It seems many younger people are whining and boo-hooing about the vote. Some people are reporting regrets for their vote to leave. I even watched one girl say she thought there would be another vote. Not sure where she would get that idea from. It seems Britain has an equal amount of stupid young people as we do here in the United States. I'm not sure if that comforts me or terrifies me.
Scotland overwhelmingly voted to stay and of course they are angry about the results but that seems to be their general temperament. I'm not sure anything would make them happy. Perhaps they will vote to leave Britain again and this time, win?
Then, of course, there is the ultimate 4-Chan prank concerning a petition for another referendum. There was a petition created some time ago that initially received little attention but after Thursday's vote, people were posting on Twitter to have people sign the petition in order to call for a debate in Parliment. 4-Chan got ahold of this and created a script that made the signatures balloon to well over 3 million signatures (3,552,937 currently at as of writing this).
Yet, even without this script, others independently were working to gain fraudulent signatures via Twitter.
Sign anyway? DM for a postal code? These are the ethics of those who are in the remain-camp in general and it's no surprise many of these people are likely identified as being left (not in all cases), since the left is primarily known for their "ends justify the means" behavior.
The best thing about the 4-Chan prank is that it is exposing news outlets like the BBC who are still trying to report this petition as being legitimate. The confirmation bias is thick. They clearly didn't do their homework, which for most of us in the more informed voting bloc, is nothing shocking. Left-wing media outlets are not well-known for their fact-based reporting.
Nick Martinek, of West Yorkshire, set up a new email address and found a postcode for a street in Hilary Benn’s Leeds Central constituency to prove how easy it was fraudulently sign.
He said: “The way the BBC has been falling over itself to promote this petition makes me laugh.
“Politicians will use this as leverage to try and stop Britain leaving the European Union – until the joke and scam becomes clear.”
Source: The data showing the numbers of signatures made in each country
Yet, even if this were legitimate, the young Millenials need to understand that you don't just get to vote until you like the results. If the final vote were to stay, the idea of a revote would not even be entertained so the double standard here is exposed right along with the ignorance so many seem to be demonstrating.
**Edited to add - It seems this petition was created last month by a guy who is in the leave-camp. He created the poll thinking that the leave-camp did not have a chance at winning. Now he's trying to distance himself away from the petition. It is unfortunate to hear someone supporting the Brexit would think to create a petition if they had not gotten their way. The fact is, a petition like this will not work, nor should it. Neither side should feel they can vote till they get the desired results.
The left is spiraling out of control and their desperation is growing. This is evident when reading one of their best or worst (depeding on your political view), publications, Rolling Stone. Just read the insecurity oozing from the following excerpt:
Primary blame for the result of last Thursday's EU referendum in Britain lies with the Fleet Street press, the Conservative Party fighting their internal civil war through a vote and a tidal wave of xenophobic isolationism that both they and the far-right UK Independence Party exploited with terrifying enthusiasm.Some advice for the lefties, especially those still employed at the worthless magazine Rolling Stone, calling the right xenophobes or racists or NeoNazi's is no longer considered an argument (not that it ever was). You need to actually bring facts to the table BEFORE you shout your silly ad hominems and most of us on the right just don't give a flying f*ck anymore what you have to say. Your inability to reflect and review and understand that your policies are garbage are why you struggle to form cohesive arguments. It's no wonder your talking points must always be reduced to the lowest common denominator in the form of a word or short phrase.
Please remember it's the Right that warned of the EU being a failed venture in the first place. Anyone who is still interested in being run by a panel of unelected officials really shouldn't be voting in the first place. It's as if you enjoy being out of control and simply want to be coddled from craddle to the grave. There's a place you can go right now that will do everything for you - free food, free education, free workout facilities, free healthcare - it's called jail. Prisoners aren't allowed to vote either.
Congratulations to Britain!
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