Olbermann Attacks Palin's Daughter
Olbermann has made some unusual comparisons before but, I think this one tops them all. Watch and cringe:
Olbermann, you're a sick man. You need help.
Olbermann, you're a sick man. You need help.
Alternative Conservative,
Bristol Palin,
Keith Olbermann,
Posted by
Leaked Documents
Well, pretty much every story I am finding today in the news revolves around the leaked documents from WikiLeaks. I'm not sure what to think about this. While I would like to know what the government is doing, I also want certain types of information out of the hands of some people.
We elect people to decide what information it is we need to know. We can't just have panic over every little thing. We also cannot drown ourselves in these details without ample context of the circumstance regarding the documentation.
In this case, I'm not sure there is much of a shock here. Apparently, it's confirmed that Iran is a stick in everyone's spine, even those in the Middle East.
Thoughts? The young man that has been said to leak these documents...hero or criminal? What should happen to him?
We elect people to decide what information it is we need to know. We can't just have panic over every little thing. We also cannot drown ourselves in these details without ample context of the circumstance regarding the documentation.
In this case, I'm not sure there is much of a shock here. Apparently, it's confirmed that Iran is a stick in everyone's spine, even those in the Middle East.
Click title of post for full article.But the seismic document spill by WikiLeaks showed one area of profound agreement -- that Iran is viewed in the Middle East as the region's No. 1 troublemaker.
Gulf nation leaders were known to dislike the Iranian regime and its nuclear program but rarely made those sentiments known publicly. The leaked cables and communications, though, show those officials talking about Iran with a degree of disdain and worry more commonly found among the Israelis.
According to the documents, Saudi King Abdullah frequently urged the United States to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities, to "cut off the head of the snake." According to the Guardian, he warned that Iran's program could trigger a nuclear arms race in the region.
King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa of Bahrain and Jordanian lawmaker Zeid Rifai separately expressed similar concerns. Rifai told a U.S. official to "bomb Iran, or live with an Iranian bomb," warning that sanctions would not matter, according to the Guardian. Abu Dhabi crown prince Sheikh Mohammad bin Zayed fretted that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "is going to take us to war."
Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., ranking Republican on the House intelligence committee, called the leak a "colossal failure" with respect to the intelligence community.
"This database should never have been created. Hundreds of thousands of people should not have been provided access to it. This is a colossal failure by our intel community, by our Department of Defense to keep classified information secret," he said on ABC.
Thoughts? The young man that has been said to leak these documents...hero or criminal? What should happen to him?
Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Obama Calls For 2 Year Freeze On Federal Pay
Click title of post for full story.
Looks like Obama is still talking out of both sides of his mouth.
Looks like Obama is still talking out of both sides of his mouth.
Well, that's interesting. The government should tighten their belts, eh? I thought we were supposed to spend our way out of this? Which is it, Obama?President Barack Obama on Monday proposed a two-year freeze of the salaries of some 2 million federal workers, trying to seize the deficit-cutting initiative from Republicans with a sudden, dramatic stroke. Though signaling White House concern over record deficits, the freeze would make only a tiny dent in annual deficits or the nation's $14 trillion debt.
"Small businesses and families are tightening their belts," Obama said in brief remarks at the White House. "The government should, too." The administration said the plan was designed to save more than $5 billion over the first two years.
The proposal, which must be approved by Congress, would not apply to the military, but it would affect all others on the Executive Branch payroll. It would not affect members of Congress or their staffs, defense contractors, postal workers or federal court judges and workers.
Obama's move was an attempt to get in front of Republican plans to slash federal pay and the workforce next year, when they will flex more legislative muscle than now. It came a day ahead of Obama's meeting at the White House with both Republicans and Democratic leaders — his first with Republicans since the midterm elections — and two days before the deadline for recommendations by his deficit-reduction commission.
John Gage, president of the 600,000-member American Federation of Government Employees, called the decision "a slap at working people. ... To symbolically hit at federal employees I think is just wrong." He said the move would not really save as much as the White House claims because federal employees often get just a fraction of projected raises.
Alternative Conservative,
Barack Hussein Obama,
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Did You Know?
stagflation - High unemployment and inflation at the same time. This was something new in the 1970s because historically high unemployment tended toward deflation.
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
So, that's what it's called!
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
So, that's what it's called!
Alternative Conservative,
Did you know?,
Posted by
al-Qaida's No. 2
AP – ** FILE ** This file image made from videotape posted on the Internet on Dec. 7, 2005 shows Al-Qaida's …
It is now being learned that Ayman al-Zawahiri, who is al-Qaida's number 2 guy, was close to being captured in 2003.
Capturing Osama bin Laden and al-Zawahiri are at the top of the CIA's agenda.
The CIA has come closer to capturing or killing Osama bin Laden's top deputy than was previously known, during a nine-year hunt at the root of a devastating 2009 suicide bombing at an agency base in Afghanistan, The Associated Press has learned.
The CIA missed a chance to nab Ayman al-Zawahiri in 2003 in the northwest Pakistani city of Peshawar, where he met with another senior al-Qaida leader who was apprehended the next day, several current and former U.S. intelligence officials said.
The fugitive Egyptian doctor may also have narrowly survived a bombing by Pakistani military planes in 2004, the former and current officials said. And a well-publicized U.S. missile strike aimed at him in 2006 failed because he did not turn up at the attack site, they said.
Targeting al-Zawahiri — along with bin Laden — is a main goal of U.S. counterterror efforts, focused on a man who has retained control of al-Qaida's operations and strategic planning even as he has led an underground existence in Pakistan's rugged tribal border zone.
"Finding senior al-Qaida terrorists — at a time when we're pursuing the most aggressive counterterrorism operations in our history — is of course a top priority for the CIA," said agency spokesman George Little.
But unlike bin Laden, a cipher since the Sept. 11 attacks who has surfaced only in occasional taped statements, al-Zawahiri has kept a higher public profile, taking risks that expose him more.
Click title of post for full story.
al-Qaida's No. 2,
Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Wikileaks -- Again --Damage Control to Follow
Pfc. Bradley Manning is accused of leaking diplomatic cables and other classified documents to WikiLeaks.
Wikileaks has obtained some damaging cables and will be releasing them. The information includes:
¶ A dangerous standoff with Pakistan over nuclear fuel: Since 2007, the United States has mounted a highly secret effort, so far unsuccessful, to remove from a Pakistani research reactor highly enriched uranium that American officials fear could be diverted for use in an illicit nuclear device. In May 2009, Ambassador Anne W. Patterson reported that Pakistan was refusing to schedule a visit by American technical experts because, as a Pakistani official said, “if the local media got word of the fuel removal, ‘they certainly would portray it as the United States taking Pakistan’s nuclear weapons,’ he argued.”
