
I Was Just Informed That I Will Be Burning in the Hottest Place in Hell

I try not to get into arguments over the Bible but, one doctrine that just drives me crazy is the hell doctrine. It amazes me the amount of people who call themselves Christians continue the pagan lie of telling people they will burn in hell for an eternity.

I have never really believed such nonsense. At one time, I did take on the belief that perhaps some people were just destroyed but, never did I believe anyone literally burns for an eternity. It wasn't until I was in my mid 20's that I discovered there are actual people who really believe that G-d will torment people in a fire for an eternity! Now, I went to catholic school; I grew up in the church but, they didn't talk about that doctrine too much. Thank G-d I didn't learn Christianity from many of these people. I would guarantee you, I would be an atheist today, if that were the case.

If G-d is this all knowing G-d, then what on earth is He creating people for, if He wants to eventually destroy some of them? Not only does He want to destroy them, according to many Christians, He has devised a plan to eternally torment them! Now, who would do such a thing except an evil force? If you believe that G-d would do this, then you are saying He is evil. If He's evil, why are you still worshiping him?

The hell doctrine is actually one of the first doctrines I studied when I started going to the Seventh Day Adventist Church. They take on the belief that there is a fire but, you just burn up. As the Bible states, it's PUNISHMENT, not punishING, and the result is eternal -- that you are cut off. This seemed very reasonable to me. At least, this was much more reasonable then eternal torment but, I have to say, something still wasn't quite sitting with me very well.

I had left the church for many reasons but, the main one had to do with their changing of facts. They say that Ellen White is a profit. Well, she may very well be one BUT, the church was saying that she told them that SDA was the last church and not to leave. This is NOT true. They also teach another pagan doctrine -- the Trinity, and Ellen White did NOT teach that. In fact, the early church did NOT teach the Trinity at all. Those are just a couple examples of why I left. I still think they have a lot of the message correct but, the conference has become just as corrupt as any of the other main stream churches.

So, after I discovered these things, I went back to the hell doctrine to study it further. There was still something lingering, still something that wasn't making any sense to me. When I first learned about it, the very first question I had to the man I was studying under was, "Well, why don't we all go to heaven? Why would G-d not save all of us by sending Jesus? Wasn't that the point?" I remember he pointed to some of the verses and did his best to explain and I reluctantly accepted it.

This time I was going to study what it was the EARLY Christians believed. What did those first followers of Christ have to say about hell? What was it that made them happy and excited to spread the word of the Bible, if they also had to include with the message that many would be destroyed?

To my surprise, they believed in universal salvation!

"What?" Well, that was my question but, after I started learning WHY this is what they believed, it all made sense. The whole Bible began to take upon a new meaning, a message of love, something to really be excited about, and a peace in my heart. What better way to bring people closer to the Lord than by giving them unconditional love, always and forever? If the eternal hell doctrine creates the most atheists, think of how universal salvation can do the exact opposite!

Literally everything made so much more sense, it became so much more clear. I wasn't bogged down by this idea that if I don't fix myself right away, I'm going to be destroyed. I was no longer afraid. I could see the character of G-d and His enduring mercy and WANT to be like Him. It has brought me much closer to the Lord, not further away.

Today, most all churches teach that only a few or elect will be able to be saved. So what is the point of spreading the message to everyone if most of them are just going to hell anyway? Where is the sense in that? If fact, wouldn't it be in a Christian's best interest NOT to let anyone know about the Lord, so they have a better chance of going to heaven, if only a small amount of people are able to go? Where is the joy is spreading the message of the Lord, if in the same breath you have to tell them, "Hey, it's either this or you burn in hell for an eternity!"?

Does this doctrine create better Christians? It doesn't take much to look at the world of Christianity to see that while there are many great people who are Christians, there doesn't seem to be an influx of great Christians who are all doing wonderful things. I would say that most of us, including myself, are Christians-in-training. I think most everyone is stumbling along, trying to do their best. Of course, we all fall short of the glory but, there is something that changes inside of you when you realize how much the Lord loves us. You no longer wish evil on people. You become a little more patient, and you try and love the way G-d loves. You will WANT to be more like Him.

Many people who believe in the hell doctrine do so because there is something wicked inside them. They WANT to see people burn. They WANT G-d to eternally punish. They can't wait for G-d to torture and really stick it to the evil people in the world! This kind of thought process does not lead one to loving others. It mostly leads to people looking down on others and being extremely judgmental of other people's characters. Even worse, they are wanting to see people's children tortured. Would you torture your children? At what point does justice become the evil it's trying to dispel?

