened to the good old days when hookers just stood out on the corner?
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Helen Thomas Has a Friend in John Galliano
We all remember Helen going off about those evil Jews and how they should go home. Well, it looks like fashion man John Galliano is also a fellow Hitler lover.
In a recent video, we see Galliano proclaiming his love for Hitler.
Click title of this post for anugly handsome pic of Galliano and the full video.
In a recent video, we see Galliano proclaiming his love for Hitler.
The British designer - an alleged Jew hater - then tells a horrified woman: "People like you would be dead. Your mothers, your forefathers, would all be f****** gassed."
After stating he loves Hitler and making the gassing remark, a woman is heard to say, 'Oh my God' before asking slurring Galliano if he had a problem.
He said: "With you. You're ugly." Asked where he was from, he said: "Your a***hole."
Click title of this post for an
Helen Thomas,
John Glliano,
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Rachel Maddow -- After Olbermann
Host Rachel Maddow on the set of her show. (Photos by Christopher Anderson / Magnum for Newsweek)
Click title of this post for full article.
The article is pretty simple. It just takes a look at Maddow's role on MSNBC, now that Olbermann has gone away. It's really not that interesting of an article, until the second page. If thought these 2 paragraphs were interesting.
In the Olbermann tradition, Maddow is increasingly denouncing Fox, saying that Glenn Beck, in monologues about Muslims, has been "running baroque conspiracies that are designed to freak people out about bogeymen coming to get them, conspiracies that are unsupported by the facts." Fox, she charges, has "become a McCarthyite chamber of horrors… You can't really call yourself a news channel if that's what you broadcast." Maddow's repeated attacks have not provoked a response from Fox.
While the host devours information online, stuffing printouts in thick folders, there are missteps. She touted an item on the website ChristWire urging Sarah Palin to speak out on Egypt—unaware that it was a satirical blog with such headlines as ARE FACEBOOK SEX GANGS USING "WIKILEAKS" TO TARGET YOUR TEENS? (Maddow good-naturedly confessed her error on Twitter.)
Comment below.
Keith Olbermann,
Rachel Maddow,
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
...and the Celebrity With the Most Class at the Oscars Goes to... Melissa Leo
AP – Melissa Leo accepts the Oscar for best actress in a supporting role for 'The Fighter' at the 83rd Academy …
The Oscars are just great, aren't they? Every year we get to learn about all the movies that Hollywood dropped a ton of money making but, didn't do crap at the box office. What better way to salvage a movie and make some money off of it then by giving it an award(s)?
This year, the supporting actress category went to a woman named Melissa Leo. My apologies for not having a clue who the hell she is. Ms. Leo was so
She also included this classy gem:
"When I watched Cate two years ago, it looked so (expletive) easy," Leo said, who let slip the F-word as she referred to previous winner Cate Blanchett.Way to go, Melissa! I think that's just super amazing that you dropped the "F-bomb." How classy.
Click title of post for link to full article.
Entrepreneurs Don't Work!
Wow. Check out the racists in the union!
In an interesting video that shows a black (yes, a black), Tea Party member arguing with union members, we get to see the true colors of the white liberal.
My favorite part is where this "it" (I can't tell if it's a woman or a man with a high voice), claims that entrepreneurs, "don't work!" Wow. Unbelievable what goes on in these people's heads.
Click title of post for article.
In an interesting video that shows a black (yes, a black), Tea Party member arguing with union members, we get to see the true colors of the white liberal.
My favorite part is where this "it" (I can't tell if it's a woman or a man with a high voice), claims that entrepreneurs, "don't work!" Wow. Unbelievable what goes on in these people's heads.
Click title of post for article.
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Megyn Kelly Hosts Hot Debate Over "Racist" Tea-Party
That Megyn is at it again, being awesome. Here we see Megyn hosting a debate between Christopher Hahn and Ben Ferguson. The topic? A recent television show developed a scene that painted the Tea Party as a racist organization.
From what I know of the Tea Party, it was a group that started out during the Bush years. It grew because, when Obama was elected, people were even more worried about health care and government growing even more. There was concern about big government well before Obama came into office.
Obama is the one who made himself a target of conservatives and libertarians. He is the one who has a horrible leftist-record, starting from his early years, all the way up to his voting record in the Senate. It would not matter if the man were green with purple polka dots, people would be protesting against the man.
I guess when you're a racist yourself, you can't help but think that everyone else is. This is just democrats projecting their hate again.
From what I know of the Tea Party, it was a group that started out during the Bush years. It grew because, when Obama was elected, people were even more worried about health care and government growing even more. There was concern about big government well before Obama came into office.
Obama is the one who made himself a target of conservatives and libertarians. He is the one who has a horrible leftist-record, starting from his early years, all the way up to his voting record in the Senate. It would not matter if the man were green with purple polka dots, people would be protesting against the man.
I guess when you're a racist yourself, you can't help but think that everyone else is. This is just democrats projecting their hate again.
Ben Ferguson,
Christopher Hahn,
Megyn Kelly,
Tea Party
Posted by
Gingrich Talks Impeachment
Gingrich recently did an interview with Newsmax. In this interview he makes some interesting statements that involve the hypocrisy of the media and the democrats. Shocker! I know.
In an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV Friday, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said President Barack Obama’s decision not to fully enforce the Defense of Marriage law eventually could lead to a constitutional crisis, as he has directly violated his constitutional duties by arbitrarily suspending a law.
"Delusions" With Charlie Sheen
Charlie, looking haggard
Years ago, Charlie Sheen used to be cool, then came the prostitutes and drugs. After, it had seemed that Charlie just sort of slipped off the map, along with the rest of Hollywood's troubled souls. It was Two and Half Men that seemed to propel Sheen back on top.
Recently, it seems Sheen has constantly been in the headlines but, not much of the press has been positive. The co-creator of Two and Half Men, Chuck Lorre, is Sheen's latest victim in a rant he had on a recent radio show.
If you'd like to hear this, click here. The video was disabled for embedding.
The show has wrapped up for the season because of Sheen's actions. The staff and crew, along with the rest of the cast will now all suffer because of Sheen's actions.
Charlie Sheen rant,
Two and a Half Men,
Warner Bros. Charlie Sheen
Posted by
Those Nice People At The WI Rally
Click image to enlarge
I don't even know what to say about this image. What is it about liberals that they just have no class, no taste, and no standards of decency? This is absolutely disgusting. How can this man stand there with no shame, holding this sign? What is wrong with him?
Please don't tell me this is a rarity. If you want to see more signs, please click this link.
If you want to read the article I got the photo from, please click the title of this post.
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
“Touch my children and I would eat your hands off your frikkin’ arms,” actor rages in response to train station grope-down of 9-year-old boy
Image: Wikimedia Commons
I had to laugh at this.
Actor Charlie Sheen unleashed on the TSA during a wild radio interview on The Alex Jones Show today, raging that he would eat the hands of any TSA worker who tried to touch his children, in response to the story that TSA agents harassed travelers and groped children in Savannah train station earlier this month after the passengers had left the train.
