
Ann Coulter -- Bill Maher Debate

I thought I would post this here so that people who view it, may comment. Whoever posted it on youtube, disabled the comments. 

The actual debate begins with the second video, as the first one is just the introduction. Enjoy and comment below.

I feel like it's so obvious how afraid liberals are of Ann expressing her conservative opinion. At some points, you can't even hear her because they are so unbelievably disrespectful.

Ann is absolutely right about the stem cell issue. I have wrote about this issue on my blog. The private industry is more than welcome to use embryonic stem cells but, they do not fund in this area because nothing has come of it. Private industry moves where there is promise to make money. The idea that labs are asking for funding from the government is proof in of itself what a failure this area has shown to be.

I know for a fact how political things have become in the area of science and government funded research. The so-called science that liberals seem to revere is not science at all but, a way for them to get money from the government to live off of, while basically doing nothing. They get money while the American people get nothing but a bunch of lies shoved down their throats.


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