The investigation concluded this breach to be coming from Russian espionage. On Guccifer 2.0's website, they have released documents showing plans to be carried out during the Republican National Convention.

You can either go to The Smoking Gun or to Guccifer 2.0's website to see some of the various docs but there are a few interesting gems that include a survival kit intended to be handed out for the coming Tumpocalyse.
Some other gimmicks:
It certainly makes one wonder if these people are running a presidential campaign or is this just a bunch of people trying to make up for their years in college where they lost out on having fun due to them being awkward antisocial losers?
The only thought that comes to my mind is what a waste of money and clearly, these people are looking for trouble so, those going to the convention, be careful. These dems are not playing with a full deck. The desperation and lows they seem eager to go to demonstrate their sinister motives.
In other news, we now know the FBI has dropped the ball and decided not to go after Hilary for her e-mail debacle. Apparently, they just can't confirm she did anything intentional. So what? Lot's of people don't "intend" on committing crimes but they get prosecuted and thrown in jail all the damn time. How can this woman get away with this? The statute was rewritten by the FBI. There was no intent requirement in there before.
Allen West wrote an interesting and optimistic piece on this recent exoneration of Ms. Clinton. I'd like to see a silver lining here but, it disgusts me that she has once again avoided punishment for her reckless and sociopathic behavior. The FBI just handed her the White House. The liberals in this country are not going to care what was said. All they are going to see are the "ends" as usual. "She wasn't convicted, so she didn't do anything wrong."
Here’s what FBI Director Comey said:
He concluded Hillary was “extremely careless” in handling our nation’s secrets.
He admitted no reasonable person could have believed putting these emails on a private server was at all appropriate or acceptable.
He admitted 110 emails on the server were classified at the time they were sent — showing Hillary not only lied, but knowingly endangered national security as secretary of state.
He admitted Hillary deleted work-related emails before turning them over to the State Department, despite her claims otherwise.
And, most shocking, Mr. Comey even admitted it’s likely foreign governments hacked her emails — and our adversaries could know critical secrets about the U.S. government because of Hillary’s actions.
Bill Clinton had a not-so-secret meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch just a week prior to this FBI announcement. Loretta and Bill then had the nerve to lie to the American people that they talked about golf and grandkids. It's very clear that Bill Clinton has learned nothing. He will lie at any opportunity for any reason, so long as it benefits him in the long run. I wonder if he raped her too.
What is even more disturbing are the people who support these traitors with smiles and admiration. They will ignore that Hilary has just been called an unreasonable person. Never would this be allowed if there were "R's" behind their names. These same brain-dead people would be screaming bloody murder and would also have the help of the mainstream media to push forward their agenda if that were the case.
Yes, it's official, nothing to see here, move along and vote Hilary.
Just one question for the sycophants, if this woman is so stupid that she didn't realize what she was doing was illegal and complete with gross negligence, why on earth would you want her running the country?
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) has called out Hilary as a liar. She told the House Select Committee on Benghazi that she had turned over all her work-related e-mails. This cannot be true since this is in direct contrast to the findings announced by the FBI.
Specifically, Clinton told the Benghazi committee that she had turned over “all my work related emails” from her private email server to the government; that there was “nothing marked classified on my e-mails”; and that her attorneys “went through every single e-mail.”
According to Comey, all of those statements were false.
Jordan said that while he would leave the decision as to whether Clinton should be prosecuted for perjury to others, “what I do know is the questions I asked and the answers she gave didn’t square with what Mr. Comey said yesterday.”Her testimony before the Committee was one dodge after the next and she flat out lied repeatedly. Whenever she was caught in a lie she would later revise her statement, adjust it just so in order to "fit" the newly discovered information.
For example, she originally stated no classified information was sent or received on her personal accounts but when this was proven to be false, she altered her statement saying that no information marked classified was sent out from her personal accounts.
I fail to see how this matters. She knowingly sent out classified e-mails from her personal account and server. I guess lying about it is only the icing on the cake and of course we see nothing will happen. She'll walk away suffering no consequences and there is a good chance this same woman will take over the White House for at least four years, continuing her criminal acts.
It's time for the Clintons to go away and die off.
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