Michelle Obama is being called on the carpet for her lies. She stated that Obama stopped smoking a year ago when she recently went on
The Today Show. According to this recent article I found, this is not true at all but, a flat out lie.
Here is my take on the First Lady’s “Obama isn’t smoking anymore” comments this past week. Michelle Obama is flat out lying and this kind of lying has become terminal within the Obama White House. Is that direct enough for you? I know for a FACT the president did NOT quit smoking last year. Knowing that leaves me with the question of why Michelle Obama goes out and makes such a statement. That is the question you should have been asking. So why does she lie about her husband’s smoking habit? Certainly she is aware others know she is lying. So why do it? And if the president had in fact quit smoking after a 30 year habit, how in the hell does he manage to lose weight while doing so? The guy looks downright emaciated over the last year. And of course I’ve already spoken to what might be causing that.
The article goes on to talk about another topic:
Now to something more directly political. Received word that a rift is already developing between Valerie Jarrett and Bill D. Daley is worried Obamacare will be too easily used against the president in 2012 and wants to make drastic alterations to the legislation by the end of this year so it can be sold as more popular than it currently is. Jarrett is digging in against that idea, as in N-F-W that is gonna happen. The two have apparently shared some pretty heated exchanges on the subject. Interesting to note that Daley already feels secure enough to challenge Jarrett in this way, leading me to believe he has something on her. I say again most likely Chicago. All roads lead back to Chicago with this White House. Yes, the current irony of me making that statement does not escape me. Hah!
He also points out another stupid lie from Michelle concerning Obama's hair.
From the Ulsterman: It was interesting to note that while receiving this most recent email from Insider regarding the First Lady “flat out lying” regarding Barack Obama’s smoking habit, Michelle Obama was on Good Morning America also declaring that the president does not dye his hair, despite ample evidence indicating otherwise. And what then was the First Lady’s explanation as to the seemingly ever-changing Obama hair color? “Lighting.” Oh really? This obvious lie once again demands the very question posed by Insider in this latest installment - why is the First Lady of the United States engaging in such obvious examples of untruths? And if she is so willing to lie about such trivial matters as hair dye and a smoking habit, what far more important issues is this Obama White House willing to deceive Americans on?
Of course, the point of all this is simply a matter of questioning why Michelle chooses to lie about the dumbest things.
Click title of this post for the full article.
Her and her hubby would be the consummate used auto sales people. They are all things to all people and will tell you just what you want to hear. What I wanna know is why her and hubby dearest can no longer practice law?
We have another co-presidency type of thing with Hill and Bill. Oh and both are liars just like them too.
- Mike Mazzeo, The Free World Blog
She's evil. I'm sorry. I do not trust this woman at all.
Just look at that picture of her. She is Satan in drag.
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