
Jodi Arias Trial Truth: The Herr Speights Sinus Theory Debunked

Jodi Arias Trial Truth: The Herr Speights Sinus Theory Debunked: " The most difficult student to educate is the one who is not willing to admit their ignorance" - anonymous "Herr" S...


Richard Speights said...
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Richard Speights said...
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Tuesday said...

Criticizing someone's writing is something one typically does when they cannot criticize the actual content.

The article obviously debunks your theory so click on the link and respond to the content of the article.

Complaining to me is futile. I am offering my audience a link to valid information.

Richard Speights said...
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Tuesday said...

"Writing isn't simple a collection of words."

I'm not sure you are of any authority to be arguing grammar.

BTW, Nobody calls me Jen - it's Tuesday.

I am not discussing someone else's grammar, spelling, or poor syntax. You're trying to drag me into something that I am not a part of and I have NO idea why.

I have linked to the above article because I found the information to be quite useful. It is not a research paper, or even one that is published inside of a medical journal, nor does it claim to be since it clearly links to another blog. It's not even a peer review. If you are interested in standards that would pertain to a journal article, then you need to go look and explore journals printed online.

There are all kinds of different people in the world who have different standards and different demands of others. You will have to speak with HER audience and discover if they are engaged in her writing or not.

I very much enjoy writing and try to improve upon MY skills on a daily basis. You are more than welcome to browse and criticize the ones I have written.

Richard Speights said...
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Richard Speights said...
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Josiesdog said...

Ah, I see Rich has moved over to this blog since I posted the "Comedy of Errors" in regards to his grammar mistakes. Please see my blog if you are interested in seeing "Professor Grammar's" 50-word sentence followed by his 61-word sentence with a dangling participle.

If anyone is interested in reading his multiple mistakes that he has made, please see jodiariastrialtruth.blogspot.com

Rich's focus on grammar is only to distract from the fact that he does not know the medical knowledge he claims. Once example of this is a statement on his site that the superior vena cava is a major artery that is between the heart and lungs. He has both the classification of the vessel and the function wrong. As per my advice, he has since corrected the classification of the vessel, indicating that he does have the capability to learn. However, he has a long way to go as his discussions still show that he lacks the knowledge to give him the capability to discuss and educate others as to A+P of the body. One such example is his "education" of others as to the characteristics of the leptomenginges. The problem with lay people (non-medical) attempting to educate others in A+P is that they lack the educational foundation to understand what they read beyond the basics. They tend to over-generalize and do not realize that there are varying factors in lay when it comes to pathophysiology.

Rich lacks the ability to argue a logical argument relevant to the topic of those medical facts I shared which he claims to be false. If he were able to present medical proof, he would have. Instead, he presented an irrelevant argument on grammar that only serves to make him look foolish and petty. And, when a person presents a "medical credibility" essay based on grammar, they look even bigger the fool when they break some of the same grammar rules they cry that the other did.
My blog was written based on presenting medical fact. I spent a lot more time in the collection and verification of facts over proof-reading. I decided to proofread and make corrections now because I am hoping that Rich will finally present actual medical evidence to try to dispute those facts I offer instead of running his mouth and trying to distract.

I would like to encourage everyone to go back and take a look at the Herr Speights Debunked article now that I have put the needed time in it to edit it based to correct the grammar mistakes.

Anonymous said...

Since when is Richard a writer? He is a fired bus driver and a cyber stalker. Speights you a dunked bafoon. Oh and don't buy his "defamation" bull shit. He knows nothing about the law either.

Anonymous said...

Crock of the day by Richard Speights! "But if you don't play it straight, the world will turn its back on you." Full of doggy doo as usual you are Dick! You are not fairing soo well non observant Dick. You slimey sir are getting your fake medical facts sliced and diced. In response you make a fool of yourself for all to see. So typical of a Jodi troll who has zero credibility! You're all a like. I'm so glad you're not roaming around in public.

Anonymous said...

Dick, give it up. You have zero credibility and are a total fraud of the worst kind. Everyone knows already. No one with an ounce of intelligence takes you seriously. When push comes to shove you can't back up your junk & lies. So, what you do is dare to deflect. It's a con game you play & you suck at. Hey, how did that pathetic petition rife with lies not work out so well for you? Not well since lies from a guy thinking with his winki dinky would never get taken seriously. Missed the case much? witness tampering & making up lies about Arizona that if you go there on vacation you end up in jail? Witness tampering? to & by whom? You deliberately left that out. You are deluded! Jodi went there to kill Travis.

Tuesday said...

Debbie, thank you! I agree with everything you have said. I cannot for the life of me understand why he is so focused on grammar; I understood your article just fine, BTW. ;) He really is just upset that somebody took him to task on his baloney theory.

Unknown said...

Tuesday - You are an excellent writer. And I have enjoyed your blog posts across a broad spectrum of topics.

Debbie - Thanks for sharing your medical/scientific knowledge, and for providing further solid evidence that the completely debunked theories of Mr. Speights on this court case belong in the garbage can (or, if nothing else, the "Pure Fiction" section).

Richard - Every time you try so hard to convince people that you are the smartest (or most gifted) person in any on-line gathering, it simply exposes you as an arrogant "wanna be". Here's hoping you'll one day impress folks with the power and value of your ideas, instead of trying to intimidate anyone who disagrees with you. Sadly, it sure seems as if that day will never come.

sillyhaha said...

"Rich's focus on grammar is only to distract from the fact that he does not know the medical knowledge he claims."


An intelligent person admits mistakes and fixes them in good faith. Intelligent people seek to improve themselves rather than whining.

Rich is a whiner. He desires to divert the discussion rather that seek honest discourse. IMO, this is an indication of intellectual insecurity and laziness and a purposeful desire to act in bad faith.

Timeshare said...

Richard, sew your over hear know. Like I said befour, due yourself a faver, it wood be best four you to keap QUIET, your just making a fool out of yourself the moore you continue with this. I may have sum spelling misstakes, but I'm shure you get it.

Anonymous said...

Just when you thought he could not be any more deluded. He goes and stumps us with this garbage. Fake expert...blah, blah, blah. No medical knowledge...etc. http://www.herrspeightsventures.com/Defensive_Wounds_Hands.php

Tuesday said...

I am simply amazed .... LOL!!!

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