
Obama -- Attacks Were the Fault of a Film - More Idiots From the Left

If only Obama spent his time worrying about the country as much has he spends on vacation and partying with celebrities, maybe he would have a chance to at winning come November.

Obama took the time to tell the United Nations Assembly that the recent attacks on our Embassy and consulate was a reaction to the film that negatively portrayed the prophet Muhammad.
In a story published on Sept. 16, the New York Times described the video the president spoke about at the United Nations as follows: “The incendiary, amateurish video--a 14-minute trailer for a supposed full-length feature called 'The Innocence of Muslims'--depicts the Prophet Muhammad as a buffoon, a womanizer and a child molester. It was first uploaded to YouTube in June, and translated into Arabic and uploaded several more times in the week leading up to the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorism attacks.”
Click title of this post for the full article.

According to other sources, including the Libyan prime minister, this was a planned attack that was set forth perhaps by someone in al Qaeda or a group related to them.
However, the Libyan prime minister said last week that the attack on the U.S. consulate was pre-planned. Also, the chairman of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee said on Sunday that not only was the attack planned but also that there was reason to believe it had been carried out by al Qaeda or an al Qaeda-affiliated group and that he had seen no evidence that there had even been a demonstration outside the consulate before the attack.
So the Middle East catches on fire. Our people are attacked and killed. Obama ignored Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu but he had time to hang out with JayZ and Beyonce, along with doing an interview with the cretin David Letterman, and do an interview with some DJ called Pimp with a Limp. Yeah, Pimp with a Limp. Now Obama refuses to accept the fact that our country was attacked in an act of terror and wants us to believe that it was all over some silly film, even though all signs point elsewhere.

So is Obama calling the Arabs stupid? What kind of freaks get upset like this over a film? It all boils down to ANOTHER democrat president that wants to ignore terrorism (think Clinton), in order to remain popular with the "in-crowd" and we all know what the cost of that has been in the past -- our lives! The man needs to pull his head out of his lower posterior and recognize that we do have enemies and they are not the type you can play nice with.

I still can't get over the leader of the free world doing an interview with Pimp with a Limp. It's absolutely appalling and not a damn word from the left about this??? Not one of them finds that completely offensive?

I guess it's easy to convince his followers of anything since they are mostly ignorant and completely unaware of the world around them.

Check out this clip from Howard Stern:

Howard Stern contributors Sal and Richard travel to Harlem to interview Obama supporters and ask them why they are voting for Obama. 
Stern and his crew ask denizens of Harlem various outrageous questions, including if they believe Obama will find and kill Osama bin Laden; if Romney is a Muslim and if Obama is a Mormon; if Obama made the right choice by picking Paul Ryan as his running mate and if he did it because he is black.
Read more here.

Here it is folks, the democrat party. Dumb as a box of rocks. These people don't even know who the Vice President is? They think Paul Ryan is Obama's running mate? Obama is pro-life? None of these people knew Bin Laden was dead?

I know there are some intelligent liberals but the dumb people like this aren't voting for Romney. The uninformed typically vote democrat and you would think this would be a clue to other liberals about how ridiculous their ideology is but alas that never happens.

Speaking of dumb liberals who are out of touch, Madonna told her audience that they need to vote for Obama for better or worse. She also announced that Obama was a black, Muslim in the White House.

Seriously Madonna? Do you really think the likes of Lincoln fought for freeing blacks so that some half-white/half black man would one day destroy capitalism and our republic as we know it? Do you not understand that you would a nobody right now if it weren't for the freedoms of this country?

Just what kind of dream world does this idiot live in? She's glad there's a Muslim in office??? Maybe she should pack her shit up and go live in a Muslim country. I'd love to see how long she'd last. She'd be stoned to death for her behavior and whore-like antics. It's such a shame...I used to love Madonna but, what she has turned into is a shell of a human being, just another sheep inside the elite class.


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