
The New Tawana Brawley

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I'm sure you all know by now the case that concerns a 17-year old boy, Treyvon Martin, who was gunned down by a man named George Zimmerman.

So far, here is my basic understanding...
The media is posting pictures of a sweet 13 year old boy, Treyvon Martin, and telling us that he was shot for absolutely no reason by a white man named George Zimmerman. Zimmerman, we are told, is a self-appointed neighborhood watch man who is drunk with power and called the police to report a black kid wandering in his neighborhood, only to shoot him to death minutes later.

Now we find out the 13 year old is actually 17 years old, and his more recent pics do not seem to show him as the cute, innocent, wide-eyed boy we originally saw. Treyvon Martin is a thug. During the time of the shooting, a month ago, he was suspended from school for possessing baggies which once contained marijuana but, we are told that none of this means anything. Of course! Why would anyone ever think that drug usage is tied to crime? How dare we!

Despite a growing national outcry, Zimmerman, 28, has not spoken publicly about the incident. But the Orlando Sentinel newspaper has obtained a leaked copy of the account he gave police in which he claims the teenager was the aggressor. 
He told officers that he had followed the teenager but had lost sight of him. He was then walking back to the vehicle when Martin approached him from the left rear and they exchanged words.
Martin, according to Zimmerman's evidence, then asked him if he had a problem. The older man told police that he replied no and started to reach for his cellphone but Martin said, "Well you do now," or something similar and punched Zimmerman in the face. 
When Zimmerman fell, he claimed, the teenager got on top of him and started slamming his head into the ground, prompting him to shout for help. 
Tapes of the 911 calls from neighbours caught these cries for help, and Martin's family have been adamant that they came from Trayvon as Zimmerman attacked. But Zimmerman in turn claims it was him. According to the Sentinel, police say their evidence backs this account. One eyewitness has said he saw the teenager on top of Zimmerman. 
It was only then that the neighbourhood watchman pulled out a gun and shot Martin in the chest at close range, Zimmerman's reported account claims.
Zimmerman has explained that he was looking out trying to follow Martin but had lost him. Martin then approached him and attacked him. Police have confirmed through reports that it was Zimmerman who had injuries and his story is also consistent with what a witness saw. The physical evidence also shows that he clearly had been on the ground, on his back. His head was also injured showing consistency in the story that Treyvon Martin was hitting Zimmerman's head repeatedly on the ground.

George Zimmerman was not arrested because it was self defense, but all the race card flashers have come out with their proverbial swords in order to raise a big stink. Spike Lee apparently thought it would be wise to Tweet Zimmerman's address. This backfired since he Tweeted the wrong address.
The Washington Times’ Kerry Picket went to the address that Lee tweeted as members of the New Black Panther Party were offering a $10,000 cash reward for Zimmerman’s capture, “dead or alive,” and others were demanding his arrest. 
“[T]he Edgewater Circle address Mr. Lee re-tweeted out is not part of the gated Retreat at Twin Lakes where the shooting took place and where Mr. Zimmerman lives,” Picket reported. “The area is not even a gated community.” 
“In fact, I took a drive to that Edgewater Circle address that so many on Twitter re-tweeted and cursed, and I discovered through a neighbor, named Tim, who lives across the street from the address, that not only does George Zimmerman not live at the lakeside house but a woman by the name of Elaine does,” Picket added. 
Picket also said several news agencies have showed up at the address looking for Zimmerman, which – with the crowds the Panthers, MSNBC’s Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have whipped up into a frenzy – may have put the woman, Elaine, in danger. 
It’s unclear specifically which news agencies trekked to the address Lee tweeted and why they failed to report Lee’s inaccuracy. 
This report follows new revelations in the Martin case, including Zimmerman’s self-described membership in the Democratic Party, freshly surfaced tweets from Martin’s Twitter account, and Martin’s various suspensions from school.
What an idiot. All these reactionary people are thugs! Who are these morons that are so easily convinced of anything? They have not even heard all the facts of the case, nor are they even interested in the system of our laws. Why do they not want to wait for the process to unfold? Have they not heard, "innocent until proven guilty"? Although, I am having a hard time not getting mad at Martin myself but, I am willing to let the courts deal with Zimmerman.

If you want to read Martin's Tweets, click here.

If you want to read more about Zimmerman's story and the police saying the evidence supports him, click here.

Any rationale person who is hearing this story can tell you that it makes no sense for Zimmerman to call the police if all he wanted to do was shoot some kid because he was black. How does that even make sense? That is beyond stupid.