Charlie Sheen,
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Sharing Breast Milk on Facebook
I don't know what these women are thinking but, apparently there's some group on Facebook that consists of women sharing their breast milk. Obviously breast milk is best for your baby but, there is no screening process here! You're just trusting people to send you good milk.
I'm not sure about the rest of you but, since 1996, I have made many, numerous connections with people over the internet and, most connections have been wonderful. I have made amazing friends but, I have to say, I have had some full-blown nightmare connections as well. People who I really thought I could trust ended up being scum of the earth.
It is certainly ONE thing for an adult to make connections, and foolish ones at that, over the internet but, when the trust involves your baby? I think these woman are out of their minds.
Click title of post for the full article and details to this story.
breast milk,
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Osama bin Laden is Blamed
Gaddafi blames bin Laden Photo: Reuters
Gaddafi is blaming the current unrest on Osama bin Laden.
Libyan dictator says 'no sane person' would join protests against his rule, blames al-Qaeda for revolt; Gaddafi offers condolences for those killed in bloodshed, urges his people 'not to be swayed by bin Laden'
Muammar Gaddafi,
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Gaddafi: Barakeh Obama is Friend
Gaddafi, 'Historical gain' Photo: Reuters
Libyan leader praises US president: 'He is of Muslim descent, his policy should be supported, as he now leans towards peace'
Cold, Snow To Put Icy Grip On Bay Area Starting Thursday Evening « CBS San Francisco
Cold, Snow To Put Icy Grip On Bay Area Starting Thursday Evening « CBS San Francisco, this is global warming too, right? I don't know. I'd say we're going into a cooling period.
Cold, wet weather will once again put an icy grip on the Bay Area as we head toward this weekend, bringing with it a chance that San Francisco residents could see some snow, forecasters said Wednesday., this is global warming too, right? I don't know. I'd say we're going into a cooling period.
global warming,
San Francisco,
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Mike Mazzeo - The Free World Blog: Oprah the Cow!
Mike Mazzeo - The Free World Blog: Oprah the Cow!: "Holy Cow! Md. GOPers Have a Beef With 'Oprah' Bad judgment or 'udder' nonsense? Updated 9:26 AM EST, Tue, Feb 22, 2011 A political leade..."
Posted by
Who is Travis Levi Taylor?
The correspondence between the two began late August of 2010. Taylor was persistent in wanting to set up a dinner date or a lunch date with Elexis. After some time, she had decided that she would go ahead and try to make plans but, when her plans fell through, the messages got more persistent and flat out creepy.
Finally, a death threat had been made and Elexis went to her mother, who was a police officer. A warrant was obtained and Taylor was arrested.
Elexis Hennigh,
The Alternative Conservative,
Travis Levi Taylor,
Posted by
Joy Behar Calls Pro-Lifers Evil
BEHAR: But it’s illogical, what they’re doing, because if you are not going to help people with birth control, you’re going to have more abortions. Don’t they think of that?
RICHARDS: Well, that, and I thought that point-
BEHAR: So, besides being evil and immoral and unethical, they’re also stupid.
Joy Behar,
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Don't Try To Blow Sunshine Up My Butt
This brought chills to my spine and a sweet flutter in my heart. Enjoy.
Allen West,
Alternative Conservative,
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Emanuel Beats Rivals to Become Next Chicago Mayor
AP – Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel smiles at the crowd after winning the mayoral race Tuesday, …
Yep. It happened. It's what we expected.
Former White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel was elected mayor of Chicago on Tuesday, easily overwhelming five rivals to take the helm of the nation's third-largest city as it prepares to chart a new course without the retiring Richard M. Daley.
Emanuel trounced all opponents with 55 percent of the vote — a margin that allowed him to avoid an April runoff. He needed more than 50 percent to win outright.
It was the city's first mayoral race in more than 60 years without an incumbent on the ballot and the first in more than two decades without Daley among the candidates. Daley and his father have led Chicago for more than 43 out of the last 56 years.
Emanuel called the victory "humbling" and said the outgoing mayor had "earned a special place in our hearts and our history."
But he added: "We have not won anything until a kid can go to school thinking of their studies and not their safety. Until the parent of that child is thinking about their work and not where they are going to find work, we have not won anything."Click title of this post for the full story.
Rahm Emanuel,
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Megyn Kelly Takes On Milwaukee Teachers Union President
Oh, wow...I love her! Megyn is not only smart but, she's absolutely beautiful.
This is a really great interview. Megyn asks some great questions, and does well at challenging this president.
This is how real news should be. Hard questions. This is why Fox News kicks every other station's ass in the ratings. Oh sure, you liberals can continue to bash Fox, call them liars without so much as offering ONE example, but how funny is it that ONE station is such a threat to your entire establishment?
This is a really great interview. Megyn asks some great questions, and does well at challenging this president.
This is how real news should be. Hard questions. This is why Fox News kicks every other station's ass in the ratings. Oh sure, you liberals can continue to bash Fox, call them liars without so much as offering ONE example, but how funny is it that ONE station is such a threat to your entire establishment?
Fox News,
Megyn Kelly,
Teachers union,
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Glenn Beck Got All Savage
Well, what I mean is... he got angry! I've seen this before but, I was pretty impressed this time. Savage impressed.
Go, Beck, go!
Go, Beck, go!
Fox News,
Glenn Beck,
Michael Savage,
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Why I Hate Unions
Yep, I said it. I hate unions. I suppose not all unions are equal but, in my experience, I am not impressed with them or how they operate. I suppose one could argue that at one time they were necessary for improved working conditions and decent wages but, the unions have slowly become more disgusting and exploitative -- a mirror image of what they originally were made to fight against.
My father was a welder for 20 plus years. The company he worked for had required him to be in a union. Now, there were times when they allowed for workers to opt out of the union but, when he tried that, he was threatened, and not just personally, his family, and damage to his vehicle if he didn't reconsider and be a member of the union. So, my dad went back to the union, paying dues for "protection" that never seemed to occur.
My father was a welder for 20 plus years. The company he worked for had required him to be in a union. Now, there were times when they allowed for workers to opt out of the union but, when he tried that, he was threatened, and not just personally, his family, and damage to his vehicle if he didn't reconsider and be a member of the union. So, my dad went back to the union, paying dues for "protection" that never seemed to occur.
Steven Crowder,
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Uh-Oh! Huckabee Offended Those CAIR Folks!
Looks like Mike Huckabee got the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), mad. It seems a Christian church offered their church up for worship services to local Muslims, while their mosque is under construction.
If the purpose of a church is to push forth the gospel of Jesus Christ, and then you have a Muslim group that says that Jesus Christ and all the people that follow him are a bunch of infidels who should be essentially obliterated, I guess I have a hard time understanding that.That remark has started a firestorm from the typical, hyper-sensitive group CAIR. They are truly offended and want an apology for this remark.
Watch for yourself.
Click title of post for full article.
