
Hell - Continued

I figured I'd do a follow up to the last post I did. So, if you need to catch up, please read this entry first.

I had made a few more posts on this particular man's wall, laying out all the facts of hell and making the point of how absurd the idea of eternal punishment for finite sin is. I wish I could post for you any of the replies but, instead the man had decided to delete all of my posts.

Now, why would someone who is so sure of themselves and what they believe, be so afraid of someone challenging their belief? He also decided to post for me a whole long diatribe about how I am going to hell and sent this to me in a PM.

May 4 at 6:26pm ReportJennifer, I've been looking over your profile and I have a question. Are you in a lesbian relationship? Is that why you're trying to find a way that hell doesn't exist? Enlighten me!

So, because I don't believe in an eternal hell and I believe in universal salvation, I am now a lesbian? Where do people get this idea from? I'm trying to "find a way" for hell not to exist? No, I know that it doesn't exist because the G-d in the Bible is one whose love never fails. Oh, and NO, I'm not a lesbian.

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that 

not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of G-d

As we can clearly see in the Bible, our salvation has nothing to do with what we can do for ourselves. If that were the case, then there would have been no reason for Jesus. He died because there was no other way for us to be saved. Another problem arises when you believe that your works will save you because, G-d would have to give you glory as well. That would not happen because all glory is given to Him. 

If you could save yourself through good works, you could worship yourself but, we are commanded only to worship G-d. 

If you do not believe in G-d, does He cease to exist? Of course not! He is very much present and if you don't want to recognize that, it does not mean He does not exist.  

If you do not believe you can be saved by Jesus and His work on the cross, does the work of Jesus on the cross cease to exist? Of course not! 

So this is just another example of the problem you will run into if you hold onto this pagan hell doctrine. Early Christians told all about universal salvation BECAUSE it was Jesus that had paid the wages of sin, all sin, for ALL men. 

Romans 6:23For the WAGES OF SIN [is] death; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Yes, indeed. Jesus died. He didn't suffer for an eternity. Where in there does it say the wages of sin is to be roasted for an eternity? It doesn't. If you don't believe, that doesn't mean the gift does not exist.

What about people who have heard The Word though false teachers, like this man I met on Facebook and because they could not fathom a G-d torturing someone for an eternity because of finite sin,  they turned away from the Lord. Does that make them worthy of an eternity in a flame? Is that what you or anyone would call justice?

May 4 at 7:00pm Reportso you're just a heretic then? The scriptures have all been inspiried by God. Satan has deceived you and you are lost according to your own testimony.
 G-d inspired the word of eternal punishment?
May 4 at 9:57pm ReportJennifer I have a responsibility to teach the truth, you don't have it. So, I must make sure none of my friends find you and think because we are friends that you are believable. So, this is the end of the road for us. The narrow road [that you don't understand] hands in the balance, it is narrow for a reason as you will discover one day, most likely on judgement day - XXXX

 You know when someone is supposedly teaching the truth, they do not fear someone challenging them. They also do not erase posts or block people. They also do not go around judging a person's character by insinuating that they will burn in a fire.

Not only did he exalt himself as some superior teacher of The Word, he then proceeded to tell me I was going to hell. He truly believes that there are people that deserve to be burned for an eternity. What has happened to people that they would even allow their minds to go to a place that is so dark and cold? Do you see how Satan has attacked G-d's people? Do you see how he has been able to harden people's hearts, as well as form wedges not just between people and their Lord but, between brothers and sisters in Christ?

According to a 2004 Gallup Poll, 70% of Americans believe in hell. Belief in hell is highest among regular churchgoers: 92% of those who attend church weekly believe in hell, as do 74% of those who attend nearly weekly.

 So, how is this belief a part of the narrow road?

