Milo Yiannopoulos recently went to DePaul University to give one of his famous speeches from The Dangerous Faggot Tour and was met with hostile students that literally stopped his show.
So far, during his tour, Milo has been confronted with many far left wing students who have protested and disrupted his shows but, this is the first time he has had to shut down completely.
One of the protesters identified as being from Black Lives Matter literally went up on stage, grabbed a microphone, and proceeded to strike Milo in the face. Milo sat stoic, obviously hoping for the young woman to calm down or have security remove her. His own security did nothing.
In the following clip you can see one of the male protesters just pace back and forth on the stage, refusing to leave. He actually turns toward Milo at one point (near the end), and threatens him (though we cannot hear the threat, it's clear he said something).
As you can see the security staff did nothing. They did not stop these protesters from disturbing the event. How can any campus justify this? For all the talk liberals make of safe spaces, why on earth would they not allow for conservatives to have the same benefit? You can bet this would never happen during an event where a progressive liberal would take center stage.
American college campuses should exemplify free speech and challenge thoughts and ideas. The fact that Milo's show was shut down should give all of us a wake-up call as to the state of free speech in this country. We have failed at explaining why this freedom is so important and paramount to our republic.
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