Mike Huckabee,
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Chris Matthews Outraged Over Reagan Called America's Favorite President
In a recent poll taken, Americans cite Reagan (19%), as their favorite president.
Chris Matthews calls the people who like Reagan, folks who have "bad memories" and says the poll is just a "memory quiz." He lost me there.
This guy thinks Bill Clinton was a good president. Need I say more?
Watch Matthews foam at the mouth over this poll.
Chris Matthews calls the people who like Reagan, folks who have "bad memories" and says the poll is just a "memory quiz." He lost me there.
This guy thinks Bill Clinton was a good president. Need I say more?
Watch Matthews foam at the mouth over this poll.
Muammar Gaddafi Says He is in Tripoli
Click image to enlarge.
As I had previously reported, along with other news sources that Gaddafi had fled Tripoli, he has now come forward to speak on state TV to claim that he is indeed in Tripoli and that he never fled.
Libya's leader, Col Muammar Gaddafi, has dismissed reports that he had fled amid the unrest sweeping the country, calling foreign news channels "dogs".Speaking to state TV from outside a ruined building, he said: "I am in Tripoli and not in Venezuela," after rumours that he had flown to Caracas.
Col Gaddafi's statement came after security forces and protesters clashed in the capital for a second night.
The UN Security Council is to meet in closed session to discuss Libya.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon made the announcement, after speaking to Col Gaddafi on Monday.
"I urged him that the human rights and freedom of assembly and freedom of speech must be fully protected," said Mr Ban.
Gaddafi also goes on to say that there has been no massacres and everything the foreign media is saying is all lies and part of psychological warfare.
One resident of Tripoli called the comment an insult.Click title of post for full story.
"We thought that he'd just say he was sorry, or that he would just fix [it] or whatever, but something like this? This is insulting," he told the BBC.
Muammar Gaddafi,
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Michelle Obama Pigs Out Again
To be fair, the media may be pounding Michelle a little too much. Don't we all pig out every once in awhile? I know I eat what I want for one day of the week. I think the annoyance here is the woman is not exactly in the best shape herself, yet she seems to eat whatever, and lecture others on what to eat, as well as her current movement to push restaurants to serve certain portions or, offer healthier choices.
Recently, Michelle was in Vail, CO, where she chomped on some short rib. According to a recent article, they are saying that the portion of food Michelle ate was only 600 calories and no one should be concerned.
However, on another site that talks about foods that are high in fats, braised short ribs are discussed as one of the the highest in fat and calories.
You're going to have to decide for yourself whether this meal was 1,600 calories or a mere 600 calories. I am a proud vegetarian, so I'm sort of disgusted by someone eating meat but, to each their own. I don't really have a problem with her pigging out on a meal here and there. I think the problem lies with her work to push restaurants into doing something they may not want to do.
Do we need to eat more healthy in this country? Yes. I just wish her tactics were different. What do you think of all this? Comment below.
Recently, Michelle was in Vail, CO, where she chomped on some short rib. According to a recent article, they are saying that the portion of food Michelle ate was only 600 calories and no one should be concerned.
A braised short rib is a relatively lean cut of beef, braised with most of the fat cooked off. The 5-ounce serving runs about 600 calories, Liken said — a far cry from the 1,500 calories and 141 grams of fat it's accused of.
However, on another site that talks about foods that are high in fats, braised short ribs are discussed as one of the the highest in fat and calories.
In yet another article, we find that these ribs are high in calories.Braised Short Ribs
Braised short ribs are a decadent meal to enjoy at a restaurant or at home. Unfortunately, a main dish of braised short ribs packs in 1,250 calories, according to Charles Stuart Platkin, author of "The Diet Detective's Count Down." The Olive Garden's Chianti Braised Short Ribs contains 1,060 calories per serving, 522 calories from fat, 58 grams of fat and a whopping 26 grams of saturated fat. Braised short ribs are not likely to be the only thing you eat for dinner, so adding any bread, side dishes or salads to the meal will increase the caloric and fat count even more. Practice portion control by taking half of the dish home to eat the next day, or order braised chicken or fish instead.
Greeley says one of the restaurant's fall dishes is braised short ribs with maple glazed onions and butternut squash. It sounds scrumptious, and surely is, but a serving of short ribs alone can average about 1,250 calories; add on the extras and the meal can equal about 1,600 calories.I wasn't going to even cover this story because, this happened before and I'm not sure nitpicking on people is the way to go, no matter how much I personally detest Michelle. The media has not let it drop however, so I could no longer ignore the story.
You're going to have to decide for yourself whether this meal was 1,600 calories or a mere 600 calories. I am a proud vegetarian, so I'm sort of disgusted by someone eating meat but, to each their own. I don't really have a problem with her pigging out on a meal here and there. I think the problem lies with her work to push restaurants into doing something they may not want to do.
Do we need to eat more healthy in this country? Yes. I just wish her tactics were different. What do you think of all this? Comment below.
ichelle Obama,
pigs out,
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Crusade Against Radical Islam
Check out my friend's video that he made on Youtube.
Click the title of this post, to go to his channel and subscribe.
Click the title of this post, to go to his channel and subscribe.
Radical Islam,
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Michele Bachmann Interview
In an interview with Steven Rosenblum, Bachmann says that de-funding Obamacare will not be a possibility. She says that the bill made the funding a law and to try an prevent funding goes directly against that. Essentially, the demonrats had already thought of that strategy and were 2 steps ahead. Isn't that lovely?
She points out that it will be necessary for the Republicans to win the triple crown in 2012, in order to repeal the bill.
Click title of post for full article.
Michele Bachmann,
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Ugh...Rihanna, You Don't Look Too Comfortable Doing That -- STOP!
I do not watch basketball but, had heard about Rihanna's performance at the recent 2011, NBA All-Star game. I do like Rihanna so, I was a little bewildered when people were saying she was touching herself during her performance. As usual, I have to see for myself.
This is quite uncomfortable to watch. It was one thing when Madonna did this back in the day, we expected it from her and, it was just a few times. Unlike Rihanna, Madonna lost NO confidence in grabbing her private spot, not that I approve of Madonna doing it. Rihanna just looks odd and she appears to be doing this for no reason.
I'm just warning you before you watch, this might make you feel embarrassed for her. It gets worse as the show continues!
This is quite uncomfortable to watch. It was one thing when Madonna did this back in the day, we expected it from her and, it was just a few times. Unlike Rihanna, Madonna lost NO confidence in grabbing her private spot, not that I approve of Madonna doing it. Rihanna just looks odd and she appears to be doing this for no reason.
I'm just warning you before you watch, this might make you feel embarrassed for her. It gets worse as the show continues!
NBA All-Star,
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Will Al Gore Ever Go Away?
Al Gore has just become an embarrassment to himself. I cringe when I see his name in the news. When will this guy understand that he is no one special? He was vice president. That's something to be proud of but, that's the highest he'll ever go. He's just a joke at this point.
Now, we find Gore preaching in Aspen, talking about the climate and equating it with morality. Yes, Al Gore wants to preach about morality.
Sorry, I had to get back up after falling out of my chair.
