Come On Trump!
I swear I think these news stations carry this election stuff on just to frustrate us. I have been up and down all night. I don't pray much these days but I did tonight - not for Trump, not for me, for our country. I just want what is best for all of us and we need to heal.
G-d Bless us all! G-d Bless America!
To whoever becomes president (please be Trump!), may we get behind them and wish the best for them - for all of us!
G-d Bless us all! G-d Bless America!
To whoever becomes president (please be Trump!), may we get behind them and wish the best for them - for all of us!
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It's About That Time...
Yes, I'm anxious and ready for this Tuesday to be over. I'm excited and nervous and happy and overjoyed. I cannot look at polls. I don't even care. I'm ready to vote FOR Trump. I'm not voting against Hillary - I'm voting FOR a man who I see as being the best opportunity America has for healing this nation. For all his flaws, the man is a winner and I believe he's determined to set the country moving in a positive direction that will ultimately lift all of us up and not collectively bring us down.
Whoever you vote for, make sure you are voting FOR that person.
If you haven't figured out who you will vote for...
Make the decision based on facts and not conspiracies. I know both the left and right has been hammered with one conspiracy after the next - I urge you to pay no mind to that gibbering. Focus on what has been laid out for you, the facts that you can verify, and discover which candidate agrees with you the most on what you believe.
You really should vote. I know many of you out there might be saying, "I'm not voting because I can't vote for either of these two clowns," or some other similar phrase. I understand but at the same time, your apathy is what allows the system to stay the same. Trump has at least a realistic shot at winning and a vote FOR him will at the very least shake things up in Washington. I urge you not be discouraged. Many people would love for you to feel this way and to feel hopeless but don't. We are not going to fix everything overnight and there will never be a candidate that will fill the role of Calgon's promise to take you away. This isn't Oz. There are no red slippers for heel-clicking. This is reality and you must deal with it - one step at a time.
For me, I know Trump is not this nation's savior. He will not get into the Oval Office and fix every problem. There's no human being that will do such a thing but, I do believe he will be able to at least accomplish a few of the goals that he has proposed and for me, that's good enough. I'm not seeking a hero; I'm just looking for a leader who believes in America.
I haven't been this excited since Reagan!
Trump 2016 "Let's do this!"
Donald Trump,
hillary clinton,
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Hillary Cleared by FBI Again - Questions Still Not Answered
Forgive me for writing this quickly but I have to get this all out. I'm still trying to catch up on all the information and make sense of it so everything I write here now has the potential of changing in the following months.
The FBI apparently cleared Hillary from any wrong doing again, concerning e-mails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop.
For months conservatives have ben told via the internet that bombshells were going to be dropped concerning Clinton's alleged ties to child sex crimes and smuggling of children. The Wikileaks were able to confirm Bill Clinton's trips to pedo-island with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Hillary is said to have also gone to this same island.
Now, we are finding out that there were indeed some US citizens that were involved in some illegal orphanage and child smuggling but Hillary, as head of State Department, was obligated to defend this person because of her citizen status.
Laura Silsby was arrested in Haiti. From the cable:
The FBI apparently cleared Hillary from any wrong doing again, concerning e-mails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop.
For months conservatives have ben told via the internet that bombshells were going to be dropped concerning Clinton's alleged ties to child sex crimes and smuggling of children. The Wikileaks were able to confirm Bill Clinton's trips to pedo-island with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Hillary is said to have also gone to this same island.
Now, we are finding out that there were indeed some US citizens that were involved in some illegal orphanage and child smuggling but Hillary, as head of State Department, was obligated to defend this person because of her citizen status.
Laura Silsby was arrested in Haiti. From the cable:
Laura Silsby, the leader of the U.S. missionaries, had claimed she planned to build an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, but authorities in the country said she never submitted an application for this purpose. Pagina 12 appeared more objective; however, it reported that while the Americans claimed to be on a humanitarian mission, "it transcended that the children were not orphans and that most were delivered to the U.S. missionaires with their parents' authorization."
It appears that 10 citizens in total were originally arrested. Silsby was charged and served about 6 months in prison. It is being reported that the communications concerning the possible charge of child smuggling were then turned into Clinton being involved but again, this would have been part of her job - protecting US citizens charged for crimes in other countries.
So, let's back up a bit...
After the earthquake, Laura Silsby and some other Christians from a Baptist Church went down to Haiti and gathered up some children and attempted to cross the Haiti-Dominican Republic border, to take to a hotel being converted into an orphanage. There were 10 people who were arrested for child trafficking. Eventually, all but Silsby were released and she did end up with a conviction and given time served.
It is quite unfortunate that so many of us were misled to believe this was much more nefarious than what it truly was. On the other hand, it is a relief to know that it does appear everyone is doing fine and no one was harmed; it was a case of people not doing things in a proper, legal way.
Yet, we still don't have any answers concerning Epstein and there are still rumors circulating that there is more to be released once certain people get out of the country for their personal safety. It's Sunday before the election and still nothing. Also, why hasn't NYPD followed up on their claim of releasing everything they have? Was most of this a misunderstanding or have we all been trolled?
Let's just say we have been trolled, why? What good did this accomplish? If they were trying to stir trouble up with Trump supporters, they played their hand so long that it seems to have still worked against Hillary, not for her.
Annonymous is claiming that there is still more but cannot be released for another few months because there is still so much to review and archive.
There is also the issue concerning The Clinton Foundation. Was there pay to play involved or not? Can this even be proven and where is Huma Abedin? How did the FBI manage to go through all 650,000 e-mails in less than 5 days? Even if they were mostly duplicates, that's still quite a few more e-mails than before and what were they doing Weiner's laptop? Isn't Hillary responsible for that information? How can she not be? How is it she has been allowed to be so reckless with e-mails? You can hardly blame people for thinking something disastrous considering we know who Weiner is and his pedophile nature.
The answers to these questions will not be answered anytime soon, if ever. Will it be too late? Are there some more tricks up the sleeves of crooked Hillary?
Tell me what you think.
So, let's back up a bit...
After the earthquake, Laura Silsby and some other Christians from a Baptist Church went down to Haiti and gathered up some children and attempted to cross the Haiti-Dominican Republic border, to take to a hotel being converted into an orphanage. There were 10 people who were arrested for child trafficking. Eventually, all but Silsby were released and she did end up with a conviction and given time served.
It is quite unfortunate that so many of us were misled to believe this was much more nefarious than what it truly was. On the other hand, it is a relief to know that it does appear everyone is doing fine and no one was harmed; it was a case of people not doing things in a proper, legal way.
Yet, we still don't have any answers concerning Epstein and there are still rumors circulating that there is more to be released once certain people get out of the country for their personal safety. It's Sunday before the election and still nothing. Also, why hasn't NYPD followed up on their claim of releasing everything they have? Was most of this a misunderstanding or have we all been trolled?
Let's just say we have been trolled, why? What good did this accomplish? If they were trying to stir trouble up with Trump supporters, they played their hand so long that it seems to have still worked against Hillary, not for her.
Annonymous is claiming that there is still more but cannot be released for another few months because there is still so much to review and archive.
There is also the issue concerning The Clinton Foundation. Was there pay to play involved or not? Can this even be proven and where is Huma Abedin? How did the FBI manage to go through all 650,000 e-mails in less than 5 days? Even if they were mostly duplicates, that's still quite a few more e-mails than before and what were they doing Weiner's laptop? Isn't Hillary responsible for that information? How can she not be? How is it she has been allowed to be so reckless with e-mails? You can hardly blame people for thinking something disastrous considering we know who Weiner is and his pedophile nature.
The answers to these questions will not be answered anytime soon, if ever. Will it be too late? Are there some more tricks up the sleeves of crooked Hillary?
Tell me what you think.
Anthony Weiner,
Bill Clinton,
hillary clinton
Posted by
Yes, Stereotyping and Broad Brush Strokes Are Real and Here's Why
As someone who has studied politics and has followed politics for over 20 years, I can tell you that every time the presidential election comes along, an influx of people always barge their way into the conversation and then become upset whenever they are actually challenged. It's like being at a party and you're talking to a small group of people for a few hours and someone comes along, they hear a few lines, and then they proceed to lecture the group on all of what they think they know. Everyone tries to be polite, some may even try to correct this newcomer but, in the end, it never seems to smooth out. When it comes to politics, it's even worse because too many are led by emotions and not facts.
In modern times, the internet has made it extremely easier for these "newbies" to get involved and in some cases, these people find their own soap box to stand on. Their audiences are equally unaware of what is going on and it just seems to be a case of the blind leading the blind.
One problem I always run across is the anger that people have when you paint with broad brush strokes or label using stereotypes. To the newcomer, these very common ways of having a discussion are considered rude or "wrong" and should be somehow avoided, not realizing they themselves often engage in the very same tactic. The point is, when discussing politics, in confined amounts of time, we cannot use Pointillism. We must grab that very broad brush and get to painting. The broad brush is akin to using an average or mean in mathematics. Those of us who regularly engage in political discussion understand that we are not talking about "all" people in a certain category. Of course, we mean "not all" and quite frankly, I'm a bit tired of having to explain this constantly but, if it's not done, you end up with lunatics resorting to calling you a racist or some other bizarre ad hom.
