
Judge Says Fed Illegally Wiretapped Islamic Charity

Of course, you know by the title, the story must come from San Francisco. A federal judge ruled that two American attorneys and an Islamic charity were wiretapped illegally.

Excerpt from the article:

Belew and Ghafoor claimed their 2004 phone conversations with foundation official Soliman al-Buthi were wiretapped without warrants soon after the Treasury Department had declared the Oregon branch a supporter of terrorism. They argued that wiretaps installed without a judge's authorization are illegal.

You can click the title of this post for the full story.

More Gay Military Drama

Click title for full story. The story is reporting that Lt. Gen. Benjamin Mixon, who is a high ranking Army general, was urging troops to push for the "don't ask, don't tell" policy to stay in place.

"Now is the time," Mixon said, "to write your elected officials and chain of command and express your views. If those of us who are in favor of retaining the current policy do not speak up, there is no chance to retain the current policy."

By him doing this, they consider this to be subordination. According to the article, he will not be reprimanded but, it does seem he was warned.

I don't know why this is an issue again. It's only when demoncraps get in office, where you find this push of gays. It's like they want to point out how awful we are as a country because, we don't want to focus on people's sexuality. Who cares?

It's not anyone's business. If you serve in the military, you're there to do a job, not talk about your sexual conquests. Furthermore, I don't see anything wrong with this general saying that he has a problem with lifting the policy.

I am not in the military so, I may not be seeing the whole picture here but, from where I am standing, I don't see why this is an issue.

Drilling Off of US Coasts

"We're announcing the expansion of offshore oil and gas exploration but in ways that balance the need to harness domestic energy resources and the need to protect America's natural resources," Obama said, according to his prepared remarks released in advance by the White House. "This announcement is part of a broader strategy that will move us from an economy that runs on fossil fuels and foreign oil to one that relies more on homegrown fuels and clean energy. And the only way this transition will succeed is if it strengthens our economy in the short term and long term."

Well far be it from me from giving the man some credit. Good for Obama. I actually agree with something he's doing.

Pardon me, my jaw appears to be laying on the floor.

Health Care Bill - Part Two

In part two of my adventures of reading the health care bill, I pretty much am finding more and more information about the Secretary basically handling everything at their discretion.

In the section that I am reading, it basically is covering formalities on how things are going to be organized. Also, some information about collecting payments via electronic fund transfers.

In the bill, it is stating a lot of different things about documentation of insurance. This [documents], all needs to be registered and given to the Secretary. Now, the Secretary is going to set some standards and then, they are going to oversee that the insurance companies are doing things in accordance with those standards, that are not yet known.

A review committee will also be made up by the Secretary to review various functions like, the coordination of standards, and operating rules for other standards. This is found on pages, 70 and 71.

The next topic talks about penalty fees, which, in case you don't know by now, are going to be set by the Secretary. I know, you're shocked, right? These penalties will be given if the insurance companies fail to meet standards that have not yet been determined by the Secretary.

Well, those are the highlights for today. Stay tuned for more...


Another One Says He's Gay

Yep. Ricky Martin is gay.

Do I really care? No.

I just want to make the point that this is ridiculous. This is news? Why is our culture so obsessed with homosexuality? Why are entertainers so obsessed with revealing every detail of their lives to us? These people are so unbelievably narcissistic.

Student Loan Legislation

Obama is now going to have the government take over student loans.

Click the title of this thread for the full story of how wonderful this is going to be.

Health Care Bill - Part One

Okay, I have decided to take on the task of reading this health care bill- all 2700 pages. I am first going to read through the bill and see if I can figure out all the cross-referencing later on.

Each day, I am planning on sharing a little bit of interesting stuff that I learn from my reading. I am not a lawyer so, I am not fairly versed in legalese but, I'm willing to give it a shot. I will only be highlighting/covering the parts that I think will be helpful for you or, interesting. I'm sure the bill is filled a bunch of repeating and legal stuff that might not be of terrible interest to you.

So far, from what I have read...

The first section talks about limits and it looks like they do not want any yearly limits. There's a bunch of stuff you have to cross reference so, I will have to study that some more, in order to figure out what other limits they are referring to.

For, ‘‘SEC. 2714. EXTENSION OF DEPENDENT COVERAGE...this is saying that insurance companies are now required to cover dependents until the age of 26. They cannot be married.

Through most of this, it keeps saying, "The Secretary..." The Secretary shall decide what is considered to be acceptable. I thought the purpose of the bill was to figure this all out. I don't understand why The Secretary is the one who is able to make these calls, or deems what is appropriate.

For example:


Under this, it says: In developing such standards, the Secretary shall consult with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (referred to in this section as the ‘NAIC’)

What they are going to do is have a panel of folks that consist of doctors, insurance people, and other "qualified individuals" (whatever the hell that means), are going to develop standards for group or individual health insurance coverage.

So, again, we have a bill that congress voted on and, they have NO idea what is actually coming. Is this why Nancy Pelosi said, "We have to pass the bill in order to see what is in it"? They didn't know what was in it! They really didn't.

The Secretary also has the authority to periodically go over and update. So, basically, they can just change this bill at will. Lovely.

PERIODIC REVIEW AND UPDATING.—The Secretary shall periodically review and update, as appropriate,the standards developed under this section.

On page 28, it says that insurers will have to provide a report to the Secretary, outlining their progress on quality care. This would include health outcomes, preventing hospital readmissions, improving safety and errors, and wellness and health activities. Okay...sounds okay, I guess.

Apparently, the insurers will be required to offer and promote wellness and health activities. They can do this a variety of ways, either face-to-face, or even through the web. In any case, they are required to provide information on, (1) Smoking cessation. (2) Weight management.(3) Stress management.(4)Physical fitness (5)Nutrition.(6)Heart disease prevention.(7)Healthy lifestyle support (8)Diabetes prevention. (page 29)

Hmmm...will our president quit smoking?


I'm having a harder time understanding this section but, I am reading this as the insurer is going to have to report the premium costs and, account for all expenses. This will be reported to the Secretary, who in turn, will determine if the consumer should receive an annual rebate. (REQUIREMENT TO PROVIDE VALUE FOR PREMIUM PAYMENTS.)