Now, we find Gore preaching in Aspen, talking about the climate and equating it with morality. Yes, Al Gore wants to preach about morality.
Sorry, I had to get back up after falling out of my chair.
Al Gore,
climate change,
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Muammar Gaddafi Flees Tripoli
Click picture to enlarge.
Protests in Tripoli have caused Gaddafi to flee. According to the article, he has gone to Sebha to prepare for a battle there. The protesters have taken over several areas of Libya. This activity will most likely turn into a civil war.
Protests in Tripoli have caused Gaddafi to flee. According to the article, he has gone to Sebha to prepare for a battle there. The protesters have taken over several areas of Libya. This activity will most likely turn into a civil war.
flees Tripoli,
Muammar Gaddafi
Posted by
The Tolerance of Liberals
Not sure if it's the moon and the stars but, this week liberals have been especially intolerant with me.
The example I'm providing now is an exchange with someone I was friends with in high school. I always liked the guy. I never had any issues with him but, I'm sure I will be "de-friended" soon.
I found him on Facebook and requested his friendship, and he accepted.
Click image to enlarge.
Now, notice the time difference between the last two responses from him. I didn't know how to respond to the Fox News comment. In my opinion, the guy probably doesn't even watch Fox News. He's a typical liberal that hates them for no other reason than being told they are evil from the likes of Media Matters, or some celebrity that said so. Personally, I'm not a fan of much of the media in general so, what do I care if he doesn't like Fox News?
I just let it drop because, what's the point? He's not conservative. That's fine. I don't need all my friends to think the same way I think. He couldn't let it drop though. He had to insult Glenn but, knowing that I'm a fan, he had to take a stab at me. Why? Why is he being so nasty over this?
I'm not sure what "negative cognitive dissonance" is... as opposed to "positive cognitive dissonance"? Does that even make sense? I didn't know what else to say but, "thank you for the insults." I'm not sure why it matters to him that I'm a Glenn Beck fan.
It just always amazes me how these people talk about tolerance but, what they really mean is they only have compassion, tolerance, and love for those that think the exact same way they do.
The example I'm providing now is an exchange with someone I was friends with in high school. I always liked the guy. I never had any issues with him but, I'm sure I will be "de-friended" soon.
I found him on Facebook and requested his friendship, and he accepted.
Click image to enlarge.
Now, notice the time difference between the last two responses from him. I didn't know how to respond to the Fox News comment. In my opinion, the guy probably doesn't even watch Fox News. He's a typical liberal that hates them for no other reason than being told they are evil from the likes of Media Matters, or some celebrity that said so. Personally, I'm not a fan of much of the media in general so, what do I care if he doesn't like Fox News?
I just let it drop because, what's the point? He's not conservative. That's fine. I don't need all my friends to think the same way I think. He couldn't let it drop though. He had to insult Glenn but, knowing that I'm a fan, he had to take a stab at me. Why? Why is he being so nasty over this?
I'm not sure what "negative cognitive dissonance" is... as opposed to "positive cognitive dissonance"? Does that even make sense? I didn't know what else to say but, "thank you for the insults." I'm not sure why it matters to him that I'm a Glenn Beck fan.
It just always amazes me how these people talk about tolerance but, what they really mean is they only have compassion, tolerance, and love for those that think the exact same way they do.
Glenn Beck,
high school,
how liberals argue,
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Truth About Planned Parenthood
I just wanted to post this here. Comment below, if you like.
Planned Parenthood,
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Reagan - Greatest President
In a recent pool taken, Reagan tops the chart for being the best president, carrying 19%.
Click chart to enlarge chart and click the title of this post for source.
I get Reagan being number one but, who the hell votes for Clinton?!!?!?!? Does this mean 13% of the country is brain dead? Who are these people?
Who gets your vote? Who was the best president?
Click chart to enlarge chart and click the title of this post for source.
I get Reagan being number one but, who the hell votes for Clinton?!!?!?!? Does this mean 13% of the country is brain dead? Who are these people?
Who gets your vote? Who was the best president?
greatest president,
Ronald Reagan
Posted by
Outrage over China magician's synchronized fish
magic trick,
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Supreme Court to Look Into Eligibility
This is quite interesting!
In a stunning move, the U.S. Supreme Court has scheduled another "conference" on a legal challenge to Barack Obama's eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, but officials there are not answering questions about whether two justices given their jobs by Obama will participate.
The court has confirmed that it has distributed a petition for rehearing in the case brought by attorney John Hemenway on behalf of retired Col. Gregory Hollister and it will be the subject of a conference on March 4.
It was in January that the court denied, without comment, a request for a hearing on the arguments. But the attorney at the time had submitted a motion for Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, who were given their jobs by Obama, to recuse.
Should Obama ultimately be shown to have been ineligible for the office, his actions, including his appointments, at least would be open to challenge and question.
At the time, the Supreme Court acknowledged the "motion for recusal" but it changed it on official docketing pages to a "request." And it reportedly failed to respond to the motion.
Hemenway then submitted a request for a rehearing, pointing out that the situation appeared to be violating the rules of the U.S. Supreme Court.
supreme court,
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
2 Protesters Killed in Yemen
AP/Hani Mohammed
Supporters of the Yemeni government shout slogans as they try to enter Sanaa University where anti-government protestors gather, in Sanaa, Yemen, Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2011.
More protesters, now in Yemen, calling for a change in their government. Again, we see that an ally of the US is being called to step down.
The story is almost identical to what we read about the situation in Egypt, just a different cast of characters.
Yemen – Police opened fire on protesters during clashes in a southern Yemeni port Wednesday, killing two people, in the first known deaths in six days of Egypt-style demonstrations across the country's biggest cities, demanding the ouster of the president, a key U.S. ally in battling al-Qaida.
Around 2,000 police flooded the streets of the capital, Sanaa, trying to halt protests. Firing in the air, police locked the gates of Sanaa University with chains to prevent thousands of protesting students inside from marching out join crowds demonstrating elsewhere in the city, witnesses said.
A call spread via Facebook and Twitter urging Yemenis to join a series of "One Million People" rallies on a so-called "Friday of Rage" in all Yemeni cities, demanding the ouster of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, in power for 32 years.
"We will remain in the streets until the regime's departure," according to a statement posted on Facebook. Copies signed by a group named the Feb. 24 Movement were distributed among youth via e-mail. The group is taking that name because organizers hope to have their biggest protest on that day next week.
Taking inspiration from the toppling of autocratic leaders in Egypt and Tunisia, the protesters are demanding political reforms and Saleh's resignation, complaining of poverty, unemployment and corruption in the Arab world's most impoverished nation.
Saleh has tried to defuse protesters' anger amid the unprecedented street demonstrations by saying he will not run for another term in 2013 and that he will not seek to set up his son, Ahmed, to succeed him in the conflict-ridden and impoverished nation.
Click title of post for full story.
Riot police in Aden fired live ammunition, rubber bullets and tear gas in fierce clashes with thousands of demonstrators. Two protesters, including a 23-year-old shot in the head, were killed, a security officer said.
