
Thoughts About Orlando

My mind is rushing through so many thoughts and has been for several days now. I'm not even sure where to begin but first, I will say that I offer my condolences to the victims who survived and their friends and family as well as the friends and family who are now missing a loved one due to this tragedy.

Here we are days later and we now know more of the facts that occurred and the person who was behind this massacre.

Omar Mateen, 29-year-old American-born was on an FBI watchlist for years before this event occurred. He was killed in a police shootout. Omar's ex-wife describes him as violent and disturbed. His father hosts a show based out of Los Angeles and it is said he has expressed appreciation for the Afgan Taliban.

Around 2 AM Mateen entered the club shooting and taking hostages. At some point after entering, he calls 911 and declares his devotion to ISIS. It has been reported that he was telling people inside the club that the US needs to stop bombing ISIS. An officer at the scene did engage Mateen in a shootout before backup arrived. Hours passed with hostages inside and police trying to gain access. Finally the police would penetrate the wall and Mateen would emerge. A final shootout would ensue and end with Mateen being killed. 50 people were killed and 53 were injured.

Mere hours after the tragedy occurred, people were already preaching about guns and suggesting we need more rules and more laws. Some of these conversations can be found on the Facebook page for Pulse, the nightclub where this tragedy occurred.

As much as I would like to try and understand the argument of more gun control, the notion seems radically ridiculous. Yes, I understand there are countries in the world that have tight gun control and the results are less mass shootings. Those countries are quite different culturally and they also typically have less freedom in general. What many people do not seem to understand here and elsewhere is that America DOES have many laws that deal with controlling guns already. Most of the problems revolve around enforcing the laws, not trying to create more of them. If a country cannot enforce the laws they do have, the act of creating more laws serves only to make people "feel good" and does virtually nothing to solve the problem.

My own father went to high school during a time where teens brought guns with them to school and no mass shootings occurred. There were no metal detectors. Clearly there are other issues we must deal with besides stifling the rights of law-abiding citizens who wish to protect themselves. There are some cases where mental illness is a factor but we must be cautious since there are many people suffering from all different types of mental illness and yet they are not involved in committing these violent acts. In this particular massacre, we have a young man who was clearly motivated by a faith- a faith in a religion that we have seen time and time again that promotes violence and acts of terror.

Islam also has a unique and horrific view of homosexuality. It has zero tolerance for homosexuality. The penalty for such behavior is death. This is not coming from extremists. This is the general view from an average Muslim.

Yes, there are Christians who view the acts of homosexuals as being sinful but regular, or ordinary Christians do not believe the penalty of this should be throwing a person off a building. In fact, in the worst cases, they simply do not want gays to marry. Another recent case involved a bakery refusing to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. These issues in the media were roundly criticized and the American left shouted at the top of their lungs telling the world that the Right in this country was nothing short of pure evil for not wanting gay marriage. The media didn't bother to mention that not everyone on the Right was against gay marriage. The media was not interested in trying to understand why it is some people were concerned over the definition change of the word marriage. Most people on the Right were only interested in preserving the word to stand for a union between a man and a woman, having no concern over civil unions or something equivalent.

Christianity is a religion that has influenced Western cultures. It's compatible with all the tenets of our free Republic. Islam is not compatible. Its beliefs are quite incompatible with a society that chooses to live in freedom. Sure there are radicals but even the average believer of this violent religion would be considered radical when comparing them to any modern-day American.

There is nothing more frustrating to me than seeing people on the left who greatly benefit from the values of the West, decide to make excuses for a religion that is not only violent but literally wants to destroy all the very things liberals profess to support. They further go on to compare the Right in this country with actual terrorists who kill people. There is no equivocation. Holding a sign and protesting or voting against gay marriage is a far cry from causing terror in the hearts of hundreds and killing people, while praising their god in the process.

Whether the people were homosexual or not, they were Americans who were needlessly killed. The terrorists that cling to this religion of peace violence like Mateen are cowards who wouldn't dare attack the actual military. No, they attack average citizens who are enjoying themselves, their minds far from thinking about some loon firing bullets in a crowd.