It is NOT okay to senselessly torture someone. If I were to turn on the TV and see a report of a man who had kidnapped some women and put them in his basement and it was later discovered that he tortured them for several hours before killing them. I'd be horrified. Most people would be disgusted and very angry! Of course, those women were probably sinners so, does that make it better? NO! Of course not. However, if G-d were to do that for an eternity, it is considered "just" in some people's eyes. I'm not kidding. Some people really believe this.

One day to the Lord is a thousand years here on earth. Even if a man were to sin every day for 80 years, that's but a moment in G-d's life yet, it's considered justice to torment a man for an infinite amount of time for a very, tiny finite amount of sin?!?!?

You have to get the point by now! Only Satan would come up with such NONSENSE! Oh, but wait, I'm just getting started...

I LOVE telling people about the Lord saving all! In fact, it's a great message and I feel so wonderful about it but, let me tell you, people want nothing to do with it. In fact, they project their evil, cold hearts onto me. It's amazing! These are NOT atheists; these are people that claim to believe in G-d and in Jesus.

I stumbled upon a thread on Facebook that was arguing that babies do not go to hell when they die. Well, of course they don't go to hell! Dear heavens, that's a whole different can of worms. I proudly went in the thread and announced that babies are saved and loved by G-d and in fact, we are ALL saved! Amen! Praise the Lord Jesus! I get really excited about the Lord!!! <3 Initially, all was well but, the conversation turned to attack me. I actually had someone that was just observing the thread message me a very mean message:

May 2 at 6:58pm ReportGod does not desire all people to be saved according to 1 Timothy 2:4. If He did, then all people would be saved. God's purpose will stand (Isaiah 46:10). Do not read 1 Timothy 2:4 out of its context. The 'all men' in verse 4 is a type of man (kings and those in authority). God only desires the salvation of His elect, those who He chose before the foundation of the world to save. He does not will for the salvation of the non-elect. He desires for them to perish and forms them into vessels of wrath, prepared for destruction (Romans 9:22-23). We must allow ALL of Scripture speak in its context, not take verses out of context and twist them to fit the desires of our hearts. I read what you wrote on XXXXX's wall about 1 Timothy 2:4. I can't believe how many people read this verse out of its context.

G-d does NOT desire all people to be saved?!?! What?! Holy cow, this guy is serious. I couldn't believe anyone would say such a horrible thing. Again, why would you even follow a god like this?

As far as allowing ALL Scripture to speak in its context, I have to wonder if he's read the Bible?

 Jennifer Tuesday Prichard May 2 at 7:04pmApparently you missed out on the other 75 verses I also posted.
So, G-d created people just to destroy them...for what? Shits and giggles? He wants His children to suffer and perish for an eternity?
Do you believe in Jesus? Do you believe He just died in vein? Why, if He took upon ALL sins is He not burning in hell now? Please explain that one.
If anyone should be punished, it's those that perpetuate SATAN's LIE of hell and eternal punishment for finite sin but, alas, even those evil people will be saved! Praise Jesus! He saves ALL!
What's the point of every tongue confessing the Lord, if all He's going to do is destroy them? ..and as far as this "elect" you speak of...where? Who is better? Who here has not sinned? Sin is sin. Period. There's no elect. Sorry.

 May 2 at 7:10pm ReportLord rebuke you for all that you said. I endure all things for the sake of the ELECT (2 Timothy 2:10). Are you blind? Not everyone is a child of God.

May 2 at 7:11pm Report
Jesus died only for the elect. If He died for those who end up in Hell, then He would have died in vain since Jesus would have suffered for nothing.

Wow! So the Lord should rebuke me for praising His glory?  Do you see what I mean? This man WANTS people to burn in hell and that's exactly why he has no problem with a god that would do such a horrible, evil act. It is because, he is evil. He knows nothing of G-d's love. I wonder if he has children. I wonder if his child is a sinner. I wonder what he would think of G-d, if his child were to be burned for an eternity? Would he still want the Lord to torture people? Would he find that just? Would he still worship a god that would do that to his child?

Also, notice that he had no answer for why Jesus isn't burning in hell. In fact, not one person can give an answer as to how it is the Lord took upon ALL the sins and did not spend one moment in a fire. He rested on the Sabbath and rose on the first day of the week. How could He have ALL the sins upon Him and not be in hell?

Oh, and then he blocked me so that I could not respond to him. So much for love, eh?