¶ Thinking about an eventual collapse of North Korea: American and South Korean officials have discussed the prospects for a unified Korea, should the North’s economic troubles and political transition lead the state to implode. The South Koreans even considered commercial inducements to China, according to the American ambassador to Seoul. She told Washington in February that South Korean officials believe that the right business deals would “help salve” China’s “concerns about living with a reunified Korea” that is in a “benign alliance” with the United States.
¶ Bargaining to empty the Guantánamo Bay prison: When American diplomats pressed other countries to resettle detainees, they became reluctant players in a State Department version of “Let’s Make a Deal.” Slovenia was told to take a prisoner if it wanted to meet with President Obama, while the island nation of Kiribati was offered incentives worth millions of dollars to take in Chinese Muslim detainees, cables from diplomats recounted. The Americans, meanwhile, suggested that accepting more prisoners would be “a low-cost way for Belgium to attain prominence in Europe.”
¶ Suspicions of corruption in the Afghan government: When Afghanistan’s vice president visited the United Arab Emirates last year, local authorities working with the Drug Enforcement Administration discovered that he was carrying $52 million in cash. With wry understatement, a cable from the American Embassy in Kabul called the money “a significant amount” that the official, Ahmed Zia Massoud, “was ultimately allowed to keep without revealing the money’s origin or destination.” (Mr. Massoud denies taking any money out of Afghanistan.)
¶ A global computer hacking effort: China’s Politburo directed the intrusion into Google’s computer systems in that country, a Chinese contact told the American Embassy in Beijing in January, one cable reported. The Google hacking was part of a coordinated campaign of computer sabotage carried out by government operatives, private security experts and Internet outlaws recruited by the Chinese government. They have broken into American government computers and those of Western allies, the Dalai Lama and American businesses since 2002, cables said.
¶ Mixed records against terrorism: Saudi donors remain the chief financiers of Sunni militant groups like Al Qaeda, and the tiny Persian Gulf state of Qatar, a generous host to the American military for years, was the “worst in the region” in counterterrorism efforts, according to a State Department cable last December. Qatar’s security service was “hesitant to act against known terrorists out of concern for appearing to be aligned with the U.S. and provoking reprisals,” the cable said.
¶ An intriguing alliance: American diplomats in Rome reported in 2009 on what their Italian contacts described as an extraordinarily close relationship between Vladimir V. Putin, the Russian prime minister, and Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian prime minister and business magnate, including “lavish gifts,” lucrative energy contracts and a “shadowy” Russian-speaking Italian go-between. They wrote that Mr. Berlusconi “appears increasingly to be the mouthpiece of Putin” in Europe. The diplomats also noted that while Mr. Putin enjoyed supremacy over all other public figures in Russia, he was undermined by an unmanageable bureaucracy that often ignored his edicts.
¶ Arms deliveries to militants: Cables describe the United States’ failing struggle to prevent Syria from supplying arms to Hezbollah in Lebanon, which has amassed a huge stockpile since its 2006 war with Israel. One week after President Bashar al-Assad promised a top State Department official that he would not send “new” arms to Hezbollah, the United States complained that it had information that Syria was providing increasingly sophisticated weapons to the group.
¶ Clashes with Europe over human rights: American officials sharply warned Germany in 2007 not to enforce arrest warrants for Central Intelligence Agency officers involved in a bungled operation in which an innocent German citizen with the same name as a suspected militant was mistakenly kidnapped and held for months in Afghanistan. A senior American diplomat told a German official “that our intention was not to threaten Germany, but rather to urge that the German government weigh carefully at every step of the way the implications for relations with the U.S.”
Click title of post for full story.
Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
After Bomb Plot Arrest Muslims Ask For Safety
Mohamed Osman Mohamud, was arrested in Corvallis, OR for plotting out a terror attack at Portland's Pioneer Courthouse Square, during a Christmas tree lighting ceremony.
His plot did not go through because authorities had been onto him the entire time. They were originally tipped off by someone who was extremely concerned about him and, authorities worked undercover to follow him and collect information. He was finally arrested on Friday, when the attack was to take place.
On Sunday a fire broke out at an Islamic Center, where Mohamud was said to worship from time to time. The Muslims are asking for more protection from authorities.
Apparently, the fire damaged their offices but not any part of the worship area. How convenient!
Question: Could it be that someone from the Islamic community did this to themselves so that they would benefit from having protection, keeping authorities near them? Only the office part was damaged, no one was injured? Yet, this was to be a retaliation? Sounds a little too convenient for me.
His plot did not go through because authorities had been onto him the entire time. They were originally tipped off by someone who was extremely concerned about him and, authorities worked undercover to follow him and collect information. He was finally arrested on Friday, when the attack was to take place.
On Sunday a fire broke out at an Islamic Center, where Mohamud was said to worship from time to time. The Muslims are asking for more protection from authorities.
Apparently, the fire damaged their offices but not any part of the worship area. How convenient!
Question: Could it be that someone from the Islamic community did this to themselves so that they would benefit from having protection, keeping authorities near them? Only the office part was damaged, no one was injured? Yet, this was to be a retaliation? Sounds a little too convenient for me.
Alternative Conservative,
Mohamed Osman Mohamud,
Posted by
Israel Blamed for Killing Iran Nuclear Scientist
Dr. Majid Shahriari, who is considered a top nuclear scientist, was killed and his wife was injured in a twin blast that occurred in Iran's capital.
Israel is being blamed - of course!
Israel is being blamed - of course!
"In a criminal terrorist act, the agents of the Zionist regime attacked two prominent university professors who were on their way to work," the website of Iran's state television network reported, referring to archfoe Israel.Click title of post for full article.
"Dr. Majid Shahriari was killed and his wife was injured. Dr. Fereydoon Abbasi and his wife were injured," the report said.
Fars news agency said the scientists were targeted in two different locations by men on motorcycles who approached their vehicles and attached bombs to their cars.
Shahriari was a member of the nuclear engineering department of Shahid Beheshti University in northern Tehran, according to the official IRNA news agency.
Alternative Conservative,
Dr. Majid Shahriari,
nuclear scientist,
Posted by
Leslie Nielsen Dies
AP – FILE - This file photo taken in November 1991, shows actor Leslie Nielsen. The Canadian-born Nielsen, …
So sad, Leslie Nielsen died. One of the best comedies ever is, "Airplane." Of course, everyone loves all the, "Naked Guns" he did as well. He will definitely be missed. A true comedy treasure.
Leslie had complication from pneumonia. He died Sunday at the age of 84.