Let's read this amazing paragraph concerning the belief and simplicity of the early beliefs amongst Christians:

 When our Lord announced his religion this world was in a condition of unutterable corruption, wretchedness and gloom. Slavery, poverty, vice that the pen is unwilling to name, almost universally prevailed, and even religion partook of the general degradation.1 Decadence, depopulation, insecurity of property, person and life, according to Taine, were everywhere. Philosophy taught that it would be better for man never to have been created. In the first century Rome held supreme sway. 2 Nations had been destroyed by scores, and the civilized world had lost half of its population by the sword. In the first century forty out of seventy years were years of famine, accompanied by plague and pestilence. There were universal depression and deepest melancholy. When men were thus overcome with the gloom and horror of error and sin, into their night of darkness came the religion of Christ. Its announcements were all of hope and cheer. Its language was, "Come unto me, all ye who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice." "We rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory." Men were invited to accept the tidings of great joy. John, the herald of Jesus, was a recluse, mortifying body and spirit, but Jesus said, "John come neither eating nor drinking, but the Son of Man came eating and drinking." He forbade all anxiety and care among his followers, and exhorted all to be as trustful as are the lilies of the field and the fowls of the air. Says Matthew Arnold, "Christ professed to bring in happiness. All the words that belong to his mission, Gospel, kingdom of God, Savior, grace, peace, living water, bread of life, are overflowing of promise and joy." And his cheerful, joyful religion at once won its way by its messages of peace and tranquillity, and for a while its converts were everywhere characterized by their joyfulness and cheerfulness. Haweis writes: "The three first centuries of the Christian church are almost idyllic in their simplicity, sincerity and purity. There is less admixture of evil, less intrusion of the world, the flesh, and the devil, more simple-hearted goodness, earnestness and reality to be found in the space between Nero and Constantine that in any other three centuries from A.D. 100 to A.D. 1800." 3 De Pressense calls the early era of the church its "blessed childhood, all calmness and simplicity."Cave, in "Lives of the Fathers," states: "The noblest portion of church history the most considerable age of the church, the years from Eusebius to Basil the Great."

Well of course this makes sense. For hundreds of years the belief of universal salvation was never challenged. When we can all believe in the goodness of being saved, it is then that we can delve further into The Word of the Lord and become closer to Him, but if we are all condemning each other to hell, and cutting people off, who's work is being done? Certainly not the Lord's.

The purity of G-d's love can only be reflected in our hearts when we know that ALL will be forgiven. When we understand this, we can forgive one another, we can become stronger, and we project G-d's mercy upon all others we encounter. Now the Bible and its history can finally make sense to us! We don't have to read His Word in fear. We can read and rejoice. When we project our happiness and goodness upon to others, that in turn is passed on to others. Evil and darkness is projected upon others when you believe in eternal torment.

When I read the words that this man wrote to me, I can feel his dark heart projecting onto me. I can feel his smugness in his condescending tone. Not only does he believe that it is considered justice for the Lord to roast His creations for an eternal amount of time, he seems almost delighted in this fact. Is this how Jesus wants us to feel? The same Jesus that forgave the people driving nails into His hands? Didn't Jesus Himself project onto others that they would be forgiven? Why would He do that if He knew that "only a small amount of people" would be saved? Wouldn't He have only been nice to a few people? Again, I ask, why spread The Word of the Bible, if only a few elect will be saved, as many modern churches like to tell people? Where is the "good news"? "Follow Jesus or perish in HELL for eternity!!!"

What's even more ironic is this man probably worships on Sunday instead of the commanded Sabbath. He also, most likely, believes in the pagan Trinity as well, and something tells me he eats pork. All of these things forbidden by G-d and according to his own belief, he will be damned to eternal torment. Thank goodness this is NOT the case! Amen!

Anyway, if you haven't already, please check out this link, as it will provide you with hours upon hours of information concerning early Christians and universal salvation! The sooner we all can put this horrible, Satanic doctrine to rest, the sooner we can spread The Word to all. We live in horrible times right now. What's right is considered wrong, what's wrong is right. Everything is just upside down! We need to get ourselves back to the basics -- we need standards, norms, logic, reasoning...all of which represent G-d and His glory.

