Once again we witness MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, trying desperately to understand world politics but as usual, when she can't understand something, she just provides insults to others covering the news. Of course, you know she's insulting Fox News.
What would 24 hours look like without MSNBC insulting and attacking the network that kicks their asses all the way up and down the playground on a daily basis? Like the little kid that gets picked last in gym class, MSNBC continues to create news by slinging mud, rather than trying to put in the hard time to work out and be strong.
Why bother trying to lead by example? If that's the problem that MSNBC has with Fox, you would think that their plans for their news would be actual news, right? No. Instead, they just watch their competitors and do their best to attack, creating stories.
One thing is for sure, it does provide the world comedy and for that I'm grateful. Enjoy.
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