In part two of my adventures of reading the health care bill, I pretty much am finding more and more information about the Secretary basically handling everything at their discretion.
In the section that I am reading, it basically is covering formalities on how things are going to be organized. Also, some information about collecting payments via electronic fund transfers.
In the bill, it is stating a lot of different things about documentation of insurance. This [documents], all needs to be registered and given to the Secretary. Now, the Secretary is going to set some standards and then, they are going to oversee that the insurance companies are doing things in accordance with those standards, that are not yet known.
A review committee will also be made up by the Secretary to review various functions like, the coordination of standards, and operating rules for other standards. This is found on pages, 70 and 71.
The next topic talks about penalty fees, which, in case you don't know by now, are going to be set by the Secretary. I know, you're shocked, right? These penalties will be given if the insurance companies fail to meet standards that have not yet been determined by the Secretary.
Well, those are the highlights for today. Stay tuned for more...
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