"Surely you can't be serious," an airline passenger says to Nielsen in "Airplane!" the 1980 hit that turned the actor from dramatic leading man to comic star.
"I am serious," Nielsen replies. "And don't call me Shirley."
The line was probably his most famous — and a perfect distillation of his career.
"A hospital? What is it?" a flight attendant asks, inquiring about the illness.
"It's a big building with patients, but that's not important right now," Nielsen deadpans.
Click title of post for full story.
Alternative Conservative,
Leslie Nielsen,
Posted by
Did You Know?
citizen, natural born - According to Article II, Section I of the Constitution, the only kind of citizen who may be President. The Supreme Court has never had to interpret the constitutional provision that "no person except a natural born citizen" can be President. So there is no ruling on whether a naturalized citizen or someone born of American parents living abroad is eligible.
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
If you click the title of this post, you will be taken to an article found on WND or World Net Daily that discusses a lawsuit Kerchner vs. Obama. The Supreme Court is going to decide whether or not they will hear arguments for this case. The jest of it will be the Supreme Court having to interpret what the founding fathers meant when they said only natural born citizens can become president.
This goes beyond the whole argument of Obama being "born in Kenya." No, this has to do with him being a child of a parent that was not a US citizen. His father, Barack Obama, Sr., was a Luo from Nyang’oma Kogelo, Nyanza Province, Kenya.
The Law of Nations says this, about citizenship:
Also, from what I am reading, Obama would technically have a dual citizenship with Kenya and the U.S.
I have not jumped on the "birther" wagon this entire time. I've been pretty neutral on my opinion of this issue because, up until hearing about this particular case, it seemed like a lot of "he said, she said." However, from this angle, concerning whether he is a natural born citizen, it certainly paints this issue in a different light.
Another problem that I am having is with Obama spending so much money keeping his records away from the public. According to everything we know, the man didn't get D's at college, like John Kerry did (not that it matters, let's face it, many people couldn't get D's at an Ivy League school!), he should have no issues with releasing his school information.
My theory here is that Obama got into school, claiming he was from Kenya. He probably received some type of affirmative action assistance for tuition. Now, years later, he's running for president and people want to know where his records are. Every president has released their records.
Regarding this case however, even if it's fact that he was born in Hawaii, we know his father was not born here. Will the Supreme Court move forward to make a decision and interpret exactly what "natural born citizen" means --exactly what the founding father's meant by that? I think they most certainly should.
If the court decides not to hear the arguments, this issue will not go away. I propose that action will carry on and continue. Could he not be prosecuted for fraud of some sort? Even going beyond serving for his term? That, I do not know for sure but, it seems to correspond with other aspects of the law. Meaning, if I commit a crime, I can still be prosecuted for it later on, provided it's within the statue of limitations. Since this particular issue has never come up before, I doubt there are any limitations that have been defined. Obama would essentially have to receive a pardon. Yes? No?
If you would like to read more about this, click here. This page gives some more information concerning this issue.
What are your thoughts on this? What if he did have to be removed from office? What will the repercussions of that action become? Will Obama be held up as the ultimate victim of the right's intolerance? Or, will people ultimately understand the importance of upholding the law of the Constitution?
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
If you click the title of this post, you will be taken to an article found on WND or World Net Daily that discusses a lawsuit Kerchner vs. Obama. The Supreme Court is going to decide whether or not they will hear arguments for this case. The jest of it will be the Supreme Court having to interpret what the founding fathers meant when they said only natural born citizens can become president.
This goes beyond the whole argument of Obama being "born in Kenya." No, this has to do with him being a child of a parent that was not a US citizen. His father, Barack Obama, Sr., was a Luo from Nyang’oma Kogelo, Nyanza Province, Kenya.
Unlike other eligibility cases that have reached the Supreme Court, Kerchner vs. Obama focuses on the "Vattel theory," which argues that the writers of the Constitution believed the term "natural-born citizen" to mean a person born in the United States to parents who were both American citizens.
"If one court had guts enough to deal with this and allow discovery, Obama would be out of office," Berg told WND. "We would ask for a lift of Obama's ban on all of his documents. The last official report said Obama has spent $1.6 million in legal fees [keeping his papers secret], and the total is probably over $2 million now. You don't spend that kind of money unless there's something to hide, and I believe the reason he's hiding this is because he was not born in the United States."According to my own reading on this subject, I have found from various sources the founding father's developed the term natural born citizen from the writings of French writer Emer de Vattel, in a book called, "The Law of Nations."
The Law of Nations says this, about citizenship:
The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights. The society is supposed to desire this, in consequence of what it owes to its own preservation; and it is presumed, as matter of course, that each citizen, on entering into society, reserves to his children the right of becoming members of it. The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent. We shall soon see whether, on their coming to the years of discretion, they may renounce their right, and what they owe to the society in which they were born. I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.
Also, from what I am reading, Obama would technically have a dual citizenship with Kenya and the U.S.
I have not jumped on the "birther" wagon this entire time. I've been pretty neutral on my opinion of this issue because, up until hearing about this particular case, it seemed like a lot of "he said, she said." However, from this angle, concerning whether he is a natural born citizen, it certainly paints this issue in a different light.
Another problem that I am having is with Obama spending so much money keeping his records away from the public. According to everything we know, the man didn't get D's at college, like John Kerry did (not that it matters, let's face it, many people couldn't get D's at an Ivy League school!), he should have no issues with releasing his school information.
“When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children.
Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982.”
My theory here is that Obama got into school, claiming he was from Kenya. He probably received some type of affirmative action assistance for tuition. Now, years later, he's running for president and people want to know where his records are. Every president has released their records.
Regarding this case however, even if it's fact that he was born in Hawaii, we know his father was not born here. Will the Supreme Court move forward to make a decision and interpret exactly what "natural born citizen" means --exactly what the founding father's meant by that? I think they most certainly should.
If the court decides not to hear the arguments, this issue will not go away. I propose that action will carry on and continue. Could he not be prosecuted for fraud of some sort? Even going beyond serving for his term? That, I do not know for sure but, it seems to correspond with other aspects of the law. Meaning, if I commit a crime, I can still be prosecuted for it later on, provided it's within the statue of limitations. Since this particular issue has never come up before, I doubt there are any limitations that have been defined. Obama would essentially have to receive a pardon. Yes? No?
If you would like to read more about this, click here. This page gives some more information concerning this issue.
What are your thoughts on this? What if he did have to be removed from office? What will the repercussions of that action become? Will Obama be held up as the ultimate victim of the right's intolerance? Or, will people ultimately understand the importance of upholding the law of the Constitution?
Alternative Conservative,
natural born,
Posted by
Nigel Farage: 'Who the Hell do You Think You Are: The Euro Game Is Up!'