Most all people who involve themselves in American politics fall somewhere in the middle - maybe a little left or right but, generally certain views on issues will fall to the right or left side. This is just how politics works. There's no reason to take offense to this. Of course, you can be on the left and be a person who is against abortion. We all understand this but, generally speaking, when discussing pro-life, we are talking about an issue supported by the right. Generalizations are what moves the conversation forward. When someone has to continually disrupt and demand everyone talk about the anomalies, the conversation is stalled and tension begins to fill the air. One side is trying to discuss something in a way that has always been previously accepted, while another side is demanding the rules be changed because they are "offended" and do not truly understand the general rules.
It's not a matter of a logical fallacy when the general understanding has already been established. So when you turn on the news and you see a political pundit talking in very broad definitions, understand that there is a REASON they do this. They are merely trying to get out as much information as they can and discuss things in a way that allows the listener or viewer to develop a full picture quickly without being bogged down by too much detail. This isn't to say details should be ignored, it's to say that when it comes to general political discussions, we must be focused on the averages and not the deviations.
While I enjoy watching new people become more interested in politics, since this is a very important area that affects everyone who lives in this world, I also would like to encourage people to learn a little bit more about how discussions take place and how to navigate through them without so much emotion and without becoming so offended.
If there is an issue you are interested in learning more about, take the time to really research that topic from all of the different angles you can find. Learn about the history of that issue as well as why it's important to either side. Keep in mind that everyone is very different and we all should know that not every person on the right is the same, just like not every person on the left is the same. These are concepts that are already implied and should not need to be explained.
Political discussion should be fun and passionate but, things really turn sour when some people just don't quite understand the rules. This election has really brought out some disturbing behavior that I have never witnessed in prior elections. I really do believe part of the problem stems from people, 1) not knowing the very basics of political discourse, and 2) not having an understanding of historical reference concerning the issues.
To summarize everything:
1) The general views of issues tend to fall on the right or left.
2) We should all understand that most individuals believe in a combination of views. Some are on the left, some on the right.
3) Stereotypes or generalities are used in politics, just like means or averages are used in math and science for the purposes of moving along a conversation and not used in a way to demean others.
4) Politics is a science and while emotion and passion can come into play, they should be generally avoided when you analyze an issue.
In modern times, the internet has made it extremely easier for these "newbies" to get involved and in some cases, these people find their own soap box to stand on. Their audiences are equally unaware of what is going on and it just seems to be a case of the blind leading the blind.
One problem I always run across is the anger that people have when you paint with broad brush strokes or label using stereotypes. To the newcomer, these very common ways of having a discussion are considered rude or "wrong" and should be somehow avoided, not realizing they themselves often engage in the very same tactic. The point is, when discussing politics, in confined amounts of time, we cannot use Pointillism. We must grab that very broad brush and get to painting. The broad brush is akin to using an average or mean in mathematics. Those of us who regularly engage in political discussion understand that we are not talking about "all" people in a certain category. Of course, we mean "not all" and quite frankly, I'm a bit tired of having to explain this constantly but, if it's not done, you end up with lunatics resorting to calling you a racist or some other bizarre ad hom.
Most all people who involve themselves in American politics fall somewhere in the middle - maybe a little left or right but, generally certain views on issues will fall to the right or left side. This is just how politics works. There's no reason to take offense to this. Of course, you can be on the left and be a person who is against abortion. We all understand this but, generally speaking, when discussing pro-life, we are talking about an issue supported by the right. Generalizations are what moves the conversation forward. When someone has to continually disrupt and demand everyone talk about the anomalies, the conversation is stalled and tension begins to fill the air. One side is trying to discuss something in a way that has always been previously accepted, while another side is demanding the rules be changed because they are "offended" and do not truly understand the general rules.
It's not a matter of a logical fallacy when the general understanding has already been established. So when you turn on the news and you see a political pundit talking in very broad definitions, understand that there is a REASON they do this. They are merely trying to get out as much information as they can and discuss things in a way that allows the listener or viewer to develop a full picture quickly without being bogged down by too much detail. This isn't to say details should be ignored, it's to say that when it comes to general political discussions, we must be focused on the averages and not the deviations.
While I enjoy watching new people become more interested in politics, since this is a very important area that affects everyone who lives in this world, I also would like to encourage people to learn a little bit more about how discussions take place and how to navigate through them without so much emotion and without becoming so offended.
If there is an issue you are interested in learning more about, take the time to really research that topic from all of the different angles you can find. Learn about the history of that issue as well as why it's important to either side. Keep in mind that everyone is very different and we all should know that not every person on the right is the same, just like not every person on the left is the same. These are concepts that are already implied and should not need to be explained.
Political discussion should be fun and passionate but, things really turn sour when some people just don't quite understand the rules. This election has really brought out some disturbing behavior that I have never witnessed in prior elections. I really do believe part of the problem stems from people, 1) not knowing the very basics of political discourse, and 2) not having an understanding of historical reference concerning the issues.
To summarize everything:
1) The general views of issues tend to fall on the right or left.
2) We should all understand that most individuals believe in a combination of views. Some are on the left, some on the right.
3) Stereotypes or generalities are used in politics, just like means or averages are used in math and science for the purposes of moving along a conversation and not used in a way to demean others.
4) Politics is a science and while emotion and passion can come into play, they should be generally avoided when you analyze an issue.
broad brush,
Posted by
The Alternative Conservative Podcast - Episode #7 - Trump Tales
In this episode, I discuss Donald Trump and the allegations made toward him.. Enjoy.
E-mail from Summer Zervos:
Picture Trump Tower:
E-mail from Summer Zervos:
Picture Trump Tower:
Donald Trump,
sexual assault,
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The Alternative Conservative Podcast - Episode #6 - The 3rd Presidential Debate
In this episode, I discuss the final debate between Hillary and Trump. Enjoy. Share.
Donald Trump,
hillary clinton,
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Faux Outrage From Left Concerning Trump
Donald Trump,
hillary clinton,
leaked tape,
sexual assault,
Posted by
The Alternative Conservative Podcast - Episode #5 - Making a Murderer - Conspiracies Part 2
In Part 2, I discuss scientific illiteracy.
Brendan Dassey,
Making a Murderer,
scientific illiteracy,
Steven Avery,
Teresa Halbach
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The Alternative Conservative Podcast - Episode #4 - Making a Murderer - Conspiracies Part 1
In this episode, I discuss the various conspiracies that surround the Avery case. This will be followed up with a part 2. Enjoy.
Quick Thoughts on the Presidential Debate #1 Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton
After watching the debate, I felt satisfied. Objectively these are two very different candidates who don't just have different ideas but very different demeanors and styles. Trump is fast in his word pace, trying to get out as much as he can, while Clinton was more controlled and steady. In short, both had a good night of debating - they had strong moments and weak ones as well.
Then, I go to my Facebook and wow oh wow... the reactions were all over the map. Some people were declaring a winner and of course this all fell on party lines. My lefty friends thought Hillary was amazing and Donald was rude and awful. My righty friends were all in for Donald, offering many praises and saying that Hillary failed miserably. I also have friends who are just bitter about the whole thing, offering up their negative-Nancy analysis declaring that both should eat crow.
Let me just say, yes, I'm voting for Trump. I like him. I like his style but, he's not everyone's cup of tea. I get that. I don't expect everyone to agree with me and I'm not interested in living in an echo-chamber either. This is why I have friends who hail from all over the political spectrum. However, I couldn't deny that Hillary put up a good performance.
Too many people seem to believe this was a sporting event but in reality, debates are about observing politicians and how they handle themselves. Are they quick on their feet? Can they command a room in a comfortable way? Or are they awkward? How do they handle uncomfortable situations? Let's face it, presidents will eventually find themselves in uncomfortable situations and they need to be able to control themselves and still respond in an intelligent way.
One major difficulty both candidates must deal with is HOW they talk about the issues. Audiences often consist of about 20% of the people who have a superior knowledge of politics. They know their history and they know about issues. The other 80% consist of people on a spectrum who know little to very little about politics and in some cases - nothing. It's important for the candidates to state their positions clearly and with precision, demonstrating great knowledge, but not so sophisticated that you talk over the heads of the majority of your audience. It is a very difficult line to walk.
1) I didn't even really notice Trump sniffling but apparently the left did and now they are actually trying to say Trump was sniffing coke. This is so ignorant and if the roles were reversed, the top news story would read, "Racist and Evil Republicans Lose Debate and Makeup Stories About Clinton Using Coke." The accusation is baseless and absurd. I guess the left is just getting desperate to tear Trump down.
2) As far as him not releasing his tax statements, if his attorney advised him not to release the information until after his audit, then of course that's the route he should take. Releasing anything would just cause a delay in his audit and the public would be subjected to superfolous and half-assed biased speculation from liberal pundits. All of this would be a waste of time for Trump and the voters. If the situation were in reverse, the democrats would be calling foul immediately.
3) Trump needs to bring up Beghazi.
4) Hillary's, "I made a mistake," comment in response to her deleting 30,000 e-mails is not good enough. Setting up a private server and using that to send classified information is hardly what anyone with a few firing neurons would call, "a mistake." What she did was deliberate and wiping her server clean only further demonstrates that she had something to hide. It's becoming rather irriating that she thinks Americans are so stupid and she acts as if she's above reproach - the same demenor our current president displays.