Twenty others were wounded, at least one seriously, according to a medical official, who like the security officer spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media.
Tea Party- Racists According to Chris Rock
In the March issue of Esquire, comedian Chris Rock takes a swing at the tea party. | Photo by AP Photo
As with many in Hollywood, Chris Rock has now decided to project his hatred and racism on the Tea Party.
"I actually like it, in the sense that—you got kids?" asked Rock. "Kids always act up the most before they go to sleep. And when I see the Tea Party and all this stuff, it actually feels like racism’s almost over. Because this is the last—this is the act up before the sleep. They’re going crazy. They’re insane. You want to get rid of them—and the next thing you know, they’re f—-ing knocked out. And that’s what’s going on in the country right now."
What is it with these people? What does the Tea Party have to do with race??? The Tea Party is about calling for less government, less taxes, less intrusion on our lives, a call to return to freedom. Could someone please explain what that has to do with race? These people are aware that the Tea Party is made up of ALL colors ---black people too, aren't they?
I am so tired of these closet-racist liberals that project their hatred onto everyone else that doesn't bow down to their warped perception of life.
Click title of this post for full article.
Chris Rock,
Tea Party,
The Alternative Conservative,
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Mike Mazzeo - The Free World Blog: Obama Hurts Ally Israel To Weaken US Presence In T...
Mike Mazzeo - The Free World Blog: Obama Hurts Ally Israel To Weaken US Presence In T...: "In sharp reversal, U.S. agrees to rebuke Israel in Security Council Posted By Colum Lynch Wednesday, February 16, 2011 - 6:00 PM Th..."
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Carter says Egyptian military likely to obey will of people
Carter says Egyptian military likely to obey will of people
This man just can't keep his mouth shut. Does he not realize what a fool he looks like?
Carter, SHUT UP!
The Egyptian military won't ignore its citizens' demands for open elections, even if the military has an interest in keeping power, former President Jimmy Carter said Tuesday at a University of Texas lecture.
It was the first time Carter has spoken publicly about recent developments in the Middle East, including the uprising in Egypt that led to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's resignation. Since the successful uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt, citizens in several other countries in the region — including Iran, Libya and Bahrain — also have staged protests in hopes of creating revolutions, demanding dramatic changes to government.
"My guess is the (Egyptian) military leaders don't want to give up their political influence or power," Carter said. But the military has seen what the demonstrators have done and will most likely submit to their demands, he said.
"The demonstrators will not accept anything less than honest, fair and open elections," he said, adding that his foundation, the Carter Center, will be as "involved as possible" in bringing about successful Egyptian elections in September.
Click link for more.
Jimmy Carter,
The Alternative Conservative,
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ABC News Correspondent Miguel Marquez Beaten/Lara Logan Sexual Assualt
This happens after...
Lara Logan at Home After Sexual Assault in Egypt, Gets Call From President Obama
There is nothing peaceful about what is going on. They are taking their rage out on anyone for no reason.
Lara Logan,
Miguel Marquez,
sexual assult,
The Alternative Conservative,
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In sharp reversal, U.S. agrees to rebuke Israel in Security Council - By Colum Lynch | Turtle Bay
In sharp reversal, U.S. agrees to rebuke Israel in Security Council - By Colum Lynch | Turtle Bay
Tell me what you think.
The U.S. informed Arab governments Tuesday that it will support a U.N. Security Council statement reaffirming that the 15-nation body "does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlement activity," a move aimed at avoiding the prospect of having to veto a stronger Palestinian resolution calling the settlements illegal.
But the Palestinians rejected the American offer following a meeting late Wednesdy of Arab representativs and said it is planning to press for a vote on its resolution Friday, according to officials familar with the issue. The decision to reject the American offer raised the prospect that the Obama adminstration will cast its first ever veto in the U.N. Security Council.
Click title of post for full story.Still, the U.S. offer signaled a renewed willingness to seek a way out of the current impasse, even if it requires breaking with Israel and joining others in the council in sending a strong message to its key ally to stop its construction of new settlements. The Palestinian delegation, along with Lebanon, the Security Council's only Arab member state, have asked the council's president this evening to schedule a meeting for Friday. But it remained unclear whether the Palestinian move today to reject the U.S. offer is simply a negotiating tactic aimed at extracting a better deal from Washington.
Tell me what you think.
Possible Mexican Military Incursion On U.S. Soil
Possible Mexican Military Incursion On U.S. Soil
MISSION - CHANNEL 5 NEWS is exposing what appears to be a Mexican military incursion into the United States. It was all caught on camera. We froze surveillance video taken at the Anzalduas International Bridge.
What you see is the international boundary that separates the United States from Mexico and what authorities on this side of the border seem to think is a truck packed with armed men crossing into the United States. The video clearly shows a large military-transport vehicle drive north on the Anzalduas bridge over the international boundary.
We counted at least a dozen armed men in the back of the truck. The vehicle travels down the bridge toward the U.S. Customs checkpoint. Its driver makes a U-turn just before reaching the lines of cars there. It then starts back south toward Mexico. The men pull over and search a vehicle for a few minutes then resume their trek south. The presumed soldiers then cross back over the boundary toward Mexico.
They are in U.S. territory for about 10 minutes. We're taking a closer look at the vehicle they stopped on the bridge and what U.S. authorities have to say about this apparent incursion.
The Alternative Conservative,
United States
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Justin Bieber Calls America Evil
Photograph by Terry Richardson for
Born in Canada, Justin Bieber says that our country is evil because, we have to worry about medical care expenses. According to Justin, the health care system in Canada is great and no one ever has to worry.
Wow. Thanks Justin. You're so wise.
The Canadian-born Bieber never plans on becoming an American citizen. "You guys are evil," he says with a laugh. "Canada's the best country in the world. We go to the doctor and we don't need to worry about paying him, but here, your whole life, you're broke because of medical bills. My bodyguard's baby was premature, and now he has to pay for it. In Canada, if your baby's premature, he stays in the hospital as long as he needs to, and then you go home."
Interesting that Canada wouldn't exist without the US. Even more interesting is how Canadians are constantly coming here for medical care. I wonder how he responds to that? Of course, no one would ask him.
Click title of post for full story.
Mike Mazzeo - The Free World Blog: The Real Middle East Protesters That Obama Won't B...
Mike Mazzeo - The Free World Blog: The Real Middle East Protesters That Obama Won't B...: "Tehran Beats Back New Protests In Year's Biggest Rally, Iranians Seek Spiritual Head's Ouster By FARNAZ FASSIHI Iranian police used tear ..."
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‘Sheriff Joe’ Arpaio in the Lead For Senate
Arpaio is being urged to run for Senator in Arizona.
Of course, it's not surprising that the citizens of AZ would like to chose someone who would be willing to crack down on immigration, which is a huge problem in AZ.
Click title of post for full story.
Of course, it's not surprising that the citizens of AZ would like to chose someone who would be willing to crack down on immigration, which is a huge problem in AZ.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio led a field of potential Republican Senate candidates in Arizona with 21 percent in a poll of likely GOP primary voters last week.