In case you haven't seen this already or, haven't heard this already. I wanted to share it with you. Savage played this on his show tonight.
Alternative Conservative,
Nigel Farage,
Posted by
Happy Thanksgiving To Everyone!
I made this post to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I have much to be thankful for, especially this year. I made the choice to stop looking for a job and work from home. There have been some ups and downs but, mostly just ups. There are so many benefits for me staying home. I spend very little on gas money for driving, I get to stay home with my baby, who is growing so fast, and I get to spend more time doing what I love --writing.
I never planned on being a writer. I first wanted to be on stage, and I did do that for awhile. Then, finally decided to go back to school and major in chemistry. Well, one thing led to another and here I am. I am very grateful indeed.
I am even more grateful for the amount of traffic I have been getting to my blog the last few months. It has literally exploded and, for only being online for a little over a year, I am amazed.
I am very grateful for my family and friends. I am grateful to live in the greatest damn nation on the planet! I can't imagine what my great grandparents went through when they decided to pick up everything and come here LEGALLY, to a place they really knew nothing about. My father's side of the family was already here, Native American/Mexican. I have an odd ancestry, from what I know of anyway. It's what drives me though. It's what makes me so invested in what goes on in this country.
May the Lord Bless you and your family over this holiday weekend. I might pop in over the weekend so be sure to check in, if you have the time, otherwise, I will see you all on Monday!
I never planned on being a writer. I first wanted to be on stage, and I did do that for awhile. Then, finally decided to go back to school and major in chemistry. Well, one thing led to another and here I am. I am very grateful indeed.
I am even more grateful for the amount of traffic I have been getting to my blog the last few months. It has literally exploded and, for only being online for a little over a year, I am amazed.
I am very grateful for my family and friends. I am grateful to live in the greatest damn nation on the planet! I can't imagine what my great grandparents went through when they decided to pick up everything and come here LEGALLY, to a place they really knew nothing about. My father's side of the family was already here, Native American/Mexican. I have an odd ancestry, from what I know of anyway. It's what drives me though. It's what makes me so invested in what goes on in this country.
May the Lord Bless you and your family over this holiday weekend. I might pop in over the weekend so be sure to check in, if you have the time, otherwise, I will see you all on Monday!
Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Whoopie On O'Reilly
So, if you missed this, here is Whoopi talking to Bill O'Reilly on his show, The Factor. I'm surprised she went on his show but, she's promoting a book so, it makes sense that she would go anywhere to sell.
The question is-- who buys a book written by Whoopi? I used to like her when I was a kid but, I think she's just gone plain crazy. Enjoy and comment below.
The question is-- who buys a book written by Whoopi? I used to like her when I was a kid but, I think she's just gone plain crazy. Enjoy and comment below.
Bill O'Reilly,
The Factor,
The View,
Whoopi Goldberg
Posted by
TSA Doesn't Like Fatties and Smellies
A traveller undergoes an enhanced pat down by a Transportation Security Administration agent: Staff have said that they also find the searches unpleasant
Security is now fighting back at the public saying how much they don't like dealing with people who smell and the obese. Gee, I can't imagine why.
As millions of people prepared to travel for Thanksgiving, passenger backlash was growing against the measures introduced by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).
But after being contacted by a travel blog, 17 security staff came forward to express their disgust at the policy put in place last month.
They said that they hated having to carry out body searches, with one claiming that it was worse for him than the passenger.
'It is not comfortable to come to work knowing full well that my hands will be feeling another man’s private parts, their butt, their inner thigh,' one told the BoardingArea blog.
'Even worse is having to try and feel inside the flab rolls of obese passengers and we seem to get a lot of obese passengers!'
Another said he had a huge problem dealing with a 'large number of passengers... daily that have a problem understanding what personal hygiene is.'
All the staff said that they had experienced a high level of personal abuse while carrying out the pat-downs.
Click title of post for full story.
Alternative Conservative,
pat downs,
Posted by
Obama Sinks In Job Approval
Oh my! According to Zogby Poll, Obama only has 39% approval rating. Ouch!
Click title of post for more information and break down of the numbers.
Obama's job approval rating as calculated by the Zogby Poll has now sunk to 39%, a new low for his 22-month presidency that began with so much hope and excitement and poll numbers up around 70. As recently as Sept. 20, his job approval was 49%.
A whopping 60% now disapprove of his job, up from 51% disapproval Sept. 20.
Obama now trails in hypothetical 2012 matchups against Republicans Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and the next Bush, Jeb.
And, oh, my! Lookee here! Obama has even fallen into a statistical tie with none other than Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor.
How embarrassing that is because other polls have shown a majority of Americans believe she is unqualified for the presidency. So it appears many have now decided, on second thought after a nearly two-year test drive, Obama looks that way too.
Click title of post for more information and break down of the numbers.
Alternative Conservative,
Barack Hussein Obama,
Posted by
North Korea Promises More Attacks
Alternative Conservative,
north korea,
Posted by
Obama Pledges US to Defend Its Ally South Korea
AP – President Barack Obama listens as Vice President Joe Biden speaks at the Chrysler Indiana Transmission …
Obama has told South Korea that the US will stand by them.
"We strongly condemn the attack and we are rallying the international community to put pressure on North Korea," Obama said in the ABC interview, specifically citing the need for China's help. Obama said every nation in the region must know "this is a serious and ongoing threat."
North Korea is saying that South Korea provoked the attack and, they will continue with "merciless" attacks.
President Barack Obama on Tuesday pledged the United States would stand "shoulder to shoulder" with South Korea after what the White House branded a provocative, outrageous attack by North Korea on its neighbor. Its options limited, the U.S. sought a diplomatic rather a military response to one of the most ominous clashes between the Koreas in decades.
"South Korea is our ally. It has been since the Korean war," Obama said in his first comments about the North Korean shelling of a South Korean island early Tuesday. "And we strongly affirm our commitment to defend South Korea as part of that alliance."
Working to head off any escalation, the U.S. did not reposition any of its 29,000 troops in the South or make other military moves after North Korea fired salvos of shells into the island, setting off an artillery duel between the two sides.
Click title for full article.
North Korea is growing more and more unstable, that much is clear. Will Obama sit down and talk with them? I am wondering what our next step is going to be. Thoughts? Comment below.
Alternative Conservative,
Barack Hussein Obama,
north korea,
South Korea,
Posted by
Did You Know?
anomie - A social condition in which previously established norms or behavior have been dissipated or rejected; consequently, there is no effective social control of individual behavior. The concept was named an explicated by French sociologist Emile Durkheim (1858-1917).
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
Alternative Conservative,
Did you know?,
Posted by
Olbermann Naming Beck As The Worst
Oh, gee...how predictable.