5) Someone please tell me how Hillary is "for women" when she herself is a substandard example of a strong woman. She chose to stay with an abusive husband, a man who cheated on her and actually raped at least one woman we know about. She not only protected this sexual predator of women but, she also went after his victims. She slandered them and did everything in her power to shut them up. What kind of an example is this for woman in America?
Strong women who are not afraid of being alone, and not afraid to stand up for themselves are the only kind who have ever provided me with inspiration and help. These are the type of women we need to be an example for our future generations. To me, Hillary represents a weak woman who made the choice to stick with a man who treated her like garbage and she chose to keep this man to be an example for her own daughter. Hillary is more interested in herself then she is with empowering other women.
Then, I go to my Facebook and wow oh wow... the reactions were all over the map. Some people were declaring a winner and of course this all fell on party lines. My lefty friends thought Hillary was amazing and Donald was rude and awful. My righty friends were all in for Donald, offering many praises and saying that Hillary failed miserably. I also have friends who are just bitter about the whole thing, offering up their negative-Nancy analysis declaring that both should eat crow.
Let me just say, yes, I'm voting for Trump. I like him. I like his style but, he's not everyone's cup of tea. I get that. I don't expect everyone to agree with me and I'm not interested in living in an echo-chamber either. This is why I have friends who hail from all over the political spectrum. However, I couldn't deny that Hillary put up a good performance.
Too many people seem to believe this was a sporting event but in reality, debates are about observing politicians and how they handle themselves. Are they quick on their feet? Can they command a room in a comfortable way? Or are they awkward? How do they handle uncomfortable situations? Let's face it, presidents will eventually find themselves in uncomfortable situations and they need to be able to control themselves and still respond in an intelligent way.
One major difficulty both candidates must deal with is HOW they talk about the issues. Audiences often consist of about 20% of the people who have a superior knowledge of politics. They know their history and they know about issues. The other 80% consist of people on a spectrum who know little to very little about politics and in some cases - nothing. It's important for the candidates to state their positions clearly and with precision, demonstrating great knowledge, but not so sophisticated that you talk over the heads of the majority of your audience. It is a very difficult line to walk.
1) I didn't even really notice Trump sniffling but apparently the left did and now they are actually trying to say Trump was sniffing coke. This is so ignorant and if the roles were reversed, the top news story would read, "Racist and Evil Republicans Lose Debate and Makeup Stories About Clinton Using Coke." The accusation is baseless and absurd. I guess the left is just getting desperate to tear Trump down.
2) As far as him not releasing his tax statements, if his attorney advised him not to release the information until after his audit, then of course that's the route he should take. Releasing anything would just cause a delay in his audit and the public would be subjected to superfolous and half-assed biased speculation from liberal pundits. All of this would be a waste of time for Trump and the voters. If the situation were in reverse, the democrats would be calling foul immediately.
3) Trump needs to bring up Beghazi.
4) Hillary's, "I made a mistake," comment in response to her deleting 30,000 e-mails is not good enough. Setting up a private server and using that to send classified information is hardly what anyone with a few firing neurons would call, "a mistake." What she did was deliberate and wiping her server clean only further demonstrates that she had something to hide. It's becoming rather irriating that she thinks Americans are so stupid and she acts as if she's above reproach - the same demenor our current president displays.
5) Someone please tell me how Hillary is "for women" when she herself is a substandard example of a strong woman. She chose to stay with an abusive husband, a man who cheated on her and actually raped at least one woman we know about. She not only protected this sexual predator of women but, she also went after his victims. She slandered them and did everything in her power to shut them up. What kind of an example is this for woman in America?
Strong women who are not afraid of being alone, and not afraid to stand up for themselves are the only kind who have ever provided me with inspiration and help. These are the type of women we need to be an example for our future generations. To me, Hillary represents a weak woman who made the choice to stick with a man who treated her like garbage and she chose to keep this man to be an example for her own daughter. Hillary is more interested in herself then she is with empowering other women.
#1 Donald Trump,
hillary clinton,
Presidential Debate,
Posted by
The Alternative Conservative Podcast - Episode #3 - Tale of the Spergy Sycophant
In this episode, I discuss some of the forensic evidence from Making a Murderer and debunk some delusions from a certain red-headed sycophant.
Brendan Dassey,
Making a Murderer,
Steven Avery,
Teresa Halbach
Posted by
The Alternative Conservative Podcast - Episode #2
For this episode, I will continue to discuss Making a Murderer and will touch upon the topics of confirmation bias and logical fallacies.
I must warn you that I had some difficulty with the audio. In short, I played around too much. When I tried to save some of my work, it didn't save. I'm sure I will be running into new problems as I go along (that's just to be expected when you're learning a new tool), but this time around I did discover some new tricks so hopefully the next one will go a lot smoother. Fingers crossed!
Please use the image below for reference during the first part of the show.

Ascorbic acid or Vitamin C

I must warn you that I had some difficulty with the audio. In short, I played around too much. When I tried to save some of my work, it didn't save. I'm sure I will be running into new problems as I go along (that's just to be expected when you're learning a new tool), but this time around I did discover some new tricks so hopefully the next one will go a lot smoother. Fingers crossed!
Please use the image below for reference during the first part of the show.

Ascorbic acid or Vitamin C

Brendan Dassey,
confirmation bias,
logical fallacies,
Making a Murderer,
Steven Avery
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The Alternative Conservative Podcast - Episode #1
This episode I discuss some basic information about the fauxumentary, Making a Murder.
Brendan Dassey,
Steven Avery,
Teresa Halbach,
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I Watched The Ann Coulter [Rob Lowe] Roast
I was a tad anxious and even apprehensive about watching Ann Coulter perform at this Roast of Rob Lowe. I wanted to watch the moment I discovered she would be on the panel of roasters because I was curious what she would say but, I was scared about what the others were going to say. I adore Ann but let's face it, she's not everyone's cup of tea; she certainly is not appreciated by the elites of Hollywood. Still, there was a glimmer of hope that her invite might also be a sign that perhaps some in Hollywood are at least willing to kid around with a conservative - a huge step in the right direction for them, and not just any conservative - this is Ann Coulter we are talking about.
Ann Coulter,
comedy central,
Rob Lowe
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Zarna Joshi - Is She For Real or Does She Have a Mental Illness?
Zarna with a red dot on her forehead.
Zarna Joshi is credited as being a SJW activist, (that's Social Justice Warrior just in case you don't know). She recently uploaded a video documenting her own actions earlier this month while she attended Seattle's City Council accompanied by Black Lives Matter activists. They were all protesting the construction of a new police station that is being referred to as "The Bunker."
The video begins with Zarna pointing out someone from the media interviewing a man she identifies as being pro-cop/pro-Bunker. She seems to be rather angry that she is witnessing the media interview this man and not someone from BLM. The man being interviewed has a daughter who was a heroin addict and he gives credit to the police for saving her life.
After his interview is over, the man has no choice but to walk by Zarma and notices she is filming him. He says to her (as best as I can hear), "You took my picture." Zarma confirms she did and then he asks, "you want my name?" She says yes and he responds jokingly, "Hugh Mongous."
The man clearly shows in his expression and name-joke that he is not taking this woman seriously. He certainly doesn't owe this woman anything, much less his real name however, Zarna becomes unhinged. She proceeds to shout at him, "Hugh Mongous what?" repeatedly. When he repeats himself with a smirk, she almost instantly begins to make the accusation that he sexually harassed her, "Is that sexual harassment?" At this point, the man is in utter disbelief. Zarna doesn't stop; she continues to go into a sort of frenzied rage, finishing off with an accusation that she was abused.
In the video, you can see the man slowly dismissing her and backing away with each step she takes towards him. As Zarna becomes louder and more enraged, she begins to reach out to her fellow supporters for affirmation. It's clear she's looking for support and she seems interested in getting other people excited and angered. We then see security intervene and the man walks away completely. Zarna now focuses her rage onto the people handling the security. "Are you going to do anything about how he sexually harassed me?"
The yelling and shouting continue and Zarna portrays herself as an immature, entitled, spoiled brat or someone going into some type of mentally disturbed rage. Her perception of reality is disturbing. I would imagine that most people, like myself, are left cringing watching this video as it unfolds and seems to never stop escalating until the very end.
Zarna continues to verbally attack the security guards. She calls them vulgar names and insults them. She appears as being in an irrational state of total disbelief as to why they are not hunting down the man who told her a name joke.
What did she expect them to do? The man has no authority over her; he is a complete stranger who happens to be a natural enemy by supporting the police. He doesn't owe her anything but let's say he did say something inappropriate. Let's pretend he said something real vulgar like, "You're a woman - only good for a pair of tits and a p*ssy. Now go make me a sammich." So what? It's not illegal to say something inappropriate or rude, not in this particular context anyway. If she worked for him that might be another story but, even then you have to prove the harassment.
Her accusations about this man's behavior are absurd and irrational but what are we, as reasonable observers, supposed to make of this woman? Is she doing this for attention? Does she really believe her own nonsense? Or is she just behaving this way because she's brainwashed to react in this manner? I believe it to be a combination of sorts. I believe someone like this is probably suffering from some sort of mental issue coupled with a lack of intelligence. Add to this her interest in the far-left radical/regressive ideology, which indicates some brainwashing is present, and we are left with a recipe for disaster.