Rep. Jeff Flake, who announced his candidacy for the seat of retiring Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) on Monday, finished second with 16.8 percent in the Summit Consulting Group survey. Former Rep. J.D.
Hayworth took third, with 16.6 percent. He was unsuccessful in his primary challenge to Sen. John McCain last year.
The auto-dial poll of 1,881 likely GOP primary voters was conducted Thursday. It had a margin of error of 3 percentage points, which would put the top three finishers in a statistical tie.
Click title of post for full story.
Senate race,
Sheriff Joe Arpaio,
The Alternative Conservative,
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GOP Mocks Obama
Cuts are needed and the Republicans are making a stand.
Click title of post for the rest of the article.
I guess we will have to wait and see if this is just another "show" put on by RINO's. They always talk a good talk but, have a tendency to expand government even more.
Republicans on Tuesday disparaged President Barack Obama's proposed $3.7 trillion budget for next year for taking a pass on tackling long-term deficits by not calling for structural changes in big-ticket entitlement programs for the elderly.
"In our nation's most pressing fiscal challenges, the president has abdicated his leadership role," said House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis. "When his own commission put forward a set of fundamental entitlement and tax reforms ... he ignored them."
Obama told a news conference that the budget he sent Congress will help meet his goal of cutting the deficit in half by the end of his first term. He said he looked forward to negotiations with Republicans in coming months on how to fix Social Security and Medicare.
"This is not a matter of, `you go first, I go first,' " he said. "It's a matter of everybody having a serious conversation about where we want to go and then ultimately getting in that boat at the same time so it doesn't tip over."
House Republicans, meanwhile were eager to launch a weeklong debate on their own package of deep cuts in domestic spending for the current fiscal year.
Click title of post for the rest of the article.
I guess we will have to wait and see if this is just another "show" put on by RINO's. They always talk a good talk but, have a tendency to expand government even more.
Barack Hussein Obama,
increases budget,
The Alternative Conservative,
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Playboy Mansion -- More People Sick
I didn't initially report on this story because, it didn't sound valid. It seemed like more of a rumor but, now other sources are carrying the story and are reporting that more people have come forward claiming they became ill after attending a party at the Playboy Mansion.
Click title of post for full story.
The number of people who became sick after attending or working at a party at the Playboy Mansion has climbed to 170, according to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.Playboy is denying everything and they are cooperating with an investigation.
That's up from 100 people who originally reported being sick.
The guests became ill after attending a fundraising event at the mansion on Feb. 3, which was part of the annual DOMAINfest Global conference.
The 3-day conference took place at the Fairmont Hotel in Santa Monica. On the second night, there was a party at the Sky Bar on Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood, and on the third night, the finale party took place at the iconic Playboy Mansion.
Within 48 hours after leaving the mansion, scores of attendees reported coming down with symptoms including fever, respiratory problems and violent headaches.
Victims reportedly started tweeting and posting their symptoms on Facebook, and that's when many noticed a trend.
Click title of post for full story.
Hugh Hefner,
Playboy Mansion,
The Alternative Conservative,
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Serene Branson - Reporter Flubs Up Grammy Intro - No Stroke
"Serene Branson was examined by paramedics on scene immediately after her broadcast. Her vital signs were normal. She was not hospitalized. As a precautionary measure, a colleague gave her a ride home and she says that she is feeling fine this morning."
So, who knows what happened here. I hope she continues to be okay.
Serene Branson,
The Alternative Conservative,
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We're Broke!
John Boehner is warning Obama that our country is broke. We just cannot spend anymore and the cuts proposed are simply not enough.
Boehner fumed: ‘He's going to present a budget tomorrow that will continue to destroy jobs by spending too much, borrowing too much and taxing too much.’
Republican House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan would not be drawn on whether his party would oppose the proposals.
He said: ‘We'll see the details of this budget tomorrow, but it looks like to me that it is going to be very small on spending discipline and a lot of new spending so-called investments.
‘Borrowing and spending is not the way to prosperity. Today's deficits means tomorrow's tax increases, and that costs jobs.’
Click title of post for more details.
There is no question that our government is out of control when it comes to spending. We simply cannot be taxing people to death over programs that do not work or, are simply wasteful.
American debt,
The Alternative Conservative,
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Blago Watch!
Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich leaves the Dirksen Federal Building while the jury deliberates in his corruption trial in this Aug. 12, 2010 file photo in Chicago, Illinois. The defense for former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich filed a new motion in an Illinois court today.
(John Gress/Getty Images)
Blagojevich is back and he's trying to sell the idea that he's innocent.
In the latest District Court filing submitted Monday, the Blagojevich legal team tried to build a case that he was not trying to "sell" the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama. In fact, the former Illinois governor has claimed, he was hard at work trying to broker a political horse trade that would appoint Lisa Madigan, the state's attorney general and daughter of the Illinois House speaker, to the post.Click title of this post for the full article.
Blago Watch,
The Alternative Conservative,
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Mubarak Resigns
AP/Tara Todras-Whitehill
Well, looks like it actually happened.
CAIRO – Egypt's Hosni Mubarak resigned as president and handed control to the military on Friday after 29 years in power, bowing to a historic 18-day wave of pro-democracy demonstrations by hundreds of thousands. "The people ousted the president," chanted a crowd of tens of thousands outside his presidential palace in Cairo.
Several hundred thousand protesters massed in Cairo's central Tahrir Square exploded into joy, cheering and waving Egyptian flags. Fireworks, car horns and celebratory shots in the air were heard around the city of 18 million in joy after Vice President Omar Suleiman made the announcement on national TV just after nightfall.
Mubarak had sought to cling to power, handing some of his authorities to Suleiman while keeping his title. But an explosion of protests Friday rejecting the move appeared to have pushed the military into forcing him out completely. Hundreds of thousands marched throughout the day in cities across the country as soliders stood by, besieging his palace in Cairo and Alexadria and the state TV building. A governor of a southern province was forced to flee to safety in the face of protests there.
Click title of post for full story.
Michelle Obama is a LIAR!
Michelle Obama is being called on the carpet for her lies. She stated that Obama stopped smoking a year ago when she recently went on The Today Show. According to this recent article I found, this is not true at all but, a flat out lie.
Michelle Obama,
The Alternative Conservative,
The Today Show,
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Muslim Students in Britain Taught to Hate Jews and Chop Off Hands
I just ran across an interesting article about Britain. It is being reported that Islamic schools in Britain are not only being told that Jews are terrible and are going take over the world but, also how to cut off the hands of thieves.
Click title of post to read more.
Oh, yes, a religion of peace.
Islamic schools across Britain are reportedly teaching their students how to cut off thieves’ hands and that Jews are plotting to take over the world.One textbook given to 15-year-old students outlines physical punishments for violating Shariah law, according to BBC.
“For thieves their hands will be cut off for a first offence, and their foot for a subsequent offence,” the book says.
