
Liberals Lack Sense of Humor

I know, shocker, right? Apparently, if you post a funny video about Obama, you are someone that is obviously so stupid that you don't know it's a joke.

I posted this video, from The Onion and, two liberals decided to tell me that I posted this as a true story. I was quite confused at first because, I had no idea what my one friend was even referring to. I finally figured out that it was this video and could not, for the life of me, figure out why he would think I posted this as a serious video, when no comment was even made. All you have to do is watch the video for yourself. I simply thought it was funny.

It is painfully obvious that the story is a joke. I guess conservatives are not allowed to joke around or, post anything that is funny about Obama. 

Then, today, I have another liberal accuse me of the same thing! I couldn't believe it. No one actually took this video seriously but, apparently the liberals are bound determined to say that conservatives are taking it seriously. From Daily Kos:

(No, it didn’t actually happen. It’s The Onion, of course! But apparently that didn’t stop some Palin fans from believing it was the real deal!)
This is ridiculous. How can you debate with people that are so lacking in a personality that they can't even recognize when others simply find something funny? Instead, they just go out of their way to categorize people as stupid Palin supporters. 

These are the same people that think Al Gore is a genius, who invented the internet. I rest my case.

Here's another funny video:

Let's see how many dimwits think that if you find this video funny, you think it's real.


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