Radio talk show host, Michael Savage, has long claimed that liberalism in its extreme form is a mental disorder and this claim could not be more accurately expressed during this woman's video.
Zarna later took to social media and posted bizarre rants, further informing the world she's bat sh!t crazy.
The yelling and shouting continue and Zarna portrays herself as an immature, entitled, spoiled brat or someone going into some type of mentally disturbed rage. Her perception of reality is disturbing. I would imagine that most people, like myself, are left cringing watching this video as it unfolds and seems to never stop escalating until the very end.
Zarna continues to verbally attack the security guards. She calls them vulgar names and insults them. She appears as being in an irrational state of total disbelief as to why they are not hunting down the man who told her a name joke.
What did she expect them to do? The man has no authority over her; he is a complete stranger who happens to be a natural enemy by supporting the police. He doesn't owe her anything but let's say he did say something inappropriate. Let's pretend he said something real vulgar like, "You're a woman - only good for a pair of tits and a p*ssy. Now go make me a sammich." So what? It's not illegal to say something inappropriate or rude, not in this particular context anyway. If she worked for him that might be another story but, even then you have to prove the harassment.
Her accusations about this man's behavior are absurd and irrational but what are we, as reasonable observers, supposed to make of this woman? Is she doing this for attention? Does she really believe her own nonsense? Or is she just behaving this way because she's brainwashed to react in this manner? I believe it to be a combination of sorts. I believe someone like this is probably suffering from some sort of mental issue coupled with a lack of intelligence. Add to this her interest in the far-left radical/regressive ideology, which indicates some brainwashing is present, and we are left with a recipe for disaster.
Radio talk show host, Michael Savage, has long claimed that liberalism in its extreme form is a mental disorder and this claim could not be more accurately expressed during this woman's video.
Zarna later took to social media and posted bizarre rants, further informing the world she's bat sh!t crazy.

It appears that Zarna has been in the process of trying to delete all traces of the very video she posted. She took down her Facebook post and has made other attempts at shutting down those who mirrored her video.
This woman calls herself a community organizer (imagine that), and can be found working through some extreme group called Backbone Campaign. She appears to be just another classical spoiled woman-child, in a state of arrested development, who is looking for anything to give her life meaning. She will even go so far as to make up things and slander innocent people in order to satisfy this need.
Congratulations to "Hugh Mongus" for dealing with Zarna so quickly and not taking anything this woman said seriously. This is exactly the type of treatment women like this deserve. They should never be taken seriously. Always double down when you encounter these loons. Never apologize for not sharing their mentally disturbed perception of reality. In the meantime, let's hope Zarna gets her medication balanced in the coming months.
This woman calls herself a community organizer (imagine that), and can be found working through some extreme group called Backbone Campaign. She appears to be just another classical spoiled woman-child, in a state of arrested development, who is looking for anything to give her life meaning. She will even go so far as to make up things and slander innocent people in order to satisfy this need.
Congratulations to "Hugh Mongus" for dealing with Zarna so quickly and not taking anything this woman said seriously. This is exactly the type of treatment women like this deserve. They should never be taken seriously. Always double down when you encounter these loons. Never apologize for not sharing their mentally disturbed perception of reality. In the meantime, let's hope Zarna gets her medication balanced in the coming months.
Black Lives Matter,
City Council,
mental illness,
The Bunker,
Zarna Joshi
Posted by
Pam Hupp - Remember Her?
Pam Hupp testifies during a civil trial in January 2016. Image courtesy of Fox 2 / Dave Sharp.
Dave Sharp
****UPDATE**** Pam has been arrested for first-degree murder in this case. ***Grab your popcorn and read below for latest update - written 8/27/16***If you don't remember Ms. Hupp, be sure to check out my previous post here.
The short version- she is the woman who claimed to friends with Betsy Faria and was the last person to see Betsy before she died. Coincidentally, Betsy had signed over her life insurance policy to Pam just four days before she was stabbed to death. Pam also was used as a witness by the state to convict Russ Faris (Betsy's husband), of murder. Eventually, Russ' conviction was overturned and he is now a free man but during all this ordeal, the speculation over Pam and her possible involvement in Betsy's death continues and today we learn just another reason why that is.
Pam Hupp has found her way back into the headlines of her local news. It is confirmed she killed a man who she claims broke into her home.
So far, the reports confirm Pam claimed she was in her driveway when she was approached by a man. There was some sort of struggle that moved inside her home and she shot him dead. She also managed to call the police prior to grabbing a gun and shooting this man dead. Then she called the police back informing them she had killed the man.
The man has now been identified as 33-year-old Louis Gumpenberger. Pam claims she doesn't know who this man was. It has just been reported that in 2005, Louis had suffered in a car accident where he was driving drunk and steered into oncoming traffic resulting in a brain injury.
Those who knew Louis are suspicious. They simply do not understand how he was able to make his way to Hupp's home and because of his disability and his nature, they are simply not convinced he was there to commit a robbery. Considering Pam Hupp's past, it is safe to say their skepticism is quite reasonable.
According to the latest report, Louis was scheduled for a job interview at BCI Packaging, a place he had worked at before.
“It was odd that he didn’t show up because he really, I mean he had come up here so many times wanting the job,” program director Katie Jones said. “So we knew something was off not to show up for the interview.”Even more bizarre is the fact that Louis did not drive. He generally went nowhere without his mother yet somehow he found his way to Pam Hupp's home 13 miles away from his apartment. How?
So far, Pam had a mother who died in a tragic yet odd way. She was the last person to see Betsy alive. We also know that just before Betsy died, she had collected money for a woman who had cancer yet that woman's family never saw a dime from Pam. Pam also had several different stories about Betsy's life insurance policy; ultimately the court allowed her to keep it even though she had already spent all the money on herself. Who in their right minds believes a young woman would rather have had a distant friend gain $150,000 after her death as opposed to her own daughters? Finally, we have a disabled man approaching Pam in her driveway, somehow finding his way inside her home, and shot dead.
Drama, crazy, and death follow Pam wherever she goes. Hopefully, this time, the police will figure out why.
***UPDATE 8/27/16
TRIGGER WARNING - The image below may terrify the average person. Proceed with caution. Please remove all children from the room before scrolling down.
Holy sh!t it's Pam Hupp in her new fav color - prison orange.
Pam has been arrested and you're never gonna believe this crazy ass story - we are talking epic-fail, epic-stupid. So grab your wine or whatever your poison and a snack and let's try our best to dissect this nutzo story.
Louis Gumpenberger was found dead in Hupp's home after she called police informing them a man was trying to break into her home. Initially, not much information was known about what had transpired other than we were told that Pam was cooperating with authorities - how nice of her.
Police have finally laid out the evidence against Pam and why they have chosen to finally throw
Here's what we know...
Several days before this shooting took place, Pam approached a woman and told her she worked for Dateline. She offered this woman $1000 to read a script that Pam claimed would be them reenacting a 911 call. The woman initially agreed but became suspicious when Pam could not provide any credentials. This woman then took to her Facebook page and warned people about a blonde woman in an SUV claiming to be with Dateline.
When police found this woman, she also described to them the 911 call Pam wanted her to record. It sounded eerily similar to the call police received when Pam reported the break-in.
With all the new information police know, it is believed that Pam had approached Louis just outside of his apartment building. Her cell phone shows it pinged right near his apartment complex about 40 minutes prior to her 911 call. Since Louis was consistently described as someone who was trusting and gullible, Pam's offer of $900 for reading a short script likely seemed believable to Louis and he trusted her enough to get into her vehicle where she proceeded to drive home. The reenactment was then played out resulting in Pam shooting Louis and murdering him.
Police say they had discovered a note in Louis' pocket that described a plan for Louis to kidnap Pam, take her to the bank to get "Russ' money," and then Louis was instructed to kill Pam and bring the money to Russ. Accompanying the note was $900 and this note was recognized by police as having been planted on Louis.
Can we just stop and laugh hysterically for a few minutes?
Holy sh!t this is retarded! So Pam wanted the police to believe that Russ tracked some guy down to get money from Pam and have her killed? This guy was actually supposed to get over a hundred grand from Pam, kill her, and actually bring it back to Russ so that Russ could them give him a paltry 10k???? ...and all this was written in a note the hitman was carrying on his person?? LMFAO!!! ROFL!!!
Oh but it gets even more stupid. No. Not kidding.
Pam told police that someone dropped Louis off and he approached her in her driveway, held a knife to her throat, and physically attempted to push her into her vehicle so they could get "Russ' money." She also told police she didn't know a Russ.
What the ever--loving f**k? She went through two murder trials where Russ was the defendant and she was the star witness and can't think of who Russ is? Someone slap her around, please.
What the ever--loving f**k? She went through two murder trials where Russ was the defendant and she was the star witness and can't think of who Russ is? Someone slap her around, please.
Being the super-Pam she is, she managed to get away from a strange man holding a knife to her and she ran inside her home to call police. She then claims this man came into her house and she was forced to grab her gun from her nightstand and when he came closer, she shot him dead. Wow, what a hero she makes herself out to be and in reality, she's just a coward and a cold-blooded killer who has the mentality of a child.