The other man I was talking to had this to say to me:

Jennifer, based on your disbelief of scripture and the many places where Jesus himself taught hell and damnation, you can't be believing in the same God of scripture, your god is one you made up in your own mind. If hell isn't real then scripture has no truth in it. If hell isn't real there must be very little truth that can be relied on. There is a spirit of truth - and he will guide us into all truth, the only one who opposes God's truth is the evil one, Satan himself. He want's everyone to think like you do, that being, there is no way God would send anyone to hell for eternity, or bring such a harsh judgment such as agony and fire on anyone for eternity. Yet, that is exactly what scripture teaches and you deny! While you believe the god you have made up in your own mind is a good one, your theology is damning. All false teaching is damning and fills the wide road with false converts and God has reserved the hottest parts of hell for false teachers. The warnings have been sounded loud and clear to you and anyone else who believes such false theology.
As I mentioned before, thank the Lord I have done my own study and prayer over the hell doctrine. This man surely would have made me an atheist.

For goodness sakes, don't these people even understand science? Haven't they learned anything about energy? It doesn't go away; it changes form. We are an extension of a life force that comes directly from G-d. Of course we are going to change form.

Also on the scientific note, if we were to burn for an eternity, G-d would have to recreate people into a totally different type of material that would allow them to burn in a fire for an eternity. Whatever this material, it would have to be able to withstand fire. As it is now, we are made from the elements of the earth and those elements burn up right away. Again, eternal torment -- totally illogical.

The next question is, if we're all going to be saved, then what does it matter what I do? Well, it matters much more! It's not like heaven will not have a hierarchy. It will. When you have the Lord in your life, you can be assured that your life here will be protected, as well as reserving yourself a great spot in G-d's kingdom. When you have the Lord in your life, you also help the people around you. When you have the Lord in your life, you can learn to love and you will receive love as well. Just knowing that you are so loved encourages you to love back. That is the power of His love. His love never fails.

There is nothing I can really tell you that hasn't already been said before by others who also believe in universal salvation. I have a few links to share with those of you who are willing to study and pray, and learn about the pagan hell doctrine. Let's be rid of this doctrine forever! Until we understand this undying love and mercy G-d has for all of His creatures, how can we really understand Him and His character?

From this link, we can learn about what this first man that messaged me was thinking. His interpretation is just plain wrong.

