What? Did I read that right? He's going to speak about health care, of course but, why is he going to a high school? We're talking about the President of The United States. You mean, he can't fill up an arena of some kind? Why would he go to a high school? I don't understand. This is very odd to me.
Details of who will be attending, were not included in the article. I am assuming that the students of this school will be attending but, who else is being allowed to attend isn't given.
Obama is determined to push his health care bill through. He is not concerned about negotiating with Republicans, or perhaps scratching the bill and starting over. He clearly has his mind made up. Even though he promised no ear marks, there have already been plenty added in order to get certain Democrats to sign off on the bill. One of those that comes to mind is the one from my state, Nebraska, where Ben Nelson (D) wants the other states to pick up the tab for our medicare.
The polls indicate that the people would like to see more negotiations between both parties.
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