
Obama - Still Clueless

Despite Obama's set backs that have occurred overseas and at home, Obama still thinks he's top dog.

President Barack Obama claimed a stronger hand on the world stage Friday despite electoral defeats at home, failure to get a free-trade agreement with South Korea and lackluster international support for his get-tough policy with China on trade and currency disputes.

"It wasn't any easier to talk about currency when I was first elected and my poll numbers were at 65 percent," Obama argued at the close of the G-20 summit, after bluntly accusing Beijing of undervaluing its currency.
Sometimes I wonder if this man is insane. No, no, he's just a complete narcissist. 
Although he had some deja vu moments in visiting Indonesia, where he spent four years growing up, and announcing a series of confidence-building agreements with both India and Indonesia, the president struck out in his attempt to close the deal on the new free-trade pact with Seoul.

It was an embarrassing setback for a president who stressed that the top objective of this trip was to cement agreements that would help create jobs at home, particularly through new trade opportunities with fast-growing economies like China, India and Indonesia.

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