
It's About That Time...

Yes, I'm anxious and ready for this Tuesday to be over. I'm excited and nervous and happy and overjoyed. I cannot look at polls. I don't even care. I'm ready to vote FOR Trump. I'm not voting against Hillary - I'm voting FOR a man who I see as being the best opportunity America has for healing this nation. For all his flaws, the man is a winner and I believe he's determined to set the country moving in a positive direction that will ultimately lift all of us up and not collectively bring us down.

Whoever you vote for, make sure you are voting FOR that person.

If you haven't figured out who you will vote for...

Make the decision based on facts and not conspiracies. I know both the left and right has been hammered with one conspiracy after the next - I urge you to pay no mind to that gibbering. Focus on what has been laid out for you, the facts that you can verify, and discover which candidate agrees with you the most on what you believe.

You really should vote. I know many of you out there might be saying, "I'm not voting because I can't vote for either of these two clowns," or some other similar phrase. I understand but at the same time, your apathy is what allows the system to stay the same. Trump has at least a realistic shot at winning and a vote FOR him will at the very least shake things up in Washington. I urge you not be discouraged. Many people would love for you to feel this way and to feel hopeless but don't. We are not going to fix everything overnight and there will never be a candidate that will fill the role of Calgon's promise to take you away. This isn't Oz. There are no red slippers for heel-clicking. This is reality and you must deal with it - one step at a time.

For me, I know Trump is not this nation's savior. He will not get into the Oval Office and fix every problem. There's no human being that will do such a thing but, I do believe he will be able to at least accomplish a few of the goals that he has proposed and for me, that's good enough. I'm not seeking a hero; I'm just looking for a leader who believes in America.

I haven't been this excited since Reagan!

Trump 2016 "Let's do this!"


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