Facts from LiveLink being reported:
Fact - George Zimmerman is Hispanic and Jewish. 
Fact - George Zimmerman Tutored black children for FREE on weekends over the last several years. 
Fact - Trayvon Martin was recently suspended from school for drug use. 
Fact - Trayvon Martin is NOT 12 years old as seen in the pictures. He was 17 and 6' 3"! 
Fact - When asked to stop pursuing Trayvon George Zimmerman said "OK." 
Fact - Zimmerman was seen by the only eye witness as defending himself and on the ground before shots were fired. 
I am not saying George Zimmerman did not hunt down and kill this kid. I am just stating facts. Get them straight before you rush to judgement. 
Interesting Obama didn't address his outrage over the 49 murders including that of a 6 year old girl in a drive by in his home city of Chicago. I wonder if Trayvon were white whether he would have said he would have had a son that looked like him. I also wonder if the picture of Trayvon smiling was a frown and Zimmerman's was a smile what the perception might be. 
Just wondering...

It does seem to paint quite a different picture, doesn't it?

****EDIT: This above picture is NOT Trayvon Martin. At the time I threw this post together, I did not realize this fact. I should have and I do apologize. It really bothers me that some people resort to putting these pics together and not being responsible enough to get their story straight beforehand. No doubt I am guilty of this as well concerning this post. I am responsible for this mistake. I had wrongly assumed that this was in fact, Trayvon. Yes, there is still a point to be made here but this pic is not correct, therefore the point ultimately becomes moot.

It would be dishonest for me not to report that it has now been confirmed that Zimmerman is a racist.

Here's a little more commentary from another blog I enjoyed reading:

Also released today was Zimmerman's statement to the police in which he said that he had stopped following Martin because he had lost sight of him, and had returned to his car when Martin approached him from behind and confronted him, asking him "what's your problem?" When Zimmerman said he didn't have a problem Martin said, "Well, you do now!" and then punched him in the face. Martin then knocked Zimmerman to the ground, got on top of him, and began beating the back of Zimmerman's head against the ground. At some point Zimmerman got to his legally-carried, licensed firearm and shot Martin in self-defense.

And what's more, the police investigation corroborates Zimmerman's story, stating that the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE backs it up 100%. (And if you know me, you know I'm all about physical evidence.) 
What "physical evidence," you may ask? Well, first there's the grass stains on the back of Zimmerman's shirt, then there's the soft tissue injuries to the back of his head, and finally there's his broken nose. THAT physical evidence. 
So now it sure does sound like Martin was, in fact, the aggressor and that Zimmerman did, in fact, shoot in self-defense. Once Zimmerman lost sight of Martin and headed back to his truck, anything that happened after that was initiated when MARTIN confronted HIM, and that makes MARTIN the aggressor. It also means that Zimmerman was in full compliance with Florida law when he shot Martin in self-defense.
April 10th is the scheduled  date for The Grand Jury. Now that these facts are out, it is not likely that they will have enough to go to trial with. This case was picked for one reason only - so that the liberals could flash their race cards and make some money.

In case you need some historical reference of picking a story and fanning the flames of racial hatred, all for the purposes of manufacturing hate, check out the Tawana Brawley case. Click here. This is one of the first "big racial hate" cases and from what I understand, it put Sharpton on the map. Of course Jessie Jackson was also a part of this scam.

The story goes like this:

Tawana was a young black girl who was found by her parents after she had been missing for some time. She told her parents she was raped by several white men. After it was reported in the news that a white cop had committed suicide, she accused him and another cop of being part of the gang that raped her. All the race-card losers like Jackson and Sharpton came out swinging, hoping to make a name for themselves. Turns out no one could prove she was even assaulted or raped. Her story changed and it was reported by some witnesses she was staying with a boyfriend. Instead of dealing with the wrath of her step-father (who had previously served 7 years in prison for killing his first wife), she decided to make up this story. The other police officer sued her over defamation and won a huge settlement, rightly so. The girl was a liar and so are her parents. The race-card team even knew it and they were exposed. Tawana and her family to this day are lying.

The link I provided above will give you an idea of the case but, be sure to look around and do your own search, if you haven't heard about the case before or if you are like me and were too young at the time to be able to recall all the details.

We have seen this tactic used before. Tawana is just one of many in the past but, beings that this case has become equally disgusting and filled with lies and hate, it's hard not to make a comparison.

You can hear for yourself that he did not argue with the dispatcher AND he said, he lost him. So if he lost him, how was he able to continue following him? He didn't. He went back to his car and that thug confronted him and attacked him.

At this point, I have to say that if you are still against Zimmerman, you are only doing so because of PURE emotion.

In some of the discussions I have been having on Facebook, I had someone ask why he wasn't arrested before. Apparently people believe that if you say you are defending yourself and all the evidence confirms your story, the police should still arrest you anyway...just in case.