Thank you, Olbermann. Beck thanks you too!
Thank you, Olbermann. Beck thanks you too!
Alternative Conservative,
Glenn Beck,
Keith Olbermann,
Posted by
Ground Zero Mosque Wants Federal Grant of $5 Million
The former Burlington Coat Factory building that will make way for the Cordoba House (the 'Ground Zero Mosque') is seen in lower Manhattan on Jul. 29, 2010 in New York. (Photo: Timothy A. Clary, AFP / Getty Images)
The so-called ground zero mosque recently applied for a $5 million federal grant from a fund designed to rebuild lower Manhattan after 9/11, reports The Daily Beast’s John Avlon.
Click title of this post for full story.
According to the story that is being reported, it is not likely that the grant will be given but, I think the main point here is, where do these people get the audacity to ask for federal funding to build a religious institution? They can call it a community center all they want, we know what it is.
Alternative Conservative,
Ground Zero,
New York,
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Did You Know?
annuit coeptis - A Latin term meaning "he [G-d] has favored our undertakings." This motto is on the Great Seal of the United States and on the back of the one-dollar bill.
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
Alternative Conservative,
annuit coeptis,
Did you know?,
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RealClearPolitics - Video - Gloria Allred On TSA Pat-Down: "I Liked It"
Oh, gross! Ms. Alred apparently has no class or, maybe she recognizes that she's just a clown to everyone? I have serious doubts that she has that much self-awareness.
Click link below for full story and video.
RealClearPolitics - Video - Gloria Allred On TSA Pat-Down: "I Liked It"
Click link below for full story and video.
RealClearPolitics - Video - Gloria Allred On TSA Pat-Down: "I Liked It"
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Alternative Conservative,
Saturday Night Live,
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FCC Expected to Move Towards Net Neutrality
The FCC is expected to announce, next week, that it will move forward with various regulations that fall under "net neutrality." This is what Obama has been pushing for.
Okay, well that doesn't sound so horrible but, when you read the rest of the article, you find that there may be regulations that concern cost of services from the providers. We all know where price controls will lead us--no further innovation.
Click title of post for full article.
Alternative Conservative,
net neutrality,
Posted by
Al Qaeda Promises U.S. Deaths
Printer bombs planted on two cargo flights last month cost only a few thousand dollars and were intended to affect the American economy, according to a newly published Al Qaeda-affiliated magazine.
The attempt was called "Operation Hemorrhage," boasted the magazine, and the entire plot cost al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, only $4,200.
Yesterday, a special edition of Inspire magazine -- an English-language propaganda publication produced by AQAP -- gave a detailed description of how the attempted attack was conceived and produced.
"Two Nokia mobiles, $150 each, two HP printers, $300 each, plus shipping, transportation and other miscellaneous expenses add up to a total bill of $4,200," one article said. "That is all that Operation Hemorrhage cost us. In terms of time, it took us three months to plan and execute the operation from beginning to end."
The magazine also revealed the attack was not meant to kill more than the plane's pilot and co-pilot, and was meant to force the U.S. government to spend billions of dollars on preventive security screening measures.
The strategy, the magazine said, was "of attacking the enemy with smaller, but more frequent operations is what some may refer to as the strategy of a thousand cuts. The aim is to bleed the enemy to death."
Click title of post for full story and source.
al Qaida,
Alternative Conservative,
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St. Louis -- Most Dangerous City in the U.S.
AP – FILE - In this Aug. 29, 2007 file photo, the depressed section of Interstate 70 passes in front of the …
Here all this time, I was thinking it was Philadelphia, Baltimore, or D.C. Instead, the most dangerous place to be living in is St. Louis, Missouri.
St. Louis overtook Camden, N.J., as the nation's most dangerous city in 2009, according to a national study released Sunday.
The study by CQ Press found St. Louis had 2,070.1 violent crimes per 100,000 residents, compared with a national average of 429.4. That helped St. Louis beat out Camden, which topped last year's list and was the most dangerous city for 2003 and 2004.
Detroit, Flint, Mich., and Oakland, Calif., rounded out the top five. For the second straight year, the safest city with more than 75,000 residents was Colonie, N.Y.
Click title of post for full story.
Alternative Conservative,
St. Louis,
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More Funny Videos For The Weekend
Awh...more funny videos I am running across and want to share.
In my relentless disgust with Keith Olbermann over the last few weeks, I figure...why not more poking fun at a man whose ego is the size of Jupiter and skin as thin as Unryu paper?
I'm not sure if the show was recorded at a different time? Hmmm...was he really lying about this? Too funny!
In my relentless disgust with Keith Olbermann over the last few weeks, I figure...why not more poking fun at a man whose ego is the size of Jupiter and skin as thin as Unryu paper?
I'm not sure if the show was recorded at a different time? Hmmm...was he really lying about this? Too funny!
Alternative Conservative,
Keith Olbermann,
Posted by
Damn, Jane Fonda Doesn't Look So Good
Jane Fonda, Sigourney Weaver, and Susan Sarandon will all be appearing in a new issue of V Magazine -- an issue that is being called, "Who Cares About Age."
Well, I don't think it's the age anyone cares about. I think it's more like...you're not sexy anymore. Stop. Please.
Unlike the other old starlets, Fonda had to go one step further by throwing her body over a table.
Well, I don't think it's the age anyone cares about. I think it's more like...you're not sexy anymore. Stop. Please.
Sexy ladies: Jane Fonda, Susan Sarandon and Sigourney Weaver all feature in V Magazine's Age Issue
Unlike the other old starlets, Fonda had to go one step further by throwing her body over a table.
Oh boy! It's not that these women don't look good for their age. I think they look fine; I just despise their politics. A nice head shot photo would have been appropriate, coupled with an article about the woman and what they are currently doing but, this is just ..well, it's odd to me.
What do you think? Is it just the politics getting in the way of my view point here? Maybe so. Maybe if they were conservative, I would be less judgmental. I admit this but, I guess I don't know any conservative woman at the age of 72 doing this.
Click title of post for full story.
Alternative Conservative,
Jane Fonda,
Sigourney Weaver,
Susan Sarandon,
V Magazine
Posted by
Damn, Megyn Kelly Looks Good!
Megyn Kelly poses for GQ. I'm not blind, the girl is amazing looking! She also happens to be quite intelligent as well.
Click title of post for full story.
Alternative Conservative,
Megyn Kelly,
Posted by
Olbermann Is So Great, He Tells You Just How Great He Is
Since Olbermann apparently is not receiving too many compliments from those around him, I guess he felt the need to let everyone know what a great reporter he is.