The next section talks about STANDARD HOSPITAL CHARGES. Now, the Secretary is going to determine what the hospitals can charge. Each service is going to have a set price, each year. How lovely.

Beginning of page 41, we find the Immediate Actions to Preserve and Expand Coverage SEC. 1101.IMMEDIATE ACCESS TO INSURANCE FOR UNINSURED INDIVIDUALS WITH A PREEXISTING CONDITION. Now, it does say in here that you have to be a citizen to be eligible. It also says that the coverage is deemed by the Secretary either directly or, through a contract.

I am reading this as a private insurer may receive government funds, in order to cover the person with preexisting conditions.

The next section of this discusses prevention of people who are currently covered and then find themselves getting dumped. The idea is to prevent this from happening. Of course, the Secretary can determine how much and how many will be covered.

This is truly astounding. The Secretary can basically do anything they want. Who is this Secretary and who is overseeing their work?

More to come...


A Math Genius is an Idiot

This story is about a genius mathematician, who recently solved a problem and was awarded one million dollars.

This man doesn't know if he's going to accept the prize yet or not.

Oh, did I forget to mention that the man lives with his elderly mother in a 3 room apartment and, has been unemployed for four years?

His name is Grigory Perelman from Russia. He may know his math on paper but, the man is a complete moron to turn down money that could help support him and his mother. He's probably a sad rag living off the government. Pathetic.

Click title of post for full article.

Christian Malitia Plot to Kill Cops

It is quite amazing the way the AP words some of these stories. I knew this one, by the title, would be no exception to the rule.

Apparently in Detroit, nine people were arrested due to a plot against the US government to kill a cop and bomb a funeral.

An exact quote from the article:

Authorities said the arrests underscored the dangers of homegrown right-wing extremism of the sort seen in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing that killed 168 people.

Of course they have to be kidding, right? Nope. This is actually being reported this way on the AP. You can click the title of this post for the full article.

I guess they just assume that the American public forgot the interviews with McVeigh saying he was a liberal, who regularly watched CNN? Or, the fact that every story on the news covered a John Doe number 2 of Middle Eastern decent? I suppose we are also to completely forget that Clinton never wanted to follow up on the Middle Eastern connection to the bombing, mostly because he always ignored the terrorism issue, like he did with the WTC bombing in '93 and, the USS Cole? Umm...Okay. Too bad, I will not.

I'm not sure exactly what is going on here but, the story on the AP seems to be quite biased. What? Liberals are not Christian now? Only nutty people can be conservative and, on the right?

There's not enough information that has been released but, the writer of this article sure found a lot of wasted words to report this story.

I'm going to reserve my judgment until we get more details.

The Health Care Bill

I found the link, if anyone else would like it. Just click the title of this post. I am planning on reading it. I don't know how long this will take but, 2700 pages of legalese might be pretty hard for an average gal like me. I'll still give it a try.

Please post comments of what you think of the bill. I will try to post about this daily so, read along, if you like.


Why Liberalism is a Racist Ideology

In case you didn't realize what liberal "values" do to minorities, this video does a great job at explaining what should be obvious to many folks.

It's always the conservatives, the Republicans, the right wingers, that are always being accused of being racists but, who are the ones that are implementing policies that keep minorities in a victim status? Who are the real racists, that don't believe in a hand-up but, a hand-out?

I don't know why some well intentioned liberals have such a hard time seeing this, or maybe they do see this, and they are just racists.

Thank goodness for this man, and thank goodness more minorities are waking up all across this country.


My Problem With Abortion

Besides the fact that Roe v. Wade is simply bad law, it seems as though the government is now adding more problems to this issue.

One of the reasons that the health care billed stalled, had to do with the language of abortion that was located within the bill. From my current understanding, the government will be covering abortions, if the pregnancy is due to rape, incest, or if the mother's life is in jeopardy.

What's my problem with this? Why do I not believe we should not pay for any abortion in this country, even if the woman is raped? You might say, as even some pro-lifers I know, "Well, rape is different." I say, we're going to have more problems.

First of all, we're going to have a whole lot more "rapes" in this country.

Think about this. If a girl knows that she can get an abortion paid for by the state, what is preventing her from saying she was raped? Will the doctor's be required, by law, to report the rape? If they are, isn't a person in this country innocent until proven guilty? Legally, you would have to have a trial for this man, find him guilty, and then the abortion could occur.

Unfortunately, this is not going to occur. The abortion will take place beforehand and what if the accused is found innocent? Then what will happen? Will the girl be forced to pay the government back? Will restitution be made in some way? What about the damage this will do to many men in this country who will be accused of rape, all so a girl can get an abortion tab paid for?

I wouldn't be so cynical of people, had I not had my share of run-ins with some severely screwed up folks. People will do anything to avoid paying for something and, you know they are, for the most part, irresponsible already. (No, not all cases, but most).

There is no reason for the government to be involved with abortion at all. I see nothing but headaches. What about those of us that do not believe in abortion in any case? Why does our money have to go towards any abortion?

Also, not to get too far off topic but, this leaves me to mention, organ transplants. You have to remember there are folks that do not believe in organ transplants. This is another topic entirely but, the point I'm trying to make should be obvious. Heath care, in a "universal sense" may have great intentions but, ultimately restricts people's religious views and, is a complete violation of our first amendment rights.


FBI Investivgates Threats To Democrats

It is being reported that there have been threats to Democrats that are stemmed from their vote in favor of the health care bill.

More than 10 of these lawmakers have reported incidents. Click on title of post for full article.

Well, I hope the FBI does investigate this. Seems like a bunch of crap to me. It's probably them or, people like them, doing it to themselves. Why? So, they can blame conservatives. Too bad for them, the liberals in this country are known for their violence and, that is why I say that. I will remain skeptical.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Legalizing Marijuana in CA

Of course, it wasn't enough to simply use it for medicinal purposes, now the state of CA is going to put on the ballot an initiative to make marijuana legal for recreational use.

On the November 2010 ballot, voters will be able to decide whether they would like to live in state of haze, only legally.

Click title for full article.

Now Let's Weaken The Country

It looks like Russia and The US have come to some terms over a treaty concerning nuclear arsenals.

Click on title for article.