So this old, fat woman collecting disability told police she got away from a younger man holding a knife to her and she expected someone to believe this? Oh Pam, you did not think any of this through, did you? What makes this even more hilarious is by doing this and getting caught, she fully implicated herself in Betsy's murder. Why else would she bother with such an elaborate hoax?
Pam was arrested. Having access to a pen, Pam went to the restroom at the police station and stabbed herself in the wrists and neck (just like how Betsy died), but as with everything Pam does, she failed to rid the world of her sorry ass existence. She was taken to the hospital and treated.
Pam was arrested. Having access to a pen, Pam went to the restroom at the police station and stabbed herself in the wrists and neck (just like how Betsy died), but as with everything Pam does, she failed to rid the world of her sorry ass existence. She was taken to the hospital and treated.
From what has been reported, it seems that Pam may have carried out this murder as a way to deflect pressure from police who have likely re-opened the Faria case. It has also been stated that police re-examined Hupp's mother's death and found no wrongdoing however, most people (online), are convinced Pam helped push her mother to an early grave.
Now that Pam is behind bars, it will be interesting if her husband says something to the media or to the police. Who knows what twists and turns are ahead but if the past in any indication of the future, this is going to get even more interesting.
Now that Pam is behind bars, it will be interesting if her husband says something to the media or to the police. Who knows what twists and turns are ahead but if the past in any indication of the future, this is going to get even more interesting.
Betsy Faria,
Pam Hupp,
Russ Faria
Posted by
Congrats Australia, you passed a blasphemy law
Please watch and subscribe to Billy Bong's channel.
Posted by
Ben Shapiro on James Comey About Hilary
Here we are about a month after the fact and there are still looming questions as to what occurred between the ears of James Comey concerning his nonsensical decision not to recommend prosecution for Hilary Clinton.
Yes, we know the left in this country (including the mainstream media), is determined to keep telling the public that it has been the Republicans who have dragged things out, The right has only been engaging in a "witch-hunt" as it pertains to Hilary, pay no attention to the fact that this administration has done everything they could to lie, obfuscate, and stall all of the investigations that have occurred. Obama even tried telling the American people that initial probes were exhaustive, knowing this was false.
The issue with Benghazi is directly related to the e-mail probe because Hilary repeatedly testified about various e-mail communications. The American public is now being asked to believe that while Hilary repeatedly lied during her testimony, she really didn't realize she was doing anything wrong when she set up a private server and proceeded to send classified information.
How exactly does someone with such great authority as Hilary not understand that sending classified e-mails are prohibited from a private server? According to Comey, she just didn't know, she wasn't sophisticated enough. Yet she was sophisticated enough to have a private server set up in the first place? The left now wants this same woman to be considered for holding the highest office of the land? What kind of crack are these people smoking?
As far as her intentions, we are told to accept this bizarre narrative that claims Hilary didn't know what she was doing therefore, the government simply cannot do anything to ensure some sort of consequences for her reckless behavior. Has anyone ever heard of such nonsense? One of the first things a young student of American History learns is, "ignorance is no excuse for the law." We are talking high school level here. Wasn't Hilary a lawyer earlier in her career? While the court may favor a lighter sentence for a person who truly meant no harm (depending on the specifics), that doesn't mean a crime wasn't committed and punishments are not given. For example, a person who kills intentionally vs. a person who kills recklessly is certainly going to be considered differently under the law. However, in the case of recklessness, it hardly equals the prosecution just dropping the case altogether.
Recently we have learned that in some of these private e-mails on Hilary's personal server she had discussed a scientist the U.S. was paying in exchange for secret information on the Iranian government. The man was put to death for treason. We have also learned that $400 million had been sent to Iran in what seems to be a ransom for hostages.
Listen to Ben Shapiro comment on James Comey and just how illogical and implausible his statements to the public have been.
Link to the full video of Trey Gowdy and James Comey.
Shapiro on Benghazi. Here Shapiro explains the final report and what really was discovered.
Here is the link to WikiLeakes.
Anyone who actually watched any part of these hearings would know just how difficult Hilary was and know she lied. Why Comey chose to ignore this may never be answered. We do know Lorretta Lynch conveniently met with Bill Clinton just prior to announcing her decision that she would not proceed to go after Hilary. She insists that her and Bill met at the airport out of pure coincidence and spoke of their grandchildren and golf. What an amazingly horrible time for such a coincidence. Geezus, these people think we are stupid.
Imagine if you will how ludicrous this sounds. These two people expect us to believe they just so happened to be at a particular airport at the same time and Bill just so happened to decide for his security detail to stop everything just so he can go say "hi" to the very women who will, in a very short time, make a serious decision concerning his wife's status in life. Never once did this man think to himself, "ya know, this might not look so good for anyone involved, including Hilary, so I think I'll just wait this out for now"? Nope, he instead just felt so overwhelmed with joy and excitement because he just had to go meet up with Loretta to talk about his grandchildren and of course ask her about hers. Yep, that's it!
The audacity of these two to believe the American public is this stupid is just plain insulting. Yes, there are indeed idiots out there who are so desperate to confirm their ever-growing leftist bias, insisting that their precious leftist figures walk on water. However, most people, left or right, are smart enough to know a deal was made.
Watch Clinton during her interview with Chris Wallace. Chris confronts her with the reality that Comey confirmed she lied during her testimony. She stated she had not sent any classified information and in fact she did. She talks about some nonsense about people retroactively changing messages to classified but that literally makes no sense. None of that was ever brought up before so why would this be something any of us should accept now? Again, Hilary went out of her way to set up this private server. Who does this when they are guaranteed a secure server from the government?
Now she sounds like she's trying to blame other people. I don't know what her excuse is here. Again, Clinton does not truly answer the question and those protecting her are not answering questions. It becomes extremely frustrating for many of us to even watch this scenario play out. These democrats seem to be gas lighting the public. You cannot say Hilary did nothing wrong and blame Republicans for dragging this out when you have people who are purposefully ignoring questions, refusing to cooperate, and just flat out lying when they are asked probing questions.
Hilary and the company she keeps seem to believe they are above reproach and have no qualms about lying to the American public. One can only imagine just how far she will go if she's elected as president.
Yes, we know the left in this country (including the mainstream media), is determined to keep telling the public that it has been the Republicans who have dragged things out, The right has only been engaging in a "witch-hunt" as it pertains to Hilary, pay no attention to the fact that this administration has done everything they could to lie, obfuscate, and stall all of the investigations that have occurred. Obama even tried telling the American people that initial probes were exhaustive, knowing this was false.
The issue with Benghazi is directly related to the e-mail probe because Hilary repeatedly testified about various e-mail communications. The American public is now being asked to believe that while Hilary repeatedly lied during her testimony, she really didn't realize she was doing anything wrong when she set up a private server and proceeded to send classified information.
How exactly does someone with such great authority as Hilary not understand that sending classified e-mails are prohibited from a private server? According to Comey, she just didn't know, she wasn't sophisticated enough. Yet she was sophisticated enough to have a private server set up in the first place? The left now wants this same woman to be considered for holding the highest office of the land? What kind of crack are these people smoking?
As far as her intentions, we are told to accept this bizarre narrative that claims Hilary didn't know what she was doing therefore, the government simply cannot do anything to ensure some sort of consequences for her reckless behavior. Has anyone ever heard of such nonsense? One of the first things a young student of American History learns is, "ignorance is no excuse for the law." We are talking high school level here. Wasn't Hilary a lawyer earlier in her career? While the court may favor a lighter sentence for a person who truly meant no harm (depending on the specifics), that doesn't mean a crime wasn't committed and punishments are not given. For example, a person who kills intentionally vs. a person who kills recklessly is certainly going to be considered differently under the law. However, in the case of recklessness, it hardly equals the prosecution just dropping the case altogether.
Recently we have learned that in some of these private e-mails on Hilary's personal server she had discussed a scientist the U.S. was paying in exchange for secret information on the Iranian government. The man was put to death for treason. We have also learned that $400 million had been sent to Iran in what seems to be a ransom for hostages.
Listen to Ben Shapiro comment on James Comey and just how illogical and implausible his statements to the public have been.
Link to the full video of Trey Gowdy and James Comey.
Shapiro on Benghazi. Here Shapiro explains the final report and what really was discovered.
Here is the link to WikiLeakes.
Anyone who actually watched any part of these hearings would know just how difficult Hilary was and know she lied. Why Comey chose to ignore this may never be answered. We do know Lorretta Lynch conveniently met with Bill Clinton just prior to announcing her decision that she would not proceed to go after Hilary. She insists that her and Bill met at the airport out of pure coincidence and spoke of their grandchildren and golf. What an amazingly horrible time for such a coincidence. Geezus, these people think we are stupid.
Imagine if you will how ludicrous this sounds. These two people expect us to believe they just so happened to be at a particular airport at the same time and Bill just so happened to decide for his security detail to stop everything just so he can go say "hi" to the very women who will, in a very short time, make a serious decision concerning his wife's status in life. Never once did this man think to himself, "ya know, this might not look so good for anyone involved, including Hilary, so I think I'll just wait this out for now"? Nope, he instead just felt so overwhelmed with joy and excitement because he just had to go meet up with Loretta to talk about his grandchildren and of course ask her about hers. Yep, that's it!