A piece on the Huff Post claims George W. Bush plagiarized parts of his book, "Decision Points." Since the story is weak, and Olbermann is so respectable, he decided not to run the story. Of course, this means he had to let his audience know just how awesome he is for not running to story and, ask the question to his audience, as to whether Fox or CNN would have ran the story...or, something similar.
Well, CNN did run the story:
Oh, Olbermann, you're just such a great reporter for killing the story. You know what would be even more decent of you? Next time, you might want to just keep these things to yourself. I know it's hard for liberals to do because, they only do nice things or, the right thing in order to brag and get full recognition of those things.Spitzer actually says “News just broke today that several sections of George Bush’s memoir are apparently plagiarized,” and aside from the use of the qualifier “apparently,” neither he nor Parker evinces the slightest bit of skepticism.
Click title of post for full story.
Alternative Conservative,
Huffington Post,
Keith Olbermann,
Posted by
MSNBC Suspends a Republican Host
Wait. A Republican works for MSNBC? Yep, and apparently "Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough, is being suspended for the same thing that Olbermann was suspended for -- donating to candidates. Oh, the horror!
I guess this is their policy but, I think it's sort of stupid. Who cares that reporters have opinions? Just be honest about your bias. The American public is not stupid. I think it's more insulting that they want us to believe they are all being "fair" and non biased.
Click title of post for story source.
NEW YORK -- MSNBC said Friday that "Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough will be suspended for donating to four Republican candidates in local Florida races, two weeks after Keith Olbermann was suspended for making political contributions to Democrats.
Scarborough said he agreed with the two-day suspension, which is the same duration as Olbermann's.
I guess this is their policy but, I think it's sort of stupid. Who cares that reporters have opinions? Just be honest about your bias. The American public is not stupid. I think it's more insulting that they want us to believe they are all being "fair" and non biased.
Click title of post for story source.
Alternative Conservative,
Joe Scarborough,
Keith Olbermann,
Posted by
Did You Know?
adjournment sine die - The adjournment of a legislature that does not fix a day for reconvening. (Sine die is a Latin term meaning "without a day.") It is used to indicate the final adjournment of a session of the Congress or of a state legislature.
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
adjournment sine die,
Alternative Conservative,
Did you know?,
Posted by
Did You Know?
de minimus - Short form of de minimus non curat lex, Latin for "the law does not bother with trifles." This means a court will not waste its time on a matter it considers ridiculously trivial.
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
Alternative Conservative,
de minimus,
Did you know?,
Posted by
Senator DEMOCRAT Jay Rockefeller Hates Free Speech Watch Shocking Video
SEN. JAY ROCKEFELLER (D-WV)...no surprise that it's a demoncrap that wants to shut people up. Watch this shocking video:
Why are liberals so afraid of dissenting opinions? They do anything to shut people up. They can't debate ideas so, they shout people down, they call names, and now they just want to silence people.
MSNBC is disgusting. That, I can agree with but, they have a right to express their opinion. I am not afraid of their silly opinions. Why would anyone be? Being PC, expecting people to hold "neutral" views is, at its core, dangerous.
Jay Rockefeller is a dangerous man.
"There's a little bug inside of me which wants to get the FCC to say to FOX and to MSNBC: 'Out. Off. End. Goodbye.' It would be a big favor to political discourse; our ability to do our work here in Congress, and to the American people, to be able to talk with each other and have some faith in their government and more importantly, in their future."
Why are liberals so afraid of dissenting opinions? They do anything to shut people up. They can't debate ideas so, they shout people down, they call names, and now they just want to silence people.
MSNBC is disgusting. That, I can agree with but, they have a right to express their opinion. I am not afraid of their silly opinions. Why would anyone be? Being PC, expecting people to hold "neutral" views is, at its core, dangerous.
Jay Rockefeller is a dangerous man.
free speech,
Jay Rockefeller
Posted by
Sen. Claire McCaskill --- Defends Screening and Love Pats
A TSA officer screens an airline passenger in Terminal C at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport December 27, 2009 in Dallas, Texas. Pre-flight screenings were stepped up after Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, 23, of Nigeria was accused of trying to blow up a Northwest Airlines flight on Christmas Day. (Getty Images)
Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri defends the TSA and its enhanced pat downs.
I heard about this on Savage the other night and just now found the story. I thought I'd share it with you. I can't believe she called the searching "love pats"!
Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri said prior to Pistole's testimony that she believed TSA was in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation, because people would be hopping mad at TSA if Christmas bomber Umar Farouk Adbulmutallab had succeeded. She went on to say the new advanced imaging technology--which has caused uproar because of its leave-no-secrets imaging and potential health risks--is more of a blessing than a curse.
"I'm wildly excited that I can walk through a machine instead of getting my dose of love pats," Sen. McCaskill said.
Click title of post for full story.
My favorite solution to the problem comes from Ann Coulter via Twitter:
"My proposal: Make sex noises when being groped by TSA agents."
Ann also has a great column on her website concerning the issue of the TSA pat downs. It is titled, NAPOLITANO: THE BALL’S IN MY COURT NOW. It's definitely worth the read. Check it out here on her website.
Alternative Conservative,
Ann Coulter,
love pats,
Posted by
Ann Coulter -- Bill Maher Debate
I thought I would post this here so that people who view it, may comment. Whoever posted it on youtube, disabled the comments.
The actual debate begins with the second video, as the first one is just the introduction. Enjoy and comment below.
I feel like it's so obvious how afraid liberals are of Ann expressing her conservative opinion. At some points, you can't even hear her because they are so unbelievably disrespectful.
Ann is absolutely right about the stem cell issue. I have wrote about this issue on my blog. The private industry is more than welcome to use embryonic stem cells but, they do not fund in this area because nothing has come of it. Private industry moves where there is promise to make money. The idea that labs are asking for funding from the government is proof in of itself what a failure this area has shown to be.
I know for a fact how political things have become in the area of science and government funded research. The so-called science that liberals seem to revere is not science at all but, a way for them to get money from the government to live off of, while basically doing nothing. They get money while the American people get nothing but a bunch of lies shoved down their throats.
The actual debate begins with the second video, as the first one is just the introduction. Enjoy and comment below.
I feel like it's so obvious how afraid liberals are of Ann expressing her conservative opinion. At some points, you can't even hear her because they are so unbelievably disrespectful.
Ann is absolutely right about the stem cell issue. I have wrote about this issue on my blog. The private industry is more than welcome to use embryonic stem cells but, they do not fund in this area because nothing has come of it. Private industry moves where there is promise to make money. The idea that labs are asking for funding from the government is proof in of itself what a failure this area has shown to be.