Expert from article:
After long and trying negotiations, President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev are to sign the treaty in two weeks in Prague, once final technical details are worked out, officials in Washington and Moscow said. The accord is expected to cut the number of long-range nuclear weapons held by each side to about 1,500, and it raises hopes for further disarmament in the years ahead.

Maybe I'm just being a cynic here. Obama is a flat out communist. First he signs health care, which he pushed down our throats and now, he's making treaties with Russia concerning nuclear arsenals. You'll just have to excuse my skepticism.

Weaken, weaken, weaken this country. That appears to be the goals of Obama.


Health Care Bill Passes

What can I say? It's passed.

I am fuming mad and, extremely sad at the same time.

I don't have much more to say on this, at this time.


Invisible Cloak!?

Sounds like it's pretty far off but, I'm already making plans with what I shall do with mine.

Boy Scouts Accused of Sexual Abuse Cover Up

A trial that started on Wed, in Oregon is said to present, as evidence, an archive of documents that have detailed the sexual abuse that has been committed by scout leaders over the years.

The boy scouts attorney says that the archive exists only to help the organization rid itself of sexual abusers and, document repeat offenders.

The victims name wasn't mentioned but, the attorney for him is, Kelly Clark, who is seeking $14 million. The accused is a man named, Timur Dykes. He is a man that was already arrested back in 1983, and admitted to abusing 17 boys. He got probation and was told to stay away from boys.

In 1994, he was back to his scouting activities and, was arrested again.

View article on AP here.

Sunday Vote For Health Care

Democrats are planning their push for the health care bill that is set to be voted on Sunday.

The bill would force you to carry insurance by the year 2014 or, face the consequences, which we all know now is jail but, the AP decided to gloss over that.

There are a group of democrats that are standing together to oppose, simply because, they are standing against the language in the bill concerning abortion. They want NO federal funds going to abortion.

Two more democrats have signed on. One is Rep. Betsy Markey, D-Colorado, who is siting deficit cuts. This is quite amazing since, in the bill, more money will be going to all the states for Medicade.

How does one get the idea that more spending, more coverage, more pork, will facilitate a deficit cut? This logic is absurd.

Yes, you have to spend money to make money but, the government spending money for all these years has only proved that more deficit is around the corner.

Poor = Criminal

Or, so I was told today.

I have quite a knack at getting into post wars on the internet and today was no exception. I guess it's just my witty charm. An obvious liberal, who also claims to be Christian, decided to respond to this quote:

"In my youth I traveled much and I observed in different countries that the more public provisions were made for the poor the less they provided for themselves and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves and became richer.” -Ben Franklin

"I just knew Jesus was wrong. Ben Franklin is bow diety" ...said the man I ended up talking to...(it's actually deity but, I spell things wrong too, I just happen to know how to use spell check). Anyways, I questioned him about this and, ended up telling him that, yes people should help the poor but, they should have a choice and that the government shouldn't be making all those decisions for us.

He replied to me with a comparison of taxes for roads and military, with welfare for the poor. Obviously this is absurd.

What always frustrates me about liberals is their take on taxes. I am not an anarchist. I support giving money for roads, police, fireman, military, and possibly a few other programs but, these are services that are helpful for all citizens. When the government takes from the haves and gives to the have-nots, that is stealing. That is Robin Hood philosophy.

I further explained to this man that I have no problem donating money to the poor. He actually had the nerve to ask me what my figures are for my, "apparent generosity." What a goon.

Because I pointed out the difference, I was accused of talking out both sides of my mouth, as well as interpreting the Bible any way I pleased. I asked this man more than once to tell me where in the Bible it says that stealing is okay, in some circumstances. He has yet to give me an answer on that one.

Instead, he decided to say: I'm the one interpreting it more literal. I'm not trying to belittle you at all. Just pointing out that you speak out of both sides of your mouth. Roads benefit all but food stamps benefit just one so they are not okay. Good luck making converts with that theology.

Apparently this poor man has never heard of conservatives.

Again you are not consistant with what you say which is very typical of right wingnuts. You paying taxes for roads benefits all but so does foudstamps because if people have no food they will steal it and crime would go up. So they benefit all. Sure there is abuse for which I am against, but many need help and as God commands I'm willing all I can

I love this. I'm the one being accused of not being consistent? I'm not the one saying it's okay to steal in some circumstances. The commandment is "Thou shalt not steal," not "Thou shalt not steal but, sometimes it's okay for the government to do so." Last I checked, it's a commandment, not a suggestion.

Now, don't get me wrong, I realize there's not much I can do about all this but, my point isn't about eradicating the system. My point is simply identifying what is right and, what is wrong. I asked this man straight out, "Do you think Jesus would be running around with Robin Hood and his merry men?" Of course, that wasn't answered either. If taking money from one group of people and giving it to another group of people isn't stealing, than I don't know what is.

The part that really made steam come out of every orifice of my body was the part where he said, "if people have no food they will steal it and crime would go up." How can someone have the nerve to say such an ignorant statement? So, if someone is without, according to this guy, they will always resort to stealing and being criminals. Poverty causes crime? It's funny because, I know plenty of rich people that have committed crimes, lots of crimes and, just because they could afford good lawyers doesn't mean that their crimes didn't effect the people around them.

It's also interesting to note that as more money has been funneled into the welfare system, I don't see crime going down anywhere. It's clear this guy has never lived in a big city like, oh say... Baltimore.

Furthermore, if this guy thinks that it is Jesus' will to have the government take from some and give that money to others, then isn't that forcing religion? I thought it was the liberals that were always shouting about "separation of church and state"? The whole idea of being Christian is allowing people the freedom to chose. Forcing people to do certain things is not a Christian value.

I have no problem with government offices having the 10 Commandments displayed. I have no problem with prayer in school (you don't have to participate), I have no problem with many things but, I do have a problem when people claim they are Christian and believe it's okay for the state to control everything.

What it boils down to is that liberals do not have faith in G-d. They believe in the government. The government is their god. This man thinks that if the government didn't provide subsidies for the poor, that no one would ever help the poor. He has NO faith that G-d will take care of them, that G-d will move the hearts and minds of people people to give voluntarily.

I don't think we're necessarily going to get people to agree that no help should be available but, I don't think we should make it easy for people either. I'm okay with helping to a degree. Help. Definitely help but, make it uncomfortable. When I see generation after generation being on welfare, I am bothered by that. We are making people feel comfortable on these programs and that's not a good thing. We keep people victims doing that. I just cannot believe that Jesus would say that's a good thing.


