
New York to Ban Sugary Drinks

New York's mayor, Michael Bloomberg is now pushing for a ban on sugared drinks. Yes. I'm serious.

Click title of this post for full details and information.

Below is a chart that was provided to give more details as to which types of drinks will be targeted under the proposed legislation. 

“The New York City health department’s unhealthy obsession with attacking soft drinks is again pushing them over the top,” the industry spokesman, Stefan Friedman, said. “It’s time for serious health professionals to move on and seek solutions that are going to actually curb obesity. These zealous proposals just distract from the hard work that needs to be done on this front.” 
Mr. Bloomberg’s proposal requires the approval of the Board of Health, a step that is considered likely because the members are all appointed by him, and the board’s chairman is the city’s health commissioner, who joined the mayor in supporting the measure on Wednesday.
I'm all for trying to influence a positive diet and getting rid of sodas or making them more inconvenient to obtain seems to be a good solution, but I don't like the idea of the government doing this. However, now that Obamacare has passed, it follows that the government will create more and more laws dictating what we can or cannot consume and then rationing may also follow. After all, this is what many liberals wanted - government control over our health and that comes with a price, giving up our choices as to what we consume. This is just the beginning.

New restrictions coming soon to you and Your Town, America.

Terrible legislation but certainly not unreasonable considering the path we have been taking.


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