The audacity of these two to believe the American public is this stupid is just plain insulting. Yes, there are indeed idiots out there who are so desperate to confirm their ever-growing leftist bias, insisting that their precious leftist figures walk on water. However, most people, left or right, are smart enough to know a deal was made.
Watch Clinton during her interview with Chris Wallace. Chris confronts her with the reality that Comey confirmed she lied during her testimony. She stated she had not sent any classified information and in fact she did. She talks about some nonsense about people retroactively changing messages to classified but that literally makes no sense. None of that was ever brought up before so why would this be something any of us should accept now? Again, Hilary went out of her way to set up this private server. Who does this when they are guaranteed a secure server from the government?
Now she sounds like she's trying to blame other people. I don't know what her excuse is here. Again, Clinton does not truly answer the question and those protecting her are not answering questions. It becomes extremely frustrating for many of us to even watch this scenario play out. These democrats seem to be gas lighting the public. You cannot say Hilary did nothing wrong and blame Republicans for dragging this out when you have people who are purposefully ignoring questions, refusing to cooperate, and just flat out lying when they are asked probing questions.
Hilary and the company she keeps seem to believe they are above reproach and have no qualms about lying to the American public. One can only imagine just how far she will go if she's elected as president.
Ben Shapiro,
Hilary Clinton,
James Comey
Posted by
Democrats - About That Election Fraud?
Thank you, Andrew K. sending me these videos to post. They certainly are interesting and something to consider.
election fraud,
Hilary Clinton
Posted by
23 Ways You Could Be Killed If You Are Black - Oh Boy!
Recently this video was posted on YouTube. It is similar to The Black Lives Matter in that its focus seems to be surrounding the current narrative of blacks being unfairly killed by police.
The belief of police brutality as it pertains to the black community has grown so strong that many are accepting this claim as fact without any doubts or curiosity in obtaining actual stats. In other words, the general American audience can be told just about anything and they will believe it so long as it "fits" their bias.
The following video, put together by Alicia Keys and her friends in the entertainment industry, seems to capitalize on this general ignorance but, also exposes their own ignorance concerning crime in the United States.
23 ways you could be killed,
black crime,
black in America,
Posted by
Martin Shkreli - Hero or Zero?
Click on image to enlarge
He looks a bit like a young Matthew Broderick from the movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off. His name is Martin Shkreli and he's best known as "America's Most Hated Man." The question is -why? What on earth did this man do that could justify such a label?
cost hike,
Martin Shkreli,
rare diseases,
Posted by
Two-Sides of the Same Coin #BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter
The media is at it again, putting forth their racist narrative, catalyzing hate between blacks and whites and blacks and cops. It's not just the left wing media, it's also those on the right who are pushing forward their narrative, which is basically telling everyone, "it's all a lie!"
Alton Sterling and Philando Castile are two black males who were recently shot and killed by police officers. These two unrelated events sparked protests and in Dallas, one of them turned violent by a man named Micah Johnson. Johnson ended up shooting 12 police officers and 2 civilians and killing 5 officers.
Alton Sterling and Philando Castile are two black males who were recently shot and killed by police officers. These two unrelated events sparked protests and in Dallas, one of them turned violent by a man named Micah Johnson. Johnson ended up shooting 12 police officers and 2 civilians and killing 5 officers.
Alton Sterling,
jump to conclusions,
Micah Johnson,
Philando Castile,
Posted by
Crazy Just Went Up a Notch
According to The Smoking Gun's website, they have received some interesting information via a hacker who calls themselves, Guccifer 2.0. This person claims to be a Romanian hacktivist. There is another hacker who is named Guccifer [Marcel Lazăr Lehel], who is currently in jail in Alexandria, VA. He has not gone missing, nor is he dead, as some "news publications" are currently claiming.
The investigation concluded this breach to be coming from Russian espionage. On Guccifer 2.0's website, they have released documents showing plans to be carried out during the Republican National Convention.
The investigation concluded this breach to be coming from Russian espionage. On Guccifer 2.0's website, they have released documents showing plans to be carried out during the Republican National Convention.
Guccifer 2.0,
Jim Jordan,
the DNC,
The Smoking Gun,
Posted by
The 64 Year Switch? Liberals and Their Silly Stories
So the past 24 hours or so I've found myself in a debate on Facebook with a couple of delusional ignorant liberals. Of course, things got heated and I should have known beforehand I was wasting my time, so I have no one to blame but myself. I have had dealings with their idiocy before on other topics. I'm convinced that far-left "liberalism" is a cancer, not that I didn't know this already.
It began last week when I celebrated the British and their Brexit vote. To me, this was quite a victory for our famous ally and to my shock, a pair of liberal Americans (from a debate group), did not share my enthusiasm. One of them began to pout and turned into a gloomy-Gary (yes, I'm making that a name now like "negative Nancy"). His only concern was his money. Now mind you, the British government had already laid out plans for the possibility of an exit and had announced that the initial first days would be volatile but eventually they would level out. I didn't even bother pointing this out to him because I was on the other end of my computer laughing hysterically since this man, an American mind you, all of a sudden wanted us to believe he was an expert in the market.
It began last week when I celebrated the British and their Brexit vote. To me, this was quite a victory for our famous ally and to my shock, a pair of liberal Americans (from a debate group), did not share my enthusiasm. One of them began to pout and turned into a gloomy-Gary (yes, I'm making that a name now like "negative Nancy"). His only concern was his money. Now mind you, the British government had already laid out plans for the possibility of an exit and had announced that the initial first days would be volatile but eventually they would level out. I didn't even bother pointing this out to him because I was on the other end of my computer laughing hysterically since this man, an American mind you, all of a sudden wanted us to believe he was an expert in the market.
far-left liberal,
party switch,
Southern Strategy,
Posted by
After the Brexit Vote
Here we are a few days after the vote for Britain to leave the European Union and there are waves of news stories traveling all over the internet.
It seems many younger people are whining and boo-hooing about the vote. Some people are reporting regrets for their vote to leave. I even watched one girl say she thought there would be another vote. Not sure where she would get that idea from. It seems Britain has an equal amount of stupid young people as we do here in the United States. I'm not sure if that comforts me or terrifies me.
It seems many younger people are whining and boo-hooing about the vote. Some people are reporting regrets for their vote to leave. I even watched one girl say she thought there would be another vote. Not sure where she would get that idea from. It seems Britain has an equal amount of stupid young people as we do here in the United States. I'm not sure if that comforts me or terrifies me.
Rolling Stone,
United States,
Posted by
Britain Has Left the EU
Good news is being shouted world-wide - BREXIT was a success! They have roundly voted to leave the EU. The naysayers and abusers are licking their wounds and still desperately trying to scare people - telling others how awful everything will be. Yes, it looks like some rough patches ahead but that is going to be necessary for them to fully break away. That's how life is. When you begin again, you have to start from the basics.
David Cameron will step down as Prime Minister and it seems that Boris Johnson is the frontrunner for being the new PM. We will have to wait for more details concerning how this will all play out.
I am very excited about this vote. This is a step in a positive direction for Britain. This step toward independence gives us all hope for Europe and for our own United States.
What's next?
It's time for a new era of independence - freedom reigns!
David Cameron will step down as Prime Minister and it seems that Boris Johnson is the frontrunner for being the new PM. We will have to wait for more details concerning how this will all play out.
I am very excited about this vote. This is a step in a positive direction for Britain. This step toward independence gives us all hope for Europe and for our own United States.
What's next?
It's time for a new era of independence - freedom reigns!
Scott Baio Talks Reality
In a recent interview with Fox Business, Scott expresses a few thoughts on Obama. These thoughts are certainly nothing shocking for those of us on the right. Is Obama a Muslim or a Muslim sympathizer?
"The Constitution is not a suicide pact. We are a sovereign nation. We need to protect our people and this president, Hilary Clinton, don't want to do it. Donald Trump wants to do it."
What he states is absolutely true. The democrat party, for whatever reason, appear to be detached from reality. They want to blame everyone and everything else on the terror attacks that have been going on and will continue to go on.
"The Constitution is not a suicide pact. We are a sovereign nation. We need to protect our people and this president, Hilary Clinton, don't want to do it. Donald Trump wants to do it."
What he states is absolutely true. The democrat party, for whatever reason, appear to be detached from reality. They want to blame everyone and everything else on the terror attacks that have been going on and will continue to go on.
Muslim terrorist,
Scott Baio,
Posted by
Thoughts About Orlando
My mind is rushing through so many thoughts and has been for several days now. I'm not even sure where to begin but first, I will say that I offer my condolences to the victims who survived and their friends and family as well as the friends and family who are now missing a loved one due to this tragedy.
Here we are days later and we now know more of the facts that occurred and the person who was behind this massacre.
Omar Mateen, 29-year-old American-born was on an FBI watchlist for years before this event occurred. He was killed in a police shootout. Omar's ex-wife describes him as violent and disturbed. His father hosts a show based out of Los Angeles and it is said he has expressed appreciation for the Afgan Taliban.
Here we are days later and we now know more of the facts that occurred and the person who was behind this massacre.