US Cancels Envoy Visit to Israel

Washington told Israel that envoy, George Mitchel, has canceled his trip. This appears to be the result of Israel announcing a project to build 1600 apartments in East Jerusalem. Of course, you can only imagine, the Palestinians are whining about this, and it looks like Washington is trying to send a message supporting Palestinians.

Again, we are hearing about Palestinians acting like animals - hurling rocks, and burning tires.

Click title of this post for full article being reported on the AP.


Sociopath - Michael Alig RELEASED

Update: I'm updating this to confirm that Alig was released on May 5th of this year - 2014. It appears that he was almost rearrested because of a film crew that was present but he did manage to walk out. I have decided not to post the links but a simple search via the internet will provide you with photos and Alig's first night was him surrounded by friends dining at a restaurant. James St. James can be found among the friends who accompanied Alig.

After reading some articles that have been written by people who know Alig and continue to be friends with him, I am under the impression that nobody wants to "judge" him. They all want to give him a chance and he has so much to offer. Alig will be publishing his book and doing artwork and there is a rumor that he will be on his own reality show. Of course he will be doing interviews and maybe even documentaries; this is to be expected.

Personally, I would like to read his book out of curiosity, on the other hand I'm not sure I want to support him in any way. Yes, he paid his debt to society, I understand this. However, forgiving and forgetting are two very different things. It's amazing to me that he continues to have so much support but I wonder how much of that support he will humbly accept and be grateful for? I wonder if he will take that support for granted. How many criminals finally get released and are immediately offered multiple opportunities? Almost none.

I will be writing a bit more about this topic but right now I'm focused on the Arias trial and preparing for her penalty phase.

In the meantime you can read this older article:
Please note that some of the embedded links my no longer work. I will attempt to fix this in the near future. 

If you haven't heard of Michael Alig, don't worry. (I usually don't use wikipedia as a source but, they have his info updated).  It's probably best that you haven't heard of him. His story just happens to be one that has intrigued me for several years. I don't know why I'm drawn to some crimes; it's just something that happens every once in awhile.

Alig became known as a club promoter/club kid in NYC in the late 80's, after Andy Warhol died. He is said to be the ring leader of the wild club movement, that occurred for a little over 10 year. His parties were called, Disco 2000. Many were in clubs and, some were illegal parties held in random locations like Burger King or, in a Subway station. He started out strong, promoting in several different clubs,  mostly the infamous Limelight. He and his friends were actually paid to go to the club, dress in exotic costumes, and exhibit shocking behavior.

All of this fun turned into drug use, followed by drug addiction, and promotion of parties that became more and more obnoxious. Eventually, Michael got so lost in his drugs that his world began to crumble around him. It was 1996 now. He had lost his job as a promoter and was trying to make a comeback on the NY club scene. It was about this time that Alig found himself in a fight with his drug dealer, Angel Melendez. The fight turned physical and, was interrupted by a blow to Angel's head with a hammer from a friend that was there, Robert Riggs, who was known as Freeze.

After Freeze had hit him 3 times with the hammer, Alig smothered him with a pillow and Melendez died. They put the body on ice in their bathroom tub and left it there for several days. Now, of course, they both claim the details are sketchy at best, due to the fact that both of these men were on an assortment of heavy drugs. These drugs included ecstasy, Rohypnol, Ketemine or, Special K, cocaine, and heroin. 

 According to some stories, Alig either injected drano or, poured drano down Melendez's throat or, did both and taped his mouth shut. Some stories I've heard about have gone so far as to say they did sexual things with the dead body. After the body had been there for several days, the stench was so bad that they decided to get rid of the body by having Michael dismember the legs off of Melendez. He put the legs in a bag and the rest of the body in a box. It is also rumored that the two threw a party with this box in the middle of the room to act as a drink table. 

The box and bag filled with the body were taken out of the apartment the two were living in, and right out the front entrance into a cab. The cab took the pair to the Hudson river where they threw the body in. 

So, here's where the story gets even MORE disturbing, if you can imagine. We find out that the police basically find this body right away but, it's left unidentified. Michael continues to party and go around telling people of his crime. Evidently, he also had a drug overdose during this time. He told just about anyone all of the gruesome details of this murder. Amazingly, no one said anything. Some just chalked it up to Michael being a prankster but, as time passed, no one saw Angel again. 

You can actually watch the "Shockumentary Party Monster" on YouTube. I'm not sure why they don't have part 2 uploaded but, the end of the first section has Micheal being filmed for this just before his arrest. Watch him as he confesses to the murder and then, play like he's joking. There's all sorts of stuff on YouTube from his interviews, to the movie that was made called, "Party Monster" featuring Macaulay Culkin, playing Alig. 

Finally, the police get wind of these stories and rumors, partially because of Michael Musto, who did a story on the club scene and, talked about a murder that was being discussed in the inner circle. The details of this crime, more specifically - the dismemberment of the legs - prompted the police to look once again at the body they had found 9 months prior but, never officially identified.  Musto appears in these video's as well.

Through dental records, they are able to say that the body they found was, indeed Melendez. Freeze and Alig were arrested. Alig was sentenced to 10-20 years for his crime. He was up for parole a few times and because of the movie that was made, as well as a dirty urine test, showing he had used drugs, he was denied parole. His release date was supposed to be this month, 2010. He will not be released. 

I am quite happy that he will not be released. I cannot believe he will not be serving a life sentence for this crime. It's amazing the fans he still has. They are everywhere. I have read a lot about Michael and, on most of these stories that are reported on the internet, you can see people have the option of leaving their comments. I have read many of these comments and am shocked by the amount of people who absolutely love Alig. 

Sure, he was a great promoter and yes, he did have quite an effect on the NYC party scene. You could also say that Melendez was a drug dealer that probably should have been killed anyway but, that is no excuse for what Michael did. I watch these interviews and watch him and, read his words and, I do not hear an ounce of remorse. It's as if he's talking about something from another world, as if he wasn't actually a part of what happened. 

His good friend James St. James, another main character in Alig's life, who eventually wrote a book about this murderer, claims that Alig is a sociopath and, that prison will not help him. St. James has gone so far as to describe Alig as a mirror, someone that looks at you and figures out what you want and, proceeds to fulfill that want. 