The early Christians of the first few centuries knew what the Greek word “ta panta” meant. It meant “all.” They took Scriptures listed below and believed what they said. To the early Christians, “all” meant “all.” This Greek word “ta panta” meant “all” in the Greek and it means “all” in the English. Unfortunately, we live in a time when man calls good, evil and evil, good. To the modern church, “all” does not mean “all.” As a matter of fact, “all” in many evangelical churches means “some” or “very few.” Below are listed a few of the many plain scriptures which no longer mean what they say. Should you decide to believe these plain Scriptures, you will find yourself among the “remnant.” The majority of the church has long since abandoned the simplicity and power of the “Original Good News.” The remnant will embrace perfect love and cast out fear and live in a new world. Now study these Scriptures in their proper context and see the full salvation of our wonderful Father. We realize a Scripture referring to all trees cannot be meant to imply all human beings. But if the Greek for all things includes both trees and human beings, we must then include human beings. Look at the following Scriptures through all of our Heavenly Father’s attributes, Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnipresence, and Justice beautifully and harmoniously clothe His nature which is Love. Then rejoice!
1) 1Tim 2:4 God will have all to be saved. (KJV) Can His will be thwarted?
2) 1Tim 2:4 God desires all to come to the knowledge of truth Will His desire come to pass?
3) 1Tim 2:6 Salvation of all is testified in due time Are we judging God before due time?
4) Jn 12:47 Jesus came to save all Will He succeed?
5) Eph 1:11 God works all after the counsel of His will Can your will overcome His?
6) Jn 4:42 Jesus is Savior of the world Can He be Savior of all without saving all?
7) 1Jn 4:14 Jesus is Savior of the world Why don’t we believe it?
8) Jn 12:32 Jesus will draw all mankind unto Himself To roast or to love?
9) Col 1:16 By Him all were created Will He lose a part of His creation?
10) Rm 5:15-21 In Adam all condemned, in Christ all live The same all?
11) 1Cor 15:22 In Adam all die, in Christ all live Again, the same all?
12) Eph 1:10 All come into Him at the fulness of times Are you getting tired of seeing the word, all?
13) Phl 2:9-11 Every tongue shall confess Jesus is Lord Will the Holy Spirit be given to everyone?
14) 1 Cor 12:3 Cannot confess except by Holy Spirit See what I mean?
15) Rm 11:26 All Israel will be saved But most Jews don’t believe yet!
16) Acts 3:20,21 Restitution of all How plain can you get?
17) Luke 2:10 Jesus will be joy to all people Is there joy is “hell”?
18) Heb 8:11,12 All will know God How long, O Lord?
19) Eph 2:7 His grace shown in the ages to come Have we judged Him before the time?
20) Titus 2:11 Grace has appeared to all Experientially or prophetically?
21) Rm 8:19-21 Creation set at liberty How much of creation?
22) Col 1:20 All reconciled unto God There’s that word “all” again.
23) 1Cor 4:5 All will have praise of God What for?
24) Jms 5:11 End of the Lord is full of mercy Is “hell” mercy?
25) Rev 15:4 All nations worship when God’s judgments are seen Could His judgment be mercy?
26) Rm 11:32 All subject to unbelief, mercy on all All?
27) Rm 11:36 All out of, through, and into Him All into Him?
28) Eph 4:10 Jesus will fill all things Including “hell?”
29) Rev 5:13 All creation seen praising God Including Satan?
30) 1Cor 15:28 God will be all in all What does that mean?
31) Rev 21:4,5 No more tears, all things made new “All” made new?
32) Jn 5:25 All dead who hear will live How many will hear?
33) Jn 5:28 All in the grave will hear & come forth How will the “righteous” judge?
34) 1 Cor 3:15 All saved, so as by fire How can fire save you?
35) Mk 9:49 Everyone shall be salted with fire Including you?
36) Rm 11:15 Reconciliation of the world Will fire save the world instead of destroy it?
37) 2Cor 5:15 Jesus died for all Did He die in vain?
38) Jn 8:29 Jesus always does what pleases His Father What pleases the Father? (1Tim 2:4)
39) Heb 1:2 Jesus is Heir of all things Does “things” include people?
40) Jn 17:2 Jesus gives eternal life to all that His Father gave Him How many did the Father give Him?
41) Jn 3:35 The Father gave Him all things (Repeated for emphasis) Study the word “things” in the Greek.
42) 1 Tim 4:9-11 Jesus is Savior of all! Jesus is Savior of all! Can’t seem to get away from that word “all.”
43) Heb. 7:25 Jesus is able to save to the uttermost How far is “uttermost?”
44) 1Cor 15:26 Last enemy, death, will be destroyed Including “lake of fire” which is “second death?”
45) Is 46:10 God will do all His pleasure Does Old Testament agree with the New?
46) Gen 12:3 All families of the earth will be blessed Here comes that word “all” again.
47) Dan 4:35 God’s will done in heaven and earth What can defeat His will?
48) Ps 66:3,4 Enemies will submit to God Can any stay rebellious in “hell?”
49) Ps 90:3 God turns man to destruction, then says return How can one return from “destruction?”
50) Is 25:7 Will destroy veil spread over all nations All nations?
51) Deut 32:39 He kills and makes alive Kills to bring life?
52) Ps 33:15 God fashions all hearts “All” hearts, including men like “Hitler?”
53) Prv 16:9 Man devises, God directs his steps What about “free will?”
54) Prv 19:21 Man devises, but God’s counsel stands So much for “free will.”
55) La 3:31,32 God will not cast off forever Why does He cast off in the first place? (1 Cor 11)
56) Is 2:2 All nations shall flow to the Lord’s house “All” nations?
57) Ps 86:9 All nations will worship Him “All” nations!
58) Is 45:23 All descendants of Israel justified Including the wicked ones?
59) Ps 138:4 All kings will praise God Are you catching on?
60) Ps 65:2-4 All flesh will come to God That sounds wondrous.
61) Ps 72:18 God only does wondrous things I wish we would believe that.
62) Is 19:14,15 Egypt & Assyria will be restored Really?
63) Ezk 16:55 Sodom will be restored to former estate Sounds impossible.
64) Jer 32:17 Nothing is too difficult for Him Nothing? No, nothing!
65) Ps 22:27 All ends of the earth will turn to Him For what purpose?
66) Ps 22:27 All families will worship before Him Praise His name!
67) Ps 145:9 He is good to all Including your worst enemies.
68) Ps 145:9 His mercies are over all his works Let’s start believing that.
69) Ps 145:14 He raises all who fall Who hasn’t fallen in sin?
70) Ps 145:10 All His works will praise Him For “eternal torment?”
71) Is 25:6 Lord makes a feast for all people And you are invited.
72) Jer 32:35 Never entered His mind to eternally torture his children with fire Came from man’s mind.
73) Jn 6:44 No one can come to Him unless He draws them You can’t “chose” to follow Him.
74) Jn 12:32 I will draw all mankind unto Myself Amen!!!
75) Ps 135:6 God does what pleases Him. If it pleases Him to save all that He might be in all, are you upset?

