
Faux Outrage From Left Concerning Trump

I believe yesterday is when I first heard about this leaked audio of Trump. All over Facebook, post after post, there were people in a huge frenzy, claiming Trump was such an awful person who is promoting sexual assault on women. On the other side of the aisle, conservative friends were bewildered by all the outrage.

I didn't even have to listen to the audio to know that people were making much to do about nothing. I did finally listen to it and I was in total shock. I mean, I know liberals tend to exaggerate things - hell even the right does the same when it comes to dirt on the left but, this was over-the-top insane.

Trump was clearly joking about grabbing women by the p*ssy. Here, listen for yourself, if you haven't already.

I understand that people do not like the man but this faux-outrage from the left is leaving me in a state of uncontrollable laughter. They cannot possibly be serious, can they? Seriously? Is this really happening right now?

I get it. They all support Hillary and they are desperate to go after Trump any way they can but, this desperation is making them look bad - real bad. Not only that but, for them to be outraged over a hot mic from ELEVEN YEARS ago... let me say that again - ELEVEN YEARS ago- is truly the best example of amazing hypocrisy I have seen in a very long time.

Oh, and by the way, who the hell hangs onto audio that is from 
a hot mic from ELEVEN YEARS ago? What kind of a sick mofo kept this in his/her back pocket for all these years? 

Trump's inappropriate joke is what leaves them foaming at the mouth? Do they really not remember Clinton protecting her husband - who actually DID rape and sexually assault numerous women? Oh, and please spare me the go-to line about how she trusted her husband and "didn't know" what he had done. That is truly comedic gold. Clinton had LONG been known as a womanizer and sexual predator during his days in Arkansas. He even had an accusation going back to his days at Oxford - Eileen Wellstone.

So are they also going to admit Hillary's a total idiot? Because that is exactly what she is if she didn't know. Considering her inability to figure out what a classified e-mail is and how a private, unsecured server would be a bad thing to use for sending confidential material, maybe her being an idiot would explain a lot of things. Of course, being this big of an idiot should disqualify her from being president.

Oh but, no no no no no... it's Trump everyone is calling for to step down! I am living in a Twilight Zone. I mean, really living in a Twilight Zone! How on earth is this even happening?

Oh my, the sanctimony! 

Hello?!!? Trump was making a joke - an OBVIOUS joke - in PRIVATE. Sorry for the caps but, I'm in shock over here.

Bill Clinton could very well be our first First Gentleman. This is who women want in the office? The ultimate male representative of a true chauvinist? The man is a rapist. Yes, I will say that again - he raped women and I believe these women that have come forward. They are credible.

It was Hillary who decided to defend her husband, remain married to him and went so far as to call his victim's liars and part of a "vast right-wing conspiracy." Did any of these victims receive an apology? No.

Hillary went through great pains to dig up as much dirt as she could on those that accused her husband of sexual assault and rape. She then used her power to smear them and even used the IRS to perform audits on these women.

Does this really sound like a woman who we want as a role model for our daughters? Hillary has a daughter herself and she did nothing to protect her from her sexual predator husband. How can people rationalize this and excuse this?

I believe Juanita. I believe Gennifer. I believe Kathleen. I believe Paula. I believe all the other woman who came forward with their stories about Bill. I remember Clinton's presidency. I remember what he did and how he manipulated the American public through the media. I also remember Hillary and her lies that she repeatedly told to the American public.

If anyone is outraged about Trump, then they certainly should be MORE outraged when it comes to the Clinton's. Don't be fooled. This current faux-rage is just the sanctimonious garbage we've seen the left use before, when they are losing. 


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