Someone recently posted the story that was done by American Justice. I enjoyed this one the best. They covered the more important parts of the story and didn't seem to glorify Alig, the way the movie seems to. The Shockumentary is okay; it covers the story just fine. I think the interview with Alig that they have, just before he was arrested, is the most disurbing. 

Many of his fans just blame the drugs and, some just dismiss Melendez as a drug dealer that got what he deserved. Others believe his story entirely, that it was self defense. Okay, fine. Him and Freeze were defending themselves. What part of, "call the police and tell them what happened" did they miss here? Who in the world gets done defending themselves and pours drano down their victims throat? Or, injects them with drano? Or, puts their body on ice in a tub for several days? Or, later goes and cuts off that person's legs? Doing that stuff comes from a very sick, disturbing place. 

Drugs did play a role. They enhanced something that was already inside of Michael Alig. This was a man that had already shown signs of bizarre ideas and, disgusting behaviors long before the murder occurred. 

When you watch him on his interviews, he is flippant, almost removed from the occurrence. He doesn't care that he killed anyone. He's just upset that he got caught, that he wasn't clever enough to do something that would have allowed him to get away with the murder. 

There's something still intriguing about him. I watch these videos and don't want him to be evil. I don't want to see this nice looking, witty man as someone who is evil but, he is. I am not sure what will become of Alig in the years to come. He is 43 years old now. He will get out eventually. I'm thinking it will be a drug overdose that will eventually kill him. The whole story is sad and scary but, I am grateful that he is still behind bars, at least for now.


7 Arrested in Plot to Kill Cartoonist in Ireland

The cartoonist is Lars Vilks who, in 2007, depicted an image of the head of Muhammad on a dog's body. According to the article on the AP, the bounty from al-Qaida given for the man was set $100,000.

One of the people arrested in Ireland was Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, 31, who is actually from CO. It turns out that she recently converted to Islam and, took her son with her to Ireland to be with an Algerian man, whom she married. She is also said to have been in contact with another woman  Colleen LaRose, who is in PA. She calls herself, "Jihad Jane" and, is known for being online in order to recruit people for the assassination of this cartoonist.

At this point, Ireland officials are not releasing any further details and, it's not known if Paulin-Ramirez is still in custody.

Before she left the country, Paulin-Ramirez was working at a medical clinic and studying to become a nurse practitioner. What made her become Muslim, turn on her country, and finally become involved in a plot to murder a cartoonist over a drawing?


Sometimes I Run Across Absurd Statements

Of course, I would find this on Michael Moore's website.

The first thing that shocked me was, he posts a letter to Obama basically telling him that he needs to push the health care bill through and end the war in Afghanistan. If he would hire Moore instead, Obama could get things done. Then, he actually says:

Let me be clear about one thing: The Democrats on Election Day 2010 are going to get an ass-whoopin' of biblical proportions if things don't change right now. And after the new Republican majority takes over, they, along with a few conservative Democrats in Congress, will get to bipartisanly impeach you for being a socialist and a citizen of Kenya. How nice to see both sides of the aisle working together again!

You have to read the entire letter to get a real feel for how unbelievably mindless Michael Moore is. He's basically admitting the guy is a fraud but, who cares? As long as a socialist is in office to do whatever is necessary to destroy this country, he supports him and, will even help Obama along the way.

Then, it gets even better in the comment section when I ran across this pitiful display of the liberal mind. If you cannot see the projection of pure depression and, just a general mind-sickness that is inherent in the brains of these loser socialist/leftists, you are simply denying the obvious.

Posted March 10th, 2010 9:25 PM
Just a few words- You mentioned "yogurt" as a product that would disappear if no body wanted it, as an example of the benefits of capitalism. But yogurt is not essential to life. Healthcare, however is, and allowing a few corrupt companies to monopolize the industry is a problem.

It is my belief that greed drives capitalism- that most people would rather buy another luxury car than see their neighbors fed and housed. Even poor people sometimes endorse capitalism in the unrealistic hope that they too may be "rich" someday. I don't see why communism much less socialism calls for the end of choice. And if you've seen the interviews of people in scandanavian countries they seem quite happy, creative and productive.

Our "democracy" is not the only form of government that "works" despite all the propaganda to the contrary. 

Well, wiccanwoman, we don't live in democracy; it's called a Republic. Second of all, how many people do you need to witness that come from poor, poverty stricken neighborhoods, and then later become wealthy in this country, for you to see that it's not "unrealistic" to become rich? Pretty much everyone I know that has money came from poverty and, it's because of our system that they were able to rise above the level of poverty, you idiot.

I didn't bother leaving this comment on the site because, there is no point in trying to convince people of anything when they are dense and obviously depressed. How else would you explain why someone would even make such a comment?

The mind of a liberal/socialist is one of defeat, weakness, and selfishness. It's unbelievable to me that people allow themselves to think this way. It's years of being told that they are simply working class, that the rich are always going to get richer, that things aren't "fair," that people need to be more tolerant...ect.

Here's a couple clues: the rich will always get richer! It doesn't matter if you're living in a communist country, a socialist country, or a republic. At least with a republic, you have a chance of breaking out of your class bracket. You haven't any hope in the other options. Nothing is fair! Again, doesn't matter what system you're under, racism will always exist. The only thing we can do to help is to quit focusing on it all the damn time. For goodness sakes, leave it alone and shut up about it already. Tolerance is not about accepting bad behavior. Tolerance is about recognizing bad behavior and not being afraid to point it out.

The victim mentality that has seeped into this country has got to stop. It is destroying us. It has weakened so many individuals and as a result, it's weakening the whole structure.

Yes, I get mad at people that think this way, that espouse these negative, horrible, sickening thoughts. However; I am saddened as well. Many of these people may actually mean well, they are just either depressed, brainwashed, or both. Very sad.

Obama Was a Professor?

Interesting article posted on theblogprof. 

I wanted to make sure I linked this up for everyone. More interesting stuff concerning Obama's time spent in Chicago and being a "professor."

I don't expect my leaders to be perfect. We are all flawed in some way. Everyone I know has made many mistakes in the past but, as long as I've been alive, I don't recall any president getting away with being so vague about their past.