AMEN! Is the message getting clearer for you? Are you understanding the character of the Lord now? Do you realize how important you truly are to the Lord? You're his baby!

What could any man possibly do to deserve punishment for a literal eternity??? Do you see how crazy that is?

 100 Scriptural Proofs That Jesus Christ Will Save All Mankind

Let's look at a few parts of this page. Particularly, I want to focus on those verses that discuss the character of G-d. We need to remember who He is. Does this sound like a G-d that would eternally torment anyone?

12. God is love and love worketh no ill. "God is love." 1 John 4:8. "Love worketh no ill." Rom. 

13:10. This is a very forcible argument. God's nature is the very essence of benevolence, and benevolence cannot be the origin of endless evil. If love worketh no ill, God can work no ill; and, therefore, God cannot be the author of endless evil.

13. God loves all mankind. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son." John 3:16: and, as Jesus died for all men, so God loves all men. This argument adds great force to the last.

14. God loves even his enemies. For he requires men to love their enemies, which he could not do if he hated his. (Matt. 5:44) And Jesus declared, "for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil." Luke 6:35. This is but an amplification of the preceding argument. If God loves his enemies, he certainly loves all men; for no one doubts that he loves his friends. And can God cause those to be endlessly miserable whom he loves?

Does G-d really NOT want salvation for all, as that guy told me and then blocked me?

The pleasure of God is in favor of the salvation of all men; and therefore, neither death, sin, nor pain, can be the ultimate object of God in reference to man. "As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked." Ezek. 33:11. Death and sin and pain may exist for a time; but if God has no pleasure in them of themselves, they are not the end at which he aims, but the means by which he accomplishes that end. The end in which God rests as his pleasure, design, or purpose, must be essentially benevolent, because he is essentially a benevolent God. Neither death, nor sin, nor pain can be his ultimate plan or pleasure; they are the means by which his holy and righteous designs are carried into effect.

It sure doesn't sound like it. Let's pray for this man to know the real character of the Lord, before he preaches to others this wicked message of Satan. 

God created all men expressly for his pleasure, and, therefore, not for ultimate death. "Thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." Rev. 4:11 Adam Clarke has a fine remark on this passage. He says, "He made all things for his pleasure; and through the same motive he preserves. Hence, it is most evident, that he hateth nothing that he has made; and could have made no intelligent creature with the design to make it eternally miserable. It is strange, that a contrary supposition has ever entered into the heart of man; and it is high time that the benevolent nature of the Supreme God, should be fully vindicated from aspersions of this kind."

Amen!!! Praise the Lord and His TRUE message! Hell does not even fit into G-d's plan for us. Please visit the link above for more of the Lord's loving message.

This is the ultimate link and not only can you find reason, logic, and the Bible's message, there are many more links at the bottom of the page that will help you in your studies. They go over specific verses of the Bible and explain them according to the original meanings. I know that there will be many people that will still insist that G-d is an evil being that eternally torments but, there is nothing I can do about those people. They simple project their hatred towards the world and they will have a very difficult life. When they finally are able to see the truth, it will be very delightful for me to see.

Philip. 2:9-11
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: [10] That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; [11] And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Well, I am done with this for now. I don't want to be a preacher. It's just some things I just need to get out! I just want to SCREAM out loud the evil that is this doctrine. The only thing it does is create a wedge between G-d and His children. There is nothing positive about it. Only Satan would torture someone for an eternity. 

Again, I know there will be arguments. Please, read the links I've posted. Pray over them. ASK questions! If you go to church, ask them. Don't allow them to make excuses for this doctrine. Learn for yourself that this was not the original message of the Lord. Early Christians were all about universal salvation. G-d Bless you.


Anonymous said...