I know for a fact how political things have become in the area of science and government funded research. The so-called science that liberals seem to revere is not science at all but, a way for them to get money from the government to live off of, while basically doing nothing. They get money while the American people get nothing but a bunch of lies shoved down their throats.
Alternative Conservative,
Ann Coulter,
Bill Maher,
Posted by
MySpace Surrenders to Facebook
It looks like you will now be able to sign into your MySpace using Facebook. MySpace has now basically surrendered to Facebook.
Click title of this post for source.
Click title of this post for source.
It was just a couple of years ago that MySpace wasn’t all that concerned about the fast growing Facebook. Fast forward two years and a handful of CEO changes, and everything has changed.
Last summer MySpace found a way to get MySpace status updates into Facebook. And today at noon at a special press event that everyone was invited to except us, they’ll announce more integrations. And it’s ok that we weren’t invited, because we now know exactly what they’re announcing.
The event is less of a partnership announcement and more of a formal surrender ceremony.
MySpace is sending CEO Mike Jones for the announcement. Facebook managed to rustle up a vice president – Dan Rose. Our sources say MySpace is a little more than embarrassed that Facebook isn’t making someone more senior available for the event.
Here’s at least part of what they’ll announce. Facebook Connect integration so that users can associate their MySpace accounts with their Facebook accounts and then log in to MySpace via Connect. Part of that is already live. MySpace will suck in as much profile information as possible and use it to help with advertising and the interest graph (bands you like, etc.)
And they’ll also announce that Facebook users will now be able to push all their Facebook status updates to MySpace. So your Facebook stream will appear on your MySpace profile.
Now all MySpace has to do is figure out how to get at least some of those users to hang out at MySpace occasionally, not just at Facebook. Their recent redesign is that effort. In a few months, we’ll all know if it worked and if there is any long term business for MySpace.
Alternative Conservative,
MySpace Facebook,
Posted by
Congressman Calls to Ditch TSA
Republican John Mica of Florida is calling for airports to just kick the TSA out altogether and allow for a private industry to take over. It is being said that a private company could do better by decreasing costs and decreasing waiting time.
Click title of post for full article.
Click title of post for full article.
This Don't Look Right
Pulled this pic off Drudge Report. Oh, that doesn't look very pleasant. This is what traveling in the U.S. has come to? I'm not sure this is our answer to being safe.
Alternative Conservative,
Drudge Report,
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Did You Know?
Gypsy moths - Those liberal and moderate Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives who tended to deny support to President Ronald Reagan's domestic and foreign policies. They were called gypsy moths, in contrast to boll weevils, after a leaf-eating moth found in the north, because most of these House members represented congressional districts from the Northeast and Midwest.
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
Alternative Conservative,
Did you know?,
gypsy moths,
Posted by
Rangel Censure
AP – Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2010. Rangel was …
The House ethics committee's chief counsel recommended Thursday that veteran Rep. Charles Rangel of New York be censured for financial and fundraising misconduct as lawmakers neared closure on a 2 1/2-year-long scandal.Like how they put "Rep" in front of his name, as if he's Republican? Now, I notice the news does this when one of their own is in trouble. they use the abbreviation, instead of Representative. If it's a Republican that is in trouble, they will say, "Republican Representative," or "Republican Rep..." It's just a little trick the media does but, oh, they are not biased...don't go that far. You'd be judging them, you evil Christian you.
Chisam's recommendation was that Rangel receive the most serious congressional discipline short of expulsion. A censure resolution would require a vote by the House disapproving Rangel's conduct and the speaker would orally administer an embarrassing rebuke to the 20-term Democrat in front of his colleagues.
Censured? That's it? He's not getting thrown out on his butt? Who the hell elects this man in office in the first place?
Click title of post for full story.
Alternative Conservative,
Charles Rangel,
Charles Rangel of New York,
Posted by
Gitmo Detainee Acquitted -- Except One Charge
AP – FILE - An undated file photo provided by the U.S. District Attorney's office shows Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani. …
Guantanamo detainee faced with hundreds of charges in a civilian court room, was acquitted of all but one of the charges.
A federal jury convicted Ahmed Ghailani of one count of conspiracy to destroy U.S. property and acquitted him on more than 280 other counts, including one murder count for each of the 224 people killed in the embassy bombings. The anonymous jurors deliberated over seven days.
Ghailani, 36, rubbed his face, smiled and hugged his lawyers after the jurors filed out of the courtroom.
Click title of post for full article.
Really great idea --allowing them in civil courts. I feel like I'm living in the Twilight Zone these past couple of days.
BTW, didn't post last night and today. I was sneezing the entire time! I am back and feeling better.
Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Caffeine Being Removed From Four Loko
Nov. 10: Alcoholic energy drinks 'Four Loko,' left, and 'Joose' in Olympia, Wash.
According to the article, the FDA is supposed to declare that caffeine is unsafe. Four Loko has announced that it will be removing caffeine from it's alcoholic drinks.
The announcement came as the FDA is expected to find as early as Wednesday that caffeine is an unsafe food additive to alcoholic drinks. That finding essentially would ban Four Loko and other drinks like it.
The FDA ruling "should be the nail in the coffin of these dangerous and toxic drinks," Sen. Chuck Schumer, who has pushed the Obama administration to ban the beverages, said Tuesday.
Wow. Thank goodness for Chucky Schumer and his amazing knowledge of what is good for us.
So, apparently, this is going to effect beverages that contain both caffeine and alcohol. How are you going to prevent someone from ordering a Red Bull and vodka? If the FDA declares that caffeine is dangerous, then what's next? No coffee?
I love this. The same people that do not want smoking, they do not want caffeine, ect. but, hey, getting high and smoking a joint is okay.
Alternative Conservative,
Four Loko,
Posted by
Dick Cheney Pokes Fun At Obama
Condoleezza Rice, George W. Bush, Laura Bush and Dick Cheney at a groundbreaking for the George W. Bush Presidential Center, November 16, 2010.
(Credit: CBS)During the groundbreaking ceremony for George W. Bush Presidential Center, former vice president, Dick Cheney took a little stab at Obama by remarking that, "this may be the only shovel ready project in America."
Cheney lauded Mr. Bush as a president who refused "to put on airs," stating that he was thrilled to find that the most powerful person he knew was "among the least pretentious." He said Mr. Bush was someone who could "walk with kings, yet keep the common touch," added that "there were no affectations about him at all - he treats everyone as an equal."Click title of post for full article.
He spoke admiringly of Mr. Bush's actions in the wake of the Sept. 11th attacks, telling the former president that "because you were determined to throw back the enemy, we did not suffer another 9/11 or something even worse."