No records, no grades, no proof...why? What is he really hiding? I'm not on the "birther" bandwagon but, certainly there is something odd about all this. Even if you are a hard core democrat who likes him, certainly you can admit that all of these unanswered questions are quite disturbing.

No way a Republican could get away with this.


Truth About Health Care

It's not as if we didn't know already. Just a few Democrats in their own words: 

Nancy Pelosi is so slimy.


Corey Haim Found Dead

I am so sad. I am actually crying. I was a huge fan of his. Almost any girl my age was in love with Corey at one time or another.

Drugs or not, this guy was a great actor. If only he could have gotten control over his life, he really could have turned his career around.

I will miss you, Corey!

Click title for story being reported of Fox News.

Obama Speaks to the People...

...in St. Louis, at St. Charles High School.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

What? Did I read that right? He's going to speak about health care, of course but, why is he going to a high school? We're talking about the President of The United States. You mean, he can't fill up an arena of some kind? Why would he go to a high school? I don't understand. This is very odd to me.

Details of who will be attending, were not included in the article. I am assuming that the students of this school will be attending but, who else is being allowed to attend isn't given.

Obama is determined to push his health care bill through. He is not concerned about negotiating with Republicans, or perhaps scratching the bill and starting over. He clearly has his mind made up. Even though he promised no ear marks, there have already been plenty added in order to get certain Democrats to sign off on the bill. One of those that comes to mind is the one from my state, Nebraska, where Ben Nelson (D) wants the other states to pick up the tab for our medicare.

The polls indicate that the people would like to see more negotiations between both parties.

Click title of this post for full article.

Nancy Pelosi - Sheer Brilliance

It doesn't get much better than this folks. 


Entertainment and Liberalism

I started performing on stage since the age of four. I've pretty much been on a stage most all my life. I started out dancing and found myself wanting to do other stage work. I did several things here and there; I'll just cover the highlights. I got a few small parts on stage in high school. I also played a lead in a small play our drama class had performed.

I have experience working backstage. My first job was spotlight for the musical, "Sweeney Todd" at the Omaha Community Playhouse. I did various things backstage for them until, I landed a role as the nun in, "Tony 'n Tina's Wedding" which was an improv comedy. I absolutely loved performing but, doing so deteriorated a part of me. I decided to go back to school and retire my work as a performer. 

In college, I did discover that I have a talent speaking in front of people. Debate in college was completed with an A plus. I also didn't have too hard of a time speaking up in any of my classes, expressing my opinion, even if I was the only one in the classroom that held that point of view. By the time I went back to school, I was older than most the other students and, quite more experienced in life. I was not shy about asserting this.

I think my years on stage were the best and worst times of my life. I met some amazing people but, I had turned quite liberal in those years and, it wasn't till I was able to get away from the stage that I was able to see things in a completely different light. I was really self absorbed. I did whatever I wanted to do and, as long as I was "tolerant" of everyone else, I felt justified in anything I said and did. All you really need to do is qualify all your statements with, "I don't judge anyone..."

Yes, I partied a lot. I suppose you could say I was near a local-type-Lindsey Lohan or, a wanna-be Paris Hilton. (Oh, wow...this is embarrassing!) I can't believe I'm admitting to this but, I feel it necessary in order to make my point. I actually like Britney and Paris. I understand them on a weird and bizarre level. I look back at my life and know that had I had that type of fame, I would probably have acted just like they have, maybe worse. Here I was, at a local level, in Omaha, NE of all places, and I thought I was G-d's gift to the world.

I would get recognized, I knew people, I could go anywhere and skip standing in lines. This went right to my head, not even realizing for a moment how truly pathetic I was. I allowed myself to get caught up in everything. Here's what happens: You live and breathe the theatre. When you entertain, you are performing constantly. We had shows on Tues, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat, and two shows on Sunday. Some shows were dark on Mon, Tues, and Wed but, even those days, you were with other cast members, people that did the same things as you. It was rare that I would be around anyone that had a different point of view on life. Or, if I was, I didn't pay any attention. It was all about ME.

All this coupled with being young, which is a selfish period to begin with, became a dark time in my life. Of course, I didn't realize that while I was living it. No, I was right about everything. I will tell you, I had told myself that I was so great and, so amazing that G-d must have blessed with with "special knowledge," that I truly knew what was best for everyone and, if they didn't agree, it was because, they were pathetic and led worthless lives.

Now, of course, you can only imagine how utterly humiliating this is for me to reveal to you but, this is exactly what goes on in the mind of Hollywood elites, only MUCH worse I'm sure. Again, keep in mind, I was NOWHERE near the level of fame and fortune that people in Hollywood have and yet, here I was experiencing delusions of grandeur. Oh, how I thank the Lord I never went much further.

Now this doesn't mean that you cannot be in Hollywood or, be an entertainer and not have a good head on your shoulders. Quite the contrary. There are many people that do just fine working on stage or, on the screen and are not crazy liberal or, even if they are liberal, they don't completely lose control over their lives the way I did. I was just weak, very weak and, I allowed myself to be intoxicated by many things but, mostly the ambiance of it all. The treatment I received from people made me feel as though I was much more important than I truly was.

Now for me, when I see people in Hollywood, they irritate the crap out of me but for some, I just have a soft spot for. I know they are not evil people. Some of the most wonderful people I know to this day, are those I met in the theatre. I've always felt safe around these people. I never felt like they would mistreat me or, allow bad things to happen to me. I come from a background where I've had the displeasure of meeting some pretty shady characters. People in entertainment never made me feel uncomfortable or uneasy to be around. We had great fun and I always felt happy around them.

For me, I guess it's not that these people are evil, it's just they are simply absorbed in entertainment. They block themselves out from thinking about things in different ways because they are famous, everyone kisses their butts, they are never around anything else, they feel important, and much more important than others. If one thinks they are more important, they naturally will feel as though they are superior, and if they are superior, their opinions must also be superior; they feel and know that they know better than others.

Take for instance Tom Cruise. This man seems like a great guy. He's got it together for the most part. He's not been in too many scandalous stories, meaning he's not known for his partying ways, or his rampant drug use. He has a remarkable career and an impressive resume. However, there is NO doubt that this man thinks he's better than everyone. He literally goes on tv and says things like (paraphrasing), "You don't know the history of psychology like I do..." Clearly the way that is stated is, he knows things others do not and, and he truly believes that unless you're an elite like him, you cannot understand. In his mind, he is helping you and enlightening you, and if you don't understand, that's okay, just do what he does and you're life will be better because of him.

