
Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

What do we do when it appears that our government does not have the best interest of our country at heart? Obama's interest in changing the government of Egypt is not in our best interest, nor does it appear to be in the best interest of the people there. What is the goal here?

If Mubarak were to step down immediately, Egypt's constitution requires that an election be held within 60 days. Clinton and the Egyptian protesters have acknowledged that this would not be enough time to organize. So why did Obama come out immediately and call for Mubarak to step down right away last week? This is just another example of Obama commenting too quickly on things he clearly doesn't know anything about.

Frank Wisner, the retired U.S. diplomat whom Obama sent to Cairo last week to nudge Mubarak out of the picture, drew attention to the constitutional dilemma on Saturday in remarks to the Munich Security Conference. He also raised a furor by saying that Mubarak was "utterly critical" to the reform process.

That comment bolstered the view in Cairo and elsewhere in the Arab world that Washington had abandoned the protesters in favor of entrenched old guard it has relied on for the past 30 years. It also infuriated the White House, which immediately distanced itself from Wisner, saying he is a private citizen and his views are his own.

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Now, it is being reported that the Muslim Brotherhood will be involved with establishing a new government.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Sunday tentatively welcomed the Egyptian government's inclusion of the Muslim Brotherhood in negotiations over the future of the country.

"Today we learned the Muslim Brotherhood decided to participate, which suggests they at least are now involved in the dialogue that we have encouraged, the US's top diplomat told National Public Radio (NPR).
"The Egyptian people are looking for an orderly transition that can lead to free and fair elections," she said. "That is what the United States has consistently supported."

Well, if we support free and fair elections, how can we approve of the Muslim Brotherhood being a part of the discussion? This makes no sense.

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