Diagrams are given to teenagers detailing where the amputations should be made, The Telegraph reports.Textbooks claiming Jews were transformed into pigs and apes have been distributed to up to 5,000 students at weekend schools across England, according to The Telegraph. Another book for 6-year-olds says that people who don’t believe in Islam will suffer “hellfire” in death.
Click title of post to read more.
cut off hands,
Islamic schools,
The Alternative Conservative,
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Rahm Emanuel Favors Reparations for Slavery
Miguel del Valle reaches over Rahm Emanuel to shake hands with William "Dock" Walls during the Chicago Defender-sponsored mayoral debate Wednesday at the DuSable Museum. All six candidates were at the debate, including Gery Chico, left, Carol Moseley Braun and Patricia Van Pelt-Watkins. (Chris Sweda, Chicago Tribune / February 9, 2011)
Emanuel agreed with most candidates in supporting reparations for descendants of slavery, but said that all citizens need to keep in mind that the city has a significant budget deficit to tackle.
Watkins, a community activist and one of three African-American candidates, said she was offended by Emanuel's comments because the nation was built "on the backs" of slaves.Excuse me? Who are these morons that keep talking about slavery reparations? This is utterly absurd. Can you name anyone that was a slave, that's alive today?
Click title of post for full article.
Rahm Emanuel,
The Alternative Conservative,
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Porno Made on Public Miami Beach
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The Alternative Conservative,
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Egypt's Military Supporting Mubarak
Reuters – Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak addresses the nation in this still image taken from video February …
I had a feeling this story would change again. Last night, the news said that Mubarak was stepping down right away, then they later said no.
Here are some parts of the article. They are not in order.
Hopes that Mubarak would resign had been raised Thursday when a council of the military's top generals announced it had stepped in to secure the country, and a senior commander told protesters in Tahrir Square that all their demands would soon be met.
Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak to Step Down
Thursday night will mark Mubarak stepping down from office and newly appointed vice president, Omar Suleiman is poised to take over.
It is being reported that others are a little more cautious of this news.
Click the title of this post for the full article and more information.
I'm not sure what's going to become of this. We'll have to wait and see. I certainly didn't expect this development.
Some pro-democracy protesters reacted cautiously, saying they would only believe Mubarak was really resigning when he announces it on state television.
'Mission accomplished' Thousands of Egyptian protesters gathered in central Cairo roared their approval after reports came that Mubarak was to step down.
Some in the crowd held up their hands in V-for-victory signs, shouting "Allahu akbar," or "God is great," a victory cry used by secular and religious people alike.
It is being reported that others are a little more cautious of this news.
Click the title of this post for the full article and more information.
I'm not sure what's going to become of this. We'll have to wait and see. I certainly didn't expect this development.
King Abdullah Schools Obama
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, has warned Obama not to push for Mubarak of Egypt to step down.
Saudi Arabia has threatened to prop up embattled Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak if the Obama administration tries to force a swift change of regime in Egypt, The Times of London reported Thursday.
In a testy personal telephone call on Jan. 29, Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah reportedly told President Obama not to humiliate Mubarak and warned that he would step in to bankroll Egypt if the U.S. withdrew its aid program, worth $1.5 billion annually.
Oh, snap!
al-Qaida Top Threat
AP – FILE - In this July 20, 2010 file photo, Director of National Intelligence nominee James Clapper listens …
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper will testify today in front of the House Intelligence Committee. The number one priority is al-Qaida.
Amid criticism that intelligence services missed the signs of Arab revolt in Tunisia and Egypt, the nation's top intelligence official will tell Congress that the threat from al-Qaida and its affiliates remains his No. 1 priority, U.S. officials said.
James Clapper,
The Alternative Conservative,
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Inhofe - Global Warming is a Hoax
Inhofe is standing by his words, that global warming is a hoax.
Bottom line, this is all about stopping third world countries from developing and gaining access to energy.
Inhofe was the lead-off witness at a somewhat contentious and lengthy hearing on a proposal that he and Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, are pushing essentially to kill the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to regulate greenhouse gases.Click title of post for full article.
EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, the other major attraction at the hearing, testified after Inhofe.
Different sides were drawn years ago on the long-running debate over climate change, its causes and what governments should do or not do to address the issue.
Wednesday’s hearing at the Subcommittee on Energy and Power followed that script.
That included lengthy statements from members of the panel with limited time for witnesses to respond.
Inhofe and House Republicans on the subcommittee focused on what they consider the enormous costs of EPA’s efforts to regulate greenhouse emissions, the jobs that could be lost and the questions that, in their view, continue to surround climate change science.
Bottom line, this is all about stopping third world countries from developing and gaining access to energy.
Alternative Conservative,
global warming,
The Alternative Conservative,
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Extending Couric
The Daily Beast
Sources claim that CBS executives are going to ask Couric to stay with CBS, just until 2012 and they will not be able to offer more money.
Couric is one of those reporters that turn my stomach. She's lucky she's getting any offer. In my world, she'd be no where near the tv, let alone having her own show.
If Couric and the network reach agreement, it will be for an annual salary significantly lower than the $15 million in her original deal. And the source says the new contract would be for a shorter period, running through the 2012 elections, which would essentially buy time for both sides to pursue other options.
Couric plans to listen to other offers in the coming months and might decide to go elsewhere, or the talks with the network could fall apart. But working in her favor is CBS’ apparent lack of a Plan B—that is, no obvious successor waiting in the wings.
Click the title of this post for the full article.
Katie Couric,
The Alternative Conservative,
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Who Will Republicans Run?
2012 is sneaking upon us and there is still that lingering question, if Obama is out, who is going to take his place? So far, the results have come up inconclusive.
Click title of post to read more.
Who do you like? Who are your choices? I love Huckabee so, he's my pick.
Several Republicans pondering a run in 2012 are to speak this week to a large gathering of conservatives in Washington, a chance to test their messages and generate some buzz.
A year ahead of the first state voting contests to decide who will face Obama in November 2012, no prominent Republican has formally announced a candidacy and no potential candidate has emerged as a favorite.
But plenty of politicians who can envision themselves in the Oval Office are running underground campaigns, visiting early voting states, talking to fund-raisers, organizing staffs. The first announcements are expected by March.
The Conservative Political Action Conference is to hear from a number of potential candidates on Thursday, Friday and Saturday as conservatives who have been celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of conservative giant Ronald Reagan search for someone who can wave his banner.
"It's one of the first times that they get to showcase their actual credentials among key constituencies and generate publicity for themselves early on in the cycle," said Republican strategist Ron Bonjean.
Among the speakers are two former governors, Mitt Romney of Massachusetts and Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota; former House of Representatives Speaker Newt Gingrich and sitting governors Haley Barbour of Mississippi and Mitch Daniels of Indiana.
Gingrich and two other possibles, Representative Michelle Bachmann and former Senator Rick Santorum speak on Thursday.
Click title of post to read more.
Who do you like? Who are your choices? I love Huckabee so, he's my pick.