This is the first problem with the mindset of a Hollywood actor. They truly, honestly believe, with all their hearts that they have a "secret knowledge" that other "simple minded" people just do not have.

They believe with every fiber of their being that they experience emotions so much more than others. You will see this whenever you are viewing a benefit of some kind on tv. You will hear actors or singers express how much they believe in a cause, and "how important it is for people to come together" and, fill-in-the-blank. It's important because, they "feel" it's important and their feelings are more important because, they are superior to you.

You see, they are more important because, they are blessed with fame. If they weren't special, they wouldn't be famous. Now, of course, they always tell people to work hard if you want to be famous like them but, what they really mean is, only a select few, the lucky, the more important people, really achieve fame and fortune.

I think a lot of people in Hollywood turn to drugs because of the perplexity that is involved in their lives. On one hand, they are loved but, on the other hand, they have absolutely no privacy and some people actually hate them. People do not respect them as a person.

I remember when I did the improv show, the audience was really also a part of the show. You wouldn't believe the amount of people that felt as if it was their right to fondle me or, other cast members. Some were just down right nasty with us. In their eyes, we were entertainment they had rented for the evening and, we were just their puppets to play with. It was frightening in some ways. I had a few altercations in the parking lot with patrons because of how they had treated me or my friends.

I guess this is why we frequently see Hollywood actors go crazy on the paparazzi. The downside of being an entertainer is even though you are loved and adored by some, the folks that hate you or, disrespect you are just mean, really mean. Some very hurtful things are said and not behind your back but, right there to your face. It's hard to deal with that. For me, I was extremely sensitive. I still am. It's hard for me to deal with criticism. I happen to be my biggest critic but, when someone else does it, even if it's respectful, it still stings just a little. As I've gotten older, it's gotten much easier but, when I was younger, it was quite an overwhelming feeling of sadness.

Of course, when I felt sad, everyone needed to stop and pay attention because, remember, I was so important and my feelings were so important. Yes, I was quite good at being a little drama queen.

Being in entertainment is all about accepting other people. Let's face it, lots of gays are attracted to being in the entertainment world. Not just gays but, misfits as well. I think we were all odd or unusual in some sort of way. This bonded us yet, ironically we still felt more enlightened than the rest of the general population.

Fitting in with this crowd was more about "acting out."The more wild I was, the more willing I was to do crazy things, the more accepted I was. Doing things outside the norm was considered almost a virtue.

On the other hand, there were others that were much more responsible and understood that entertaining is a business and, if you were too much of a pain, you were not someone they would take a chance on. They knew it wouldn't be wise to rely on you to do their show.

Bottom line, yes, the entertainment industry is filled with liberals but, if you really want to make money and be a professional, you have to be a capitalist!

The only reason why I bothered writing this is because, a lot of people ask me my opinion of why actors and entertainers are liberal. Most these people have never even been on stage and are frightened to even speak in front of anyone.

I just wanted to explain a little bit as to what my opinion is on this issue. My experience is not at all everyone's experience. Again, lots of people know how to keep their head on their shoulders and are very good at being in the business of entertainment. I just happen to understand the messes of Hollywood.

When I got away from the entertainment industry, I started reading a lot. I listened to the news and, had always been quite interested in politics. I also started listening to talk radio. I began studying math and chemistry. I finally saw an underlying logic to things that I hadn't had the privilege of  seeing before. I also became Christian later on.

Even though I was liberal before, I had NO idea how unbelievably selfish I was. It was quite the opposite. I thought I was being a good person by accepting every action, good or bad. What I discovered was, that true love, and true tolerance is when you are able to recognize right and wrong and, not be afraid to point out when someone is doing something wrong. Hate the sin, love the sinner.

A lot of people will say, "I don't agree but, I don't judge if someone does..." x, y, or z. What they are really saying is, they only care about their actions and, they don't care enough to let someone know they are doing something that could potentially hurt themselves. They know the danger because, they would never do it themselves but, do not have the character to try and prevent others from doing something harmful, people they claim to care about. It's easier to say that nothing is black and white and it's all shades of gray. It's easier to avoid an argument or confrontation. It's easier so, therefore it must be right but, that couldn't be further from the truth.

I will give an example:

I know it's wrong to gossip about people. I think we can agree it's not an activity that one should participate in. I'm sure we've all done it from time to time, I admit, I have. For the purposes of this example, we'll pretend my 18 month old daughter is 14 years old. I hear her on the phone gossiping. I will most certainly sit down with her and let her know that what she is doing is wrong and, will eventually get her into trouble.

I would not say, "Well, gossiping isn't something I would do but, it's okay if you chose to do it." It's not okay. What is wrong is wrong and, yes, in the end, my daughter is going to make her own choices but, I'm going to make sure that I have already warned her in advance of the dangers of gossiping. It is much more loving to let someone know when they are doing something wrong then it is to pretend as if it doesn't matter one way or the other.

Sure, the EASIER way is to say it doesn't matter but, who is it easier for? Not the person making the mistake, it's the person that looks the other way and says nothing about the negative consequences that will happen if that wrong is committed.

As liberalism is defined today, at the root of it is a selfish core. You have to remember that many of these folks do not know this at all. They will tell you the exact opposite. They believe because they are superior, that you are just being closed minded and judgmental. What is sad is that, they are actually projecting onto you exactly what is at their core. This is why liberalism is a mental disorder...just like the great Dr. Savage says.

Again, I know there are people in the entertainment industry that are able to understand this. It's just when you have an entertainer that has become so self absorbed, it stands to reason that they are going to be liberals. Liberalism is an ideology rooted in elitism and pure selfishness.

The truly selfless in this culture are those that know that the government doesn't always have the right answers. They believe not only in G-d but, that people can help one another directly. They know that the true spirit of a man is harnessed when they achieve accomplishments on their own and, not through hand outs or affirmative action. They do not see victims but, potential. They do not see race but, humans. They are people that are not afraid to stand up and point out when something is wrong because, they don't care about the "easy way" for them, they care about you.