Omar Mateen, 29-year-old American-born was on an FBI watchlist for years before this event occurred. He was killed in a police shootout. Omar's ex-wife describes him as violent and disturbed. His father hosts a show based out of Los Angeles and it is said he has expressed appreciation for the Afgan Taliban.
gun control,
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American Liberalism - An Abusive Husband
Imagine for a moment that you are therapist and America has scheduled an appointment to meet with you. She arrives late because she's been a bit depressed. She tells you her spouse, liberalism from the current administration, has not been treating her very well. Being the therapist you are, you press America for more information.
"What do you mean exactly?" A long pause follows and America finally, timidly tells you that in the beginning she was excited. She fell for the whole "hope and change" that her soon-to-be husband had promised her. She finally found a man that was going to take care of her, give her healthcare, fix the economy, and bring peace to the world.
Soon after she would discover that her new joint bank account had been depleted. Notices would arrive in the mail, one right after the next that would demand her and her husband to answer questions about various scandals. Guns were being sold to Mexico, there were poor investments made in energy companies, even a basic website for the healthcare would not function properly but, her husband kept assuring her that everything was going to be fine.
As time continued to pass, her husband started calling her names and blaming her and her prior husband for the poor management of money and even insisting that she was at fault for wars. The new husband never did anything to stop the wars, in some cases increasing the war activity but that didn't stop him from getting angry at her. The husband even encouraged his friends to gang up on America and they went so far, to the point of gaslighting her. They would insist they were for peace but somehow they forgot that they themselves had voted for prior wars. "How did this happen to me? He and his friends use to support me but now they pretend like that never happened. I can't even reason with him anymore."
America had prayed and hoped something would change. She explains to you she's always been an optimist and didn't want to feed into silly conspiracies or stories about her new husband. "Haters! I just called them all haters and racists!" That was all good until she was the one being called a racist.
Then she was accused of being a homophobe and her husband demanded same-sex marriage. This seemed like a bit of progress in many ways, but America was prudent and was unsure about it only because it seemed a bit forced. "Awh well, let them be just as miserable as straight people," America said in jest. She decided to celebrate with her husband and all seemed well but, deep down America felt another storm brewing.
It seemed like nothing America did could please her husband. It's been almost 8 years and nearly every day she finds that she's offending him constantly. She can no longer joke about anything. Her husband also added Islamaphobe to the daily ad hominem attacks. Islamaphobe? America couldn't understand this accusation at all. All she did was point out to her husband that terror always seems to come from extreme fractions of the Islamic world. One of her Embassy's was attacked and he did nothing to protect her. He knew it was terrorism that attacked her but he and his friends tried blaming it all on some protest that never occurred. "Why wouldn't he want to protect me? Why would he lie about it? He makes me look foolish. He always calls me stupid," America confesses to you, as she sinks into her chair. You can see the shame and despair in her eyes.
"This doesn't sound like a healthy relationship. It sounds as though you are being verbally and emotionally abused," you tell her.
"I feel that way. I'm always being told by him that I'm privileged and I don't give people enough. I'm white and cis-gendered, whatever the hell that means, and I should think more of other people but I DO! I really do! Everything I've done over the years has been me attempting to be better but nothing pleases him. Nothing!" America is now in tears, uncontrollably sobbing. You hand her a tissue.
"I used to have friends but, I feel like I don't anymore." She goes on to explain that her husband has accused her of not paying women equally but that she's gone to one expert after the next who has provided study after study that shows this accusation isn't true. She's tried to tell him that men and women are just different and choose different jobs and careers. He just responded by calling her a misogynist.
She used to have friends from all different classes and races, some rich and some poor, some black and some brown, and they all used to get along but now none of them want to be around her and they certainly don't want to be around each other. "He tells me that not only do I hate women and continue to make war with them, I hate minorities and poor people but, I was once poor and I have all sorts of races that are part of my background so I don't understand where he gets the nerve to tell me I don't care and I am an egalitarian for goodness sake!" More tears spring from her eyes, followed by a deep breath. "I refuse to feel sorry for myself anymore but I don't know what to do? The worst part is, he keeps inviting people into our home. People we don't know. They haven't been screened for diseases. Many of them have Tuberculosis and I worked so hard to eradicate that disease! They don't speak English, which is frustrating because I can't even communicate with them or get to know them. Many of them seem very nice but there are quite a few that just destroy our home and don't care about being courteous to either one of us." She further explains that whenever she expresses concern over these visitors, he ignores her, puts his hand up, and shouts, "RACIST!" and proceeds to walk away.
You tell her it's okay to be mad and it's okay to be upset. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. You further warn her that she must get out of this relationship.
American liberalism as we know it has turned into an abusive husband. Its nature is to demonize and belittle. It's taken away our dignity and has done nothing but complain and put us down at every turn.
If you were a therapist and this is the way a woman was being treated by her husband, would you not also advise her to leave?
"What do you mean exactly?" A long pause follows and America finally, timidly tells you that in the beginning she was excited. She fell for the whole "hope and change" that her soon-to-be husband had promised her. She finally found a man that was going to take care of her, give her healthcare, fix the economy, and bring peace to the world.
Soon after she would discover that her new joint bank account had been depleted. Notices would arrive in the mail, one right after the next that would demand her and her husband to answer questions about various scandals. Guns were being sold to Mexico, there were poor investments made in energy companies, even a basic website for the healthcare would not function properly but, her husband kept assuring her that everything was going to be fine.
As time continued to pass, her husband started calling her names and blaming her and her prior husband for the poor management of money and even insisting that she was at fault for wars. The new husband never did anything to stop the wars, in some cases increasing the war activity but that didn't stop him from getting angry at her. The husband even encouraged his friends to gang up on America and they went so far, to the point of gaslighting her. They would insist they were for peace but somehow they forgot that they themselves had voted for prior wars. "How did this happen to me? He and his friends use to support me but now they pretend like that never happened. I can't even reason with him anymore."
America had prayed and hoped something would change. She explains to you she's always been an optimist and didn't want to feed into silly conspiracies or stories about her new husband. "Haters! I just called them all haters and racists!" That was all good until she was the one being called a racist.
Then she was accused of being a homophobe and her husband demanded same-sex marriage. This seemed like a bit of progress in many ways, but America was prudent and was unsure about it only because it seemed a bit forced. "Awh well, let them be just as miserable as straight people," America said in jest. She decided to celebrate with her husband and all seemed well but, deep down America felt another storm brewing.
It seemed like nothing America did could please her husband. It's been almost 8 years and nearly every day she finds that she's offending him constantly. She can no longer joke about anything. Her husband also added Islamaphobe to the daily ad hominem attacks. Islamaphobe? America couldn't understand this accusation at all. All she did was point out to her husband that terror always seems to come from extreme fractions of the Islamic world. One of her Embassy's was attacked and he did nothing to protect her. He knew it was terrorism that attacked her but he and his friends tried blaming it all on some protest that never occurred. "Why wouldn't he want to protect me? Why would he lie about it? He makes me look foolish. He always calls me stupid," America confesses to you, as she sinks into her chair. You can see the shame and despair in her eyes.
"This doesn't sound like a healthy relationship. It sounds as though you are being verbally and emotionally abused," you tell her.
"I feel that way. I'm always being told by him that I'm privileged and I don't give people enough. I'm white and cis-gendered, whatever the hell that means, and I should think more of other people but I DO! I really do! Everything I've done over the years has been me attempting to be better but nothing pleases him. Nothing!" America is now in tears, uncontrollably sobbing. You hand her a tissue.
"I used to have friends but, I feel like I don't anymore." She goes on to explain that her husband has accused her of not paying women equally but that she's gone to one expert after the next who has provided study after study that shows this accusation isn't true. She's tried to tell him that men and women are just different and choose different jobs and careers. He just responded by calling her a misogynist.
She used to have friends from all different classes and races, some rich and some poor, some black and some brown, and they all used to get along but now none of them want to be around her and they certainly don't want to be around each other. "He tells me that not only do I hate women and continue to make war with them, I hate minorities and poor people but, I was once poor and I have all sorts of races that are part of my background so I don't understand where he gets the nerve to tell me I don't care and I am an egalitarian for goodness sake!" More tears spring from her eyes, followed by a deep breath. "I refuse to feel sorry for myself anymore but I don't know what to do? The worst part is, he keeps inviting people into our home. People we don't know. They haven't been screened for diseases. Many of them have Tuberculosis and I worked so hard to eradicate that disease! They don't speak English, which is frustrating because I can't even communicate with them or get to know them. Many of them seem very nice but there are quite a few that just destroy our home and don't care about being courteous to either one of us." She further explains that whenever she expresses concern over these visitors, he ignores her, puts his hand up, and shouts, "RACIST!" and proceeds to walk away.
You tell her it's okay to be mad and it's okay to be upset. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. You further warn her that she must get out of this relationship.
American liberalism as we know it has turned into an abusive husband. Its nature is to demonize and belittle. It's taken away our dignity and has done nothing but complain and put us down at every turn.
If you were a therapist and this is the way a woman was being treated by her husband, would you not also advise her to leave?
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What is Happening on America's College Campuses?
Milo Yiannopoulos recently went to DePaul University to give one of his famous speeches from The Dangerous Faggot Tour and was met with hostile students that literally stopped his show.
So far, during his tour, Milo has been confronted with many far left wing students who have protested and disrupted his shows but, this is the first time he has had to shut down completely.