Amen Sis. WOW! I was meant to come to here Jennifer.
I believe God is Love. God does want ALL people to come to Him. Through accepting Him, to ask Him into our hearts. We have to ASK the Lord to come into our lives He does not force himself upon us. We have choices, what we do with those choices is of course up to us. He gave us free choice, He does not intervene if we choose the wrong, He will be right there waiting to be taken into our Hearts, we only have to ask for His forgiveness. We all disappoint God daily,(I know I do) I'm sure as none of us are perfect, although many out there like to think so. We can become like Him in our thoughts and actions, this is why I have to ask for His forgiveness on a daily basis, I ask God to come into my life and direct me,he is our Father in Heaven, he forgives all that come to Him with a sincere heart. He is an all forgiving and all loving Father. The epitomy of love. God does not want us to burn in Hell, hell is Spiritual death and not rising to live with our Lord on the Last Day, hell is permanent death, There is ONLY ONE instruction book.... The Bible! If the wording in places doesn't sound believable, there is a reason, we need to study the Bible, to learn what is hidden between its pages, to learn what is happening in/with the world. The Bible is not a book that we can just read, we STUDY the Bible, we find out, we learn, we grow. We learn of God's love, the meaning of God's love. The Bible is right on track. I have learned that when Jesus died on the cross it was to give us the gift of life. It is a GIFT, our sins have already been forgiven. We need to openly embrace and enjoy this wonderful gift, by accepting God into our lives. I am not going to quote scriptures, I am just sharing with you MY interpretation of hell. Spiritual death! We beat ourselves up by thinking we are not worthy, cannot be forgiven our sins. I know we can, I have felt God's love, He works constantly in my life. I need to stop thinking of the sins I committed as being something I will have to bear until I feel worthy of God's love, he ALREADY loves me, He has ALREADY forgiven me, that is the GIFT of love. Jesus did not die in vain, no way. He died to take all of our sins away. I struggle with this as I was brought up to believe the opposite. The SDA church has done SO MUCH for me, in opening my eyes to what God's love really means. It is unconditional love. I have not studied Ellen G. White. I find no shame in that. I am still working on a LOT of things.
Thank you Jen for bringing things back into perspective for me at this time in my life. Thank you for those words and reminding me of who I am.

Anonymous said...

Listen to that still, small voice. We have to be in tune with God. I don't always listen.... lands me in trouble. God puts certain people in my path to help direct me, unless I recognize that and listen to Him Spiritually I will never have a straight path. I make it hard for myself.... but I am a child of God, still learning, still growing.

Tuesday said...

AMEN to that! The message of the Lord is GOOD NEWS!!! It's a loving message and love attracts love. When we see that love and feel that love, we WANT to love back. That's what helps us become better people!

I am always shocked that anyone would think the Lord would do such evil to His own babies. Not even an awful sinner like me could torture anyone for a literal eternity...never could a wondrous creator. We are here for His pleasure! How can G-d take pleasure in torturing us if He also tells us to pray for our enemies? Doesn't make any sense, does it?

G-d Bless you!

Anonymous said...

No, it doesn't make one iota of sense. Where I grew up and I'm sure it is the same for lot's of people, the The god I was taught about was mean, He will GET AFTER YOU, he will send you straight to hell to burn in brimstone and fire! WHAAAT! The Lord God I found later in life is a loving, guiding. forgiving God..... and I guess it wasn't 3am but 5:30am when I wrote both those comments, lol. I went to bed feeling more at peace with myself than I have all week. Thank you my dear Sister in the gospel xxxxx Thank you Lord. I love you both. Burn in hell? Pfff! I want to see my Father in Heaven again..... and He wants to see me MORE! No tickets to buy, no money will can be paid. It's all about inviting the Lord into our lives and living like Him......... as best we can.

Unknown said...

I know this is unrelative to the topic this post is about but I wanted to know if you've been able to make Linkworth work with your Blogger blog. I keep getting an error that says "URLs from this site have been disallowed" can you help me with this?

Tuesday said...

Hmm...I don't use Linkworth. I will see if I can find out for you.

The Good Tale said...

Satan has deceived the whole world Rev 12:9. God our Father will not put any child of his into a hell fire no matter what their sin, it is a lie of the devil. It never entered the heart or mind of God to ever do such a thing Jer 7:31, Jer 19:5. The true word John 1:1 is now delivered Rev 12:5, Rev 12:13 and is going to the world from the wilderness Rev 12:6 at the heel of time Gen 3:15. The woman of Revelation 12 is now here.
Prove all things at... http://minigoodtale.wordpress.com “He that answereth a matter before he heareth it is a folly and a shame unto him Pro 18:13”. There is a punishment for the wicked but it is not a hell fire and I prove it by the word of God.

Tuesday said...

Very interesting read. Thank you for your comment, val.

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