Cheney, who (unlike Mr. Bush) has been a vocal critic of President Obama, also took a shot at the current administration. Speaking of his expectation that construction would move quickly on the presidential center following the groundbreaking, Cheney quipped that "this may be the only shovel ready project in America." The reference was to the Obama-supported stimulus package that Republicans have criticized as ineffective.
Did You Know?
Paper tiger - A Chinese expression for someone or some institution that is not as strong or powerful as appearances or reputation would suggest.
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
Alternative Conservative,
Did you know?,
paper tiger,
Posted by
13 Year Old Flag Boy Got an Apology
An update about Cody Alicea, the boy who was told he couldn't fly his American flag on his bike at school.
Click here for the original story.
Click here for the original story.
Alternative Conservative,
American flag,
Cody Alicea,
Posted by
What? Illegals Get In-State Tuition
Fox News reported that California has now ruled that illegals will continue to receive in-state tuition rates.
So, let me try to wrap my head around this. If you are a citizen of the U.S. but, you are from another state, you will not receive in-state tuition rates but, if you are an illegal, someone that is here because, you broke the law, you do receive in-state tuition?
Is this a joke? How does this make sense to anyone?
Click title of post for full article.
So, let me try to wrap my head around this. If you are a citizen of the U.S. but, you are from another state, you will not receive in-state tuition rates but, if you are an illegal, someone that is here because, you broke the law, you do receive in-state tuition?
Is this a joke? How does this make sense to anyone?
Click title of post for full article.
Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Hands Down Your Pants
Alternative Conservative,
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No PC Commercial Here
This is hilarious!
Alternative Conservative,
Gary's Mattress,
Posted by
Rangel - Guilty
AP – House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct Chair Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., leaves a close door …
The House ethics panel figured out that a liberal democrat like Charles Rangel and ethics, are similar to oil and water-- they don't mix. Then, again, to be fair, this seems to be the trend for most any politician.
Charles was convicted on 11 out of 13 counts of breaking ethics rules. Of course, Rangel is saying this is unfair. I'm sure the race card is coming up soon.
"How can anyone have confidence in the decision of the ethics subcommittee when I was deprived of due process rights, right to counsel and was not even in the room?" Rangel said in a written statement. "I can only hope that the full committee will treat me more fairly, and take into account my entire 40 years of service to the Congress before making any decisions on sanctions."
Deprived of due process? How long can we delay this, Rangel? Are you kidding me? You have been given special treatment as far as anyone else can see.
He called the panel's findings "unprecedented" because there was no rebuttal evidence. He complained that the rejection of his appeal for more time violated "the basic constitutional right to counsel."
Rangel, echoing a statement he made in August in a speech to the House, added, "any failings in my conduct were the result of "good faith mistakes" and were caused by "sloppy and careless recordkeeping, but were not criminal or corrupt."
So, let me get this straight...as long as my INTENT is okay and, just maybe "sloppy" that makes whatever I do okay? Hmmm....I'll have to remember this if I ever do something wrong. Last I checked, ignorance of the law is NO excuse. How does a man who talks about his years and years of service not know that very basic principle of the law? Yes, I went to college but, I've always known that and Charles' is really smart...
He also was found guilty of failing to disclose at least $600,000 in assets and income in a series of inaccurate reports to Congress; using a rent-subsidized New York apartment for a campaign office, when it was designated for residential use; and failure to report to the IRS rental income from a housing unit in a Dominican Republic resort.
Click title of post for full story.
Alternative Conservative,
Charles Rangel,
Posted by
The George W. Bush Presidential Center
AP – Former President George W. Bush, right, shakes hands with former Vice President Dick Cheney after Cheney …
DALLAS – Former President George W. Bush, joined by former administration officials including a noticeably thinner former Vice President Dick Cheney and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, broke ground Tuesday on his presidential center.
More than 3,000 people, including friends, supporters and former administration officials attended the event under a giant white tent at Dallas' Southern Methodist University. Outside, there were around 100 protesters joined by a handful of counter-protesters.
"It is hard to believe there is this much excitement about shoveling dirt," quipped Bush.
The George W. Bush Presidential Center, located on the campus of former first lady Laura Bush's alma mater, will include a library and a policy institute and is expected to open in February 2013.
"Today's groundbreaking marks the beginning of a journey," Bush said. "We take the first step toward the construction of the presidential center, which will be a dynamic hub of ideas and actions, based upon timeless principles."
Click title of post for full story.
Alternative Conservative,
Presidential Center,
Posted by
SPAM Comments
I do not mind people posting links to their sites. Hey, we all have to promote. Links to your blog, profile, ect. That's fine. I don't even care if they're to liberal blogs. All opinions are welcome here. In fact, if you have a story that you wrote and would like me to post it, just contact me via Facebook and, if it's well written, I will be more than glad to post it.
Please no porn links or sites that you have to "unlock." Those will be reported as SPAM.
Thank you, and love you,
Please no porn links or sites that you have to "unlock." Those will be reported as SPAM.
Thank you, and love you,
Alternative Conservative,
Posted by
Did You Know?
Amicus curiae- A Latin term meaning "friend of the court"; any person or organization allowed to participate in a lawsuit who would not otherwise have a right to do so. Participation is usually limited to filing a brief on behalf of one side or the other.
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
Source - American Government & Politics, Harper Collins Dictionary - Jay M. Shafritz-1993
Alternative Conservative,
amicus curiae,
Did you know?,
Posted by
Jon Stewart - On Keith Olbermann
I know I've been picking on poor Keith lately but, the truth is, I am so sick of his out right lies and slandering. I'm very glad to see that there are many who recognize this.
Having a difference of opinion is fine but, making up facts, slandering people, calling them the "worst person in the world" when all along you're looking down on anyone that doesn't agree with you...that's not news.
Keith just needs to come out and say that he's a commentator, just like Glenn Beck, the guy he's always trying to insult.
Keith attacks Fox News as if they are the worst station ever, and that they are working directly for the RNC but, apparently he misses what MSNBC does.
Keith, if you want to know what a political network looks like, look no further than your place of employment. Quit trying to come off as a news reporter. You're not fooling anyone. Watch the video.
Having a difference of opinion is fine but, making up facts, slandering people, calling them the "worst person in the world" when all along you're looking down on anyone that doesn't agree with you...that's not news.
Keith just needs to come out and say that he's a commentator, just like Glenn Beck, the guy he's always trying to insult.
Keith attacks Fox News as if they are the worst station ever, and that they are working directly for the RNC but, apparently he misses what MSNBC does.
Keith, if you want to know what a political network looks like, look no further than your place of employment. Quit trying to come off as a news reporter. You're not fooling anyone. Watch the video.
Alternative Conservative,
Jon Stewart,
Keith Olbermann,
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