Here is an example of the type of response I am getting from folks who are filled with emotions concerning this case:
How can you reasonably say this is uncontested? It's very much contested. The police do not determine innocence or guilt. Who is this impeachable witness? Isn't it reasonable to question that person and look into his background (for all you know he could be the head of the local Klan). !00% true you said, I have yet in my life found anything that involves witnesses to be 100% true. There is plenty of evidence to convene a Grand Jury. If he's so innocent I would think he would be eager to prove it. You seem to have tried this case already. Found Zimmerman innocent and the pot smoking gang banger guilty of killing himself.
Who was the one who made the decision not to make an arrest? The desk sergeant on duty? Again, I take issue with the idea of such a blatantly laissez-faire manner in doling out justice. What ever happened to due process? You yourself pointed out earlier in our conversation that the courts would decide what is what. Then in a sudden about face and for whatever reason which you still haven't made clear, you sided with the idea of allowing the cop at the desk making the call. So if they bring this Zimmerman guy in while there's a dead body lying in the street, all the guy needs to do is claim self defense and the cop waves his hand without even looking up from his magazine and says, "OK...go on home kid." And that's the end of it? At least they had enough consideration to pick up the body.
Both of these people obviously have NO clue how the law handles things. They are dealing with pure emotion and not in facts. So, my response:
If all the evidence points to him defending himself, then why would anyone arrest him? That makes NO sense at all. Do you know how the law works? There are MANY people that are involved in what steps should be taken. There is also an attorney general that determines what process should be taken. Do you realize the paperwork and the many hands that a case must pass through? NO ONE believed the guy killed this kid in cold blood. Why would you? You are buying into this hate story. Stop and think.

If you are defending yourself, the police do not just arrest you when there is nothing to prove otherwise. If they find something inconsistent, yes, they will hold you and question you until they can be satisfied and if they find your story is bullshit, they will arrest and arraign you in 72 hours.

This did NOT happen because ALL of the evidence and the witness confirmed the story. What is so hard to understand about this? Instead of looking at FACTS, you are stuck on EMOTION and you want to just arrest this man, go after him, and pin him with stuff that doesn't fit the evidence. That is WHY this is so absurd.

The head of the Klan??? Did you really just say something so absurd? Do you not believe in the LAW or do you just believe what the media feeds you and run with the emotion. You're not even addressing the FACTS. The physical evidence, Zimmerman, and the witness. Instead you are running with emotion and calling for his head on a platter. Not only that but no one at the store where he supposedly bought his Skittles recalls him going into the store. The kid was canvasing. He was even suspended from school at the time but, you want to attack Zimmerman??? We are talking about a troubled teenager and we all know that teens are mini-sociopaths. That is something that nature determines and if you have taken any psychology, you would know that a teenager is much more likely to do things that are anti-social, engage in crime, and have little understanding of full consequences, especially compared with an adult.

Furthermore, forget about who they were...the evidence supports Zimmerman's account. How you can disregard that based on emotion is disturbing to me. I hope I never get accused of something I didn't do...my G-d you would hang me with NO evidence.

My response back was some flippant remark about how he hoped my family wouldn't find me on the street with a bullet hole. It's all about emotion with people who are still standing by this story.

Finally, the conversation became predictable.

I just took a screen shot of this one because WOW is all I can say...

Oh, and then he went on about how we didn't find weapons of mass destruction. Amazing how people can live in a bubble of ignorance. Anyway, there is no reason for me to carry on with someone who is so wrapped up in hatred that he would rather lock someone up, even if there is no evidence that the man did anything wrong.

Make no mistake, this is all about stirring up the hate and getting people emotional, dividing people for political purposes. It's working brilliantly. Thanks a lot Dems! You must be REALLY proud!

I will add links as I find more stuff...or I might do another post. It will just depend on what my schedule is like.
Here is a story that covers the different accounts given by Martin's father.

Here is a timeline that is being reported on ABC. 

March 18: Trayvon Martin’s family asks U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and the FBI to get involved in the investigation of their son’s death.
Wow. That just says it all right there, doesn't it? Why would the FBI get involved? This is manufactured bullsh!t.

This is a lynching that is taking place and people are going crazy. They are attacking anyone and everyone and the fact is, there is nothing to suggest Zimmerman was lying. He was the one injured. I'm surprised the guy waited so long to pull out his gun.

This is about guns, racial hatred, and dividing the people. Elections are coming up and Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton haven't been in the news for awhile. They obviously need money. Please pray for Zimmerman. If anything, he deserves a fair trial and he is INNOCENT until proven guilty. I'm positive the Grand Jury will drop this but these animals that are emotionally crazed will not stop.


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