G-d Bless.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Jennifer, this guy is deliberately keeping people away from God's word! He is making choices FOR them. The poor guy believes he is doing right, oh, my life, where IS he getting that kind of information from??? All I can say is, BIBLE STUDY!He is floating along in ignorance.... taking his poor friends with him. Even HE is God's child, he obviously can't see it, his eyes and heart are being deceived. I Kept reading, over and over what he was saying and all I could think was WOW! All I could feel was sadness. He obviously does not know that God is full of Grace, Love, Compassion and Healing, if this man remotely believed in the Lord and just prayed about it, asked God to enter his heart and work within him, he would KNOW the true love of God, he could give all this darkness over to God and truly find light, faith, hope eternity. I am SO glad he is not a friend of mine keeping me away from God's eternal love. I would love to share with him the message of WHY Jesus died in the cross, why he went through all that pain, why he took away all our sins and gave us the gift of LIFE with our Lord. Even though I didn't know and understand 'free choice' when I was a child with all the abuse around me, I was obviously still a child of God and 'open' to understanding at a later time in my life. If I had continued to this day, going to a Sunday church I would never have known what I know NOW. My main abuser started going to Church in the later years of her life, then WHY did she STILL have darkness and hatred in her, to the core! I thought there had to be MORE than this,it wasn't right to abuse and encourage abuse on a child. I had to learn to forgive and understand in order to move on. I found how 'Religion' had warped people's minds, how the true word of God had been twisted to fit into 'lifestyles', how the Sabbath was changed to Sunday because of a very strong influence in another direction, how other 'churches' followed because they thought they would get more 'butts in the pews' on a Sunday! People followed this doctrine from this powerful institution. In my eyes, that was the beginning of changing the Bible's teachings. Other churches followed. To introduce other 'books' and lead people further away from the one and only instruction book, is very sad, I was one of those people for many years, not feeling right giving a certain individual the SAME praise as we should be giving the Lord. The last time I entered that establishment I was hit up the side of the head and WOKE UP to the realization families had been kept apart for anything up to 40 years, in order to preach the 'word of God' to others, and bring them unto Him, that was a testament meeting where a popular hymn for that establishment was entitled "Praise to the man", where they singing so joyously about God, our Heavenly Father??? NO! they were praising an individual. A control freak (Hmmm, parallels to your friend?) Right now, I NEED and HAVE to stay focused on the true word of the Bible. I think God talks to everyone and is not filtered down purely to prophets, he speaks to us all, others can only GUIDE us in the right direction and ENCOURAGE us to seek the TRUE word. The word of God. I hope and pray that ONE day, this man will come out of his world of darkness and share with his friends the REAL word of God. AMEN.

Tuesday said...

AMEN!!! Thank you so much! Love you! <3

Yes, I'm praying for him as well and will continue to do so. If he is really studying and praying, then the Lord WILL reach out to him! It's just a matter of that seed being planted, and I hope I was able to do that for just a moment. All that needs to be done is question, then the rest G-d takes care of. I've seen it happen too many times for it to be just a coincidence. :)

Anonymous said...

No such thing as coincidence, lol. I hope you hit him in a very vulnerable part of his anatomy.... his heart:)
He just needs to be studying the right material :) It took me many years to even KNOW and UNDERSTAND why the Lord allowed family and later husband to cause me so much pain both physically and mentally/emotionally. Only in recent years did I learn about the whole free choice thing and how God couldn't intervene. It was hard growing up without that knowledge... the important thing is I survived and have the knowledge now. I have forgiven my abusers, just can't forget. One reason I would/could NOT deliberately hurt another breathing, living soul, no matter what species. The other reason is from an early age I knew I couldn't inflict pain and suffering on MY offspring. The cycle had to be broken by me, it was! I had to break this vicious chain of pain and abuse in which I grew up. Maybe God was already working in my life at this tender age :) God placed me in that family for a reason. There is hope for everyone. Even if they don't believe right now, we pray they will, hopefully soon. Your friend, like many others in darkness is in my prayers. One reason I do what I do, I can empathize with those (no matter what species), that are suffering by the hands of deranged individuals........ even when it gets me into trouble. The Lord knows my heart and intentions and knows my intentions are for the good, even though He may not feel particularly proud of they way I have done it recently.
Love you Sis. My friend, my inspiration xxxxxx Thank you for your trust and for believing in me, the reasons for doing what I do and what I've done trying to help others. Those that don't want to understand, they too are in my prayers.

Jay Coops said...

Hell didn't exist within the Christians Faith until the King James Translation,Hell was a miss translated word,Sheol is the Jewish version of the after life where every person regardless of how they lived ends up...

There was a period of 1600 years in which Hell never factored into Christianity.....Hell doesn't exist if you believe in the true Book...

Jay Coops said...

If you were a lesbian,you would let me watch right??

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