The Alternative Conservative,
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Pamela Anderson On Illegal Immigrants
Illegal immigration is a hot topic and Pamela Anderson has officially chimed in on the topic by saying that immigrants should respect the laws. Ms. Anderson is from Canada so, she has first hand experience at the process involved in becoming a citizen.
I've never been much of a fan of Pamela Anderson but, I have to give her some credit for coming out and taking a stand on this issue. I can't imagine it will be easy for her since, she is a Hollywood girl and this tends to be more of a "conservative" type of view.
This could also be a sign that when it comes to immigration, the left and the right aren't so different in their beliefs. After all, it makes sense that all Americans would want people to come here and do so legally.
What do you think? I know several democrats that are against illegal immigration but, I'm also from NE and just overall we are more conservative. I'd love to hear from democrats from other cities, more liberal cities.
Click title of post for source.
The Alternative Conservative,
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No Facebook For Obama's Girls
Reuters – U.S. President Barack Obama (L), with daughters Sasha (C) and Malia (R), join volunteers singing Happy …
Well, no sh!t, Sherlock. These are the hard hitting questions of the media. Why would anyone think that the daughters of the president would be on Facebook? Let alone, they are way too young to be on Facebook anyway. Well, one is 9 and the other is 12. So, I guess at 12 I might be able to understand but, 9? No.That's way too young. Plus, it doesn't sound like a wise thing for a president to allow his daughters on Facebook.
Michelle Obama was on the Today Show this morning discussing her diet campaign. To Lauer's credit, he asked her about the menu the White House had during the Super Bowl. Michelle responded very reasonably, explaining that she's talking about an overall moderation but, some days you can eat bad.
Here's the problem. She says one thing in public but, she is working on controlling what restaurants serve in private. Obama does the same thing, he told O'Reilly that he doesn't believe in redistribution of wealth but, that's exactly what he fights for in his office and, later telling corporations that they have to share their profits. So which is it?
Click title of post for full story.
Employees Fired After Forwarding Obama E-Mail - Pittsburgh News Story - WTAE Pittsburgh
Employees Fired After Forwarding Obama E-Mail - Pittsburgh News Story - WTAE Pittsburgh
It's pretty funny and as much as I agree, the company is private. They can do what they want. If these employees were using computers provided by the company, they are in violation.
Lawsuits were filed against the Centers for Rehab Services by two employees who were fired over an e-mail comparing President Barack Obama to a tar ball washing ashore in the Gulf of Mexico.Click title of post for source.
The company said the e-mail was inappropriate, but the employees said they were just expressing their political views and were wrongfully fired.
It's pretty funny and as much as I agree, the company is private. They can do what they want. If these employees were using computers provided by the company, they are in violation.
The Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Mike Mazzeo - The Free World Blog: Multiculturalism Has Failed Says One of Islam's Ow...
Mike Mazzeo - The Free World Blog: Multiculturalism Has Failed Says One of Islam's Ow...: "Multiculturalism will fail: Tarek Fatah By TERRY DAVIDSON, TORONTO SUN Last Updated: February 7, 2011 9:06pm A prominent voice in Canada’..."
Posted by
Not Lohan AGAIN!
"Are you kidding me?"
Those are the words that came to my mind, the second I turned my computer on to check out the news stories for the day.
Yep, it's Lindsay Lohan in trouble again.
Click title of post for full story.
So, now she's a thief. I really don't know what is going to help this girl. Hopefully, she will be able to pick herself up before she's found dead somewhere.
Those are the words that came to my mind, the second I turned my computer on to check out the news stories for the day.
Yep, it's Lindsay Lohan in trouble again.
The 24-year-old actress is to be arraigned Wednesday afternoon at the Airport Branch Courthouse in Los Angeles, according to Deputy District Attorney John Lynch.
Lohan is accused of walking out of Kamofie & Co., a jewelry store, with the designer necklace on January 22.
The store’s owner reported the alleged theft to Los Angeles police, who described the necklace as “one of a kind.”
The celebrity website RadarOnline first reported that investigators had video of Lohan wearing the necklace.
Lohan was seen in a store video wearing the necklace, which later went missing, law enforcement sources told the Los Angeles Times.
Click title of post for full story.
So, now she's a thief. I really don't know what is going to help this girl. Hopefully, she will be able to pick herself up before she's found dead somewhere.
Lindsay Lohan,
Posted by
Blocking Funds for Obamacare
U.S. Representative Eric Cantor (R-VA) delivers remarks during the 2010 meeting of the Wall Street Journal CEO Council in Washington, November 16, 2010.
Credit: Reuters/Jonathan Ernst
U.S. Representative Eric Cantor (R-VA) delivers remarks during the 2010 meeting of the Wall Street Journal CEO Council in Washington, November 16, 2010.
Credit: Reuters/Jonathan Ernst
U.S. Representative Eric Cantor (R-VA) delivers remarks during the 2010 meeting of the Wall Street Journal CEO Council in Washington, November 16, 2010.
Credit: Reuters/Jonathan Ernst
The U.S. House of Representatives is likely to vote to block funding for President Barack Obama's signature healthcare overhaul when it takes up a budget plan next week, House Republican Leader Eric Cantor said on Tuesday.Click title of post for full story.
"I expect to see one way or other the product coming out of the House to speak to that and to preclude any funding to be used for that," Cantor said at a news conference, referring to an effort to block implementation of the health-care law.
I am for blocking this anyway they can. The fact is, none of this is Constitutional. Our government was not set up for them to be in all of our business like this. How can these people complain that a woman wanting to kill an unborn baby is the government being in their bedroom but, they want the government involved in ALL of health matters?
block funds,
The Alternative Conservative,
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Current TV to be New Home For Keith Olbermann
It looks like Current TV will announce that Keith Olbermann will have a new home with them. Who? What is Current TV, you say?
Good luck with that, Keith.
Good luck with that, Keith.
Neither Mr. Olbermann, his representatives, or executives from Current TV would comment on the move, but they did not deny that the channel, which counts former Vice President Al Gore as one of its founders, will become at least one partner in Mr. Olbermann’s future media plans.Click title of post for full story.
One of the people with knowledge of the plans said Mr. Olbermann would have an equity stake in Current TV. The people insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized by their employers to comment in advance of the official announcement.
Current TV,
Keith Olbermann,
The Alternative Conservative,
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Careful With That Ecstasy
Los Angeles County health officials have released an MDMA guide with safety precautions when indulging in the use of Ecstasy. Say what?!
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The Alternative Conservative,
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Looking For a Lower IQ? Eat Junk Food
A woman eating a hot dog at a fast food restaurant. Toddlers who have a diet high in processed foods may have a slightly lower IQ in later life, according to a British study described as the biggest research of its kind.
The link between IQ and diet is still a highly debated issue but, this recent study conducted suggests that toddlers who eat a diet that is more health conscience will develop a higher IQ compared to toddlers who ate more processed foods.
Seems pretty obvious to me. Just another reason not to eat a bunch of junk.
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junk food,
lower IQ,
The Alternative Conservative,
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