One of the protesters identified as being from Black Lives Matter literally went up on stage, grabbed a microphone, and proceeded to strike Milo in the face. Milo sat stoic, obviously hoping for the young woman to calm down or have security remove her. His own security did nothing.
In the following clip you can see one of the male protesters just pace back and forth on the stage, refusing to leave. He actually turns toward Milo at one point (near the end), and threatens him (though we cannot hear the threat, it's clear he said something).
As you can see the security staff did nothing. They did not stop these protesters from disturbing the event. How can any campus justify this? For all the talk liberals make of safe spaces, why on earth would they not allow for conservatives to have the same benefit? You can bet this would never happen during an event where a progressive liberal would take center stage.
American college campuses should exemplify free speech and challenge thoughts and ideas. The fact that Milo's show was shut down should give all of us a wake-up call as to the state of free speech in this country. We have failed at explaining why this freedom is so important and paramount to our republic.
So far, during his tour, Milo has been confronted with many far left wing students who have protested and disrupted his shows but, this is the first time he has had to shut down completely.
One of the protesters identified as being from Black Lives Matter literally went up on stage, grabbed a microphone, and proceeded to strike Milo in the face. Milo sat stoic, obviously hoping for the young woman to calm down or have security remove her. His own security did nothing.
In the following clip you can see one of the male protesters just pace back and forth on the stage, refusing to leave. He actually turns toward Milo at one point (near the end), and threatens him (though we cannot hear the threat, it's clear he said something).
As you can see the security staff did nothing. They did not stop these protesters from disturbing the event. How can any campus justify this? For all the talk liberals make of safe spaces, why on earth would they not allow for conservatives to have the same benefit? You can bet this would never happen during an event where a progressive liberal would take center stage.
American college campuses should exemplify free speech and challenge thoughts and ideas. The fact that Milo's show was shut down should give all of us a wake-up call as to the state of free speech in this country. We have failed at explaining why this freedom is so important and paramount to our republic.
Milo Yiannopoulos,
The Dangerous Faggot Tour
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Hilary on Benghazi
Hilary wants to be president.
Here's a reminder of who she really is.
Here's a reminder of who she really is.
Hilary Clinton,
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Response to Jacob M
This letter is a response to a person who recently asked me to view a video concerning the scientific proof of G-d.
For anyone interested in watching the video:
Since time is of constraint, I have chosen to reply via this post. Thank you very much for sharing this video with me.
The video link sent to me is one I've viewed prior, closer to its published date in 2013. However, I did review it again, minus the question and answer section.
The video in question discusses both the expansion and fine-tuning of the universe. The known expansion of the universe implies a beginning of time and this coupled with the various and specific constants of the universe may very well indicate a creator of the universe. These points do seem to be rather intriguing and may catalyze one to seek for more answers. However, most scientists will view this same information in an evolutionary paradigm. The conclusion is merely considered the result of confirmation bias. To which I say, that's okay.
For myself, I believe in having faith in G-d. If anyone should have the ability to "prove" G-d, our faith would cease to exist and this very faith is what is required for a relationship with G-d.
Science certainly should not be ignored, but rather than trying to mold the idea of a creator together with science, I have found these ideas are merely heterogeneous, not homogeneous.They simply do not answer the same questions.
If you do not own a concordance, I would highly suggest getting one. You may have one located at the back of your Bible. The internet can work well but sometimes it can be rather limiting. Be sure to look up the passages that deal with "faith."
I have long left organized religion yet I have great respect for Christianity and do find it to be the most inclusive and benign. However, the brand of Christianity I speak of is early Christianity, what the early Christians taught just after Jesus. It is important to study world religions in order to understand history and the civilizations throughout the world. The United States is greatly influenced by Judeo-Christian values. These are the foundation of our court systems and our Constitution.
You may enjoy this video with Camile Paglia. She also touches upon Hitchens, which we only merely touched upon in our prior discussion.
Isaac Newton, the founder of Physics:
The following website I really enjoy, however I don't agree with everything they claim. The conspiracy stuff they publish is nonsensical yet, there are some great Bible studies here and one of my favorite concerns who the real first pope of Rome was. If you're up to the challenge, I warn it will take some time to get through but, here's the link.
I have previously written about the topic of hell; you can find these posts here and here.
I apologize for the long-winded response however, I did not want you to feel as though I have dismissed you. It is merely circumstantial that our time to discuss this is limited and this happens to be a topic of great interest for me.
Best of luck to you in the future and of course you now know where to find me now if you have any further questions or comments.
For anyone interested in watching the video:
Since time is of constraint, I have chosen to reply via this post. Thank you very much for sharing this video with me.
The video link sent to me is one I've viewed prior, closer to its published date in 2013. However, I did review it again, minus the question and answer section.
The video in question discusses both the expansion and fine-tuning of the universe. The known expansion of the universe implies a beginning of time and this coupled with the various and specific constants of the universe may very well indicate a creator of the universe. These points do seem to be rather intriguing and may catalyze one to seek for more answers. However, most scientists will view this same information in an evolutionary paradigm. The conclusion is merely considered the result of confirmation bias. To which I say, that's okay.
For myself, I believe in having faith in G-d. If anyone should have the ability to "prove" G-d, our faith would cease to exist and this very faith is what is required for a relationship with G-d.
Heb 11:6 Without faith it is impossible to please him (G-d): for he that cometh to G-d must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. We need to please G-d and if we approach Him not in faith, we can't please Him. The importance of faith is that without faith, you can't please G-d.
Science certainly should not be ignored, but rather than trying to mold the idea of a creator together with science, I have found these ideas are merely heterogeneous, not homogeneous.They simply do not answer the same questions.
If you do not own a concordance, I would highly suggest getting one. You may have one located at the back of your Bible. The internet can work well but sometimes it can be rather limiting. Be sure to look up the passages that deal with "faith."
I have long left organized religion yet I have great respect for Christianity and do find it to be the most inclusive and benign. However, the brand of Christianity I speak of is early Christianity, what the early Christians taught just after Jesus. It is important to study world religions in order to understand history and the civilizations throughout the world. The United States is greatly influenced by Judeo-Christian values. These are the foundation of our court systems and our Constitution.
You may enjoy this video with Camile Paglia. She also touches upon Hitchens, which we only merely touched upon in our prior discussion.
Isaac Newton, the founder of Physics:
The following website I really enjoy, however I don't agree with everything they claim. The conspiracy stuff they publish is nonsensical yet, there are some great Bible studies here and one of my favorite concerns who the real first pope of Rome was. If you're up to the challenge, I warn it will take some time to get through but, here's the link.
I have previously written about the topic of hell; you can find these posts here and here.
I apologize for the long-winded response however, I did not want you to feel as though I have dismissed you. It is merely circumstantial that our time to discuss this is limited and this happens to be a topic of great interest for me.
Best of luck to you in the future and of course you now know where to find me now if you have any further questions or comments.
Yada: The Most Glorious, Racist, Pseudoscience-Pushing LOLcow on the Int...
If you need some entertainment, definitely check out one of Jeff Holiday's latest video.
I have to wonder if Yada is doing satire. His message is over the top insane.
I have to wonder if Yada is doing satire. His message is over the top insane.
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An Open Secret - AMY BERG - Proof of childabuse in hollywood! MUST SEE
This is a must watch. I've been waiting a long time for this to be released. It is NOW free on YouTube so, please take advantage of this while it's available.
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UPDATE - Hey Everyone I'm Back...
...not that I totally left or anything but for the past few weeks I've been without a laptop and a computer. Both these special machines in my life decided to take a dump on me at the same time. Well, that's how it goes, when it rains it pours and such is life. The good thing is these moments can turn you into a sharp problem solver and even though I'm behind, I'm on the right track.
Coming up next ...
Yes, I will be writing about the horrible excuse of a documentary - Making a Murderer.
I will also be finishing up my project on Feminism.
As for the debates and the upcoming election... well, I'm actually trying to ignore it for now. Things will get heated up in the coming months. There's still plenty of time folks, so everyone just needs to relax!
See you soon!
Coming up next ...
Yes, I will be writing about the horrible excuse of a documentary - Making a Murderer.
I will also be finishing up my project on Feminism.
As for the debates and the upcoming election... well, I'm actually trying to ignore it for now. Things will get heated up in the coming months. There's still plenty of time folks, so everyone just needs to relax!
See you soon!
Making a Murderer
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I'm Late But Happy New Year!
The New Year has passed and I honestly didn't pay much attention. The older I get, the less important any of these holidays seem to me. Years ago, I would have been out all night partying away at a club where I was a regular fixture. These days, I stay home with my little girl. Zero complaints. It's just interesting how life changes you and your priorities. Most of the changes have been for the better. Then there are the things I need to work at changing...
The New Year often encourages people to make changes like break bad habits, eating better, or exercising more consistently. New goals are made or renewed. For me, I will keep my goals close to my chest - I want them to be private for now.
Here's to hoping you all have had a great New Year and blessings to you and your family during the year again!
The New Year often encourages people to make changes like break bad habits, eating better, or exercising more consistently. New goals are made or renewed. For me, I will keep my goals close to my chest - I want them to be private for now.
Here's to hoping you all have had a great New Year and blessings to you and your family during the year again!
Happy New Year
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