
Phil Robertson - Not a Free Speech Issue -- It's a Stupidity Issue

Phil Robertson, the man who is on some show called Duck Dynasty was recently suspended for some comments he made in an interview with a magazine. For whatever reason this story is everywhere and it seems nobody can stop talking about it.

First off, this is NOT a free speech issue. I don't know why people keep saying that it is. Mr. Robertson is not sitting in jail for his comments pertaining to the acts of homosexuality -- he said it was unnatural. He was and IS able to say whatever he likes to whomever he likes as it pertains to his faith. A&E also have a right to fire him or suspend him for whatever reason. Obviously they felt the comments were too reactionary for their business and chose to suspend their relationship with him. It's their right to free speech as well.

I have watched a bit of this show, although not enough to say I know the show or who all the characters are. The few parts I have seen were funny and it's obvious the show has done rather well since it seems to be quite popular. We all have the right to disagree with how A&E chose to handle the situation; I have no problem with that. Personally, I am not sure this will work out in their favor but again, it's their prerogative.

This situation reminds me of the time when Bill Maher was fired from Politically Incorrect. Yes, the network had a right to fire Maher but he was on a show called Politically Incorrect for goodness sake! These days I rarely ever agree with Maher but I did support him and I do support Robertson. With that being said, I must support the networks in both of these cases, since I believe they have rights as well. It's how our Constitution works. Rights apply to all, not some.

First, does A&E really expect us to believe they had NO idea who this man was and what his general beliefs were? Are we expected to believe they never saw something like this coming? Really? Also, I thought this was supposed to be a reality show? So much for showing reality when they have decided to completely censor it. This is not an issue of free speech; it's a stupidity issue.

Furthermore, I have to ask how it is going to be possible to treat homosexuals as "equals" when our culture seems to demand that we treat them special or go out of our way to treat them as weak and victims? Do homosexuals really give a rat's behind what this guy said to some magazine? Are gays really this sensitive? I do not happen to believe they are. In fact, I have a suspicion that not many would even know about this had it not been for A&E bringing it to everyone's attention. They are choosing to make this a much bigger deal than what it is. As a result, this only further perpetrates the myth that gays are out to push their lifestyle on others or some other crazy conclusions that come from the far right.

Saying that homosexuality is unnatural is not that inflammatory. Many people believe this. I cannot speak for Robertson but I can say that homosexuality can be observed as abnormal from a biological perspective. (Please note that I said, "can be.") Many of us are abnormal, just in different ways. I have ADD; I am abnormal. It doesn't mean that we should treat people who are abnormal with disrespect and I do not feel this man's comments were meant to be taken that way. He believes in the Bible; he has his faith and last I checked Christianity does demand that we love one another. Not all Christians are the same; some are good and many are just like everyone else -- struggling and trying to improve. No matter what we believe about the topic, we should talk openly about what we believe. It can help all of us grow together and not further apart.

To sum it all up:

1) Phil Robertson is NOT in jail. He has a right to free speech. A&E also have a right to their free speech to fire him for comments they decided reflected poorly on their network.

2) A&E's show Duck Dynasty is obviously NOT a reality show; it is an entertainment show where the characters improv as themselves.Words and actions that do not correspond to the network's liking are censored.

3) The comments that were made to the magazine are those shared by millions of Americans. Right or wrong, agree or disagree, drawing all this attention to them only sends a signal that homosexuals will remain perpetual victims. The action of A&E serves only to perpetuate myths.

4) If homosexuals are equal than they should be equally criticized. There should be no sacred cows in our culture.

5) This is a stupidity issue. There is no way that A&E did not know who this man was or what his general beliefs were. They knew full well what type of values and beliefs this man and his family held BEFORE they signed them on to do a show.

6) No matter what any of us believe, we are still ALL Americans. At the end of the day, we all share the same country. We are all different. None of us are perfect. We all have our beliefs and we all have a right to be tolerated AND criticized by others, provided that we are not physically harming anyone or their property. We are all made fun of and ridiculed; we all need to grow some skin. If you are offended by what Robertson said, than you need to understand that things you say probably offend people as well. It's life. It's not easy for anyone.

7) Love yourself; love everyone else; do your best and worry about what YOU believe and say. Don't worry about some nobody on tv who doesn't really affect you anyway. Listen to others who disagree with you; learn from them. Try not to be so sensitive.


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