This country can no longer afford to bring in more immigrants who belong to this cult of death. There is nothing peaceful or compatible with a religion that teaches death to those who are gay or death to those who commit adultery. Head covers for women that reveal only the eyes, treating women as inferior, mutilating genitals, demanding that women and men not be allowed to sit next to each other are all examples of oppression that Western cultures do not and should never tolerate. Sure we are told by many that these practices are "the extreme" but it sure seems like more than just the "extreme fringe."

Those who insist on offering their support and understanding are just as evil as those who purport these actions. Anyone who can continue to watch the terror and still insist on deflecting blame is not interested in preserving freedom or supporting individual rights.They are equally disturbed individuals who are more self-absorbed with making themselves feel good. Pretending they have some type of moral high ground with their false outrage affords them the ability to feel superior. Failing to understand lessons from history, they willingly walk into their demise while offering an apology for those who perpetrate violence against them and their fellow Americans. They are both ignorant and dangerous.

Myths and Conspiracies

As sure as the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, as soon as a tragedy of this magnitude occurs, the snake oil salesmen readily get to work to concoct their conspiracy narratives. There are always a wide variety of them that mostly involve prior government knowledge and even direct involvement. The term "false-flag" gets thrown around a lot and coupled with, "unanswered questions" always makes for a great recipe for a juicy conspiracy. Down the rabbit hole people will follow, as theorists take advantage of anomalies and the randomness of these events and insist instead that there is some order to the chaos.

They will twist and bend the truth any way they see fit, as long as that square peg can somehow fit in the circle of conspiracy, all in well is tin-foil-hat-land.

Omar did not saunter in the club, grab and drink, and then proceed to shoot people. He came into the club with his gun brandished and fired away. He ultimately had two weapons. A person can carry that much ammo. When you have people who are paralyzed with fear and terror and doing nothing to stop their attacker, it's quite easy for the terrorist to stop and reload his weapon. That is what occurred, unfortunately.

Just an honest cursory search of facts of this case destroy any conspiracy that is out there yet, there will still be people who insist on not believing facts because for them only one option is available - conspiracy. Any other evidence that contradicts their faith in a conspiracy is ignored or excused. Their faith in a conspiracy is just as strong as the faith of the Muslim who carried out his attack on gays, believing in the reward of a bunch of mythical virgins in the sky.

Just to clarify, this wasn't the largest mass shooting in America as the media has been reporting. This was.


What bothers me the most is how divided we have all become. A large portion of this country has lost all common sense and seem to lack knowledge of both history and reality in general.

As much as we all would love to hold hands and reason with one another, this method simply does not work in all cases. In World War II for example, those who tried to reason with the enemy only later saw their countries' people suffering.

It seems here in America that too many people have been somehow brainwashed into thinking anyone can eventually sit down and understand one another. For years, this type of feel good message has resonated in Hollywood films. The declared enemy later becomes the protagonist's best ally. In some cases, this message is very true. Most all of us have had people in our lives who didn't previously like us for whatever reason later become our friend or at least someone we forgave. When two people are generally reasonable and not consumed with false ideas and hate, they are quite capable of eventually getting along. Sadly, in the real world, there will be people who are simply unable to reason or even have empathy. Many of these people are sociopaths and others are those indoctrinated into this religion of hate or death cult that is Islam.

I want to know, are there any countries that the Muslim world actually gets along with and is peaceful with? Unless the country is in the Middle East, there is no peace in this bizarre Islamic world. They literally do not get along with anyone, including themselves.

Say what you want about the Bible, but it predicted this long ago in Genesis:

9And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Return to thy mistress, and submit thyself under her hands. 10And the angel of the LORD said unto her, I will multiply thy seed exceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude. 11And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction. 12And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren. 13And she called the name of the LORD that spake unto her, Thou God seest me: for she said, Have I also here looked after him that seeth me? 14Wherefore the well was called Beerlahairoi; behold, it is between Kadesh and Bered. 15And Hagar bare Abram a son: and Abram called his son's name, which Hagar bare, Ishmael.

Ultimately the problem here is not about guns or gun laws. This is a problem with tolerance itself. How much should we continue to tolerate? Freedom of religion is one thing but when that religion only provides terror and customs that are simply incompatible with Western values, we need to begin the discussion, "Is this a viable religion that can be practiced in the West?"


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