These are the people I see in the conservative movement and, this is why I am now a conservative. It's not about being better than anyone, it's just about love. G-d is love. Not just a superficial love but, a deep love of mankind. I'm not saying ALL conservatives are like this but, I have seen the greatest love of all come from folks who believe in the Lord and happen to be conservative as well.


Obama Continues to Push Health Care

Looks like Obama isn't giving up on his health care. He plans to take his message to the people. It looks like his own party is split on a few issues like abortion and, the differences between the democrats in the House and those in the Senate.

AP Photo/Alex Brandon
Are those doctors behind Obama or, are they actors in lab coats?

It is also being reported that a protest is being planned. This protest will take place at the health insurance industry's annual Washington policy conference. Apparently, they are planning on performing citizen's arrests of representatives from the insurance industry.

Arrest them? For what? Some of these folks have gone way too far. It is clear that if you do not conform to the will of Obama, people are going to do what they can to make you do so. The intolerance and ignorance that is being displayed by the left is mind boggling. How do people not see it?

Click on title of this post for the full story on the AP.

American Member of al-Qaida - Who is He?

Pakistani officials had originally picked up a member of al-Qaida and, said he was from America. Later, they identified him as Abu Yahya Majadin Adam, with no further information.

The man is suspected to actually be, Adam Gadahn, an American that had been charged with treason and, has been on the FBI's most wanted list. Abu Yahya Majadin Adam has been identified as his alias.

You can read the full story here.

Adam Gadahn was seen on several al-Qaida videos taunting the US.

"The resemblance of the name initially caused confusion but now they have concluded he is not Gadahn," said an intelligence officer, who like all Pakistani intelligence agents does not allow his name to be used. "He feels proud to be a member of al-Qaida."

Okay. This is quite odd. They know this man, Adam Gadahn, looks like the man that has been arrested, wants the destruction of the West, and they have identified the name Abu Yahya Majadin Adam as his alias yet, they are saying the man they detained is not Gadahn?

Well, who is he?


Dems Stuck On Abortion Language

The democrats seem to be divided about what will be covered in the health care bill they intend to pass. Some democrats are not wanting to support abortion at all while, some are okay with it, while some believe only in cases of rape or incest.

You can read the full article on the AP here.

Bottom line is, the democrats are not at all in agreement here. Not all democrats come from liberal havens like California. Some of them come from the Midwestern states, where democrats cannot afford to be supporting federal dollars going towards the killing of an unborn baby.

I'm not sure that we will ever come to an agreement on the issue of abortion in this country but, the feelings on either side of the issue are strong and intense. To have tax payer's dollars going towards abortion, for whatever reason, is completely immoral. The government should not be allowed to take money from those that are convicted on their stance against abortion and supply abortions with their money. That is forcing people to support something they do not feel is moral.

This is just one of many problems that come into play when the government decides they should put their nose in everyone's business. What about transplants? There are many folks that actually do not believe in transplants. Why should their money pay for others to get transplants, if they have a moral problem with that?

I just can't understand the argument on the other side. Typically, I can see why people believe the way they do but, this one just boggles my mind.

"Liberalism is a mental disorder." Michael Savage

Liberals Lack Sense of Humor

I know, shocker, right? Apparently, if you post a funny video about Obama, you are someone that is obviously so stupid that you don't know it's a joke.

I posted this video, from The Onion and, two liberals decided to tell me that I posted this as a true story. I was quite confused at first because, I had no idea what my one friend was even referring to. I finally figured out that it was this video and could not, for the life of me, figure out why he would think I posted this as a serious video, when no comment was even made. All you have to do is watch the video for yourself. I simply thought it was funny.

It is painfully obvious that the story is a joke. I guess conservatives are not allowed to joke around or, post anything that is funny about Obama. 

Then, today, I have another liberal accuse me of the same thing! I couldn't believe it. No one actually took this video seriously but, apparently the liberals are bound determined to say that conservatives are taking it seriously. From Daily Kos:

(No, it didn’t actually happen. It’s The Onion, of course! But apparently that didn’t stop some Palin fans from believing it was the real deal!)
This is ridiculous. How can you debate with people that are so lacking in a personality that they can't even recognize when others simply find something funny? Instead, they just go out of their way to categorize people as stupid Palin supporters. 

These are the same people that think Al Gore is a genius, who invented the internet. I rest my case.

Here's another funny video:

Let's see how many dimwits think that if you find this video funny, you think it's real.


Charlie Rangel Gets Confronted

There's nothing better than seeing a politician get questioned about their piggish behavior and, this video delivers! Jason Mattera does a great job of reeling Rangel in and, confronting him on his abuse of tax payer's money. 


What's most appalling is Rangel's response, "Why don't you mind your G-- d--- business"? Excuse me, I believe our tax money is our business.

You, Mr. Rangel work for the people, not the other way around! You pig.


Gov. Perry Wins Primary in Texas

"From Driftwood, Texas, to Washington, D.C., we are sending you a message tonight: Stop messin' with Texas!" Perry said to a throng of cheering supporters at the famous Salt Lick barbecue restaurant in Driftwood, just outside of Austin.

 Click here for full article.

AP Photo/LM Otero

Well according to the article on the AP, Perry gained the tea party voters and, stronger conservatives. While Debra Medina, basically ran a poor campaign. Her interview with Glenn Beck probably didn't help either. I heard that interview. Many people were posting it on FB, saying how rude Glenn was. I didn't really think he was that rude; he just simply got her to admit that she thinks there are good arguments on the side of folks who think the government was behind 9/11.

Ummm...okay, Debra. You lose.


Barack Obama Told To Quit Smoking and Drinking

Photograph: Charles Dharapak/AP
Mr. Obama was told by his doctor that he needs to quit smoking.

What I found most disturbing about this article is how it carries on about how Obama is in great health, just the smoking that needs to be removed from his daily routine. Then, at the very end it says, The doctors also recommended "moderation of alcohol intake".

What!? Moderation of alcohol intake? Does this mean he's getting drunk a lot? You don't have to "moderate" anything unless you are over doing it. I guess I'm only supposed to be worried about the smoking though, right? Wow.

Tabloid Fodder?

I just watched this over the weekend. It's old news but, do you believe Larry Sinclair?

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